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Looks as if they (Dems/Libs) are going to fuck us over again, guess we shall see in time whether they succeed or not. So far, the ONLY fucking guy that seems to be fighting for us is Donald J Trump, where the fuck are the rest of the Republicans? They'd be in the fuckin toilet without him. Spineless motherfuckers!
This is what happens when you stand on what you believe...
A friend of mine I have known for over 40 years was offered a job last month paying 25 bucks a hour.Starting in march of 2021.Running a back hoe digging for swimming pools.The guy has 49 preordered swimming pools,some of them in the 200,000 dollar range,you know with the water falls and massage jets and lights.
Anyway,my freind voted for Obama,voted for hillary and voted for biden.He just does not get it.He about lost his house under obama because his landscapeing bussiness lost customers.And now under Trump,he is offered a good paying job for 30 hours a week,that means he can continue mowing lawns 2 days a week,keeping his cream of the crop jobs,but he voted for the sumbitch that is wanting to raise taxes and make it harder for small bussiness. DUMB
The 48 swimming pools the guy has received preorders for,once Biden gets in,some of those will be canceled because the wealthy wont have the disposable income to pay for those pools,putting my friend out of those good paying hours.Stupid dumb stupid.
your opinion dossnt count
Now it's the Republicans' turn to mess around, just SABOTATION at the entire state level and every single day! Enjoy!
Remember, BLM
Bidens Laptop Matters!
Your opinion doesnt count
You assume Biden is presumed guilty of something. The man hasn't started his term of office and you are talking impeachment? When they did that to Trump you went nuts. And what do you mean by the 10%?
There is as much evidence of wrong doing of biden as there was of Trump that the dems used to make his 4 years in office pure hell as he tried to work to fullfill his campaign promised.
I say get the investigations underway NEXT week, to make sure the evidence is solid so that the work will not be in vain.
Hey the Dems spent millions trying to prove shit on Trump and Angel,you absolutely loved it.almost as if you had ring side seats, so why can't we go ahead and sit down ring side while the chairs are still warm for our entertainment.I have plenty of pop corn and I will share.
You can't can you?
Didn't make any difference,the dems ran Trump thru the mill his entire term with that made up shit.
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Note,the page says efforts to impeach began BEFORE TRUMP took office. I hope Republicans can take a hint from that and get started quickly.
Why give Biden a clean slate?
I just read that he was going to roll out a bunch of excutive orders rejoining that damn Paris accord and the WHO.
The WHO tried to kill us by helping china cover up the virus and the Paris shit is going to make our energy cost go sky high AGAIN.Doesn't anyone have any fucking sense?
" He will repeal the ban on almost all travel from some Muslim-majority countries"
Oh great,now the terroist can buy a 1 way ticket and get here much easier.The more hoops terrorist have to jump thru,the easier it is to find and track them.DUH
"he plans to immediately reverse Trump’s rollback of 100 public health and environmental rules that the Obama administration had in place. "
Rolled back because they were economy killers.
The only glimer of hope left,IF WE can keep the lead in the senate.
"He has pledged to repeal the Republican-passed tax cuts from 2017, an effort that could be stymied if Republicans hold the Senate majority. "
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I just hope the terrorist out there understand we as Americans don't need their help to terrorise the population right now.All of us are sitting here wondering if and when the dems let the pandemic end will we be able to afford gas or will it be 4 fucking dollars a gallon again so Biden can look good in Paris at some meeting.Maby he will go meet with Greta. I am sure she loves him.
I know I may seem a bit "mean spirited" tonight but this whole thing is just a real bummer.Before the wuhan virus,America was doing great. Then we get this virus brought in,partly allowed to spread because of the government sending people home off plaque ships that were infected.And for whatever reason,people wanted to blame our President instead of CHINA where the damn thing came from.It is just mindboggleing.
Camala Harris said so many terriable things about biden,and the demo party put her with him and made it sound like he picked her,yea right. How can so many people put him in place knowing full well he has evil behind him,perhaps not wearing horns he can see but they are using him.
He lost. stop crying. try and pretend you're an adult. The other dude got 5,000,000 more votes. complete defeat.
trump is a loser.
Now just fuck off. Ideally without making America look like some tinpot dictatorship laughing stock.
Your opinion counts
your opinion counts
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I seriously doubt they all feel this way though.
He went into an election with no manifesto - Which means no ideas.
Just meaningless blurb. MAGA.( hate foreign people - blame foreign people)
--------------------------------------- added after 55 minutes
Biden takes Arizona. ✅
I also am wondering,since it is ok to bash Presidents nowadays,if there are still any watermelon vines growing on the back lawn of the whitehouse?
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Matter of fact,some good reading on several pages there.
I am willing to bet,the democrats pushed for mail in voting claiming it was because of the virus.
Then they studied state election laws and found the states that had loop holes,like the 12th of november for votes to come in for 1 state for example.Democrat run states,liberal judges,then they sent out ballots,paid for ballets to fill out and mail in and such.
I feel sure there is so much cheating going on the democrats side it would be sickning even to a moderate democrat.
The good news is,Some of Bidens pipe dreams will be shelved as he won't be able to push them thru a republican controled senate.
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And as Linsey brought up the point,so much money was wasted trying to get rid of him in South carolina and the investors got A BAD return for their money!
and the real funny part,all them votes BloomingidiotBurg tried to buy in Florida from the convicts, how did that work out Bloomy? NOT TO GOOD!
Your not serious I hope?
Anyone who thinks that the election was messed with, has the burden to explain how hundreds of ballots were counterfeited, with the correct identification and signature and then mixed with the real ballots.
Claiming that all the ballots are real where Trump was winning, but false were Trump was loosing, is just ridiculous. Biden won with even less votes than was projected.
Trump had all the time in the world to arrange a fair election, in a safe way during COVID19, but he was just interested in destroying the post office and mail-in ballots. The reason is; he knew democrats are more likely to vote by mail, because they take COVID19 more seriously. If he was honest and fair, and he really believed that mail-in ballots are not secure, he could have just arranged a secure system. He was not really thinking that, he only wants you to think that, so he can screw up the election or how people are thinking about the elections.
It sounds like you are as gullible as he thought.
There has been real screwing with the elections, however. It's called purging voter rolls. Georgia likely removed nearly 200k from voter rolls wrongfully. That's a trick that is mainly done by the republicans. I haven't seen anyone caring about that.
Maybe you won't believe me, but I would rather see republicans win in a fair election, than democrats in a rigged one.
I hope the healing starts but I know that won't begin to happen until Trump concedes and his followers understand that change is in the air.
With all my heart I hope that tonight is a safe night in America.
Canada has been your neighbour for centuries and we have always worked things out and that won't change. Ever.
Defund the media,that would be a great start.Let people meet each other in the street,living their daily lives,and realize they may not agree but can at least survive on the same planet without killing each other.
I think healing is a good term to use but i think rebuilding of trust in the system would be a great way to start healing.I don't trust my government right now at all.When I read and hear storys of cheating and other issues,it raises my eyebrows and makes me angry,I want the truth,i want any issues corrected,not hid from me,or washed over.
That would help restore my trust,which in turn would heal
Maybe that was what the "stable genius" was planning all along.
Oh maybe you think I do not like him! That is nowhere near the entire truth. Just displays the orange guy and have hated him back b4 he ruined his own stupid T show. Why can we as his boss simply say "YOU ARE FIRED' and send him packing!
He has abused his time in office so many times it would take a book not a notepad to list them all.
Look at his people and what they have done. Barr is the worst. Just look and listen to his latest tyrates about the real people that built this country. Teh see if your paycheck is better or the super rich guys are making more money now days!
Lock up children in cages or try to hide them in cheap motels and loose track of their parents that he has deported without them!
Hope all you voted for him so your personal lives will get so much better in the real close future!
Biden had 47 years to bring about positive change and all he did was make sure plenty of blacks got put in jail so his kids didn't have to go to jungle schools.And for him to be in charge of our military after calling them stupid bastards to their faces while they were serveing overseas is disgusting.
Besides Biden is a puppet,ultra liberals have strings attached to him. Who's company made the tech used to count the votes, Microsoft,BILL GATES. Who owns most of the media outlets that we get our information from? Bloomberg and Buffet,both ultra liberals. Who funds thru fake companys the groups causing disruptions in America,George Soros,a liberal and just plain sun of a bitch that is a terrorist.
I can't believe you or anyone else wants those kinds of people to be influencing the government that runs this country.
-PBS News
I hope he wins.if he don't It is 4 years of obamaish like "leadership" Bowing to all the enemys,giving away money to shit hole countrys and making us the laughing stock of the world.Our military will be weakened again to the point the Bangladesh Air force can drop 1 bomb and take us back to the stone age.
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