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And the kicker, they befriended each other. She wants to be so much like me, ie my friends to be her friends, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if she verified the profile, too. Be careful, Daddy, she's a bonafide wack-job!
Verified status mean this member is verified by several other members as being honestly who [s]he claims to be. Member ***** is not yet verified, which means [s]he may be fake and not who [s]he claims to be. Verification by other members is not necessary! It's voluntary. It's not the same as uploader age verification required by the industry regulations.
My takeaway from the above is that the "owner" of the profile is who he, she or they represent themselves to be. Now for me, I take it a step further and will be the first person to say that I choose not to verify members that don't have a "track record". What I mean by that is, I want to see that the member is here for a period of 60 to 90 days, that they are active in commenting on pictures, blogs and/or posting in the forum as well as their Activity Meter to observe their interaction with other members. Basically what I'm trying to express is that I want the members that I verify to be engaged and active within the site.
Now with regard to this member, my guess is that some members may have voiced their concern(s) to you regarding a verified profile that features a life-size, lifelike, premium quality, silicone "doll" that is anatomically correct and if not, I will be happy to bring you up to speed. Anyway to make a long story short.....the former member's returned and brought with him a doll and this doll is his thing. His SYC bio is not deceptive and clearly states he is a male, 52 years old, bisexual, interested in both men and women, claims to be living in Australia and speaks 💕Doll & Princess.
Now here's where some members get all butt-hurt, the profile was created on July 22, 2022 and is now VERIFIED by me as well as 5 other members. The returning member caught a good deal of flack and has been blacklisted by members because the pictures are of a life-size, lifelike doll and not that of a real human. With that I made the conscious decision to verify his profile hoping this would hopefully alert the illiterate members in recognizing he is the real deal and that there has been no deception in who he is OR what he's presenting.
Apparently, the age of the profile coupled with the gallery content and verification status has some numb nuts in an uproar! I would like to hear it straight from you whether you have any concerns or reservations regarding a profile of this nature and that 6 members have verified it. Thank you.
So, to all you of you skeptics and haters, in your mind, this may have appeared to be a relatively new profile, too bad you didn't consider this to be a returning member, which he was. To all of you skeptics and haters "Bella" didn't verify a "plastic cunt", she verified the man, not the doll. Haters are gonna hate.
And I will finish this by saying that if anyone has something to say to me or about me, a least have the balls to bring it to me, my page. When you don't, it just shows what a weak pussy you are. You know who all you weak pussies are and if you don't, just ask, I will be happy to put you on blast!
Daddy & Blair
Give the tech another 10 years, Maby
But if you into only a "yes" girl and not 1 that is challenging or interesting, then well, ok.
Thankyou for your interest in my/our profile.
I am happily married, my wife has gone off the boil, so to speak since change of like has taken over. We had a full productive sex life & were avid swingers as well, so although her sex drive has dropped, mine hasn't, we explored a few options & decided the doll was the best option, to, I guess, fill in the gaps.
All of my life I used to go out in the community for work, so received companionship there. In the last few years or so I am stuck at home working on a computer, isolated from the rest of the world. So the doll spends most of her time sitting with me & offers companionship, although she doesn't say much, I chat to her a bit & looking at her you do have the sense of someone being with you, although, like I say, she doesn't say much 🤭
Cheers Daddy
Bella, a plastic doll is a bit different than a 1969 baracuda in the garage or a couple extra pair of shoes.
We understand that men have toys like old cars, guns, boats,etc.
a doll is something a younger person is typically known for having instead of a adult.
in modern times We are bombarded every day with people doing strange and different things and we are told to accept it ,get over it, and etc as if you having questions, you are the problem.
Instead of hating and stigmatizing, it shouldn't be a issue for someone to ask WHY?A simple WHY may be all it takes to prevent alot of arguing, hatred and what not.
Once people understand, perhaps it will result in less anger,hate and etc.
If someone likes to be the butt of jokes or hated or etc, then don't explain anything just keep on being different and keep on being hated,resented,whatever.
I didn't realize it would be so hard to understand.
Really thank you all for your support. Bella has been quite instrumental in giving me advice in how to manage this profile, which has been extremally helpful, especially the main thing is settling down into the artistic category (which now my ban is lifted all the content has been moved into there), which makes total sense, coming out against the human females, that are here, despite the many fakes, there are quite a few real human females that are battling along with their content & for Blair to battle along against them, well in a large format, I get it not really fair, so it was probably a mix of those ladies & the haters that put Blair in the sin bin for 10 days without being able to categorize, I get that & aim to only have one image land on the main wall at a time but still chillen atm.
As far as myself filming & or photographing myself with Blair, there is many comments left about that subject. For clean up purposes spending time with her in that way wouldn't look so good on film, the use of female condoms sort of detracts from how good it looks on film (its for the cleanup mess 🤭 ) , but something I am thinking about for in future filming with or without the condom, I do get a lot of feed back PM about how to use the doll so filming the use with the doll, condom or not could be beneficial for her fans, I do have content of myself from the past but if I am going to include content of myself in this profile, I wish it to be fresh content with Blair.
Over all the profile has attracted a like 95% positive response from members here which is really encouraging that most of the humans are happy to be involved with something new, cause after all such realistic artificial replicas of humans are only 10 years old at best.
The haters, well unfortunately I have decided to hit the blacklist button, I did wish to keep the black list to be empty on this profile, but I don't deal with, well fuckheads that well so I decided that hitting the button is my best option.
As I say thank you all soooo much for your support,
I wasn't suggesting that you and Blair be in the same picture, my thought was to upload an occasional picture of your cock to keep your profile balanced.
I won't hinder you in your endeavors either.
Regarding you, I have to say as much as you try and project yourself as being the site matriarch if people don’t agree with you can become a nasty foul-mouthed bitch. It’s your way or the highway and I suspect you’re the type of person that would never admit to a mistake. Those types of people have few friends and I think this site is your best friend so with that I say I hope our paths never cross again and go fuck yourself. Oh, and as we know you always have to have the last word so go ahead but please be brief.
As far as you or anyone saying that I project myself to be the "matriarch" of the site, not true. Some folks have referred to me as "the matriarch" but I assure you I am just a woman that has an opinion and I will not be railroaded or run over. Furthermore, I think you have me confused me with another SYC member with regard to being "a nasty foul-mouthed bitch". I feel that I have the ability to convey my thoughts without being "foul-mouthed" and if you feel that to be "nasty or bitch-like", that's on you or whoever.
As for our paths crossing, it is inevitable they will cross as long as you make the choice to post here and you and most everyone is free to do so. Please feel free to post whenever you like.
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It's weird, when I click on recent contest winners it takes me to the free theme image winners
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Freddy, I'm going to the wax museum and I'm getting them to make a real live Cody doll for you,,, now will you like that
Anyway I thought with my proposed truce we weren't going to say nasty stuff about each other so maybe chill out a little don't you think maybe 🤷♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds
I'm disappointed bloke to be honest 😢
And maybe you didn't notice my post directed to Freddy OR perhaps you made the choice to ignore what I've written but in any event, I have no problem in saying this again, I verified the man, not the doll.
By the way, I find it odd that you choose to post your veiled comment within this series of posts rather than attaching it to admin 's response to me about a man who identifies himself as a male presenting pictures of his companion doll.
Exactly what are you butt hurt about?
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