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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

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By dgraff [Ignore] 06,May,17 06:18 other posts 
Are we all still crying about the United states government I threw my cry towel away 30 years ago there's nothing we can do about it they do what they want
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 09:04 other posts 
Who's crying ?... I'm laughing at the US government...
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,May,17 18:06 other posts 
Yeah me to i don't live like the rest of the world up here on my mountain I have no rules no laws I do what I want when I want
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 19:07 other posts 
I'm laughing at the UK government too... they're all the same,slaves to big corporations!!!..but Trump is a special kind of stoopid...that makes him dangerous!!!...I really did think he would pull back a bit when he became potus,if anything he has ramped up his ridiculous claims...so all I can do is laugh..
By #511804 06,May,17 20:59
Trump maybe ignorant, but he sure is not a special kind of stoopid. People have made that mistake about him since early 2015.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 06:23 other posts 
I've followed him for years before he was a political figure.. that's why I know he is a special kind of stoopid....
How many times has he been bankrupt ?....how did his casino's go ?,Trump University....he is not a businessman,he cons people....if he hires contractors,he doesn't pay them....he fucked the USFL as a business plan....all this info is in the public domain,Trump doesn't care about anyone except himself...so he is dangerous.... he will shit on anyone for a win....and he has nuclear weapons at his disposal....
By #511804 07,May,17 09:48
"that's why I know he is a special kind of stoopid...." I live here followed him for many years. He far more complex than you understand and it is the stoopid people who misunderstand him and dismissed him in early 2015 and prior.

Seems you fall into that category of beliefs, this why he is POTUS, his movement encouraged the UK into voting yes on Brexit. We will know by days end if France follows the idea and Le Pen wins.

If you truly did follow him you totally missed how business works in the private sector in America. Living in the UK only allows some insight to living in the USA. Try working here a lifetime.

He counts on a special kind of stoopid people to keep thinking as you have expressed. You are entitled to think how ever you wish. I am simply pointing out the facts, he is most powerful man on Earth.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 11:08 other posts 
He is not more complex,only Trumpists believe that shit ,I can have an opinion on his frankly bonkers view of subjects he clearly knows very little or nothing about...

And you present no facts only your opinion..
I can see how American business works, don't pay tax.... that's a fact....

As for Brexit, his movement as you call it, is idealistic guff... Trump didn't make the UK leave or influence it, he didn't even have a clue what brexit meant....

Trump is another GOP stooge, that's why I can say I think he is stoopid.... it's the same cycle from the GOP every time....massive tax breaks for the wealthy go to war with some poor fucking country,...treat the people with contempt and blame the democrats....

Trump never shuts up about anything in case you hadn't noticed so for you to say he is more complex when he has the language skills of an eleven year old is hilarious....,bigly
And his ability to make up truth is beyond a joke....and you still think he is complex??

As someone who is a US citizen,I can see you wanted change,so did the the people,Trump is not gonna deliver on what he said....and you folks have to live with that..
By #511804 07,May,17 12:45
"And you present no facts only your opinion."

You can keep telling yourself over and over again all the things you profess, I stated one true fact.

People like you who have misunderstood him and do not understand him. Have allowed him to this fact, He is POTUS the most powerful man on plant earth.

One other fact, "Only people pay taxes" read writings from the Brookings Institute stated fact only people pay taxes. Business and corporations just pass along anything taxed onto them.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 13:14 other posts 
Businesses are are owned by who exactly ?...shareholders or owners who happened to be ?oh yes ,people !!...so I'm aware of tax issues...I never misunderstood him, I'm not American so I don't get a vote in the US presidential election...and people like me are what exactly ?....and you can convince yourself that trump will help America... he's only helping his already rich buddies...
By #511804 07,May,17 14:55
Alex you assume a lot, I vote for Johnson. I am pointing out the fact people like who you do not understand Trump, thus now he is POTUS because of your lack of understanding. It seems Will is now chiming in.

When you mention business are owned by people, so are corporations. So when you tax them only people pay taxes. You are looking rather foolish when you clearly stated above, "I can see how American business works, don't pay tax.... that's a fact."

Yes they do, it is people who own the companies and corporations. So fact, businesses pay taxes through people, only people pay taxes. Do the math.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 16:42 other posts 
I do understand trump but I'm not the one who has to live with voting for him ,and as if you voted for Johnson with your Trump rhetoric....
I stated that businesses (which include corporations btw )are owned by people reaffirming your point that only people pay taxes so I do understand how taxes work.

You just repeated to me what I said to you.

"Businesses are are owned by who exactly ?...shareholders or owners who happened to be ?oh yes ,people !!...so I'm aware of tax issues.." "maybe the 'or' should be 'and' .
By #511804 07,May,17 21:47
I am not expressing myself correctly or you have a reading compression problem. More likely you doing what people like you do when wrong, pivot.

Now that you have been shown to be incorrect in what you profess was a "fact" you now wish to move away from you being wrong to other issues. I clearly stated from the beginning, only people pay taxes.

I am glad I educated you to understand in fact business and corporations do pay taxes. You are welcome.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,May,17 05:59 other posts 
You repeat what I said to you using different words.. so no education needed thanks.

Corporations aka business,avoid tax...so technically they don't pay taxes they off set it...off shore accounts..

Taxes are calculated at the end of the year in the US are they not ? So not​ having that money on US soil means they don't pay taxes for that year....so they don't actually pay tax....

I never studied reading compression so I don't know if that is even a subject...I think you mean comprehension....just thought I throw that in as we seem to be into patronising and self elevation now....
By #511804 08,May,17 19:47
"Corporations aka business,avoid tax...so technically they don't pay taxes they off set it...off shore accounts."

I already educated you that only people pay taxes, not all people-corporation park money off shore. People in the USA do pay taxes.

Sorry for my miss spelling, you are correct once in the debate. Nice pivot though.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,May,17 05:50 other posts 
I'm not pivoting just highlighting your error...

And you didn't educate me at all, you just keep repeating what I said to you..

If cash is not repatriated to the states no tax is paid therefore no tax collected on that money... that's​ how a lot of businesses work in the states..
By #511804 09,May,17 20:12
You are on a pivot now.

Stay focused, if you wish to talk about foreign profits and taxation start a new thread or topic. Let me show you what you first stated that was wrong and not a fact.

"I can see how American business works, don't pay tax.... that's a fact.... "

I educated you to the fact they pay taxes. Only people pay taxes. In this case directly are as share holders, consumers or workers. Only people pay taxes, got it now Bucko ...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,May,17 07:10 other posts 
You did not educate me....fact....you just keep repeating what I said to you....if only people pay taxes only people avoid them, so don't they pay them too... humans are the only species with an economy so saying only people pay taxes is kinda obvious don't you think....but stick with repeating yourself,and the belief that this is some how a contest...
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And when you keep saying I'm pivoting, you the one that did that,I was talking about Trump and you picked one sentence to repeat....
By #511804 10,May,17 20:29
"You did not educate me....fact..." we were talking about people that have misjudged Trump, you stated the ignorant "fact" about businesses.

Re-read the thread, maybe you are "a special kind of stoopid." Bucko
By mr_blue [Ignore] 11,May,17 06:17 other posts 
And you keep repeating what you say ....why don't you start a thread to educate me on the special kind of stoopid that I am then.. discussions evolve,you picked one thing to hammer home....and just keep repeating one thing over and over...

So you didn't educate me....as I have explained,only humans have an economy,so it's logical that only humans (people) pay taxes....stick to your inside the box thinking....
By #511804 11,May,17 20:09
Ignorance can be cured, you can not be.

"educate me on the special kind of stoopid" stupid is for life. I am not going to waste my time.

Good try sport ..
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,May,17 06:57 other posts 
Who bears the burden of taxes,only the people that pay the tax is the simplest way to say it to you....can you not see that you did not educate me,when it's so obvious to me personally that only people pay taxes,...and I've showed my reasoning behind that....you just kept repeating "only people pay taxes" it's just a given in economics that "only people pay taxes"

So nice try sport... I'll stick to my so called ignorance..
By #511804 12,May,17 22:15
Thanks for proving my point. Good show sport ...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,May,17 06:57 other posts 
And thanks for proving mine bucko...
By #511804 14,May,17 13:21
Of course you did sport ...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,May,17 13:36 other posts 
You know I did bucko....
By #511804 14,May,17 13:39
Sorry you are offended ..
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,May,17 13:46 other posts 
Not offended at all
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,May,17 18:49 other posts 
Trump is responsible for Brexit because he SAYS he is. I'm afraid you just don't quite understand how this works, alex.
By #511804 07,May,17 21:56
Will I am reading this from many international sources, from left to right. Not all agree, many point out nationalism in the UK was boosted by Trump's campaign rhetoric.
There did seem to be a trend in the poll that showed some parallel.

Brexit showed what seems to be the feeling in America they want nationalism and self control. Le Pen should not even been in the race in France 9 years ago. People of the world are not happy with their governments.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,May,17 06:09 other posts 
Nationalism is part of the fabric of the UK....so Trump had nothing to do with it..
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,May,17 10:38 other posts 
You are never going to get a loyal Trumpster to see truth, alex. They are conspiracy nuts who have completely bought in to the "fake news" and "alternative facts" con-job. These are people who believe that TRUTH is anything that agrees with/supports their mindset. They are not at all interested in proof. Trump says what they want to hear, and they blindly follow him. Facts are irrelevant. Why do you think that the vast majority of his voters were uneducated people?
By #511804 07,May,17 21:59
I agree, I am not Trumpster. Education does not equal intelligence. These uneducated people pulled off an earth quake win against all odds.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,May,17 22:06 other posts 
And I know some day there will be a knock at my door and they will want my guns but I have a special surprise for them if I can slip out my back door you see I have this big beautiful mountain behind my house as my play yard
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 07:46 other posts 
Who is gonna take your guns ?!!! Never gonna happen... restrictions yes,but taking your guns nope,too much money involved in gun sales...
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,May,17 10:43 other posts 
The truth is: Nobody actually wants their guns. That line is NRA propaganda--plain and simple. Restricting gun ownership so that private citizens can't own a bazooka is way different than telling them that they can't own any type of gun. Here in America, no one sees the shades of grey anymore.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,May,17 11:29 other posts 
Shit,if I ever go to the US,I think I might need one
Now you mentioned bazooka,I want one

Does anyone find common ground to resolve the issues anymore ?...I don't see it in US or UK politics... they're all the same...on their respective governments gravy trains!!

If people are allowed guns,there has to be a limit on the types of weapons..but I guess that's the problem... individual right v government intervention...

By JustWill [Ignore] 12,May,17 09:47 other posts 
Now, Trump is cyber-bullying Comey on Twitter!

"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" ~ D. Trump

My country is being led by a crazy person.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,May,17 14:00 other posts 
Trump is a Twitter troll ,Has Trump forgotten about the other investigations that are running,the Senate have issued subpoenas​ for Flynn demanding he turn over documents related to the investigation.

Trump has already contradicted himself on why he fired Comey,calling him a showboat...
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,May,17 14:30 other posts 
Trump had his lawyers send a certified letter to Lindsey Graham in which they say that he has no ties to Russia. He feels that should be enough to clear his name.
I have also sent a certified letter to Lindsey Graham which states that Donald Trump is a whack-a-do. And that I am the officially designated Lord of Avalon and King of the Fey.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that there is only room for one "showboat" in the Trump administration...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 12,May,17 18:03 other posts 
The law firm that said Donald Trump has no financial ties to Russia “with a few exceptions” was recognized in 2016 as Russia law firm of the year.

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Democrats are saying it's​ like Watergate,but while some democrats are saying​ it's "Nixionion" Trump meets with Kissinger....

Even some at Fox news are questioning Trump now..
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By _avg_ [Ignore] 12,May,17 22:23 other posts 
"Let the rats orchestrate the new mutiny, I'll meet you overboard."
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,May,17 07:01 other posts 

By #358797 02,Apr,17 21:30
Anyone here watch baseball? ⚾
By #460385 02,Apr,17 22:03
Yes ma'am.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,May,17 09:41 other posts 
Not for a while, you can play with my blue balls though !!
By #511804 11,May,17 21:25
I love watching baseball, it is on behind me. Replay feature is great on TV. I go to a few Reds games a year.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,May,17 18:17 other posts 
Trump just fired F.B.I Director Comey
By #88520 09,May,17 19:04
It's gonna be interesting to see how much of this dictatorial behavior the American people are ready to tolerate, can't be just democrats that realizes how messed up things are getting. Nixon got forced out after he fired people that was tasked with investigating him and now Trump does the same.

Seems to me like the Russian stuff is an even bigger powder keg than Watergate. Flynn, Manafort, Carter Page and Roger Stone, there's just so many people from the Trump Campaign that has dirty Russian connections and Trump himself keeps blatantly lying about his business with and loans from Russian Oligarchs.
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,17 22:44 other posts 
Trump did business all over the world. If he did business in russia,He should just come out and say it. I can't see a problem with it anyhow. If people are naive enough to think this is the first election to be influenced by outside forces they are dumb. I can't produce facts or evidence to support my theory but I feel like other country's and powerful groups have influenced our government for decades.It has just come to light since the democrats can't come up with anything else to trample trump with.
If it had been Hillary, we would not have even heard about it the first time.
Anything to slow down Trumps progress at getting America back on it's tracks and people back to work instead of welfare.
By #88520 10,May,17 01:29
Both Trumps sons have mentioned in interviews earlier that Russian money makes up a predominant portion of their financing. Big Trump himself is trying desperately to say that he has no business at all with them and hides his tax returns, not fishy?

Your intelligence agencies have testified that what happened during the last election was on a whole other level than previously. Russia basically tried to hack every part of government to find ways of helping "their" candidate. Can't see how you would be okay with that. Russia wants nothing good for your country, only to weaken it and sow distrust and conflicts among the people. This is the playbook that Putin follows only registered users can see external links and more and more of his pieces are falling into place. Was written in 97 and the parts about UK, Ukraine, Iran and the US are particularly interesting today.

To say that no one would have cared if it was Hillary is just completely deluded. Did you miss how nothing stories like her emails was driven into gigantic proportions and how Benghazi was constantly tried to be pinned on her for years?

The democrats can't come up with anything else to trample Trump with?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,May,17 07:37 other posts 
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By JustWill [Ignore] 10,May,17 09:54 other posts 
And...he's claiming that he fired him because he MISHANDLED THE CLINTON EMAIL INVESTIGATION!!!

The orange hypocrite strikes again.
The Con-Man-in-Chief didn't even have the balls to fire the guy to his face! He let Comey find out that he was fired on TV!
The whole situation stinks of attempted cover-up. Trump trying to prevent exposing the fact that he IS Putin's "cock holster".
By #88520 11,May,17 02:08
And the day after he meets with both Lavrov and Kislyak in the oval office and shakes their hands with a big smile on his face. It's just farcical, next thing he'll probably let Putin set up an actual GRU-office in the Whitehouse. Republicans would find a way to defend that too..
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,May,17 07:59 other posts 
He fires the man leading the investigation into collusion with Russia during (possibly after as well) his campaign, and is surprised that the whole country doesn't cheer and applaud the move.

My country is being led by a delusional narcissist.

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