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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
Have a discussion

Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By DarkMax [Ignore] 28,Jul,17 12:06 other posts 
Ups. A wrong topic.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Jul,17 00:34 other posts 
Here's the new way to speak if you have a high up position in the US government:

I've gotta start tweeting some shit.

 I'm not trying to suck my own cock.

Reince is a fucking paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac. 'Oh, Bill Shine is coming in. Let me leak the fucking thing and see if I can cock-block these people the way I cock-blocked Scaramucci for six months.'

So they're going to have to go fuck themselves.

What I want to do is I want to fucking kill all the leaders.

Ha ha. These guys are ridiculous.
Or, maybe, they should be given accounts in SYD. Free ones. And not anonymous.

By #88520 27,Jul,17 18:54
Haha this Scaramucci guy is hilarious. Comms director for less than a week and he's already in the media calling colleagues paranoid schizophrenics or accusing them of trying to suck their own cocks. Also managed to threaten to send FBI on people for "leaking" a document that was already for public disclosure. What is going on?

By #358797 20,Jul,17 16:58
Chester Bennington committed suicide. So sad!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Jul,17 20:56 other posts 
By #511804 20,Jul,17 21:06
Whats with the noted people taking themselves away from the world, very sad. only 41, makes one ponder, why?

On a lighter note, Alex we will be in London for a few days in London next to Hyde Park. If you know the area and can suggest a few places you like to eat, that are affordable. Such as a lunch type place.
If you have a favorite fine dining place in the area let me know.

By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 09:15 other posts 
More evidence that Donald Trump is an IDIOT:
The guy is ass-deep in the so-called "witch hunt" (propagated, of course, by "fake news") of the Russian Collusion scandal. So, he has a s3cret meeting with Putin--which lasts for over an hour and is only between Trump, Putin,and a Russian interpreter (no other US official or interpreter is present and there is no record of what was discussed).
How does behavior like that NOT look suspicious?
The guy is like an accused p3dophile who denies the charges but keeps hanging around kindergarten pl@ygrounds!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 10:25 other posts 
There is the old adage that many percieved conspiracies are actually cock-ups. The reality is that in President Trump the US has a businessman accustomed to behaving in the way that businessmen do and he has not yet learnt that what is acceptable in business will not pass muster in politics.
I love the closing analogy by the way.
By JustWill [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 10:31 other posts 
Businessman or not, an intelligent person would understand that he is stepping on his own balls every time he does things like this Putin meeting.
I ask you: How is a skeevy and slimy "businessman" any different than a politician? Same kind of reptile, but from a different "swamp".
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

As to the potential of the Russian thing being a "cock-up", I would buy that if there was only one thread to follow. They keep finding more ties--and more lies--as time goes on. A string of "cock-ups" starts to look like intentional subterfuge and cover-up after a while.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 11:02 other posts 
I made the businessman point because by and large what they get up to is out of sight,(we have businessmen over here as bent as corkscrews but the shady deals and actions are seldom revealed.), they are not subject to public scrutiny like politicians.
However, as you say, after a number of 'cock-ups', you do start to ask the question.

By #460385 18,Jul,17 12:54
This conversation could go on for months..... I hear you all saying the things Obama didn't do. He wasn't in any scandals, he didn't start any unnecessary wars, he didn't do this and he didn't do that. Can someone tell me what exactly Obama did for the US. Cause in my eyes he did more for foreign countries than he ever did for the US. And has anyone thought that that reason by itself is why so many Americans had had enough, and for that same reason is why so many non Americans support him. Hell it was like we had a US president that spent more time, more energy, more resources, too fix other nations and he forgot about his own country. If he would have dedicated more time as a US president and less time trying to be a world leader, it might have turned out different. There is a reason Obama is liked outside the US. And there is a reason he is hated in the US. Just saying.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Jul,17 17:39 other posts 
If you don't know why Obama worried about other countries,more fool you...dude caught bin Laden, but people don't believe it,he helped implement a financial stimulus plan,that without it your country would still be in a recession/depression,motor industry bailouts that the GOP didn't want to carry out, Obama fought job growth under him counts for shit,so yeah he didn't do shit except help recover one of the worst financial downturns in history,that some of Trump's current administration were responsible for,cuz of deregulation,he fought for consumers rights too....they all benefitted America....

Trump is gonna rip it all up,when you can go back to irresponsible lending, consumers getting fucked ,America will be great again,of course Obama fucked up with healthcare,but what do you expect from an industry that put profits before people...

That's my dumb fucking British view....

By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,17 19:07 other posts 
Obama caught bin laden.

Yea right. He takes the credit,but did nothing but that.

The military and intelligence community found the bastard and got him and supposedly tossed his ass in the ocean. But we as Americans have no real proof of that.

I feel like the bastard is still alive because how else would we have escaped another major attack? Because he is sitting back somewhere in Wyoming or other scarcely populated area drinking a cool 1 telling folks info to save his sorry ass..
By #460385 18,Jul,17 20:41
Again Alex your bringing up the good things. What about the shit that we as Americans seen going on here. Bin Laden was found when we wanted him found. That war raged on so we could take their oil. 911 was not carried out by terrorist. We planned that shit and blamed Bin Laden knowing he would take the credit. Obama new what was going on. And as far as the motor industry. Fuck em. Because a bunch of crooked degenerates ran Chrysler and Chevrolet in the ground we had to bail them out. Ford kept on rolling. Now every Chevrolet commercial you see on US television talks about how they are the best selling most awarded car company in America. Have they paid back any of that bailout money yet? The union auto workers would have been employed elsewhere. That's what unions do. And if not, they would have went on unemployment and received more money and benefits from Obama anyways.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 01:23 other posts 
Tell me the bad stuff then,cuz all I'm hearing is complaints about that I'm talking about the good things....
And Google GM bailout repayments... Forbes and Bloomberg did a good review on it...
I'll agree the war was about oil,but I'm not convinced by conspiracy regarding 9/11...
And unions are not likely to find jobs where there are they would have no choice but to live of what savings they have before ending up on unemployment..
I know you care about your country,it so clear to anyone,but help me out a little..
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 00:16 other posts 
You need to do some reading instead of listening to conspiracy theories!!!!you know why bin Laden was buried at sea ?so he wasn't made a martyr by having a burial site for his know to stop people wanting to be like bin Laden and copy him!!!!!and it was a middle finger to Muslims too cuz Sharia law states you need to be buried in the ground....
So actually Obama mocked bin Laden by burying him at sea.
I learnt that from a Muslim...
--------------------------------------- added after 57 minutes

When I say Obama caught bin Laden you knew what I meant...Obama was the guy in charge at the time,isn't Potus commander in chief ?
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,17 20:30 other posts 
Who paid for that bail out the tax payers that's who if general motors and chrysler couldn't run there business then let them fall on there face ford didn't ask for a hand out
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,17 22:49 other posts 
There was a couple foreign company's ready to buy GM and Chrysler and the gov would not allow it. Ford didn't ask for a bail out because they cut retirement benefits and insurance coverage ,stock dividends and other things that basically made it such the employee's and stock holders bailed themselves out.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 00:23 other posts 
So America first is ok for trump but not ok for Obama ?
Wow....and it was Bush who instigated the bailout, Obama took a bit too much credit for it..
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 05:59 other posts 
And let's give some credit to ford for the way they handled there cuts they started at the top were the big spending was and all the cuts were discussed amoung the workers and we're voluntary till they were out of the red Gm and chrysler could have done the very same thing
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 00:18 other posts 
So fuck all the people that had invested in them right, remember what I said to you about how your investments are at the mercy of others ?
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jul,17 05:50 other posts 
I watch them every day once a wise man told me if you watch the penny's the dollars will watch them selves

By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jul,17 21:24 other posts 
Alex blue has me in the mood for a fight any takers come one come all the old dgraff is coming out
By mr_blue [Ignore] 16,Jul,17 22:37 other posts 
All this cuz you can't handle an opinion....too funny...
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 10:02 other posts 
Most Americans can handle opinions, it is the liberal minded 1's that can't handle 1 that goes against their thinking best I can tell.

But all in all, that is part of being a American. We are free to disagree, we are free to discuss it and vote for our leaders. Some country's don't have that option .

As for obama being someone from the sand, I wouldn't discredit the folks that live on the sand by saying he came from there. I think he is the worst leader we ever had and history will eventually blow the cover and prove it .
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 10:54 other posts 
Why is Obama so bad ?no one is telling me why he is so bad!!!
And Phart, you're using a site comprising of mostly gay you are a liberal minded person....
Look inwards to yourself then look at what you say!...liberal minded people want a fair society?what is wrong with that?
No one here has said why Obama was so bad ? Just call him names and say he was the worst president...
That's not productive,you want to help your country,learn from the mistakes of others...
It's funny how people are republicans but they're own lifestyle would be disowned by the GOP,...
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You need to say why Obama is so bad,not just keep repeating he was bad...

And the sand comment shows why you dislike Obama,so yeah,try and hide your true feelings...
By #460385 17,Jul,17 11:53
@ Alex. There is always good with the bad with any President we have. That includes Trump. Obama was no different. His Obamacare had loopholes as any plan would have. He made people carry insurance they couldn't afford in the first place. Then penalizing then on their tax return. Again which they could not afford. But he was quick to extend those same people's welfare and unemployment checks. He was quick to give those same people free phones and food stamps. He allowed immigration to get out of control. He open the borders with communist Cuba. Allowing the Castro family, the cruise lines, the hotel franchises to get richer while the people of Cuba got nothing. Some retirees in Cuba collect $17 a month for social security. The people of Cuba got nothing from that deal. Then of course there is the war. Extending soilders deployments well after they should have been going home. Extending a war ( not started by him ) that should have and could have ended sooner. But these are things that will always be with any leader. This country is not led by a president. But by coward pussy lawyers, judges, and politicians. That continually Pussify America. So there are some that have a little hope that Trump might take a stand against these guys whether good or bad.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 13:34 other posts 
See that's all I need,some clarity on on how you see things, the why,I don't live in the US,all I'm trying to do is gain some perspective of US policies and how they affect you...
And it's Congress that makes the rules,they have to pass the bills,and they are all assholes,cuz none of them represent the people anymore,they just argue for arguments sake,so yeah Obama was president,but he didn't pass the bills by himself,the Potus is a figurehead who wants to take the nation a certain way,they cannot do anything without Congress....
Yes Obama made mistakes regarding the wars,Syria etc....and I don't think the sun shines out of his butt..
How do you deal with such a fucking mess? Obama put his focus on getting Obamacare passed over everything else,I think in hindsight he fucked up there,..
Don't think I'm sitting here like the UK isn't fucked up too,cuz it is,..our politicians are assholes too,same thing,they just argue for arguments sake with the same rhetoric from yesteryear....our politicians fucked the system a while back with their expenses claims,have a look at that,and you'll see how much a bunch of assholes UK politicians are...
By #460385 17,Jul,17 14:13
Just a little from here in Florida. We have had Democrats for US representatives for about 6 years now. One in particular, a woman named Debbie Waserman-Shults. She while on her campaign trail would stop and talk to the union workers. Vote Democrat we are for the unions. Soon as she was elected to Congress, she was one of the first to vote for cutting jobs, pay, and pensions of school teachers, firefighters, police, and nurses. She bet her whole campaign on union workers and then stuck it right up our asses passing Obama's cuts. In Florida it is now very difficult to get home and car insurance. Florida is the leader in the US for fraudulent claims. Auto insurance is sky high here from theft and fraud. Well it's not the working class that's filing these false claims and stealing cars. It's the scumbags that refuse to get a job cause they can live off of the system. They get unemployment checks, welfare checks, food stamps, the women get WIC checks as that amount is greater depending on how many k ids they shit out, free cell phones, and etc...... Most people scamming this system receive more than they would if they had a real job. So why the fuck would they even look for a job. But Obama continued to work for the low class unemployed people and continued to take from the working class. Here is an example...... Between my wife and I we paid about $25,000 US dollars into taxes last year. When we did our taxes we owed the government $350 US dollars. We owed them money instead of receiving money in return. Some of that had to do with these multiple programs to help the unemployed. Shit someone had to pay for all those cell phones. Again, this was not all on Obama. It's the Ass Monkeys in Congress passing this shit as they pick and choose which law will benefit their own private companies and investments. And that is the reason Trump won this election. It had nothing to do with Hilary. It was the middle class working people tired of the Democrats and continually getting shit on.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 15:51 other posts 
Your position is one that is gaining traction in other countries too. Good working people see others on benefits, some worthy some maybe not receiving more than they do for working.

At the other end of the spectrum they see the wealthy doing very nicely thank you from low interest rates and high pay packages.

Not everything these good working people believe is actually true but they no longer trust the 'old order' and want change, in some cases any change is seen as an improvement.

Not long ago our Labour party leader would have been unelectable but after suffering cuts and pay limits at the hands of the establishment parties some of the British working and middle classes see him and his policies as better than what we have at present.

'Western' politics is changing and where did this start? With the massive greed of the bankers and such who led us over the cliff to the 'financial crash' that ordinary folks - yes ordinary folk - are still paying for nearly 10 years later.

It is no wonder voters are prepared to try anything to make their lot better.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 18:07 other posts 
BOy there was a lot of typing while I was doing this post,this is referring back to alex's post way up the hill.

The comeing from the sand is not why I dislike O man. In America if you utilize the system as it is designed you can be educated and work your way to any position in the country,including President. Had Condoleezza Rice ran for president I would have voted for her.Much more qualified than most that have run and she is both a woman and black. Not half black like O man. O man's education cost 1000's but no one can explain where the money came from.Nor can they find but 1 or 2 classmates. No women he dated while in college have spoke up. No one can explain his trips abroad. All things a person coming up poor should not be able to do without help.And it is the possibility that the help came from sources not to the country's best interest that bothers alot of Americans. . It would seem those things and others would prompt anyone to be suspicious. But those few things should be enough to keep you googling trying to prove me wrong.

We all know he stirred up the health care soup pot and left it on the stove to boil over and be ruined. His policy's also made disability requirements stricter which has caused a friend of mine with cancer and brain damage due to chemo to loose hers

A fair society is great in theory but not everyone can be a millionaire.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 21:02 other posts 
So you're bothered by him being mixed race,and being able to find his way through an education system that benefits rich people and not the trying to say you would vote for Rice doesn't pass the smell test...
Why does Obama need to prove how he paid for his education ?
Or how he went abroad!!!if there was shit on him,people would have found it by now.... Especially fox news....
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 23:43 other posts 
You mean to tell me it is ok to have someone in the highest position in the country and not even know who paid for his education? Or if it is even REAL?,read that as, show us a diploma, show us a class reunion pic, show us something concrete that you even went to college. Most folks are proud enough of the fact they went to college they all but flaunt it.
Why did he hide a birth certificate? why would you hide proof you are qualified? I know, trump gave up on the issue to try and get the country moving forward instead of backward but the libs just found something else to play in.

The point of all that being, if he is so comfortable hiding all that, what else is he hiding?,

What smell test? I aint trying to pass a test, I just said I would have voted for a black woman that was qualified for the job. The black part of O man does not bother me. It is his hidden,sealed past and his policy's such as health care that I don't like.

Fox news couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions wrote on the sole.
They are just a more conservative version of CNN. Bullshit machines. The truth is available from neither.

The prez is kinda like a goat herder. He guides things along. He says for example at a state of the union address," we are going to plant trees in the Grand Canyon." Later congress will appropriate 35.8 million dollars to study the feasibility of planting trees in the Grand canyon and then another 48 million to do a survey on which trees would survive the longest and then the next congress would kill the measure and then the next prez would say at the next state of the union address " We are going to fill in the Grand canyon and build a university on the land." And then on with the surveys and studies.
So he does play a part in things. I know those were ridicules examples but i was just trying to explain it.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 20:58 other posts 
@ alexblue, from an outsider's standpoint, what makes you believe that Obama was outstanding POTUS?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Jul,17 21:45 other posts 
I don't think he was an outstanding Potus, that seems to get lost,cuz everyone just sees me as bashing trump, I've been trying to show people that its Congress who fuck you over and not the Potus,that goes for trump too.... Obama was a stooge for wall Street too, it's your politicians that fuck the system for their own benefit, both sides,how many days do they work on capitol hill ?...less than 150 I the can you make real changes to America if they only work half the year ?they used to have a mandatory summer break with pay too.... don't know if they still have the paid summer break but you get what I mean I hope,... The politicians make the mess cuz they are so far removed from the life of a an average working person....but they keep all the good benefits for themselves... that's the same for most government too,in the UK we call it a gravy train,where the politicians get pay rises whilst the rest get fucked... most of these politicians exploit the system to benefit their corporate friends and themselves...when they all go for lunch the taxpayer gets fucked....(expenses)
The state v federal government issue has it's own quirks,and that's something I've learnt from talking to American people here,how one state implemented a law compared to another...

On Obama,he did a few things, one which he took too much credit for even though the plan was already made,motor industry bailout(general motors)and the financial stimulus plan......he messed up having Clinton in his administration,I can't forgive him for that one,personally I think Obama got shafted by her being around...
She's too tainted by wall Street money,Clinton Foundation etc...

By #88520 13,Jul,17 18:24
"As horrible as this sounds, they throw large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them-and they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of that stuff. As cray as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall."

President of the United States explaining to the press why a wall against Mexico would have to be transparent.

When will this clown show end
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 19:09 other posts 
Hahaha they can hit me in the head with 60 lbs of coccain any day as long as I can keep it
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 22:40 other posts 
Transparent my ass. Solid.
The mexican government needs to be arresting the assholes on their side of the wall and the US needs to be arresting the assholes on our side. Equals a small dent in the **** problem.
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Jul,17 09:20 other posts 
"They have these little ray guns, that they shoot you with, which make you forget. So you people who think you've never seen a UFO probably see them all the time--you just don't remember it."~~ Father Guido Sarducci.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Jul,17 09:55 other posts 
If the current POTUS and his behaviours had been pitched as a TV show it would have rejected as totally absurd and unbelieveable.

By #535048 08,Jul,17 05:21
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jul,17 11:02 other posts 
But she shook his wife's hand. That's embarrassing too.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 09,Jul,17 00:57 other posts 
No, no, FUCKING NO. This is bullshit propaganda and it HAS TO STOP.

I am galled and shamed by Trump as much as -- no MORESO than -- the next citizen, but this is truly "fake news" in it's most goddamned blatant, shameful form.

Here's the full SEVEN SECONDS that certain 'news sources' (in deliberate scare quotes) can't seemingly be assed to show in deference of their bullshit, eyeball-grabbing, profit-driven click-bait agenda: only registered users can see external links

Trump is an idiot and was rightly marginalized and ostracized by the leaders of other, more sensibly minded nations, but SPREADING LIES is the absolute.wrong.fucking.way. of dealing with this presidency. Do not engage in deceit; you'll be dragged down to his level and be beaten by experience.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 12,Jul,17 17:22 other posts 
President Trump's behaviour, tweets and statements speak for themselves. I don't swallow the fake news message that he trys to use against the media but the media should try to avoid nonsense like this.
By #536316 12,Jul,17 14:48
the point here is that the Polish Pres went to the trouble of shaking the 1st lady's hand 1st and then the Pres's hand. She was definitely making a point.
By _avg_ [Ignore] 12,Jul,17 22:11 other posts 
Poland's president is Andrzej Duda, and definitely not a woman. And it's pretty customary for the spouses to greet one another, while the presidents are shaking hands -- which is exactly what happened.

only registered users can see external links

And the point here is that this clip (and specifically the clips which edit out the full exchange) is a distortion purporting to show the Polish 1st Lady "disrespecting Trump"...which is just an outright fabrication.

This kind of bullshit needs to be called out for what it is. Perhaps then we can actually get to rational discussions of real grievances and issues.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 08:05 other posts 
So many media outlets don't care about the news they report,as you say, it's clickbait to generate profit.. there's so many things that are "dubious" with Trump's administration and those things get hidden under a swathe of Trump tweets and the reaction to those tweets,that's lazy journalism....
I mean,by now we know Trump cannot change his personality,or that he tweets outrageous claims without evidence,waiting for Trump to act presidential is not gonna happen,so why is it so hard to actually report what his administration is doing..
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 22:37 other posts 
Good or bad, it would be nice to hear what actually happens that is important to the country from our media. There are times when the truth hurts. Most of time not us,but sometimes it beans us right on the head. regardless,it is better to know the truth and learn from it.

Tweets, take that dam phone away from him. Maby he will have more time to do his work.

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 00:29 other posts 
(CNN)A series of new laws passed in Michigan strengthen penalties for female genital mutilation practices in the state. Performing FGM or transporting another person in the state for the purpose of undergoing FGM will be punishable by up to 15 years in prison, 10 years more than the federal penalty for the crime.
The new legislation comes only a few months after the state became the backdrop for the first federal case involving FGM in the United States. Six people were charged for either committing or assisting in performing female genital mutilation on two 7-year-old girls, who were brought into Michigan from Minnesota. FGM is **** in the United States for girls under 18 and is punishable by up to five years in prison, according to national law.
--------------------------------------- added after 98 seconds

but what about the baby boys?? we can still carve them up at will? how is this fair? they call it Female Genital Mutilation... but we cant call male circumcision mutilation??
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 06:17 other posts 
I take your point and I am with you on circumcision but there is a significant difference between FGM and circumcision.

With circumcision the foreskin is removed which as far as I am aware does not really impact upon the persons ability to enjoy sexual arousal/activity.

With FGM a wide range of things happen depending upon the specific culture involved " removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans; removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. This last procedure is known as infibulation." All of which are totally unnecessary and do in some cases reduce the ability to enjoy sexual arousal. Of course all of this happens in traditinally very male dominated societies.

I see no cause for circumcision and would never allow a son of mine to be circumcised but FGM is way worse in the effects that it has not only physically but mentally on the female concerned.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 07:20 other posts 
on this we will have to disagree....
I see that you are intact/uncut, and as such you have no idea what it it like to be circumcised. have you ever watched a video of a infant being strapped down so he can't move, then having the foreskin ripped from the glans? in the infant the foreskin is attached to the Glans just like the fingernail is to your finger.... also the foreskin has around 20,000 specialized nerve endings. I could go on but then this would be seen as just a rant. but ask yourself this... how would you feel if you were held against your will and had your foreskin cut off and then told it no big deal?
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furthermore, studies have shown that the brain chemistry of a circumcised male is different than that of an intact/uncut male... why is that?

I see no cause for FGM and would never allow a daughter of mine to have it done, but circumcision is as worse in the effects that it has not only physically but mentally on the male concerned.
--------------------------------------- added after 39 minutes

[deleted image]
By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 08:10 other posts 
Kinda saying what you've been saying Jeff.
To me, circumcision is an adult choice..
I have never quite understood why men would allow their sons genitals to be operated on....unless it's medically necessary..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Jul,17 09:13 other posts 
I agree with your point of view. I think a male should have a day whether he wants to be circumcised or not.
Having said that, however, I'm glad I'm circumcised.

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