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Started by #688177 [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 03:26
Lets hear your jokes then;

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By #688177 15,Oct,23 02:52
Me, “I can make a pun out of anything”
Mate, “it’s not possible to make a pun out of vegetables”
Me, “That isn’t nececelery so”

By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:43
A man walks into a bar.

On the bar was a large glass jar full of money, with a note on it saying "if you go out back & make my horse laugh you win the jar"

The man goes to see the horse, comes back, the barman sees the horse laughing the man wins the jar.

Some time later the man returns to the bar & a similar jar was there but the note read "if you go out back & make my horse cry you win the jar"

Sure enough, the man went out back, returned with the horse crying.

He collected the prize & was heading for the door, the barman called out "how did you win the first jar".

The man replied "I whispered into your horses ear that my dick was bigger then his"

"well ok, but how did you make my horse cry" the barman asked.

The man replied "I showed him".
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 04:07 other posts 
Heard that before. Yeah, it's funny.

But what's funnier is that I know the name of the guy who got the money!!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

His name is Robben!

By #694265 14,Oct,23 04:10
🤣🤣🤣 yer like me its a old one
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Poor old horse "Robben" had it all over the cunt

By #688177 13,Jun,23 02:41
Me, “Here you are darling wife, a nice cup of tea”. . . .

Grandson, “Grandad after 65 years, you still call grandma darling, beautiful or honey, what’s your secret?”
Me, “well sonny, it’s got nothing to do with love, I forgot her name years ago & I’m to scared to ask her what it is”
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 11:14 other posts 
That's funny!
By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:23
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 02:53 other posts 

By #688177 06,Jul,23 04:05
Mate, “I have a date tonight, apparently she is 6’6” tall”
Me, “I bet you can’t wait 2 meter”
By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:21

By #688177 02,Aug,23 02:37
Me, "Did I ever tell you I grew up on a house boat & dated the girl next door?"
Mate, " No , what happened?"
Me, "We drifted apart!"
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 11:42 other posts 
That’s cute ☺️
By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:20

By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 11:41 other posts 
What’s better than 4 roses on a piano?
2 lips on an organ 😂
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,23 08:32 other posts 
Your lips.... mmmm... just dreaming...
By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:17

By Louis [Ignore] 01,Jul,23 05:48 other posts 
NEWSFLASH: A prison bus and a cement truck have collided. The prisoners have escaped. The public is warned to be on the lookout for twelve hardened criminals! 🙂
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Jul,23 06:29 other posts 
By #688177 03,Jul,23 13:09
By BirdDog [Ignore] 14,Oct,23 00:14 other posts 
By #694265 14,Oct,23 00:17

By #694265 06,Oct,23 09:14
How, about giving Admin some support 🤷‍♀️

👉 /blogs/55554.html 👈
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 17:55 other posts 
How about a jockstrap
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Oh, sorry, I thought this was a joke too
By #694265 13,Oct,23 17:57
I'm sure that would help to give him some support
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 17:58 other posts 

By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 13,Oct,23 17:52 other posts 
Life's like a corndog. Nobody wants your wiener unless you've got bread.

By #688177 11,Oct,23 03:18
Mate, “I have been told you have some new tattoos on your arms & shoulders”
Me, “yes only outlines so friends can colour them in”
Mate, “that’s odd”
Me, “now and then, everyone needs a shoulder to crayon”.

By phart [Ignore] 07,Oct,23 10:27 other posts 
Not wearing a mask because of a big nose is no excuse, I still wear underwear!

By #688177 18,Sep,23 11:57
Me, "I am going to invent a breast implant, that plays music"
GF, "Oh and why is that"
Me, "well your always complaining I keep staring at boobs & dont listen!"

By #688177 06,Aug,23 14:53
Me, “ you ok mate, you sound a bit odd?”
Mate, “I accidently got spray deodorant in my mouth”
Me, Ah that will explain the weird axe sent!”

By biggg [Ignore] 29,Jul,23 14:49 other posts 
Doctor: Sir, you must stop masturbating. Me: Is it because I will go blind?. Doctor: No, it´s because you need to keep still while I´m examining you

By biggg [Ignore] 24,Jul,23 17:56 other posts 
Went to the doctor, spent half an hour in the waiting room. Doctor: what seems to be the problem. Me: I have this terrible farting problem and just can´t stop, but at least they are silent so nobody notices. Doctor: Ah yes, you need a hearing aid

By #688177 24,Jul,23 04:17
Boss, “We really value all your & hard work”
Me, “Thanks, Can I mention my wages an. .
Boss, “We value you in ways that cannot be expressed in money terms”

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:17 other posts 
Bloke went to the doctor and the doctor said: "Hello mate, not seen you for a long while."

"No," replied the bloke, "I've been ill."

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:15 other posts 
I met my wife at a singles bar. Strange as I thought she was at home looking after the
k i d s.

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:13 other posts 
My wife has run off with the lodger and I don't half miss him.

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:12 other posts 
I'm taking the mother-in-law for a walk across the Pennines on Christmas Day. The search parties have got the day off.

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:10 other posts 
I came home last night and my wife was looking at an advert for the world's most expensive fur coat.
She said: "I've got to have that."
So I cut the advert out and gave it to her.

By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 04:08 other posts 
I woke up this morning and Gloria Gaynor was standing at the foot of my bed. At first I was afraid, then I was petrified.

By #688177 04,Jul,23 04:13
Me, “I believe one of my friends is really and owl”
Mate, “Who”
Me, “it’s you!”

By #688177 03,Jul,23 13:10
Me, “ I used to work at a chemical plant, but I had to quit”
Mate, “Why?”
Me, “it was a toxic environment”

By #688177 30,Jun,23 08:56
Me, “If you ever have the urge to run around naked, spray your self with Windex”
Wife, “why spray yourself with a glass cleaner?”
Me, “It prevents streaking”

By #688177 29,Jun,23 10:57
Me, “Did you know, Alligators can live up to 50 years”
Mate, “That’s a fair age”
Me, “So if you see one in a ****, there is a chance they will see you later”
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 11:13 other posts 
And the punchline is.....? Oops! One of your words was censored!
By #688177 29,Jun,23 11:36
How odd the word is ****!!!!--------------------------------------- added after 21 seconds
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 14:46 other posts 
That is a censored word, you can also spell it with "zeros". Example; z00 or Z00
By #688177 30,Jun,23 08:56
Why is that a censored word?

By #688177 17,May,23 03:16
Boss, “we have a problem no one else can fix, can you find a solution?”
Me, “Ok I will try thinking, outside the box”
Boss, “are you an unconventional thinker then?”
Me, “No I’m claustrophobic”.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 11:15 other posts 
That's a silly one!

By #688177 04,Jun,23 03:22
Mate, “Sundays are very depressing”
Me, “If you think Sundays are bad, yesterday was a sadder day”
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jun,23 11:14 other posts 

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Show your Genitals