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If you and the other imbecile aren't clear regarding admin's guidelines, admin does not mind whether members post an occasional internet picture as long as THEY DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP! So to wrap this up neatly and tie it with a bow for you FUCKTARDS, when gsxgaz1000 titled the picture "mrs ass", he was claiming "ownership". BOOM!
“You all need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.,” Fetterman said on “The Late Show.”
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I will give credit where it is due on this 1,he is telling the truth, Pencilvaineya did NOT send their smartest to congress.
we voted conservative and the dope head idiots getting free college ,legal drugs and etc voted for their meal tickets.
Now on the other hand we can both say with some level of clear conscience that YOU sent some dumb ass's to washington because we know you claim to support biden
I know, you meant divided.
I am disappointed the country is divided but there is just to much wrong and to much has gone the wrong way.
to 125 000 people that is a average of 72,000 dollars per person.
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why should we shoulder the loss? why do these people get away with not paying their bills they created knowingly and willingly?
A google search indicates for sure that tax payers shoulder these loss's.
'Who pays for student debt forgiveness?
Who Pays for the Student Loan Forgiveness Program? | MoneyLion
Who shoulders the financial responsibility for student loan debt cancellation? Canceling federal student loans will cost the government money that comes in part from taxpayer dollars."
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The way i look at it, if you don't make your house payments, you loose your don't make your car payments, you have to get some new shoes and start walking.
It should be that if your college debt is forgiven you forfeit your college credentials and no longer be able to use them to qualify for jobs or promotions. Employers that hired you because of that college degree should be able to fire you simply because you did not pay for your education.
There should be swift and decisive penalties for not fulfilling the obligations you knowingly signed a contract to fulfill.
Any thing strike you as coincidental
Hmmm Obama 10 years ago
Biden now
The economy is slowing down. My neighbor, usually wakes me up every morning winding his Peterbuilt up in each gear towing a backhoe or dozer to clear small housing lots, 2 weeks since that equipment was brought home and parked, nothing to do.
Oil and gas have dropped alot, 2.20 a gallon wholesale, still 3.49 at the pump.
friday nights, usually the road is hot with traffic, folks going out to eat and such, the last 3 weeks, hardly any traffic. Something is happening,and it aint good.
Covid is no longer a issue any different than flu or pneumonia.
Now in reality take 10 percent of that 1 million and that’s the real number 100000 of sickly and severely old people that didn’t have long to live anyway
Another man died of cancer ,autopsy proved it, but it was wrote down as covid because the hospital got money for that.
Maybe it’s time to wake up that what right wing know-it-alls call the fake Covid pandemic, also known as the Wuhan pandemic, really wasn’t a pandemic, but, a plot by Putin to decimate human old people.
But, wait, if it wasn’t a real pandemic, why do we blame the Chinese? And why did we use masks for several years and closed all businesses and schools? Shouldn’t we have continued as if all was normal and really assured ourselves that we would reach that 1,000,000 victims mark and even more?
And when I think about all that hooey about a “vaccine”? Why, honey child, I wonder why we even tried? Well, it’s a well known fact that the government has been trying to get rid of us using carcinogens to produce lethal cancers. Who wants a cure when with a little pain and some morphine we can all waste away.
It’s a good thing I took a crap this morning because, reading your posts, I would have crapped my panties from the laughter.
Hey, Phart, did you know I know someone that………… (fill in the blank). Hey, Dgraff, that rarefied mountain air got to your brain.
GO BIDEN 2024. GO HARRIS 2024. 🤣😈
Guess what I never wore a mask
I went on about my business as always
I didn’t bother to get a shot
And I’m still here standing strong
And I don’t have to worry about getting cancer due to the shot so to me the whole plandemic never happened
I don’t even know of anyone who died from it
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GO TRUMP 2024 let’s break Biden’s hump
You are not wrong ,neither am I, we were both lied to by our sorry ass government.
Similar to dgraff,i never went and took the shot,the only shot I know of i have taken in the past 5 years was a tetanus shot after a accident with a grinder.
I seldom wore a mask,i ate at the 1 place in town that didn't enforce the mask mandate, sat at the next table over from all the local police and emt's that weren't wearing mask either.
We all didn't die.
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Who knows maybe they will find out it cures high blood pressure or hypertension
the uv thing, companys made good money selling machines and robots to rove around and shine uv on surfaces to kill the virus.Trump was right about that 1
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What you do is; have an opinion and then fabricate fake data to match it.
It takes only seconds to fact check you and show you are wrong.
At least phart finds actual fake data from others and presents it here.
He lets Fox'News' and others make up the fake data. At least he has a middleman.
What I do is look at the world and statistics and than form an opinion, based on that.
Try it sometimes, it will make you less wrong, all the time.
However, there are no neutral observers and you are one of the least neutral observers. Observing life around you could just provide you some insight
on that small part of the world. It provides no insight on cause and effect.
You have a massive confirmation bias. You see what you want to see.
When Trump was in office, you see everything good happening as something he did and you either reject everything bad happening or just write it off as not his fault. When he bungled up a global pandemic, so more than a million people died and many people suffered from the economic turmoil, you will even blame the Democrats, rather than the president.
When Biden is in office, you deny everything good that's happening and just write it off as the world recovering from a crisis, but every problem that is still associated with the global crisis and the war, that is his fault. And when Republicans threaten to shut down the government, which would cause massive damage, you would either praise them for destroying the government or blame the Democrats.
You are not just looking around and looking in your wallet,
or you should come to the conclusion that Trump was a disaster.
What you see there now is obviously better than in 2020.
You are saying that would convert you. At least you understand that.
I am asking you to look at the whole picture and not assume anything
just because it's what your bias tells you.
Now you know that in 2022 the number of non-business bankruptcy cases was the lowest in 22 years, does that tell you something?
Now you know that inflation is back to 0.2 in September, does that tell you something?
Is the world perfect now? No, absolutely not, but that's not Biden's fault.
But he handles problems way better than Trump did.
I just don't like how people like you facilitate the election of a jerk like Trump when the reasons you use for doing so are, at least, false, and at most, treasonable.
My reasons for a Biden don't hurt other people and I don't have to feel ashamed of having a leader like Trump. The biggest kind of fool is the one that knows he's a fool and double downs on his foolishness.
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And don’t give it to the fucking illegal immigrants either
Start in the white section and go from there
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Across both experiments, on average participants estimated that 37% of welfare respondents are Black (29% White, 25% neither White nor Black, 27% Hispanic).Jan 31, 2023
As of May, 2023 38.8% of welfare recipients are White, 39.8% are Black, 15.7% are Hispanic, 2.4% are Asian, and 3.3% are Other. So, your numbers are off.
That’s what I don’t like about the Democratic Party
They would give away the farm if we let them
Iran would not use the money for anything but to sponser more terror and suffering. Use it for something good and be done.
Would you still be in your house if you had not paid the bank back for it??
I don’t know about you, but, I know of many cases where these people gave up paying on student loans. They risk garnishment of their pay, but, they need to live.
The college degree it's self could be collateral. Don't pay for it, loose the right to use that credential, e for gaining employment or keeping a job that requires it.
After a few people got fired for not maintaining their credentials, maby people would see the light.
If you don't pay for drivers license ,you don't drive ,you don't pay for medicine, you don't get well, you don't pay for food,you don't eat unless you steal. Why should you be able to steal a education?
BTW, it's estimated that 50% of the driver's in South Florida are driving with a suspended or revoked driver's licence
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Charlie, being disabled, doesn't pay a dime for doctors or meds.
Why are you crying over giving people a tax-return of $9 billion total,
and why are you not crying over Trumps $1.9 trillion tax bill
favoring corporations and wealthy Americans?
That's 211 times more money, going to people who don't need it.
Without the wealthy,the poor would be in worse shape.
How many poor people do you work for and get a good pay check?
You can't work for the poor and expect to make a living.Same with working for federal or state government,you shouldn't expect to live any better than those paying your salary,the taxpayers.
You don't want to believe that your view is terribly flawed. You have this thing against regular people wanting more out of life than just being a sheep. People have dreams of success. Some might reach that, but, not if they settle for mediocrity
Why is it now suddenly they should not be expected to work for it and pay for it?
Why aren't you still driving your first car ,according to your theory, you would have never traded because you would not have wanted better for yourself?
according to your theory, would still be in your first home because you would never have wanted better for yourself.
A company installing swimming pools does not work for the poor ,but they make money .A company putting in outdoor fireplaces doesn't work for the poor.
even the poor want better for themselves, or at least they used to. farmers bought tractors and stopped using horses. women who could afford it bought a dishwasher ,and a dryer.
See, Phart, that's how capitalism works. It's not just a product sold for profit. It's an advantage that can be traded for cash. The very fact that an employee can provide "work", that is a selling item, and he has every right to sell it for the maximum that he can get. This also is part of the"supply and demand" formula for our system, and, probably, for other systems.
The citys
a billionaire has, compared to the average worker. Is there a limit to the difference between working for a poor person and working for wealthy people?
Is there a limit to how much those wealthy people can take for themselves and how little they are allowed to pay their workers?
At what point do employees turn into slaves?
Understand that I am not asking to make employers poor, I am saying
that there is a limit to how poor they should be allowed to make their workers.
Are you able to think in anything else than in ABSOLUTES?
The natural tendency to want to improve yourself should never have limits.
no limits except people not willing to invest their money and their time into self improvement,they think it is owed to them.
They might have an idea and buy some company to develop, but they need
smart educated people to do the innovating and creative thinking for them.
People like Steve Jobs can only create something good, in a country who provides them with good people. Your country is providing less and less chances for good people to succeed. You're education system is only putting out burger-flippers, who are not providing your country with any innovation and creativity.
Even the people who do have money for higher education get the prerequisites
for innovation and creativity stomped out of them, because those are skills that requires critical thinking, which Republicans are calling 'woke' and 'CRT', and are banning from the classrooms. They just want obedient, religious worker drones, who never have an original idea in their lives. That's a good way to curtail all innovation and make you loose against your global competition.
No, but they innovated and changed the country in positive ways .During much tougher times in our country's history.
And those were different times. Just high intelligence was enough to innovate. With the high tech knowledge required today, that's not enough.
Kids with high intelligence still require parents who can afford to send them to a good school, if they are to achieve something.
What are the innovations of today? They are in Big Data, Machine Learning, AI, Blockchain, Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 4D Simulation, Evolutionary Algorithms, Robotics, Drones, Photon and Quantum Electronics, Biotechnology, Nano-technology, Bio-sensors, Precision Medicine, Cybernetics, New battery technologies, Nuclear Fusion, Particle Beam Radiation Therapy and Surgery, Cloning, Gravitational Waves, Biodegradable Plastics, Zero Waste Products, Cradle-to-cradle design, Chemical Energy Storage, Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage, Room-temperature Superconductors......
All innovations that require world class education.
Do you have it? Sure! Is it affordable to the majority? Absolutely not!
1 was not even from a corporation. 50 rich people get together each year and interview 100 prospects and 50 get full scholarships. when 1 of them went to the interview ,only 72 kids showed up! 23 kids were smart enough to get a full scholarship and were to fucking lazy to go to a interview to get it.
Unless it's some poor person who comes to steal your stuff.
There should just be limits for poor people, right?
The wealthy are stealing democracy, honest competition, consumer sovereignty and employee autonomy. That is curtailing motivation, innovation, creativity and progress.
They are also killing nature and humanity, because without them stealing democracy, honest competition, consumer sovereignty and employee autonomy, people wouldn't let them kill nature and humanity. Are you just going to let them steal and kill?
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