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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
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Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 00:43 other posts 
Now a Democrat will represent Alabama in the Senate.
By JustWill [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 11:54 other posts 
Apparently, a Democrat IS better than a ch1ld m0lester!
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 20:41 other posts 
Barely, according to Alabama voters.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 21:38 other posts 
Well,was the supposed molester ever charged,tried or convicted of a crime? HUM, Seems more like a smear campaign to me.IF the democrats have to cheat and are willing to do so to win a senate seat,what else are they willing to cheat on and who else might they cheat? The state of Alabama perhaps? Think about that before you bash me.

This epidemic of accusations against people in high places will end sooner or later and there will be some accusers setting on their ass's answering for the slander in court.

As for democrat or repub,if you watch the news any at all, there is some from both party's being accused of not being able to keep their hands in their pockets and their pants up. It seems everyone is human and horny.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 21:46 other posts 
Everyone is horny. Right. There would have been fewer offences if people could be open and if people got the sex they need. Many times, for many, This is hard.
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 18:13 other posts 
Women certainly don't want to relinquish their hold on sex. So some men have chosen to go to other men for sex. Is a pat on the butt or a unwanted kiss in the same category as **** or exposing yourself. This simply for some a power grab.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Dec,17 18:14 other posts 
I honestly feel like probably 25% or so of the claims are real and the men should be punished once proven.But a pat on the butt or a quick hug,is NOT r@pe.R@pe is a violent taking of a woman's body and doing physical harm to her and should be punished at the least by castration or penis removal. But most of these cases are just as you said,a power grab.""ha ha ha,look what I can do,I can tell a lie and destroy a mans career and get on tv and get a good check from George Soros."!
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Dec,17 23:03 other posts 
Phart, do you feel that the other dozens of men who resigned or were fired without charge or conviction on sexual assault charges the victims of smear campaigns too or just this one politician?

The "epidemic of accusations" will not end with people in high places. There are thousands of accusations to come from the bad restaurant managers to the bad relatives to the hundreds of offices where this behaviour is happening. The bubble has burst and the (predominantly) men in authority positions that have committed these crimes are all shaking in their boots now... as they should be, their day will come too. This is only the beginning!
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 10:38 other posts 
In the US there used to be something called Innocent until proven guilty. But it seems the public and the media are all jumping on the band wagon of guilty if we think so and screw your rights.

OK,so there are some guilty folks.BUT why in the hell are the "victims" waiting until the men are at the peak of their lives to "come out" with all this?

You don't have to be convicted in the media's eyes nor the public eye to be ruined as far as reputation is concerned.Just a glimmer of suspicion is all it takes to drive people to suicide as was in the news this morning. A elected official "accused" of some sex act killed himself.

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Guilty or not, did his family deserve this? Why didn't the "victim" do something when she was 17 instead of waiting? Look who is suffering now, a entire family.He knew even if he proved his innocence his career was over,his marriage was probably over,all was lost. This is why I get pissed about things like this, it is the innocent that pay with the rest of their lives because of a accusation of something from years ago that can not be proven.

IF SHE is telling lie's ,I hope she chokes on the check George Soro's minions wrote her for "coming out" with her claims.Guilty or not,His blo0d is on her hands now. Was it so bad it is worth forc1ng a man to give up and kill himself? I hope the mans family has enough money and influence to be able to investigate the "victims" claims and if it comes out she lied,I hope they sue her ass to hell.

NOTE I said IF she is telling lies,not if she is telling the truth.But far as I am concerned,his death is her fault.She could have came out with this years ago,dealt with it and both parties could have resumed their lives.Her suffering would have been over,if there was any. Probably just a grabbed ass and a smile was all it was .
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 12:08 other posts 
Okay, I will give this a shot, but am pretty sure it will fall on deaf ears:

She didn't do something when she was 17 because she was ashamed, afraid of repercussions by her abuser or ridicule from her friends and family, felt that she was somehow responsible for what happened to her, didn't think she would be believed, would be called a slut, would have the fact that she was sexually victimized follow her for the rest of her life, didn't think that anyone would care, that she would be humiliated further in a courtroom, that everyone would blame her, or any combination of those reasons.

There are psychological factors involved for the victims of sexual assault that folks like you just don't understand or wish to totally ignore. "Victim Blaming"--such as what you are doing now--is the way things tend to work in our society and legal system. That's just the way it is. Hell, Trump actually defended himself against one of his accusers by saying that she was too ugly for him to have assaulted!

And, fuck the guy's family. Every criminal has a family. It's not the fault of the criminal's victims that the guy who assaulted them has a wife and kids.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 17:09 other posts 
He nor most of the others have been tried and PROVEN to be criminals. That must be falling on deaf ears as well.

Guilty people should pay for their crimes promptly afterward.
The innocent should be vindicated promptly.
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 18:02 other posts 
Yep...just how I expected you to respond.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 17:59 other posts 
I am really very concerned that in both the UK and the US an allegation of abuse is being taken as proof positive of abuse and people are being pressured into resigning or companies into firing employees/executives.
In none of the recent cases has an investigation been completed or a court case heard.
if an allegation is made against somone it may be appropriate for that person to be suspended or to be put on gardening leave while an investigation is carried out but throughout this period until the results of a trial or an investigation is completed the accused should be presumed innocent not asssumed guilty.
The socail media and indeed mainstream media sometimes seem to be engaged in a modern day version of 'lynch law'.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 19:20 other posts 
thank you,you put it in terms maby someone else can understand.
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 20:41 other posts 
Andthisisme, AN allegation and 5-10 allegations are two very different situations. If I were accused of sexual assault and didn't do it I would vehemently deny such allegations. Correction: I would be FREAKING OUT all over the news AND my lawyers would be very busy with the slander and defamation of character suits. If these guys aren't guilty why aren't they saying so? I know Moore is denying it but when nine women accuse him of such behaviour there's a lot of credence to the allegations. Why isn't Moore yelling about how his lawyers will sue all of these "liars"?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,17 22:15 other posts 
Legit question Kebmo but to be honest,what good would it do? Perhaps there is more behind the scenes than the media lets us know about. Both sides of this have to remember the media enjoys creating hostility and fueling both sides of the fight like a bunch of assholes fighting chickens or something.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 15,Dec,17 15:25 other posts 
I hear what you are saying and I agree that when there are multiple women making accusations that is disturbing, but until these accusations have been tested in court they are accusations not confirmed facts.

As for why aren't these people who are accused going to their lawyers? That is a good question. Possibly the allegations may be correct but another view is that to go to law would give greater media coverage for the allegations.

Would you want one of your family members convicted of an offence on the basis of an allegation alone and with no due process?

We have had a case here today where on the very day that a young male was to stand trial for 6 rapes and 6 sexual assaults on the same woman the PROSECUTION forced the police to hand over evidence that they knew they they had and that disproved the victims story, to the defence. Without this evidence that the police witheld, for whatever reason, this young man could have gone to prison for many years.

So all I am saying is don't judge by allegation alone.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 14:07 other posts 
Well there is a situation now with a major football team owner.The Charlotte panthers.

The owner has been accused,not charged mind you,but accused of sexual misconduct.

Now he has said he will sell the team and withdraw due to NFL investigations.

Ok, lets look at this. The city is up in turmoil concerned about the multi-million dollar stadium that may be vacant if the new owner moves the team. Local hotels,restaurants and other business's that support the sporting event are staring down the barrel of reduced business if not having to close down for good.Putting 100's out of work.

All because of a accusation. Millions of dollars at stake.Because some woman waited for God only knows how long to whine about getting her ass groped.

Again, if the event was so traumatic,why didn't she report when it happened? And why is it acceptable for all this financial loss to occur over a ass groping or tit pinching or whatever she is "CLAIMING" happened. But has not PROVEN a damn thing?

It is not just a matter of justice in this case. Justice could have been dealt swiftly with only the guilty suffering shortly after it happened.But now,100's of people could loose work. She should have to produce PROOF, they all should have to before negative effects are passed on to the guilty.

It is not just "fuck the family" if you have that same mindset in this case, you are saying "Fuck a whole city of innocent people".
The needs of the majority should be held higher than the claims of miss conduct by 1 person.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 17:18 other posts 
Whilst I may not agree with everything that you say I do totally agree that this current fervour for believing a claim to be true just because it has been made should concern everyone.
This is not natural justice or indeed any kind of justice.
I am not going to judge the claims that have been made as I have not seen any evidence, but I totally agree there should be a speedy investigation where the evidence can be tested.
By #546924 29,Dec,17 18:05
Tell that to the baby girl he ****!
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 18:02 other posts 
Here in the US we have a presumption of innocence, but the liberal media sees themselves as judge and jury when it comes to Republicans. This goes for all the accusers out t here now. As bad as some of the accusations are they all deserve their day in court. A black man was just released after many years in prison because the woman says she made a mistake identifying him. Only Dna evidence cleared him. How many more are out there unjustly accused by females or others too eager to get another notch on their belts..
By #482237 07,Jan,18 17:37
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 17:48 other posts 
Only because Steve Bannon pushed Roy Moore to run. Dems want to claim this as a victory and a portent of the future.. the only reason they won is because Moore was such a flawed candidate. Else where recently in red states Republicans have won. Virginia is blue state. Dems are most effective at dirty politics, knowing they had this on Moore and waited to out him after he won primary. He would have never won if this was out there in the primary.
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 18:16 other posts 
Not for long there will be another election, as his term is only to run out Jeff Sessions remaining term.
By #543863 27,Dec,17 14:20
The scummy dems had to go on in to win this one... the cheating and lies will everywhere...

Gloria Allred should be disbarred...

GOP did a shit job of finding a good candidate then fought with themselves...
By #482237 07,Jan,18 17:39
Why scummy??? Because they don't support your politics?? this country is fairly evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Most, on both parties are decent people. It's not right to paint them with a broad brush. If you have a complaint about one, address it to him or her
By #543863 27,Dec,17 14:03
where the fuck is Alabama??
By phart [Ignore] 29,Dec,17 18:16 other posts 
it is down in the southern US.
Never been there. Looks nice on tv.
--------------------------------------- added after 671 hours

I am surprised you all aint jumped all over this shit about the porn star that has the "Make America Horny Again" campaign going. only registered users can see external links

1 of Trumps lawyers is said to have set up a corporation, paid her 130,000+ dollars to be quite about her "encounter" with Mr Trump and now she took the money and is STILL Blabbing about it.
Now Let's look at this a moment.To keep the liberals awake during the conversation we will assume Trump banged her like a bass drum .
She signed a agreement to SHUT UP about it for 130,000$.
She is now in violation of a contract.
Now as a American,I know that if I sign a contract and I violate it,I am supposed to be held accountable,perhaps fined,sued,whatever. So hopefully Trumps lawyers will go after her and clean her clock.
Face it,If she is willing to sign her name to a contract and willfully violate it, she is obviously dishonest. So why in the hell should we believe her about the sex with Trump? Hell he is 70 now anyhow, He was just bragging about taking aspirin yesterday, are we sure he can do much more than grab at his age?

By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Dec,17 15:34 other posts 
The Orange Overlord has declared that, thanks to him, it is now "safe" to say Merry Christmas again!

Remember, he is also the guy who made it "safe" to say "grab 'em by the pussy", so...there is that.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Dec,17 17:56 other posts 
Would you rather he said "grab them by the dick"?

Neither is a real issue as all this was before he became president and apparently the gals liked it or they would be spewing and whining on tv about it.

By the way, I hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

By #460385 14,Dec,17 22:32
All I know is, it's bullshit that I'm going to have to pay for Google' now. How the fuck will I function?
By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Dec,17 01:22 other posts 
Google it.
By #543863 27,Dec,17 14:03
what you talkin about Willis??

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 19:18 other posts 
Q1: Why does Trump (and the US administration) like Saudi Arabia so much?

Q2: Did Trump actually know, a year or two ago, where Saudi Arabia is?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 14:15 other posts 
Q1: Why does Trump (and the US administration) like the state of Israel so much?

Q2: Did Trump actually know, a year or two ago, where Israel is?
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 22:23 other posts 
I think the eventual goal of stability of Israel would be so it can set a example for other country's to follow.
It is also mentioned in the Bible supporting Israel is the right thing to do.Although they don't act like it most of the time,most of the US government members claim to be Christian.
So they are working towards the goals they were taught are right and also those of the majority of their constituents, representing their people in other words.
Trump knows alot more than he lets on.The fact his enemy's think he is a dumbass is just another of his tools to get things done the way he wants..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Dec,17 12:45 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,17 22:33 other posts 
And I suppose you must know the "facts" right?

None of us do, all we can do is think for ourselves and theorize.
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 18:07 other posts 
There certainly is a lot of the Trump derangement syndrome out there. I can see why because he is dismantling the socialist agenda like he was elected to do. If I were a socialist and for 8 years we made more progress than in the last 50 years only to see it all fall apart , I would be out of my mind too.
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 18:28 other posts 
Sadly this is the supposed orgin of the human species, which makes this region really old, and they still aren't anymore advanced then some third world country's.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 11:48 other posts 
I believe this was one of his campaign pledges. i don't imagine that it had anything to do with the heritage of any of the big financial donors to his campaign.
There are many more ethnic/cultural and race lobbies in the U.S than almost anywhere else.
So often U.S decisions are made to please/appease a particular lobby group.
Money is a very powerful persuader.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 13:56 other posts 
You know,sadly you are right about the money.It don't matter what side of the fence you are on,money moves mountains.
But you know I got to thinking about it. Since we are all aware the media has a real problem with sharing the truth about anything but they love to spread profitable rumors, we don't really know what Trump or anyone else knows. We only know what the media tells us they know.
By onthelose [Ignore] 23,Dec,17 17:53 other posts 
Yes he did I am sure. Why do you like the Arab states so much??? Are the Jews out there killing hundreds of their own people at a time because they are Shiites or Sunnis.

By #482237 21,Dec,17 12:50
/private_chat.php?w=543863 whistle keeps ragging me,,,is he right in the head??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Dec,17 14:13 other posts 
Don't post links to private chats. They WON'T appear in public. That's why they're private.

You may, and can, copy and paste content. But not links. Me entiendes?
By #482237 21,Dec,17 14:18
yes, Daddy,,

By #485312 05,Nov,17 21:49
wow, cant even go to church in a small country town and not get mowed down like ducks on a shooting range, l guess that goes to prove, you really do love guns in America and the saying, 'let god sort them out', well god didn't help those poor suckers and neither did the gun toting masses or the laxed laws.. again, natural selections finest work, let the guns do the talking and paramedics do the walking.. you think after the Sunnyvale school incident, that gun laws would be tightened, but since the country believes in baring arms, this is the consequence of the seeds you sow...god bless America, because you certainly need something over there.. and just wait till those thousands of sleeper terrorists get going, the fun hasn't even begun yet... theres plenty more to come *lix*
By Rob00 [Ignore] 05,Nov,17 22:00 other posts 
Well said, my friend
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Nov,17 07:49 other posts 
We know, because we have been told by no less than the President, and of course by many others, than gun ownership is not the problem.

The majority of 'gun massacres' in the US are totally unrelated to terrorism.

I accept that many countries do have the occasional mass killing, often involving guns. Hungerford and Dublane in the UK come to mind and of course Anders Brevik in Norway. These are rare and very unusual though.

In the US these types of event are common and all too frequent.

So here is my question if it is not gun ownership what is it about American society or the American psyche that leads people to commit these atrocities on a very frequent and regular basis?
By #435701 04,Dec,17 14:26
Wouldn't be just us 'Muricahns' (John Wayne drawl) that commit these atrocities if every country in the World had our stupidly easy access to guns...We can get guns of all types. Anywhere, anytime you want a gun, come to America! We have em! Guns, guns, guns every frickin' where! All in a supposedly moral and ethical country. Where there are around 30,000 gun deaths per year...Here's my point. If the UK, Europe, etc...hell EVEN Russian citizenry...had the totally easy access to guns we Muricahns have, you would not be asking if it's just American Society or our psyche that is the blame for these totally fucked up mass shootings/atrocities.Because gun deaths would be as rampant in your country/countries as it is here in 'Muricha the Beautiful'...Humanity has NEVER evolved beyond ****. I use the World situation as proof that has not happened...Wars, killings, murders, beheadings posted on social media and in the news just prove we 'humans' have never gotten over our animalistic and violent instincts. Guns just make it stupidly EASY to kill another human with just a trigger pull when one is in a blind rage...apparently that happens quite often no matter where one lives on this planet...funny thing. I am a gun owner. Simply because I live in Muricah among lots of crazy people with guns! How fucked up is THAT?
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V I O L E N C E...Censorship @ it's best.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Nov,17 07:51 other posts 
You're talking about this, right?
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It's not the first time, in Texas shooting in churches has happened before:
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As well-known, the law allowed people to carry guns and many people do. But it's not enough. Church-goers should be, by law, not permitted in church unless they carry a gun and know how to use it. Not concealed, of course. Those who cannot afford to buy a gun should be given one by the church upon entrance.
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The Sunday prayer should be replaced by the following hymn:

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GOD made the an1mals, GOD made the trees
GOD made you and hell he even made me
He gave me this voice so I could be a singer
So you tell me why I've got a trigger finger
I like GUNS I like the way they look
I like the shining steel and the polished wood
I don't care if they're big or small
If they're for sale - hell I wanna them all
I like GUNS, I like GUNS, I like GUNS

Try to sing it, it's catchy.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,17 09:42 other posts 
Terrible tragedy,and once again,leave it to the anti-gunners folks,blame it on the guns. Well,what you seem to leave out,is a neighbor to the church WITH A GUN,stopped the mess from getting worse. I wonder if he had went with a ball bat if he coulda stopped the guy? It is the fucking IDIOTS AND criminals holding the guns that are killing!
the shooter was wearing all black and supported the anti-fa movement,all part of their little civil war. Well this particular asshole got his just deserts,bleeding to death.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Nov,17 15:56 other posts 
You're probably right. You have a point.

However, why does this not happen in other countries as much?
By #485312 06,Nov,17 18:52
they say in Texas, everyone walks on egg shells, wondering if the next 'maniac' is just around the corner, as more Texans have guns than any other state, you don't need a mental condition to shoot people, you might just have a bad day, have the shits like this idiot had, h@ted his mother in law, as most men do, and had a blue with her that morning, gee, lets blame the phone company for the nasty texting he and her made that morning, or technology for transporting the message, or the schools for not teaching phone and text etiquette, or the parents for not teaching him self control or society for being dicks and voting for this kind of shit to keep happening... l really don't care what the reason is, if he didn't have such easy access to weapons, Joe Blow wouldn't have one and might have used his mouth instead of bullets to let her know how he felt, and as for the dude shooting him, well and good, but he would have run out of bullets at some point, that just saved the tax payers a long and drawn out court case and the subsequent prison bill he would incur for life in jail. the saying here for this kind of incident, is 'you cant educate idiots' ... they'll always have an excuse to keep guns and as usual, the gun sales go through the roof after these incidents and we can only expect more dead in the future .. sow them seeds and reap the rewards America *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Nov,17 06:30 other posts 
Texas is the only state where students bring guns in classes.

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Some of them protested by bringing sex toys instead

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By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Nov,17 09:59 other posts 
I've heard about the sex toy thing. A great idea but most people think it's wrong.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Nov,17 17:23 other posts 
Well, sure, but at least it's not dangerous. Bringing a gun in class is more wrong and dangerous. Bringing a dildo in class it's only (for some) wrong but not dangerous. That's the point of the protesters. But the NDA is not as strong as the NRA.

(NDA = National Dildo Association)
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Nov,17 21:47 other posts 
Dildos don't fuck people, people fuck people.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Nov,17 22:10 other posts 
And people fuck themselves! The dildo is just a tool.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Nov,17 07:54 other posts 
Hey, how about a double tool? A dildo with a gun, dual usage.
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(Disclaimer: this was supposed to be a joke.)
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Hm.... maybe not a good idea: only registered users can see external links There are idiots out there...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Nov,17 07:53 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Nov,17 09:06 other posts 
Because your country has taken all your rights away you people walk around like puppets on a string you do what they say when they say your not free at all
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,17 09:31 other posts 
As Americans our string is just a bit longer is all. But as least most of us have a fighting chance thanks to the very tools some want to away from us.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,17 10:20 other posts 
You are partially right with what you say. "My" country (although you don't really know which one it is, and neither do I) has, indeed, been restricting people more and more. What is happening nowadays, is the end of nation-states as we know them. It's the rise of globalized corporation control. Being a German, for example, will, sooner or later, be an illusion. Working for BMW is what would identify a person. The identification will be controlled and monitored. You and I discussing our rights, or not, as citizens of country A or B makes those in power (and these are not the obvious ones, like Trump or Merkel or Macron, they are all puppets) laugh. In fact, they laugh at us at this very moment. Our data are being shared, analyzed and classified.

So, everyone is walking around like a puppet on a string. Even in the US, people have no say about what's going to be decided by the government. Likewise in Europe. And Asia. And so on. There's no such thing as freedom. Jefferson would not recognize your country as his country today.

The dildo vs gun thing above was, of course, supposed to be a joke. I'm very sarcastic and cynical and will continue to be so, because one should never believe, trust or rely on anything.

Now, the thing is we should stop killing ourselves. Think why ownership of guns is so much encouraged. The most fundamental reason is that some people make (a lot of) money from gun sales. And if those guns are used to kill some who cares, they think. Keep the money rolling.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Nov,17 13:47 other posts 
I live out in the sticks far enough we're I don't care what my government is doing or any one else's its my laws apply out here
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,17 14:42 other posts 
Fair enough. You're free. The majority of people, including me, aren't.
By #435701 04,Dec,17 15:31
God all frickin' mighty!...Ya know. I like you leopoldij...but REALLY? Guns in church???...keep in mind I am saying this as a complete atheist...but EVEN I know a truly Christian God would not like what you have just espoused. What happened to the 10 Commandments that practically NOBODY on this ENTIRE planet lives by?...Catchy poem. I like it. And guns are PRETTY. I even own one. It's extremely pretty in such a deadly, cool way...but god did NOT give you (or me) a trigger finger as there WERE no guns when the fable of Adam n Eve was written...Really. Think about what you are saying. Your God wants ****? And he loves America over OTHER countries on the planet he created? When the 'Bibble' was written 2,000 years ago by men with many human frailties, the current countries on the face of this planet did NOT exist...Ever see that picture one of the Voyager spacecraft took of Earth from billions of miles away? Our planet was caught in a sunbeam of light and Carl Sagan called us a 'mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.'...Your god created the Universe. Do you REALLY think he has time for our trivial **** with our guns during our infinitesimally SHORT lives?...Or that we carry guns in his churches?...Actually if he existed, he would NOT give one goddamn...If he really cared at all about our tiny planet...why does he let all the absolutely horrible things happen to us humans? And don't go into 'Hey Zues' (jesus) and how he 'saved' us all from our (future) sins.
You're a smart guy. Think just a little before saying and posting this drivel...
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Again...V I O L E N C E
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,17 19:33 other posts 
It is quite common now that alot churches have designated people with concealed carry permits sitting near doors and such. Alot of preachers now have concealed carry.It is just the way it will have to be in the future to protect the peoples freedom of religion from the terrorist and assholes. And I am sorry but the asshole that shot up this church is or was a terrorist. He terrorized people. Calling it anything else is naive at best.
If you think the earth is a spec of dust,what are we? Amoeba's on the spec of dust? Just because we are a spec in the big scheme of things we are just supposed to sit around on our hands and wait for a terrorist or asshole to come shoot,rob,r@pe us or whatever? wrong,not this amoeba.
By #482237 13,Dec,17 09:25
I **** guns,,,i was always afraid of an accident. I grew up in a family where the men all owned guns from puberty up. I know all the arguments for gun ownership. Cars don't do hit and runs, people do,,,,and guns don't kill, people do. Having said that, i'm thinking of getting a gun for protection. I can't believe it's gotten to this point, but, unless a courageous person with a fire arm intervenes, my life is not worth spit in these crazy shootings.
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why can't i write H A T E and have it show up on my text??

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