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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
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By #88520 04,May,17 19:03
Are there any americans that are happy with the health care bill that the republicans voted through?

Seems a bit evil to make healthcare unaffordable for the people that need it the most and further punish the old, poor and those with pre-existing conditions. About a trillion dollar less in healthcare funding that is instead spent on tax cuts for the top 2% earners. I guess that extra bit of money into their already full bank accounts is worth putting millions of peoples lives at risk. Classic republican compassion
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,May,17 10:02 other posts 
The best part is that the bill exempts Congress and allows them to keep all of the benefits of the ACA! If their bill is so awesome for the American people, why don't they get the same deal we do?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 03:16 other posts 
sounds about right...they haven't even waited for a CBO report!!! So you know they have just rushed it through....
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,17 22:24 other posts 
Well you know ol Nancy set the standard for that. "Pass it and then read it" or something like that when it comes to health care bills.The pre existing condition clause was the only thing about Ocare that was any good at all.But I feel like even that should have had limits. If you smoked , then the conditions caused by it would be your problem,not the insurance company's as a example. Anyhow,I know to many folks that tried to get the so called affordable health care and it was NOT affordable. You only hear of the people that work at Mc donalds that get it cheap. Folks that make fair money, get robbed for insurance to help pay for those that get it cheap. Make it same price for everyone. Then it is fair. Can't afford it, get a better job that provides it as a benefit.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,May,17 12:09 other posts 
So just make all bad for your health products(junk food, sugar,salt,fats)ill3gal then...then you take away personal choice on what an individual can do with their body....

You say make it the same price for everyone,but at the same time smokers should be punished(what about all that tax on tobacco products?)

Is healthcare a benefit ?...I think it's a basic human right,just like access to affordable legal representation..

We'll see what happens when the bill gets to the senate....
I don't know how America is gonna sort out health care when both sides just act like twats....

Take whatever good bits that everyone agrees are good,then build it up.... sounds​ so simple
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,May,17 12:23 other posts 
Taking the ACA and fixing the problems with it would seem to be the sensible thing to do. The framework is already in place, so using what exists and making improvements wouldn't be as hard as starting all over.
However, the Trump administration is determined to completely abolish anything that has Obama's name on it...no matter the cost to the American people...so good sense doesn't factor in.
As a side note: Trump is now set on getting rid of Net Neutrality in the US.
Also, he has recently signed into law a rule that allows wealthy foreigners (regardless of nation of origin!) the right to live in the States full time...provided that they invest in Real Estate. (Gosh...I wonder who is going to benefit from THAT law...)
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,May,17 13:31 other posts 
Everything is Obama's fault is Trump's mantra...
The GOP spend so much time hating on Obama they forgot to come up with better solutions to the problems they were elected to fix...and the democrats won't deal/compromise with the GOP on any issue....so they are all to blame....

The net neutrality issue is one I don't think any American or anyone can justify,so he will face push back...I think it's more worrying about the internet privacy stuff.

President Trump signed into law a resolution that repealed protections requiring Internet service providers to get your permission before collecting and sharing data. These protections -- which had not yet gone into effect -- were approved by the Federal Communications Commission in the final days of the Obama administration.
The providers have data on your web browsing history, app usage and geo-location.
Providers would also have been required to notify customers about the types of information collected and shared..(CNN)
By phart [Ignore] 09,May,17 13:04 other posts 
Rather you have health coverage or not should be a choice. Not a requirement of your government. That is the dispute some folks have with ocare. folks that live like there is no tomorrow smoking and doping should not be able to bum from the system.

Before Ocare came along, folks that worked for a living usually got insurance as a benefit of working for a company.

Those that worked and didn't get that benefit had to buy it.

Those that could not afford it, got the basic care they needed at the hospitals that accepted federal dollars in the form of grants and what not.
The trouble came in when all the illegals and such started sapping from that free basic care that citizens were getting.
That is 1 of the issues with **** immigration folks seem to miss in the big picture.

If you wanted the good things in life, it used to be you had to earn them. Nowadays in the liberals minds, the hard working and the wealthy are supposed to hand you those good things while they themselves do with out. FUCK THAT.

Now my views in regards to insurance, if you want to have a ****, foot the bill.Insurance is for accidents and sickness.Not intentionally adding to the family.

If your nose is to big, tough shit or pay out of pocket. IF your nose gets injured so you can't breath, insurance.
Here is what google says Insurance means.

1 a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.
2 a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality.

Couple things that really burn my buns. Hospitals are supposed to be non profit. Some get large donations and are left huge amounts in wills and such. But they won't forward that money toward patient care. They spend it on parking decks and bushes in the yard. That should be changed by law that patient care is to paid out of that first then bill for the remainder.

And the providers always bill for a much greater amount that insurance will pay. Insurance negotiates a lower bill,pays a small amount and you pay the rest.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 03:04 other posts 
The FCC are to investigate Stephen Colbert!!!!
By #88520 06,May,17 04:07
Yeah that sounds like a great fight to pick

The dignity of this very presidential president must of course be protected. Can't have uppity talk show hosts making fun of his complete lack of intelligence and lust for dictatorial strongmen!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 04:56 other posts 
Trump is overly sensitive,the FCC said they received complaints and would follow them up,I wondered who complained ?!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,May,17 10:59 other posts 
Hey...it was just "locker room" talk. Trump has already established that that sort of thing is okay.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 11:16 other posts 

By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,May,17 08:35 other posts 
So how do people feel about Trump ? Has he done what he said he would do?...are people comfortable with his lack of understanding of the real world?... he's supposed to be a deal maker!! Anyone see any deals getting done?....how do you feel about his EPA deregulation?...anyone else notice he's just against everything Obama did ?...or is that just me...
How about his internet privacy repeal ?...
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,May,17 09:23 other posts 
The guy continues to be a massive joke. Delusional. "I didn't think being president would be so hard.", "They are being mean to my family.", "Fake news!".
Yes, it does look like his only purpose is to undo everything that Obama did. The EPA deregulation is insane. Hell, the guy mandated that a species has to be taken off the endangered list before another can be put on!!! How in the fuck does that even make sense?
On Saturday, he held a rally in Pennsylvania for his hard-core supporters. Not because he wants to reach out to the opposition, but because he needs constant reassurance that some people (his rabid base) still like him. It's a lot like having to take your own cousin to Prom...
By bella! [Ignore] 01,May,17 09:36 other posts 
Did you attend the rally?
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,May,17 13:46 other posts 
As I am not a mouth-breathing idiot, I did not.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,May,17 15:39 other posts 
I love how he blames everyone else for his dumbass comments...he changes directions like a fart in the wind..he thought he could just sign executive orders to get rid of all the things he doesn't​ like... he held a rally to get away from the big bad meanies of the press who were holding their annual dinner and he declined to attend...and I think the Donald would be quite happy going to prom with his cousin,did you see the cringe worthy stuff he said about Ivanka ?...barf
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 10:01 other posts 
The reason is that many Americans believe in all kinds of shit (religion, for example) and, perhaps, they see that it's possible for someone to be even a president and be deluded, dishonest, vulgar, etc. and think "that's the man, he's like me". When 40% of Americans believe that the Earth is 6000 years old they can believe in anything, in even that Trump is working for the good of their country.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,17 22:34 other posts 
I am a bit miffed but not for the same reasons you all are. He has stood down on his stance towards Nato,china and so on. China I can kinda understand as we need their help to stop North korea.

We need to stop being the police of the world and protect HOME. Bring jobs home.He has not took a strong enough stance on the immigration problem as he said and I hoped he would carry out. The wall is still up for discussion. Any welfare recepiant capable of moving a arm should be laying the brick for it at this moment. There is plenty of bricks as the democrats all shit 1 the night he got elected. He also has not took enough action against Isis. There should be bomb factory's opening in every state and planes being built or bought from our allies to drop them with.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,May,17 03:03 other posts 
Can you not see the irony in your comment ?

"We need to stop being the police of the world" yet you want China to help the USA to stop N.Korea!!!! The wall isn't getting built,the budget will prevent it from happening..and why should welfare recipients be building the wall,if you are thinking that,it should be the i.llegal immigrants building it.

Building a wall is pointless...more border patrol would be a better use of the money...the estimated cost of the wall was $20-25 billion dollars!!! How many jobs could that money provide for border control agents, immigration officers etc?
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,17 08:36 other posts 
Border patrol agents are living beings,in danger of being shot. Walls just that,walls. Once in, there can be fewer people put in danger patrolling the border.
The **** immigrants need to be sent back home. 3rd generation welfare folks can go to work to get that check.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,May,17 09:22 other posts 
You have guns so people will always get shot, don't be so naive.and why are there 3rd generation welfare claimants ? Most likely cuz there are no jobs in that state!!

Border patrol agents would create more jobs, taking people off welfare,..border patrol are human beings you say, well so are welfare recipients...but you still can't see any irony yet!!!!...building and maintaining that wall costs money that is better served creating jobs were people have an income and can spend to stimulate an economy..

You see problems,but don't have any solutions to those problems and the reason they exist...
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,17 10:02 other posts 
So if welfare folks shouldn't build the wall,and we need jobs, uh,how would the wall be built if PEOPLE didn't WORK to build it? Thus drawing a paycheck? So yea, irony, on both our point of views if you look close.

Think about it.Hire 1000 border agents. 1000 jobs.Done, granted 1000 happy familys.
Build a wall. Materials have to be manufactured,transported,and the wall constructed. Thus creating more jobs than the 1000. maintenance of the wall, requires Humans, thus, steady jobs.
The 1000 agents,well it would still be 1000 jobs 10 years later.
Long term goals are great. But at the moment we need a jump-start to the economy, the number of jobs created by the wall would be helpful.

A job is a job, IF the Human being is willing to get off it's ass to work.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,May,17 10:52 other posts 
So welfare folks should build the wall ?...how long does that last for ?....if they would become border agents they stay employed for a longer time frame than the time taken to build the wall...plus tax is paid on their earnings,so the money stays in the US...if the wall is built,it will be done by the cheapest contractors are those likely to be American ? When you have a workf.orce that will work for less than a third of an American worker(Mexicans)...so border agents carry a better tax return to the taxpayer cuz they it's an an American first policy..they are likely to be American and they can be deployed straight away.. ill3gal immigration actually creates jobs...building a wall is not the best value for the American taxpayer in my view...I don't see it getting built anyway....

My irony point was more about how you see welfare folks and border patrol agents,you see welfare folks as lazy,and not human beings,..if people can work they will,if there are no jobs available in that state how do those people survive ? On welfare...do you think they want to live with the stigma of food stamps,going to food banks to feed their k.ids cuz their local mass employer went out of business ?...I don't... America has lost mass employers in their states,leaving thousands without work,those jobs don't come back very often,leaving people in the shit.... it's happened here in the UK with our steel and coal industry, there's no jobs were those industries were,leaving people in the shit...
By JustWill [Ignore] 02,May,17 12:03 other posts 
The Wall is a joke, and a total waste of taxpayer's money.
If you truly want to create jobs and build industry, put that money toward restoring the US's decaying infrastructure. Factories to produce materials to fix roads, bridges and dams would employ thousands of works, and boost the economy. Thousands more would find jobs working on the construction crews.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,May,17 15:20 other posts 
Do you think he will create jobs ?...he can barely stimulate growth on his head let alone a job growth...
I don't know if he can be bothered,he just wanted to be President...will Congress help him anyway, he's probably insulted most of them already...
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,17 23:09 other posts 
Just Will I can agree with your second statement.Perhaps not the first,but the second. I have been saying it and thinking it for years. My job involved infrastructure and I know first hand the condition of bridges and such in our part of the country.
To share something related, A year or so ago I was sitting in a restaurant and over heard a couple women talking. Infrastructure jobs were being discussed on tv. 1 woman said to the other," I aint building no damn bridge,I have a college education, that work is for dumbass's".
And you will find alot of folks here in the US feel that way. For lack of better words,they are above "working". They think a education and pushing some keyboard buttons is work enough. We are plagued with people that can do that already.
By #88520 03,May,17 01:38
Sounds like you really need those immigrants that are willing to take the tough unprestigious jobs then
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,17 22:32 other posts 
We should not need them is my point!. You can build a bridge and have the college education to use later when a better job comes up. That is another point I was trying to get across. It is not a Texas problem. It is a national issue.
They drain medical care dollars from county health departments all over the country. Yes some more than others.
But all that gets federal dollars, so it becomes a 50 state problem.
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,May,17 12:12 other posts 
Are you suggesting that those same people who won't work on building bridges would take jobs building a wall instead?
Here's the thing:
I live in a part of the country where "illegals" aren't a real problem. With the exception of Florida and parts of the South West, it isn't a problem for most of the country. Failing infrastructure, on the other hand, is a nationwide problem. Why should my tax dollars go to solving a problem that doesn't effect me when they could be going to fix a problem that does? If Texas wants a wall, let them pay to build it. It's their issue, not mine.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,17 23:22 other posts 
The question that is more important than How people feel scout Thump is How Trump feels about people.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours

Correction: scout = about
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,May,17 07:26 other posts 
We already know what Trump thinks about the people Leo, you've only gotta look at his comments...he only cares about Trump...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,May,17 13:15 other posts 
Correct observation.
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,May,17 00:53 other posts 
Only 49% of registered voters actually voted in November. Considering the high stakes of the election I find that disgusting. Those that didn't vote forfeited the value of their opinions about Trump.
I don't purport to speak on behalf of Canadians but I can tell you that my circle of friends and I are just shaking our collective heads at the whole fiasco.
America, you elected a buffoon. As your neighbour, we too will pay the price of your decision.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,May,17 14:24 other posts 
"If you vote for Hillary, you're a grown-up, if you vote for Trump, you're a sucker, if you don't vote for anybody, you're an a--hole." -Louis CK

He also made some interesting comments on Clinton,which tbh I hadn't even thought about...bit late now but here's a link..
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By phart [Ignore] 04,May,17 15:11 other posts 
We agree on the no voters as being ass holes for sure.

Hillary would not have been a good choice.
Trump was the only logical choice as 3rd party folks don't have a prayer. Would it not be nice if they did? Perhaps it would actually be a fair election with the winner being most qualified instead of the lesser of 2 evils..
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,May,17 15:32 other posts 
I'm a bit lost on who and what you are questioning!!.
I just posted a quote from Louis CK and the article it came from...

But,Clinton and Trump shouldn't have won their party nominations in the first place,there has to be some better choices out there,both sides are pathetic now...and no one is finding common ground to really improve American lives,it our way v their way,and that's just counter productive.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 10:10 other posts 
Another dictatorship is being born:
Turkey has blocked Wikipedia, the country’s telecommunications watchdog has said, citing a law that allows it to ban access to websites deemed obscene or a threat to national security.
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Turkish people are suffering under the dictatorship of their head of state. But they voted for him. Probably he bought the votes. And now he's going to shut information channels, he's going to re- institute an Islamic state, he's going to close down education institutions, he has already fired thousands of teachers. How is that possible in the 21st century?
By #485312 01,May,17 17:29
he wont need that many teachers as women aren't allowed an education, this islam has a lot to answer for, he'll need more doctors to mutilate the women, so theres a profession that will increase, and more muftis to marry all the under @ge girls to dirty old men, what a wonderful world this is turning into *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 20:26 other posts 
Many Turkish women voted for him. Incredible. They really do not deserve any freedom. They voted for Islamic enslavement.
If that's what they want I'd say go for it but don't look for help when you realize that you've been mentally (or physically) ra.pe.d.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 23:37 other posts 
Right. Even in the UK....

girls as young as 12 have been smuggled in to be brides of men in the Muslim community, according to a 2004 report in The Guardian. Girls trying to escape this ch1ld marriage can face death because this breaks the honor code of her husband and both families.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 23:41 other posts 
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--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

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By #287359 03,May,17 20:22
Hi, i think you had wrong information about Turkey. Who says womens are not allowed for education. **** marriage is **** in Turkey. Government and religion is totally different. Turkey is a democratic country. Country relogion is Islam. Everybody is free for their religion.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,17 22:41 other posts 
well the people voted him in. But as with all politicians ,lieing seems to be a common problem. IF the people care about their country they will stand and fight. If not, well, Pray for them.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 23:28 other posts 
Pray? First, praying is nonsense. Second, their god may be different.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,17 23:32 other posts 
Fight? Some have. Have you seen how they've been crushed by this guy ? They're not even allowed to express their views. There's No way to fight. He has ensured control of every for.ce, the police, the army, the religion, the banks, everything. Everything is controlled or owned by one man.

But there is hope. The US, recognizing that this is a dictatorship, will intervene in order to restore democracy and freedom off speech. As it has done many times, in other brutal regimes. It will, won't it?
By #485312 01,May,17 23:42
yeah look where America got us all this last 15 years, by invading afganistan and taking out hussain, they created most of the unrest in that region, they should never have gone in with such flimsy 'proof' of weapons of mass destrustions... the yanks cant solve any world problems, they just instigate and make most of them, look at all the refugees the world is trying to house because of the bush admin, that was the biggest joke the world has ever seen since Vietnam, our troops have only just been acknowledged for that unwarranted war... most still feel disgrace for being there when they were conscripted to fight a war we shouldn't have been in, l liked Ali's reasons for making out he was religious to stay out of it, America wouldn't fight for him, so why he should he fight for a country that treated him like a second rate citizen, he had the right idea and dodged a big bullet *lix*
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,May,17 00:07 other posts 
Just for the record, the President of Syria was "elected".

From Wikipedia:

Presidential elections were held in Syria on 10 July 2000,following the death of President Hafez al-Assad. The only candidate was his son, Bashar al-Assad, with voters asked to approve or reject his candidacy. A reported 99.7% of voters voted in favour, with a turnout of 94.6%. Political opposition to the president was not allowed.

Adolf Hitler was also democratically elected.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,May,17 03:25 other posts 
Is it really an election if there is only one candidate though ? and political opposition wasn't allowed !!! That sounds like democracy doesn't it,so you could argue that Assad rigged himself the leadership..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,May,17 08:11 other posts 
I was talking about the President of Turkey dude.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,17 08:38 other posts 
So some are saying, if the police come to tell you that you can't speak freely , worship freely, and so on, you would just lay down and take it? I doubt it,you would probably fight it somehow,if it was nothing but sit there refusing to eat or work. Most folks that value freedom would rather perish fighting for it in some form or fashion than relinquish it.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,May,17 12:54 other posts 
True. Most would fight. But there are states whose citizens are so brainwashed that they will never resist.
I disagree. History shows most people will accept a forced dictatorship or invasion from another country.
By #435701 02,May,17 14:55
Sorry, but that is just a dream under Trump De Dump...He does NOT care about anything/anybody/any nation...Just himself is ALL that matters...Oh, wait...that question you posed was just rhetorical, right?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,May,17 18:52 other posts 
Sorry, but I have trouble recognizing which of my postings you were replying you. These Threads give more trouble. Perhaps you were referring to ...

"But there is hope. The US, recognizing that this is a dictatorship, will intervene in order to restore democracy and freedom off speech. As it has done many times, in other brutal regimes. It will, won't it?"

If so, then, obviously, I was being cynical. For two reasons. First, the one you pointed out. Second, because there has been no single intervention where US wanted to help. Interventions and wars occur solely for financial reasons (of the few).

P.S. I was surprised by your frank friendly reply but then I saw you live in San Fran. All explained then. You're not from, say, Alabama.
By #435701 03,May,17 14:02
Are you talkin' to ME? I don't see anybody else standin' here. If you are, I am most definitely NOT from San Fran. Just lived in the general vicinity seemingly forever. I cannot honestly say I am from anywhere as I have lived in around 20 places. Lots of years outside of the US. I am an American citizen other than being a human born of our beautiful blue orb. Sadly infested by humankind. Humankind. What a misnomer...Like your cynicism. I can only say I was born to be cynical, too.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,17 14:14 other posts 
Good. I understand. By the way, I only said you live in SF. Which seems to be correct. I agree with you. One can only be cynical when one realises the amount of idiocy in this world and how humans are marching towards their destruction. We have been around for less time than earlier humanoids, like neanderthals, we supposedly are smarter, and yet we'll not survive for too long. With hindsight, we'll realize that civilization only speeds up extinction.
By #435701 03,May,17 14:23
So SADLY true!! ; But, are we TRULY civilized?...And will we have hindsight after most of the nukes go off?...I guess there will be some survivors. Sort of like rats that way. Ya cain't kill em all!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,17 15:37 other posts 
Exactly. And it's the big rats, like trump, who will survive.

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