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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
Have a discussion

Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Nov,17 10:59 other posts 
This is funny and actually shows how social media are full of untrustworthy shit:

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Russian trolls organized a protest and a counterprotest in the same place at the same time in May 2016, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr, said on Wednesday. The revelation shows how far Russia was willing to go to foment unrest and division in the US in the months leading up to the election. Burr said that organizing and promoting these protests cost Russia "about $200."

By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Oct,17 13:45 other posts do you make your toast ? Toaster,under the fire ?...and what do you put on your toast ? Jam/jelly,peanut butter....
By #358797 31,Oct,17 00:41
I ha.te toasters. They never toast my bread right. I opt for the stove... I'll fry it in a buttered skillet and toast it that way... It's a pain, but at least it's not burnt!
As for topping... Elderberry jelly... Nom.
By #485312 31,Oct,17 03:16
fruit toast, lightly toasted lots of real butter and vegemite *lix*
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 04:29 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 04:33 other posts 
She means marmite (Aussies call it this way)
--------------------------------------- added after 45 seconds

Either way.. yuck!
By #485312 01,Nov,17 08:59
is not yuck Leo lol, you should try it, tastes great *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Nov,17 19:58 other posts 
I tried... Both in Europe and in Australia. Sorry, I don't like it. Too salty for me.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Nov,17 19:06 other posts 
I offer you my sincerest apologies for confusing marmite and vegemite. And I'm sorry I like neither. According to Dev01 I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry to have been an idiot. It'll be a miracle if, after offending your national pride, and being an idiot, you'll still want to talk to me. However, I'll accept your decision no matter how harsh that may be.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 03,Nov,17 04:13 other posts 
All good leo, no offence taken

Fyi they all taste different. Vegemite is a great source of vitamin B which in Australia (straya) = a great hangover cure
By Dev01 [Ignore] 02,Nov,17 05:49 other posts 
only a idiot would call vegemite Marmite

Marmite: Originally from the UK, Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Some say it tastes similar to beef bouillon. Marmite is the French term for a large, covered earthenware or metal cooking pot. Marmite used to be served in glass jars that resembled such jars.

Promite: Promite is made from vegetables and yeast extract. Originally an Australia brand, it was acquired by Mars Incorporated, an American company. Dispite its U.S. ownership, Promite is still manufactured and sold in Australia. It appears that Promite is the underdog of the three brands.

Vegemite: Vegemite, an Australian treat manufactured by U.S. giant Kraft, is made from yeast extract, and various vegetable and spice additives. Many Australians consider a national food and cultural icon.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Nov,17 20:16 other posts 
So your vegemite is actually made in the United States? Wild! I wonder if it is sold over here, I would be willing to try it only if it is sold in a small jar.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 03,Nov,17 04:20 other posts 
Bega Cheese is bringing Vegemite home after buying it and the Australian and New Zealand arm of US-based global food giant Mondelez International.

The $460 million deal to acquire the MDLZ grocery business includes Vegemite, Bonox and ZoOsh salad dressings. The right to produce Kraft-branded products locally under licence, from processed cheese to peanut butter and mayonnaise, are part of the sale, but Philadelphia cheese products are not included.

Bega says the Kraft licence will be royalty free until December 2017 as part of transitional arrangements.

The company will also produce the Dairylea and Snackabout brands under licence in Australia and New Zealand.

Bega will have the global trademark rights to Vegemite and ZoOsh.

The 6.3Ha Port Melbourne site, where 300,000 jars of Vegemite are produced daily, and there are five automated production lines, are part of the sale.

In an announcement this morning to the ASX, the NSW diary company, which has been making some processed cheese products for Kraft for the past eight years, said it would fund the acquisition from bank debt.

Bega said the local Kraft business is expected to have net revenues of $310 million with an EBITDA of $40-45 million expected in its first full year, excluding transaction and implementation costs.

The company plans to rationalise its own product range to align with the new Kraft products.

Executive chairman Barry Irvin said bringing such iconic brands into the company would “enable Bega Cheese to become a great consumer goods business.”

“In addition to Vegemite and the other brands being undeniably iconic, the people we are taking on are very impressive and will play an important role in growing the merged business,” he said.

MDLZ has 31% of the $550 million spreads category in Australia.

“This acquisition will be value accretive in its own right, strategically important and company making,” Irvin said.

Bega plans to use “near-term corporate opportunities to pay down debt”.

It expects the deal to be finalised in the first half of CY2017.

A short time ago, Bega Cheese shares were up 11% to $4.98.

Abit boring but
By #482237 31,Oct,17 12:22
I make mine nude and with Gerome holding my tits from behind,,,My toast gets burned a lot,,
By #460385 02,Nov,17 22:02
By #482237 03,Nov,17 08:31
Really?? you should see the "spread"

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Nov,17 20:00 other posts 
Back in 2004, a piece of toast was sold for $28,000 (twenty eight thousand dollars) on eBay because.... you know why, don't you?
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No, it's NOT a joke. It's true.
By #525562 01,Nov,17 22:15
People pay for what they believe in,this is nothing new and it is no joke,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Nov,17 05:33 other posts 
You mean: *some* people pay for what they believe in,this is nothing new and it is no joke.
And I add: these people are those who are otherwise known as idiots.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 02,Nov,17 05:46 other posts 
This particular story is bizarre to say the least but the hammer price at any auction represents just how much someone is prepared to pay for something that they want to own at that moment in time. In some cases many millions of pounds. Of course the market's tastes change over time and the items value may well fall significantly. However, as long as the winning bidder was happy with the price that they paid, there is no problem.
I have sold many items on eBay and been regularly amazed at how little some items make while other items that I have no great hope for make much much more than I expected. Auctions can be very strange places.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 04:36 other posts 
Why is a toaster issue a world viwe? (Deep philosophical question.)
By #358797 31,Oct,17 08:38
"Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..."

Pretty sure it falls under the general chit chat part.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 08:43 other posts 
RIGHT! That's a deep philosophical reply!
By #482237 31,Oct,17 12:19
Burnt toast can cause a war???
By mr_blue [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 13:17 other posts 
Cuz not everyone thinks the same....if you don't have an electric supply you can't use a toaster for a start...some people only toast one side of the bread....

By #358797 25,Oct,17 14:47
Man... Fats Domino died at 89 today.
Definitely one of my favorites.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Oct,17 16:50 other posts 
I saw that! Mine too. Sad.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Oct,17 13:43 other posts 

By mr_blue [Ignore] 16,Oct,17 10:12 other posts 
Harvey Weinstein ....
By #485312 17,Oct,17 19:56
like Harvey is the only movie mogul that's mo/ested women for a part, this is the culture in Hollywood and 99% of women stars wouldn't be stars if they didn't do their time on the casting couch at some point, they'd still be waiting tables waiting for a part in a tampon commercial without these grubs getting their hands on them, and its not the only industry that thrives on women feeling they need to bend to this kind of behaviour to get a job.. any male industry with a male dominated management is in on this *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,17 23:06 other posts 
He just pissed someone off and is being brought down.All of them have done it .There are many women that allowed themselves to be "used" to try and get ahead in the world. Some are just sneaky,vengeful, people that want to wait in the shadows until a man gets to the top so they can pull the plug and watch him fall.It is to a point everyone needs to have a sign on their door,"all activity is videotaped" so that evidence can be collected and stored to protect people. MOST sexual harassment claims are totally false and are just ways to destroy mens hard earned reputations and to cost them money,possibly bringing them to bankruptcy.
I understand some women get touched and used that didn't want it to happen. BUT Don't wait 40+ years like in bill cosbys case to come forward about it. If someone did something to a woman the woman should go to get it took care soon after. While evidence can be collected and such. there should be a statute of limitations.
And don't think for 1 minute sexual harassment is only limited to male on female.
Women are cruel .
By #88520 19,Oct,17 01:55
I think you show perfectly well in this post why women don't come forward. Because men like you will just claim that they are lying and instead start to smear them while the powerful guys that harassed or assaulted them make sure that they're fired or loose opportunities.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,17 19:23 other posts 
So you think ALL of the folks claiming harassment are being 100% honest?
There is no chance a woman would be wanting into show biz so much she would seduce her way into it? The casting couch is a myth? Do you honestly think most women singers can actually sing? Or were they just good in the back room so they could get the job?
The fact that for Bill cosby having women hollering about being doped up 40+ years ago and "used" should ring some alarm bells. How can it be proven after that length of time?
I know it happens,and hands down it is wrong and justice is deserved of the victim . BUT damn it,report it when it happens,not later when convenient or more damning to the mans reputation and life. That is my point.Come forward shortly after.Or better yet,if you are not wanting the contact to take place, defend yourself and prevent it from taking place at all or at least reduce damages.
By #88520 21,Oct,17 03:05
You must not have noticed all the cases of women trying to go the proper routes only to be shutdown and blacklisted in the industry. The studios will protect their big powerful money makers and make everything they can to throw allegations under the rug. It's only when a bunch of women come out at the same time that it seems to have any effect and people actually believe them.

It again says a lot when you're more willing to believe Bill Cosby than all the women that have been victims to his behavior.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,17 18:20 other posts 
Have you ever listened to Bill? When he tries to tell the young folks to pull up their damn pants and stay in school and such? I would believe someone that actually tries to set a good example over a few dopehead hasbeens trying to get their 4 minutes of fame on the headline news any day.40+ years before they tell about a encounter? They didn't use dope at all in the 60's and were all virgins right?
By #88520 21,Oct,17 18:52
Alright you have me convinced, someone that tells people to pull up their pants can of course not be a sexual predator!
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,17 19:20 other posts 
Didn't say he couldn't be anything. You are missing the point. The encounters should have been dealt with shortly after they happened,in Cosby's case and this recent guy in the news. Credibility would be easier given to those claims that semen samples and so forth can be gathered for evidence. All that can be produced after 40 plus years or hell,2 years for that matter,is hearsay and rumors and 1 persons word against another.
That is the point I am trying to make. .
--------------------------------------- added after 16 hours

This is a case where I can go along with gun control nuts. More laws would help this.
Make sexual harassment against the law.
Put a statute of limitations on how long a victim has to report a case.
Provide stiff sentences to the guilty.
Make sure that both male and female victims are given equal treatment in the courts.
Women harass men all the time and get away with it. Most men are not is when they feel like it is ok to return the treatment that suddenly it is a problem.
Women grab mens ass's. If a man was to report it, they would be laughed out of the state. Let that same man turn around and grab the woman's ass, he would be on the news as a predator. That is not equality. That is discrimination.
By #485312 22,Oct,17 17:49
look at Harvey, look at his wife, without the money he had, she wouldn't fuck him, he batted way above his field because of the money, and as for women are cruel yeah some are, but for the most part most women are used, @bused, treated like second rated citizens and are the nurturers in life, they feed, care and look after everyone in their circle, for little to no pay, they don't 'ask' for this kind of abuse, they don't want to be fucked over for the privilege of working. As for Bill Cosby, he needs burying, drugging women to fuck them is one of the lowest forms of life.. what an an!mal, lowlife scum bag, how can they prove anything when they are un-conscious??? he covered his tracks well, but still doesn't make it right what he did on any level, what a piece of shit to fuck a person who is un-conscious from being d.rugged, that's premeditated, its scum like him that make it hard for women to be taken seriously.. good on any woman that can get ahead in life without getting on her back to get there.. but theyre far and few between... *Lix*
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,17 19:55 other posts 
I agree that alot of women are used and **** and it is wrong. But once it starts, they need to run,and run fast. Get away,far away. And start over.I know,it aint easy,hell it is about impossible. But when i hear of women here locally that go to shelters that have been beaten,only to go back to the beater and it happen all over? Sheesh, Love is blind,I know,but don't go back! I know,I hear the "i did it for the kids". The kids would be better off in a foster care for a time until the mother gets herself back to going.

And may I say something that is not politically correct? Most of what I say aint so nothing new.

If a woman would find a decent man, get married, stay home and raise the kids and keep a clean house, she would not have to worry about a predator trying to screw her for a high paying job. Let the man work, just feed him something good for supper and if he is worth a shit you won't lack for a damn thing. IF he don't provide,LEAVE his ass and find someone who will do right.If he strikes you, defend yourself and defuse the situation and pack your bag and leave,right then.And for those that don't like guns,if he comes at you to really hurt you,shoot his sorry ass. There aint a court in the land that would convict you of wrong doing if you show clear evidence you were in danger.

As you clearly stated women are the nurturers in life, they feed, care and look after everyone. Because it is their instinctive behavior.

Leaving the home to be cleaned by a maid,leaving the kids at the day care,only to have to screw someone you don't like behind your husbands back to keep the high paying job is dangerous,demoralizing and wrong. Don't get in the situation to begin with.

It is this high and mighty standard of living people have that has caused alot of this.Not all but alot. You don't have to live like a millionaire. Your grandparents didn't and they raised familys. Get the middle class back up and running.Working dad's and stay at home mom's. This sexual harassment stuff would be few and far between.

I know you read that and think I am so far off on the back 40 it is pitiful. But really stop and think, How much of this stuff happened before women started thinking they had to go to work so a Mercedes could sit in the driveway instead of a Chevy?

Got to have a steak every night instead of hamburger steak and gravy? Think before you say I am nuts.
By #485312 23,Oct,17 04:47
no phart, l left my bloke because he was a bastard, had to go to work to pay for the mortgage of a house l couldn't live in, had to keep a head over my sons head, had to work 12 hour days and 6 days a week, l didn't have a Mercedes or want one, l just wanted to provide the basic things for my son and l, but when youre working a dead end job, and the bloke that gets your promotion, comes to you to do his job too because he wasn't qualified to do the job, and he's in your air conditioned office, driving your company car, doing 9 to 5 and getting credit for the hard work you do, all the while having to do my own job too, l find that pretty narrow sighted on your part .. you criticise the standards of womens work and them staying home.. my ex husband 'promised' me that his wife would never have to work till the kids were at school. well that didn't go to plan, because l didn't consider myself as someones possession and take the crap that was dished out to me.. to have someone say, gee why don't they leave and not put up with it, well it happens in the home, at work, while youre dropping the k!ds off to the day care, in every walk of life, women are treated like crap and are expected to smile and be nice after putting up with shit all day from men like you... yeah in your perfect world, it might all seem as easy as that, but the real world isn't made for women, we don't get to work and earn the same money or benefits, we have to quit work to bare your ch!ldren and then not be able to save for our own retirement, well good on any woman that takes a bloke to the cleaners for fucking her life and using her a pissing post and breeding machine to carry 'his' name on, you don't get it and never will because you think that we are useless because we cant leave our family to a pig headed bloke to raise, or leave the home we worked our guts out for, or miss out on that promotion because some bloke needs to pay his mortgage more than a woman needs to pay hers... judging beaten down women must be easy looking out from your ivory tower.. most of us just keep going, we push ourselves to the limits it takes to battle this world and come out the other end with a scratch of dignity.. hows your wife phart??? hope you provided her with a Mercedes and a maid and a holiday to Tahiti every winter..she deserves it!!! *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,17 20:02 other posts 
I never married because I did not feel capable of doing the job of husband as I was taught by example. My salary on the job never got high enough for me to afford a marriage.It cost alot of money to provide a home and take care of a family.And do it right without beggin for government handouts as so many do.Oh I could of took on a woman and we could of fought and fussed over money for gas and food with 3 screaming kids. But that is not a good situation for anyone,especially the kids.They are the innocent victims of marital disputes.
And to add to the mess,I can't imagine trying to care for a home and family since becoming handicapped and fixed income.Not a good situation for wife or kids to live thru.

My dad set a good example as he provided the home and my mother never worked a lick. Didn't take to good a care of me either. To busy cheating on my dad while he worked out of town.I am sorry but I have had bad experiences that forged my attitude.The very woman that I should have been able to look up to,was to busy not doing right to look after me as she should have.

We did not have the finest when i was a ****,but we never went hungry and there was transportation and a roof over our heads that my dad worked hard and paid for.Not all men are assholes. Just as you feel I should not judge women by the actions of a few,please afford me the same and not consider all men to be jurks.

I know my "utopia" is not realistic in today's world. But if you think,as I said above,this was not nearly as common 40 years ago as it is now.Something changed,so if it was not the desire for a higher standard of living,what changed?

Something did.
By #485312 23,Oct,17 22:20
it was more prevalent 40 years ago, lve seen old movies where it was acceptable to treat women like sex objects, the bosses could slap women on the arse and tell them to behave in public, and no one batted an eyelid, they asked their secretaries to wear tight skirts, it was all a common way of life, wasn't till the feminists took charge and changed the world, l don't put all men in the same basket, l think many are decent human being and the few that take their advantage in life to bad levels need pulling up and exposing, like this isn't common knowledge in Hollywood??? and many directors and producers don't use their standing to for.ce themselves onto women or men depending on their preferences, upcoming stars will do anything to further their careers if needed especially if told they will get nowhere without doing as wanted by these creeps.. they need a clean out of the whole industry and all these people need to be brought to justice for their bad behaviour, they need to be taught that using your authority to fuck people over isn't acceptable *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,17 12:48 other posts 
eh, I aint so sure really,women were not in the work place as much as they are now.But it could have happened none the less,just not as many. Movies expand and stretch the truth so movies may not be the best reference.
But as far as women in the entertainment industry.Sheesh,was everyone under a rock every time the words "casting couch" were spoken? hell I had heard of that before I knew what went on on the casting couch. 4 women apply for a movie part or a singing contract,it was the best 1 from the couch,not the talent that got the job. It is not like 10 years ago women were blindly walking into a movie studio not knowing what could happen. They walked in anyway. No one forced them to take a acting job. They just want that big money and fame.Not saying the price they pay is worth it,I think they figure out "hey,the sex was bad and he is a asshole i think I will complain".
If the sex was good and their bank accounts are fat,I seriously doubt the women would be on the news.
By #460385 22,Oct,17 21:01
He is a badass.

By longdong [Ignore] 18,Oct,17 21:58 other posts 
I own a bunch of rifles and guns that's what we do in America we can't trust our government. I'm not sure why the rest of the world trusts their own government, history has shown what happens when the people give up the right to bear arms. In America we the right to a well regulated militia that right would be difficult to achieve if we start banning rifles.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,17 23:10 other posts 
Yea,it is hard to understand how folks are so complaisant overseas. They never explain how they can bring themselves to trust their government either.They always dodge the question all the while calling us fools and other terrible names because we choose to be reluctant victims.
By #88520 19,Oct,17 02:35
We call you fools because you so easily fall for this ridiculous power fantasy that the weapon industry feeds you. There's nothing good coming out of a scenario where a bunch of gun crazy civilians decides to take on the government and the proper military.
By #536760 19,Oct,17 03:10
Sadly as stupid as people like these two are. No one and nothing has ever in history made America look so foolish, stupid, and backwards as mr trample is doing right now. And I’m not laughing; He and his supportive fuckwits could make it a hell of a lot worse for all of us. I did not believe anything could ever make George W. Bush look intelligent. I stand corrected.(no smiley face here)
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 04:44 other posts 
well said.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 20:16 other posts 
You finally said something that makes a lot of sense! I never thought that someone could be worse than George Dubya.
By #485312 20,Oct,17 18:09
when a gunman took aim at school kids and mowed them down, this should have been the wake up call they needed, the gunning down of their ch!ldren, unarmed little people, who had no defence, they still claimed that they needed more guns, that the teachers should have had guns in their desks for this, lol, what a fucking joke, the paranoia level over there must be at an all time high and we know what happens when you mix paranoia, guns and stupid people.. just another day in the so called 'greatest' country on earth.. well ld much rather visit Fiji that Hawaii *lix*
By cumjohn [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 05:27 other posts 
Gun laws only affects honest people. Criminals always finds a way to get guns, no matter what. Thats why im against strict guncontrol. Honest people should not suffer because of few criminals who dont respect life.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 05:56 other posts 
Exactly NRA tho is more powerfull. IN Oz you have to prove you can have a firearm... from what i believe in America its a case of unless you have a DV you can buy whatever. The media ( propaganda )
Are a very big part of the scare monger tactics. I'm sure i will be put straight about American adgenda
By #88520 19,Oct,17 06:09
You won't find any research or statistics that support the claim that easy access to guns make honest people safer. You're 25 times more likely to die from gun **** in the US than in any other high income country with strict gun control. It's really not rocket science to understand that a country filled with items that can kill will be more dangerous than a place where those items are much more rare.
By #460385 19,Oct,17 06:45
Let's take our beer, cigarettes, and automobiles away also. Because those 3 things kill more people every year then guns do.
By cumjohn [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 11:31 other posts 
Good point. And if someone really wants to kill somebody, gun is not neccessery. Knifes are out there. Also anybody can google bomb instructions.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 14:25 other posts 
Guns are readily accessible in Oz... if you need you can get. But here there have been only two major incidents involving firearms. Does that mean we safe ? No .... but im sick of hearing about the 5th and that shit.... its my right to... Guns dont kill its the fuckin retard thats having a bad day and feed by media PROPAGANDA.

Like i said in my first statement. Here you have to prove yourself, that you are of good state of mind and NO criminal convictions.... even traffic stuff could jeopardise it. But in metherica seemsthe only thing that can stop you is a Domestic v1olence charge. And as for automatic ans semi auto firearms 😁 my youngest daughter could make a semi full auto....
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Oct,17 19:35 other posts 
Hahaha good point a file a crossed the seir pin a couple times and you converted a semi automatic in to fully automatic I've done it many times
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Oct,17 02:18 other posts 
Spot on dgraff
By #88520 21,Oct,17 03:30
If cars was only useful to injure/kill other people I'm sure I'd agree with you. With cars you also have to get a drivers license, pay insurance and have it registered, demanding the same for guns seem like a good start.

With cigarettes you're only killing yourself and at least here they're heavily taxed to make up for some of the extra medical cost they bring on society.

Alcohol surely leads to a lot of **** and death, but like cars it's really not the purpose of it.
By #460385 21,Oct,17 23:35
That made no damn sense to me.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Oct,17 19:11 other posts 
You folks have done a fine job of yet again,dodging the question of just what makes you over seas folks so trusting in your governments?
By #536760 20,Oct,17 21:25
? Former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke, who once held the record as the world’s fastest beer drinker, has unveiled a new lager named after himself – and spent little time sampling his first drop. The 87-year-old, who set a world record for drinking a yard of beer while studying at Oxford in 1955, agreed to give his name to Hawke’s Lager on condition that some of the profits go to a scheme to assist farmers. Pouring a beer from a tap at a pub in Sydney, Mr Hawke held up his glass and said: “How’s that for a pour? [I could] get a bloody job.” After taking a sip, (and a nap)he nodded his head and said: “A lovely beer.” Mr Hawke, who was prime minister from 1983 to 1991, should know. (Thats why.) He was happy to kill himself not everyone else. He did not spend his day texting. He did not sleaze on any women in front of him. He did not try to start wars because he could. He did not make America into a laughing stock. He did not...... Do I really need to continue? You brainless @#$% Your name says it all. Get back under the shit you climbed out of.
By #88520 21,Oct,17 03:50
After a hundred years of well functioning democracy I think it's only reasonable to trust it. When you make sure that citizen get access to good education, responsible media and keep corruption levels low you vastly decrease the possibility of nut cases like Donald Trump getting put into power.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Oct,17 18:16 other posts 
Well access to 1 thru 12 is out there,if the lazy kids would use it. Responsible media? It is odd to even see those 2 words together in a sentence. I doubt that could be achieved in any country.
Corruption? it is not at a low level,it is just at such a level you can't see over it.
As for 1 drunken prime minister making the case for trusting your government,that don't hold water for me.
I want someone to detail how their official documents such as our constitution,are laid out in such a way there is no need for scrutiny or how their leaders are on the level and need no supervision. It can't be done, that is why the question is dodged.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Oct,17 00:22 other posts 
"Approximately 60% of all adult firearm deaths are by suicide."

-Wikipedia talking about US gun deaths.

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