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New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Anthropological study 2.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 3.No Collusion. 4.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 5.NOT TRUMP............NOT EVER TRUMP Comments: |
Besides, even if her loses, he's not going to concede. He's going to bring the elections to the supreme court that he controls. Putin is behind him, financing him and telling him what to do.
How many poor people do you earn a wage from?
But the rich pay taxes on dividends and property,I worked for the taxpayers both poor and rich for 14 years until I was hurt on the job.
I chose a job that offered disabilty coverage if I was hurt on the job.
Not only for your disability
but also for thinking that the rich
contribute to your well being.
Such is the system in your country
that has totally brain washed the masses
and made them believe in fairy tales.
Rich people do.
How many poor people do you know that put together a car company like Tesla? I sure as hell can't borrow enough enough money to start a company like that.It takes rich people investing thier money into it to make it happen.Do you think ALL the employees at Tesla are rich?The janitors,the techs that maintian the robots? No,they aren't.Probably make more than minimum wage I am sure.
BUt NOT rich.
[deleted image]
PBS News
Why,hopes of a stimulas before the election shattered, the "polls" from liberal media saying joe is ahead.
Get used to low numbers if joe does win, as people won't take to well to his tax hikes and will move their money any maby themselves some where else.
Think that number does not affect you? Do you have a retirement account you invest in? A 401 k?
Um,you may not have shit by the time you get ready for it.
Who does the Italians blame? Who does the Chinese blame?
Who does the British blame? Can't be Trumps fault every where else. Just wondering out loud.
I mean really,to blame the virus and it's issues on 1 man is silly.He can only do what the folks under him let him do.
I can just hear a person in Zaire ,"That damn Trump,let this virus in here".
Yea right.
We have about 39% of the cases and deaths per capita as the US and that's why our border has been closed to nonessential traffic for about seven months. It is a Canadian decision but the US reluctantly agrees to it because they don't have a choice.
We don't blame anyone, we deal with it. About 80% of Canadian COVID-19 deaths have been in long care facilities, most of them in the first two months.
The province of Alberta, where I live has a population of 4.4 million and has had 300 deaths. Comparatively, Kentucky has about the same population and has had 1,472 deaths.
My real point here phart is to demonstrate how much worse COVID-19 is in in the US than Canada for sure but also any other country in the world. That's why people are blaming your president. Someone fucked up bad and Americans are looking for someone to blame. Donald Trump is the president and it's his responsibility to take care of the worse pandemic since 1917.
Canadians are NOT blaming our Prime Minister because most of us think he's doing a decent, although not perfect, job handling it.
Anyhow,My question is ,Who do those other lands blame their problems on?
But the thing about the 500+ kids at the border.Someone needs to think for a minute about this.
Ok,so you are in Venzuala,you have a kid that is hungry,needs a doctor.You cross the US border illegaly with the kid. The kid is taken,you are sent home.Sure you are suffering,but the US has your kid.It is now eating 3 meals a day,it has clean clothes,it has healthcare,a shelter.The kid is WAY better off.Why would you run back to the border and say,"Hey the 3rd 1 to the left is mine I want him back". Parents instinctivly want what is best for their children,so the parents met 50% of their goal,their kid has a chance at a better future.
The idea of using that against the president is stupid.
And he didn't build the cages anyway.
As for the climate thing,sheesh,Biden just does not get it.You don't create 50 dollar a hour jobs out of thin air.No way in hell I could afford to pay someone 50 bucks a hour to put solar panels on top of my house. No way tax payers could fund it,you would be paying 60-80% of your wages in taxes for the government to afford to pay that 50 bucks a hour for installing solar panels.
With NO one addressing the increasing need for Lithium and other battery making materials.
Bidens plan wants to put in charging stations for electric cars. Fine,but the damn electric has to come from somewhere.ALOT OF It.
We are to some how believe it took 47 years for Biden to learn how to fix everything.
And someone needs to fact check real fast on Biden.HE clearly stated he would shut down the country if he became president,then tonight,he said he would shut down the virus.
Uh,Biden,we remember,rather you do or not,you said you would shut our country down during the first debate
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
and all these parents are now waiting for the children to get American citizenship, and they will all return here with a happy ending and kisses and hugs
And besides,the easiest path to citizenship in the US for the kids would be adoption would it not? Loving parents problem solved.
That option is not there for alot of people as there are to many people in the same boat.A family on this street,a family a few blocks over,sure there is some help around.But when ALL familys are without in a community,there is no food to be found.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 hours
Hopefully, the whores and brats will all die in prison.
Wisconsin4 Arizona is showing Trump having a commanding lead so far
[deleted image]
Have any charges been laid? Why not?
Why isn't it being reported on the major news networks or in national news papers? Oh yeah, they're all fake news, right?
Maybe, just maybe because it's bull shit.
I have no issues reading your opinions or factual issues but when you accuse someone of child abuse with no proof that's too much.
The other blurb I watched last week was about the Seal Team 6 deaths and the money Obama sent as a bribe to Iran to keep them from telling the world that the US did not get Osoma bin laden,they got a decoy and that is why it was a at sea burial to help hide the truth.
I heard and watched some of the video posted about it by 1 fellow that lost his son at Bengazi "spelling" and it was awful.To a point I hope Not a shred of it is true. But even if 1 shred is true,there should be something done.
I think it’s not true but I did read it on line about a year ago. Is it right for me to repost it? No, of course not.
Trump the patriot. He is a shit house draft dodger, amongst everything else. Is that fat arse, shit house draft dodger, corrupt, lying, moron the best USA has to offer?
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--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours
also,need to take notice of this to.
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I like the one that says... "If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd have farted." 🤭
🇺🇲 Make America Great Again, Again - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
But since none of us can run that fast, you can do the same thing by Voting Democrat in the Nov. 3, 2020 elections.
This is 2011,but read it and think about what he is saying.
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"Now, if you were a left-wing intellectual, climate change is the newest excuse to take control of lives, and you want a new bureaucracy to run our lives on behalf of the newest thing," he said.
Now why do I mention this here on a Trump Thread.
Because Trump dismiss's alot of the climate change noise going on. He,as with most of us conservatives, understand it is simply a way to control people and control profits from factorys and etc.
I have magazines and such from when I was in elementary school that talk about global cooling and the dangers it was going to bring.And strangely the same things that were causing the earth to cool,are what the libs are saying is warming the earth. Can't do both.
And of course,modern media and such has watered down the global cooling information and dismiss's it as a myth and what not.BUT BUT BUT, during the time it was in the media news machine and being taught in the schools and was prompting regulations and such ,it was being used in the same way global warming is now.Look back and think ,you will see how it all adds up to a scheme.
Ok,remember earlier this year when Trump and his climate change policys were being blamed for the fires in California? Trump was NOT President in 1970.
If you want to go back even further,there was some terriable fires in the late 1800's. Now there was very little that humans were doing to change the climate at that time,so uh,could it be that the climate changes on it's own?
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