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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By phart [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 10:32 other posts 
Only in california,the state of fruits and nuts, do they build SKY Scrapers on top of landfills.
Read about the Leaning tower of San Fran!
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Don't they also have earth quakes out there??
By sherryann [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 11:18 other posts 
After entering high rises for a lifetime, I never go in those buildings anymore unless I absolutely have to.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 17:58 other posts 
29 inches, is not far from a YARD, think about that, a building,way up in the air,leaning over,that could strike other buildings,fall on people, and folks go in and out of it like a beehive.
Get the fuck out! and STAY OUT so no one has to risk their lives to save you.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Jun,23 08:02 other posts 
Near my place they constructed a housing complex on top of the old sand quarry I can’t wait to see what those houses look like 10 years from now don’t they know sand moves over time
I’m picturing houses falling into sink holes
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,23 09:19 other posts 
Yep,it will be a mess. I know not to many miles from me, mine shafts from the 1800's were giving way under new homes and making for a real mess to
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Jun,23 09:45 other posts 
When will they ever learn

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 22:22 other posts 
For anyone who has considered donating their body to science. This should make you twice.....

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By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 08:11 other posts 
A question for our Florida fisherman
My Sunday morning ritual is watching fishing shows and a guy named guy Harvey is attaching gps units on already endangered species like swordfish and sailfish to track their movements i can see tracking sharks 🦈 because we want to know where they are but don’t it piss You fisherman off when they broadcast your favorite fishing spots I know I wouldn’t want them broadcasting my favorite bass holes
By #610414 11,Jun,23 08:53
Auto-correct acting up? It’s ass hole not bass hole. 🤣🤣😈
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I believe (last time I went fishing for sword fish was with my Dad) that they are deep sea fish and are in open waters.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 12:19 other posts 
I’m a fresh water fisherman myself
By #610414 11,Jun,23 12:24
We are not talking about the tub at the fair with the plastic fish and the magnet fishing pole. 🤣
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 17:56 other posts 
My fishing consist of laying 9 bucks on the counter at Caption D's.
By #610414 11,Jun,23 18:54

By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Jun,23 22:05 other posts 
boy4dad started a photo contest called “Cute smooth boys wanting it”.
I entered a photo on June 6. Today, June 9th, I got a message from him saying
“Girls underwear, we want boys” and he deleted my photo! The contest started shortly after he deleted my photo. It said nothing about what the contestants had to wear, if anything.

By #610414 10,Jun,23 09:14
His loss. I saw that contest and when I saw “boys” I thought the wrong thing. You are in the top 5,,,well, 7, with me.
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 09:27 other posts 
It’s just poor sportsmanship and that’s why I’m pissed off.
By #610414 10,Jun,23 09:29
I agree. This is a little over the top, but, why don’t you start an identical contest?
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 10:00 other posts 
I voted. Against his photo of him lying on his side with the soles of his feet showing. 👍
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 18:18 other posts 
I would be cheesed, too. Did you try sending a PM to tjr member requesting further clarification?
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 20:29 other posts 
No. He’s a dick and we both know it.
He did it because I had a better photo than his.
By #610414 10,Jun,23 19:14
Kebmo, quick question. Why are some pics in the photo contests blured out?
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 20:30 other posts 
I don’t know. Filters?
By #610414 10,Jun,23 20:39

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 17:03 other posts 
I saw an ad for Hellman's VEGAN Mayonnaise. Isn't mayonnaise already vegan?

This reminds me of a couple of my friends (they are sister) who do quite a bit of ordering from TEMU. If you are not familiar with TEMU, it's online ordering and all the CRAP comes from China. I recently visited with the younger sister who received a large order from TEMU. She was so excited because this delivery included leather messenger bags, a number of sterling silver neck chains as well as other items. She seemed to be really excited about the messenger bags (a style of purse) and when she showed me, the bags were clearly vinyl. I mentioned that I noticed Amazon sold a number of items that are advertised as leather, however in the product description, the description then states leather PU or VEGAN leather which should alert the potential buyer that the item is not leather derived from the hide of an animal. Heck, I bought these super cool, rather expensive turquoise Skeecher sneakers that were labeled VEGAN leather. 100% vinyl! And as for her sterling silver neck chains, even though there was a tag reflecting 925, which should indicate that the chain is 92.5% pure/fine silver, there should be NO WAY that my magnetized phone case should have "grabbed" it as I tried to take a picture of the little disk attached at the clasp. My guess is that the only thing 925 about her chains was the disk alone.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 17:47 other posts 
I think vegan goes totally animalless, if that is a word.
Vegan's don't drink milk,eat eggs, hell,I don't know what they eat besides dirt!And if it aint DUKES,it aint mayo
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:16 other posts 
And you know, you are correct, I got screwed up between vegans and vegetarians. DUMB ME! Of course, vegans do not eat anything sourced from animals so what is in this darn mayonnaise and does it even taste like mayonnaise?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 18:17 other posts 
I thought vegan was a black thing like soul food and I know they call there style of simulated leather pleather I seen the commercial
The back of my legs sticking to the pleather
By #610414 06,Jun,23 18:44
Mayo is a mixture of eggs and oil. You can make it fresh at home.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 19:34 other posts 
I make my own cocktail sauce but I’m not telling what my secret ingredient is
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:17
Are you another Leo?😖
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 04:38 other posts 
Oh that’s gross 🤮
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:26 other posts 
Cocktail sauce is merely a mixture of ketchup and horseradish. Maybe if you add a secret ingredient it is Worcestershire sauce or red pepper flakes. Heck, maybe BOTH!
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 04:39 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 05:35 other posts 
Which is it? The Worcestershire sauce or red pepper flakes OR do you do both?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 06:24 other posts 
Worcestershire and a couple drops of scorn women hot sauce
Hell has no furry like a scorn woman that is their jingle for their advertising
By #681164 07,Jun,23 12:44
That must be some HOT sauce
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 14:35 other posts 
Just a couple drops is all you need
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:23 other posts 
Yes, mayonnaise is a mixture of oil and eggs but if eggs are omitted what product is substituted to create the vegan mayonnaise option?
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:37
I don't know nor do I want to. It's bad enough that the oil used may not be real oil. My daughter and grandson are vegans. Some of the stuff they eat, well, lets say I'm sorry for my son-in-law.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 11:31 other posts 
It could be motor oil
By #681164 07,Jun,23 12:50
That is true. The poor guy is too nice. I would approve if he kicked my daughter's ass. We go out for lunch occasionally and he stuffs his face with Burger King specials.
By admin [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 14:39 other posts 
You can make a mayo substitite with a bunch of products. Personally when making it home I do not use eggs, I use milk. Not that I do not like eggs, but when raw they add a small risk of bacterial infection, and also I often need less sause than comes out of 1 egg, with milk I can get exact amount I need and do not bother with storing leftovers. I'm no vegan, indeed.

Vegans can use oil, plain water and lecitine which is sold in powder, and whatever flavour addition they like (lemon or vinegar, mustard, etc). If you are lazy to look for powdered lecitine you can use soy milk or the liquid from canned peas, but I'm not sure about proportions, I saw youtube videos of people making it, but never used these myself.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 15:17 other posts 
Thank you for your input and "tip". Does the recipe you use call for whole milk, buttermilk OR can you substitute 1% or 2% milk? Question though, do you only make the quantity you will be using at that time or is there extra. If there is extra, what is the average shelf life?
By admin [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 16:57 other posts 
The milk is needed because it contains natural emulsifiers and it's impossible to make oil-water emulsion without some kind of emulsifier, that's why you need either eggs, milk or lecithin. I think it should work with any kind of milk, but I use whole milk just because I don't buy any other kind of milk.

I make exactly the amount I need so that I don't have to store it. I would not count for it to last more than couple of days in a fridge. It will not spoil just in 2 days indeed, but it may loose proper consistency. Industrial mayonnaise contain stabilizers that's why it lasts long.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 17:39 other posts 
Thank you for your response! 👍
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 20:58 other posts 
Corn starch instead of eggs.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 06:32 other posts 
Thank you, kebmo.

So phart's assumption was correct when he posted the following; "maize I always thought was the Indians name for corn. so to me,it is corn starch."

From time to time, I've heard corn referred to as "maize" but why not just call corn starch by the name that most folks are familiar with, CORN STARCH? Hey, you live in a foreign country, in Canada is corn starch referred to as maize starch?
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 09:29 other posts 
Corn starch is used in a lot of vegan recipes as a thickener. It’s also used in medicine because it is hypoallergenic. It is also used on latex gloves to prevent decay and it makes it easier to put the gloves on.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 10:00 other posts 
Thanks but you didn't answer my question, do our neighbors to our north refer to corn starch as maize starch.

As a thickening agent, yes, corn starch is used in gravies and sauces. I prefer gravy thickened with flour. Rue is typically made with butter and flour, can it be made with corn starch and butter?
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 10:21 other posts 
Oh yeah, you were talking about foreign countries but I don’t live in a foreign country, you do! 🤪 It is called corn starch here.
I have never heard of a corn starch/butter mixture. I have always used water but I suppose butter would be OK.
By #610414 08,Jun,23 12:02
🤣🤣foreign country indeed.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 15:21 other posts 
My apologies, I'm surprised that you knew what I was asking about since I misspelled ROUX. I always thought roux was made with a fat and flour.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:23 other posts 
Really Cat? I will have to look that up because I have a source for free range eggs!
Um Bella, they may be growing eggs in labs! Synthetic eggs!
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:27 other posts 
Synthetic eggs? PUKE! PUKE! PUKE!
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 11:33 other posts 
Ever eat them egg beaters eggs before
They taste like dog snot
By #681164 07,Jun,23 12:46
Am I right in thinking you have tasted dog snot?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 18:02 other posts 
No but I can just imagine it’s horrible
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 17:41 other posts 
I've never tried Egg Beaters and based on your post, I am NOT INCLINED TO TRY!
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 18:03 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,23 09:04 other posts 
The egg beaters cost more in the restaurant to. I never tried them and don't intend to.
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:38
My dad used to make it in minutes. The taste in sandwiches is out of this world.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:33 other posts 
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Thanks! only thing,I don't have a food processor.
But I guess I could get 1.
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:40
You don't need one you can use a bowl and a little elbow grease.
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My dad used to put a little bit of lime juice and a hair of YELLOW mustard.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:42 other posts 
Um,Yea, I need elbow grease for the bursitis!
I will have to try this! I just bought a quart of Dukes for the camping trip next month but I will make some for the weekend.
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:48
You might also hardvboil some eggs, cut them in half the long way, take the hard yolk and mash it down. Mix some mayo, yellow mustard and paprika. Mix into a paste and scoop it back onto the egg whites. Sprinkle more paprika on top. They are the tastiest Deviled Eggs.
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By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 04:35 other posts 
Add a little sugar to that mixture and they are even better
By #610414 07,Jun,23 09:19
I'll try that this weekend.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 06:31 other posts 
phart I just looked at grandma mayo recipe and she has a notation with the recipe that says once you try homemade mayo you will never use store bought again now it only has a shelf life of one week because it doesn’t have the preservatives store bought has but that’s why it tastes so much better
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,23 13:48 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:28 other posts 
The vegan version of Hellman's Mayo has all of the same ingredients as the standard version apart from… the egg! They have replaced this with modified maize starch. This is basically corn flour that has been modified in some way to change its properties. One of its uses, as in this case, is as a thickener and binder.Oct 7, 2021

I had to google it,i am sorry, My curiously just got the better of me.Corn starch!
By #610414 06,Jun,23 21:49
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 21:50 other posts 
And currentky, what is modified maize starch in? Sounds like something that 5 years down the road, doctors are going to tell you that it causes cancer.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jun,23 22:14 other posts 
maize I always thought was the Indians name for corn. so to me,it is corn starch. All I know is, they can keep my part of it.
By #610414 08,Jun,23 12:12
Farmers grow maize, however they sell it to various other places as corn, especially when it will be used as food. Just remember that while not all corn is maize, all maize is technically corn!
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I just learned that.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jun,23 19:10 other posts 

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