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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 22:30 other posts 
I want to bitch about the price of gasoline in my town. It's freakin' $3.899 per gallon and that's crazy!
By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 22:42 other posts 
Winging Americans 🤭

I paid $8.286 per American gallon just yesterday at my local servo 🦘 $2.189 per Lt & that's only for 91 octane, the cheapest one before the sugar shit

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 05:15 other posts 
According to Dev01's profile, he was online approximately seven days ago. Gosh, I wonder whether everything is "okay" in his world as he would normally touch base with members whether that be individually or collectively as shown here. /forum/thread.php?id=31307
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 05:39 other posts 
Yeah I’m surprised he hasn’t been on. Same with LF, and Blue, JustWill. I don’t want to leave again until I say hello and exchange emails again. The one I was using got compromised and so I lost contact with a few people.

I tend to get bored of the political nature of the forums and don’t care to see some other’s beliefs or opinions. There’s also only so many dicks you can see before they all start looking alike, chat sucks and talking to random morons and telling them I don’t wish to talk dirty and be degraded like I’m a sex worker to get them off is tiresome.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 06:09 other posts 
It's so peculiar that he/they were "absent" for a long period of time and upon their return, he posted the "WE BACK" thread in the Forum. The return was short lived and he/they have been gone probably within a week of his/their return in January until 7 days ago. He/they quietly returned and are now gone.

As far as JustWill, it is super odd that he's not been communicative. I'm certain I'm not the only one who has sent him DM's that have gone unanswered. Aside from being funny as all get out, he's really a thoughtful and kind guy. What I find odd with LF is that he maintains a diamond membership and I didn't think diamond memberships could be setup with reoccurring monthly renewal. As for blue, I have no idea what to make of it. I last spoke with him in February around the time Arexa returned then he slips away......
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 06:17 other posts 
It’s really odd for Dev to be off grid for so long. I know he exchanges phone texts with Skits and I hear that has gone unanswered. I hope he and the wife are okay.

I haven’t talked to Will, Blue, or LF in years. Miss them all I talked to Rex briefly and extended a friendship but it went ignored.

I think there is way to put the premium on auto billing. My old friend Decent007 did this to keep his account from being deleted but that was many years ago and I’m not sure how that’s handled now. And I’ve since lost contact with him and have an old phone number so can’t ask.
By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 08:42 other posts 
Dev & I don't live so far from each other in rl, we had contact but now lost, he doesn't delete all the time like I do when I need space from here, he just drops in from time to time for a poke around & to keep the account active, I don't know why this is happening, but clearly he wants some space for whatever his reasons are, these are my assumptions🤷‍♀️

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 15:32 other posts 
Do you think her hips and the junk in the trunk are for real?

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By phart [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 18:02 other posts 
no, fat would be all over, that was "built" by man. And for what reason I don't know, it looks horrible. appears it would make life miserable as just sitting in a car seat to drive would be about impossible.
By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 18:27 other posts 
It's just plain weird, why would anyone want to do that to themselves & yep definitely paid for it, old saying "a fool & their money are easily parted "
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 20:55 other posts 
A lot of the executives I work with have their lips and asses done. I think the lips look terrible like a blown out butthole. And the fake ass and thighs look like new two.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 21:20 other posts 
It looks ridiculous i would be ashamed to go out in public looking like that
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 23:49 other posts 
Mt dew and cheap frozen pizza and pinto beans put enough on my thighs naturally. I would pay to get it removed and have actually thought about getting liposuction. Being partially handicap is not conducive to making exercise fun,
and getting rid of some pounds would probably help with hip and back pain.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 06:41 other posts 
Absolutely 👍

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 06:12 other posts 
This was an interesting police vest cam video. In April, 2024, a Charlotte police officer was exposed on video as having taken $900.00 of a detainee's cash. Oops!

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By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 26,Jun,24 04:51 other posts 
About 6 months ago I stepped on a lot of toes & pissed a lot of good people off & now many that thought I was a obnoxious ass hole & to be honest through that period I was, are now my friends after patching things up.

I hope my past doesn't catch up with me & for anyone else that I didn't get around to patching things up with, please accept my sincere apologies

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 07:38 other posts 
I found this on YouTube and the title is; "How to give women a Pattaya Thailand vagina massage therapy". Alrighty then!

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The first 17 minutes of the video, it appears to be standard protocol with regard to a massage as I know them to be. I just had one this past week and have a standing appointment every Tuesday, now through August.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 21:29 other posts 
Do they offer a happy ending

By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 08:01 other posts 
Has anyone tried allergy immunotherapy? I did it and I feel like my allergies are worse. I miss the kenolog shot, but they refuse to give it to me anymore. I take Allegra, Claritin, and a nasal steroid daily.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 15:31 other posts 
Thank goodness, I do not have allergies.

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 16:18 other posts 
Johnny died one night died in his bed
Bottle of whiskey sleeping tablets by his head
Johnnys life passed him by like a warm summer breeze
And if you listen to the wind blow you can still hear him play
Don’t you know that you are a shooting star and all the world will love you as you are a shooting stars
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 16:45 other posts 
Don't you know
That you are a shooting star
Don't you know, don't you know
Don't you know that you are
A shooting star
And all the world will love you
Just as long, as long as you are

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By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 17:26 other posts 
Good tune right bella I was just listening to it with snickers
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Another one I like is jukebox hero
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 22:23 other posts 
I like Bad Company, Foreigner, Aerosmith, REO, Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Bob Seger, Kid Rock, Eminem, Toto, AC/DC, Heart, Joan Jett, Tina Turner, The Who, The Steve Miller Band, ZZ Top, dang, and probably a lot more.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jun,24 04:56 other posts 
Good list and while we’re at it let’s throw in Jethro Tull the cars humble pie uria heep and maybe a few more that I’m missing
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jun,24 05:55 other posts 
Of course, of course, you're spot on!

I did add the and my half-ass disclaimer; "dang, and probably a lot more" to mean that I knew that my list of favs should be a hella lot longer! Today is a new day and clearly I forgot the Rolling Stones, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, the artist formerly known as Prince and probably a truckload more.......
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jun,24 06:12 other posts 
We should turn this into a game somehow just to see how many old groups we are missing
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Omg the beetles how did i forget about them
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 00:42 other posts 
I kinda had it upto my eyeballs with the Beatles. There was a time when they came on the radio, I would change the station. All I got to say is thank goodness their music isn't on Sirius Xm's Classic Vinyl station.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 06:00 other posts 
Oh my goodness my radio station never changed I set it and took the tuner knob off

By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 24,Jun,24 23:25 other posts 
"fapstronaut", clearly one of the funniest words I have eva come across & until recently neva seen it before
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 00:26 other posts 
Ha! But can you use it in a sentence?
By Wife+Hubby [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 01:20 other posts 
Not true

Omg Bella that sex tape you just sent me has stopped me from being fapstronaut, it has turned me into a full blown wanker 🤣🤣🤣

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 14:01 other posts 
This takes balls, BIG BALLS!

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By phart [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 14:42 other posts 
I guess we all need better porch railings with narrow passages to make it more difficult to steal from us?
Sheesh, and the sad thing, the law will do NOTHING about this sort of thing. Their attitude is "insurance will cover it"
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 16:09 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 09:17 other posts 
At 91 years old, why in the heck is Willie Nelson still out doing concert tours? Furthermore, who in the heck are the knuckleheads that would pay real money to see him?

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By phart [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 16:18 other posts 
I am not Willies biggest fan ,lot's of things I don't like about him . BUT 1 thing I will give the man credit for, He is not lazy. He entertains his fans and is not laying around somewhere doing nothing. Old does not mean sit down and wait on the grim reaper, make that sumbitch chase you like a stolen Charger.
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 16:18 other posts 
Maybe there’s a competition between him and Mick Jagger but Mick is just a kid at the age of 80.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 18:05 other posts 
Mick has to work to pay for his drug habit, Willy just loves the attention and enjoys smoking pot with snoopcat
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 18:14 other posts 
Mick is worth $500 million! He could afford any drug habit for two more lifetimes but those days are behind him.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 13:50 other posts 
only registered users can see external links Here is a piece frpm tje R.S that was created back in 1967 singing about the boston strangler. It was created on the "Sticky Fingers" album. Mic's voice is nothing much but when coupled with the execution from the rest of the band creates a masturpiece of longevity.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 23:58 other posts 
People just love him. Johnny Cash was an egg shell dying but still played. The fact that people got to see him whether he could sing or not doesn't matter. They loved him no matter what.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 01:35 other posts 
Ya know, if you really listen to mick and the r stones, the band was great and the songs were awesome, but mick didnt really have a great voice, kind a like bruce springsteen.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 07:19 other posts 
Mick had really big full lips i could only imagine what they would have felt like raped around the head of my dick
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Oh Willy oh Willy oh Willy my friend I will never smoke pot with Willy again he got me so stoned I couldn’t find the door i woke up 10 hours later face down on the floor
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 13:45 other posts 
I agree with solo but unified they have created the best pieces in history or close to it. It takes everyone to make a chorus not just one.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 08:47 other posts 
What's your opinion.......Are most of the guys who run around with fat chicks, ugly dudes?

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By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jun,24 13:47 other posts 
women that are un-barbie like appear to have the strongest of hearts. There are exceptions but love is not based on looks alone. It's what stems from the heart.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 07:47 other posts 
Just received a message from dgraff saying that he's having trouble with Showitoff and has been unable to access the site since yesterday morning. I wondered where he was.
By Biguyfrfun [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 09:24 other posts 
It’s blocked in some places. I couldn’t access it in the Middle East recently.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 13:30 other posts 
This site is probably blocked in the Middle East because of the nature of the site.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 10:29 other posts 
I’m back did you all miss me
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 13:29 other posts 
Hecky yeah, I missed YOU!
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 13:51 other posts 
I cried all night!! Here’s some cock sucking fun for you to get over your withdrawal symptoms.

By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 15:12 other posts 
Looked at your batch of pictures you sure know how to throw a naked party
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jun,24 16:13 other posts 
That’s my best c/s friend Brad. I met him 10 years ago on Craigslist.
This is our story. /blogs/16796.html

By #275407 14,Oct,21 12:45
Where did the verified sign go to
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I guess admin got tired of having problems with verifying members and he eliminated the verification status symbol
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 12:49 other posts 
It's there, I see it. I noticed today that the Activity Meter is now above it rather than along side of it.
By #275407 14,Oct,21 12:52
I don't have mine anymore, and I don't see one on anyone else's page including yours
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 12:55 other posts 
Really? I just sent you a screen print to "prove" I see the tick mark on your page. Heck, I see the tick mark on my page, too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 12:55 other posts 
I see it to Cody but it’s weird that the activity meter is now above as Bella pointed out
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 13:03 other posts 
Hi admin . Is there some type of SNAFU with regard to the verification tick mark? Some members see it (me) and some members cannot (cody8789 and 63yroldpussy )
By admin [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 15:17 other posts 
There is some work in progress.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 15:22 other posts 
Sounds good and perhaps when you've identified all the "kinks in the chain" and your workload eases up, you will roll out and share the changes that you have put in place.
By #610414 14,Oct,21 13:15
Mine is there and same on pages I visit
By #275407 14,Oct,21 13:18
Also, when I download a picture, I have to wait till the picture can be identified by admin before it posts to my page..... Did I do something wrong
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Also, I don't see a verification symbol on anyone's page anymore
By badboy666 [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 13:33 other posts 
im the same, my verification has gone and i cant see it on anyone elses page
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Oct,21 16:30 other posts 
Cody, I’ve had the same problem with the when I download a photo but just a few minutes.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 13:22 other posts 
Hey, I just received an DM from a member who tried to upload a new picture and he/she received a message like; "new pictures are subject to be verified before posting on your page".

I wonder if that's got anything to do with or conjunction with that warning symbol that admin introduced a few weeks back upon a member's recommendation. The other day, the same member that I'm referring to referred a SYC member for deletion because in her gallery of 22 pictures, Yandex was able to find 6 matches on one picture. Yandex showed that the picture was found on two amateur sites, two sites (I consider adultism to be amateur) and there were two other sites. To me, the member's pictures looked consistent and I voted NO ABUSE. The member had a big meltdown.

This is the picture that I am referring to.

By #275407 14,Oct,21 13:24
All my pictures are of me and I can positively prove them
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I posted a couple of pictures of me on two other sites about 12 years ago and never went back to those sites
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 13:27 other posts 
I don't think that you have anything to worry about. You are the real deal and I don't believe anyone doubts that.

Let's see if admin will respond to our concerns. 👍
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 13:36 other posts 
Prove that's your Trans Am, show me the title!
By #574505 14,Oct,21 14:14
I try to upload a picture and this show up. Due to the current regulations we are required to view all upload before publishing them. There will be a delay before your upload appear in public areas of the site..
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It seems like we getting new judges so our pictures can upload.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 14:46 other posts 
Current regulations? What "current regulations"? Like I said, I wonder if the hold on uploading pictures has anything to do with the "warning sign" ⚠️ that notynyt advocated to put in place? Too bad the warning sign was not placed on a couple of verified SYD member's profiles, too.

Do you recall the other day when notynyt referred DOUBLE2 for deletion and the Yandex link he used as proof had 6 links and 4 were amateur? Then he added "check properly" because of the NO ABUSE votes? BOOM! And now "regulations require that all uploads are viewed before publishing". Whew! notynyt is going to be busy!
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My sincere apology to notynyt for thinking that he had somehow spearheaded this change. notynyt, I am sorry that I spoke ill about you..
By #574505 14,Oct,21 14:56
Yes plus look at new members they are verify by admin.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 15:03 other posts 
New members verified by admin, VERY COOL! And that process just started today. That will cut back on 99% of the Evaluation Panel referrals....and goodbye 50 points.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 15:07 other posts 
Hecky fuzzy, if new members are being vetted by admin, that should cut back on members who have multiple profiles, too. I
By admin [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 15:35 other posts 
Because of a big bust of under@ge porn that happened to sites like pornhub some time ago Mastercard is "fighthing" against under@ge content distribution, so they fucked all sites where users can upload content with new regulations which they imposed very promptly giving only couple of days to react. I don't even know if this site will be approved at all. If it does not I will remove restrictions, since there will be no point in them. But I will probably have to close the site alltogether soon after that due to lack of revenue. It should become clear within several days.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 16:01 other posts 
Thank you, admin.

BOOM! And there you have it folks. So apparently admin has helluva lotta work ahead of him and we just need to sit tight and be patient.
By #275407 14,Oct,21 19:32
If it closes, what am I going to do with my life, I'll be so bored I'll just have to move in with dgraff
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 19:34 other posts 
I bet dgraff will be on his porch waiting for you with open arms!
By #275407 14,Oct,21 19:37
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 03:20 other posts 
Absolutely I would be
By notynyt [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 19:48 other posts 
~•~I'm sorry I am having a busy time. Festival season is going on here. I saw that profile on the main page while logging in. I couldn't find much. Otherwise I would try.
~•~ I just saw the verification option. I didn't ask any question to the admin.
~•~ thank you Admin. 🙏
By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 20:20 other posts 
It's all a good thing, pain in the ass for Admin but it's the way things are now. You don't have to search the "Dark Web" to find CP. The clear Web is saturated with this filth. Merchant bankers are under pressure not to facilitate Cp, Be@stiality and many other sordid topics. It's the law.

Make no mistake thinking you are anonymous wether t it be the dark or clear Web. Bitcoin is not anonymous either... Blockchain der. I personally have had malicious links from this site. But I run a VM. Virtual Machine so it don't matter and been playing with the internet since it's conception.

The one good side is less fakes, not foolproof but a step for the fake Hunters. And no CP.

Regardless of the outcome, Revenue is the only way this site will survive. Don't be a cheap, Buy a membership and points, whatever. Just support the site or it will be gone and all will have to go to NN 🤣. Jk we have been here since day dot and love it.

Changes are always going to happen, it's harder to swim against the tide.

Support = Revenue = Great site.

Have a great day
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 20:29 other posts 
Good advice, Dev01. I've seen members sit on a $50.00 purchase of points for years, those cheap ass so-and-so's!
By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 20:47 other posts 
Hi Bella, True and just some food for thought. I pay $50 dollars every 3 days for a packet of smokes. Yes I know Membership only costs 34.95 and the site won't kill me. Some simple maths could change the site to the next level. And by the verification from what I see will weed out the majority of idiots 🙂🙃
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,21 16:49 other posts 
Hmmmmm.... you say, "Some simple maths could change the site to the next level", what are your thoughts, what could change or be tweaked a bit to get the site to the "next level"?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 20:20 other posts 
Enjoy your festival season. Namaste 🙏
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 08:50 other posts 
notynyt is just another idiot site Indian. A grassing cunt with no life.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 09:01 other posts 
No, I was entirely wrong and I apologized. notynyt was a victim of me jumping to conclusions.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 08:17 other posts 
That idiot's ONLY role here is to report pictures. He is also a yellow coward. His bottom is Leopolda
By #610414 17,Oct,21 10:52
It looks like Admin went back to the original format showing the verified tic mark next to activity meter

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