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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 11,Jan,24 12:04
Chris Christie ends 2024 presidential bid that was based on stopping Donald Trump

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There goes the only Repucker running for the Repucker’s standard bearer with enough sense to be president.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 13:47 other posts 
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And I laughed really hard at obama with his Chef where are thee? Hat.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 21:07 other posts 
Yep. Now there's only de Satan, and Nimrata Randhawa
Just the day before, he said that he saw no reason to stop running.
What the hell could have changed his mind in such a short time?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,24 08:30 other posts 
probably money or someone made up some dirt on him,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Jan,24 09:41 other posts 
The money would be apparent far ahead.
He's not the guy who would give a shit about some dirt.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jan,24 11:52 other posts 
He’s a fat queer that secretly had a love affair with a teenage boy
By #610414 15,Jan,24 11:54
Don’t project your wants and needs onto other people
Really? Didn't know that. He's more interesting than I thought.
Cannot find anything on the internet about it. It either came from the darkest alleys on the dark web or from your dark dark mind.

To me, he's just a horrible Republican, who is just not as scared of his stupid voters as the rest of them and actually brought the fight to the horrible, selfish loser who needs to go.

That at least gives him that one point up over Democrats, who are too weak to tell Biden that he needs to go, for the good of the party, and give someone with energy and a fighting spirit the chance to really crush the Republican party.

So, I respect Christie for just that, but for nothing else.
Some depraved sexual escapades will not change much for me,
besides confirming again that he's a Republican.

By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 17:45 other posts 
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The civil rights movement was a fight for freedom. Unfortunately, too many Black Americans have used their freedom to choose the government plantation.
By #610414 11,Jan,24 18:32
Right, Phart.
By sherryann [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 20:32 other posts 
That was interesting reading, but I think the White population is lower than what they claim or what they foresee in the future. In cities the amount of people crossing the border are not white, not one. It's happening very fast too and even if it never happened the non white population has increased now for years.
By #610414 15,Jan,24 12:00
The majority of the people crossing the Southern border are mostly a mix of European white and Central and South American natives. These natives, descendants of Inca and Aztec tribes and subdivision tribes are WHITE, just like Native Americans here in the US.--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesnative americans have been in the americas for according to oldest fossil records 13,000–35,000 years and are descended from asian/Caucasian russian immigrants.
By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Jan,24 15:03 other posts 
Well CAT I will stick with what I see instead of saying all cities. All the "new arrivals" (that's one thing they call them here), are either black or brown. (Not my words, another thing they call them here), but I've never seen one white person. If you're dark skinned you can't be white. Just like if you're white as snow, porcelain, pale, or whatever word is used , you can't say you're a black person African American or brown person Hispanic. Those races (here) would look at a white person as a straight up nut if they claimed to be black or brown.

By #610414 15,Jan,24 14:01
Contestant with a cock. Don’t need to be envious of Denmark.

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By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 10:37 other posts 
The system failed, people died.
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The law was warned,the military was warned,
And now the man warning them is considered a alarmist?????
By #610414 11,Jan,24 11:39
The law? “So Hodgson did the hardest thing of his life: He sent a text about Robert Card to their Army supervisor.”
That doesn’t sound like the local POLICE to me. Regardless, what did you think would happen? Here’s a country that lets MINORS own firearms. A country that has no regulations that make sense about firearm controls. A country were the NRA says it’s the right of EVERYONE, even if they are deranged, to own a firearm.
How foolish we are. RAH RAH RAH, guns for everyone. The second amendment says so. We are all chickenshit to get up from under the bed without a gun.
And now, someone who tried is maligned.
GUNS KILL REGARDLESS OF THAT TRASHY “Guns don’t kill, men kill.” saying.
When will people, THE RIGHT PEOPLE, understand. NO GUNS=NO GUN VIOLENCE.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 13:43 other posts 
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When will folks like YOU accept the fact that killers will improvise!
By #610414 11,Jan,24 18:31
So what? Let them improvise. I much rather face a killer with NO gun than one WITH. Your fear is noted. Stay indoors and barricade. The rest of us will live regular lives much less fearful if guns are outlawed.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 23:07 other posts 
Remember back when the soviet union fell apart? Alot of suit case nukes came up MISSING.
"Background. A "dirty bomb" is one type of a "radiological dispersal device" (RDD) that combines a conventional explosive, such as dynamite, with radioactive material. The terms dirty bomb and RDD are often used interchangeably in the media."

Hezboalla "spelling" terrorist groups are said to be planning attacks here in the US as we type back and forth. Once a area is nuked, it's done
That's just a example, remember the 911 terrorist didn't use guns either.
And mass shooters to me by definition ,are terrorist. plain and simple.regardless of the tools they use.
By #610414 13,Jan,24 17:50
What does that have to do with this chat?
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jan,24 18:22 other posts 
Trying to explain that killers will kill, with what ever they can get their hands on.
Sadly we will see soon enough. All the terrorist that have come across the border ,and the war raging in the middle east, the terror will come here, and it will be terrible, and people having a gun to protect themselves will be understood more.
By #610414 13,Jan,24 18:30
Killers will kill but if there are no guns, killers will have to find other weapons and I prefer to defend myself when the perp doesn't have a gun.
Illegal entry into the US has been happening for ever. Where are All the terrorist that have come across the border? And what do you think a gun in your hand will accomplish against an IUD?
You've been fed too much right wing trash.

By #610414 13,Jan,24 12:16
To all the Trump supporters here, watch this all the way to the end. The first half is pure Donald Trump, but the last half shows what a real inept Clown he was during his presidency. These are the facts.
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By sherryann [Ignore] 13,Jan,24 14:42 other posts 
I will watch in a while

By phart [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 17:42 other posts 
As some of you celebrate MLK day,
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"The community most hurt by the purge of personal responsibility that defines individual freedom is the one that started out the weakest and the greatest victim of our moral failures."
By #610414 11,Jan,24 18:35
From your own post:
"This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of the signing into law of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Soon we observe the national day set aside to note and honor the leader of the movement that led to that act becoming law: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We must ask how, after 60 years, with vast changes in the world, with developments in technology unimaginable 60 years ago, that we remain obsessed with race. How is it that claims of racism, injustice and unfairness persist like nothing happened?

Indeed, data suggest that Black Americans, on average, still lag behind economically.
The Federal Reserve recently published its Survey of Consumer Finances showing that average Black family income is 43% that of white families. In 1989, it was 42%.
Average Black household net worth now is 15.6% that of white households. In 1989, it was 17.8%.
The deterioration of traditional religious values in the country has taken a toll on all American families. But proportionally more on Black families.
Per the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, in 2022, 43% of Black children lived in a two-parent home — down 26.5% from 1970. Among white children, 75.6% lived in a two-parent home, down 15.5% from 1970."
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jan,24 20:02 other posts 

By #610414 11,Jan,24 12:30
At Fox News Town Hall, Trump hints he’s made up his mind on a vice president

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It’s Stormy. 🤣🤣😈

By #610414 11,Jan,24 12:14
Bill Belichick leaving Patriots after 24 seasons and six Super Bowl titles

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Does anyone think this was an amicable decision?

By #610414 31,Dec,23 13:33
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Next time we have a major hurricane hit Florida we’ll ask DeSantis to ship the people who lost their house to Texas. After all, if Texas has a misfortune and shares it with other states, why shouldn’t other states do the same?
Yes, DeSantis will still be governor until December 31, 2026. “President DeSantis” is a masturbation dream of his.🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 31,Dec,23 21:37 other posts 
YOu are TOTALLY missing the point.
We can't stop hurricanes,but we can stop illegal immigration.
A wall, a army, a law,a border,anything,needs to be done to stop illegals from coming over.
A hurricane is a act of God or mother nature or whatever, there is nothing we can do to stop it.We can stop illegals.
By #610414 01,Jan,24 15:57
No I'm not. Stop the illegals from entering but if it affects YOUR state, then deal with it in YOUR state, and if you are the governor of another state that's not affected, stay out of it (DeSantis)
By phart [Ignore] 01,Jan,24 16:46 other posts 
It affects all states.
Texas and others are simply shipping the illegals to states and citys that publicly claim to welcome them, since they do nothing to help fix the problem that texas is suffering ,let them share the suffering.When you hit a democrat in the wallet, you get their attention, they are used to digging in everyone else's,not having their raked.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Jan,24 07:05 other posts 
By #610414 02,Jan,24 07:38
Indirectly, yes, it does affect everyone. That's why a humane solution should be found but, shipping these people, like produce, to a state that is humane in the way they treat these people, IS WRONG. By your standards, if you loose a hand in an accident, we should all cut off one of our pinkies.
Abbott is a piece of crap. Too bad he's only crippled in his lower extremities. It should have happened in that 20lbs of ugly fat.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Jan,24 10:29 other posts 
Being humane and caring is what got America in this bind in the first place.
Those people that are coming here, are the non productive, inert ,useless people of their own countries and are just coming here to bum.
Simply shutting the fucking gate is not inhumane,it is reality.
no more room in the inn.
By #610414 02,Jan,24 15:14
Your perception of these people is wrong. They come to work in a safe environment and are willing to work in the lowest of the low jobs.
You really think these people are willing to risk life and limb traveling sometimes for more than 6 months through places like the Darien Gap or the gangs in Panama, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico? You think they are willing to cross a water frontier and then face the deserts of the Southwest knowing they run the risk of being sent back, or worse, getting killed? All for what? Sit around hoping they would get a handout?
Boy, are you wrong.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Jan,24 17:06 other posts 
Send them all to Martha vineyard Obama loves them Kamala Harris loves them wondering around her neighborhood too rummaging around in her garbage can for scraps of food and clothing
By #610414 04,Jan,24 10:54
Yes, but what about the poor people that actually live there? Do you think they would like that? Wouldn’t it be better to build a campsite in a Pennsylvania mountain and ship them there?
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Jan,24 13:25 other posts 
We need them down south being as how the niggas won’t work anymore there’s cotton to be picked and a bunch of wet backs will do just fine
By #610414 07,Jan,24 08:48
In one post you don't want them here. In this post you admit they are needed to do work whites won't do. Hippocrate.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 09:54 other posts 
Guess again
My post said the niggas won’t work not the white peoples
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 10:17 other posts 
You mean the white people work up your way? WOW!, hell it is hard to find ANYBODY that will work around here, government cheese is coming in to their homes thru the floors I guess. I don't know how people are functioning right now.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 10:53 other posts 
Some of the white peoples work not the young white peoples the lazy bastards
By #610414 07,Jan,24 14:07
My area of the world is full of farms, produce farms. The farmers complain that WHITES don't apply to work the fields. There's plenty of blacks but, the majority come from Mexico. You talk from what you hear. I talk from seeing it up front of me.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,24 16:12 other posts 
Yeah kinda like you saying the economy is great going by what you see on the internet and me actually seeing the old people all bundled up because they have no heat in their house or talking to the local farmers and other businesses every thing i see and talk to people about the economy shows it’s in the crapper along with Joe Biden approval ratings
By #610414 07,Jan,24 19:08
It's the people that live in the snowbelt that are to blame for their cold homes. Move to Florida and enjoy the DeSantimoneous diarrhea. Joblessness is down to 3%+/-. The inflation has started to GO DOWN in November and December. The stock market is doing really good. Gas prices are under $3/gallon. Shoppers are clogging the malls. We again have full shelves at the supermarket.
Yeah, things are in the sh.tter. 🤣🤣
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jan,24 13:36 other posts 
Wow,it is the fault of people in florida and california that their car insurance rates are sky rocketing,because they don't have enough sense to move their cars to higher ground or simply drive them away from a fire.
It is florida peoples faults they loose their homes to storms, so maybe THEY need to move up north,
By #610414 08,Jan,24 14:07
Hahaha. You just proved my point. And, BTW, after every major storm, thousands leave the are. Many to other states.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Jan,24 18:38 other posts 
That’s not what we see up north not even close I myself am struggling to keep heating oil in the tank heating oil is just under 4 dollars a gallon gas is 3.49 a gallon prices in the store are ridiculous it must be that great governor you have down there keeping Florida thriving
What’s his name Ron Desantis I expect big things from that man some day
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jan,24 19:37 other posts 
When you live in a great place like Cat does,it is difficult to see others suffering.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,24 05:05 other posts 
Absolutely and why should she care about others she lives in the land of the golden spoon
By #610414 09,Jan,24 06:47
You guys talk a lot. I think it's talk, but...... I don't know. Dgraff, is it you or is it Pennsylvania? I googled your state:

You often hear you can't have it all, but in Pennsylvania, you'll start believing you can. Here you'll find an experienced and skilled workforce, best-in-class higher education institutions ready to partner with industry, a prime East Coast location, and exceptional quality of life. Innovation and ingenuity are woven into our flag and serve as the foundation for our population's legendary spirit. Our past, present, and future are tied together with inventors and entrepreneurs committed to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We work smart, and we always have. From corporate headquarters, to state-of-the-art R&D facilities, to startups and small businesses, our business environment empowers companies to be revolutionaries in their industry and redefine success.

We are the most economically diverse state in the country. Our $915 billion GDP makes us the sixth largest economy in the U.S. and a leading global economic hub. From corporate headquarters (we're home to 24 Fortune 500 companies), to state-of-the-art R&D facilities, to startups and more than one million small businesses, our business environment empowers companies to be revolutionaries in their industry and redefine success. And our business-friendly tax climate is gradually reducing the corporate net income tax rate to 4.99 percent by 2031, making it among the lowest in the nation.

Seems to me your state is doing good.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,24 07:25 other posts 
Yeah it all looks good on paper but when you talk to the farmers and other businesses and the elderly people that paper is only good to wipe your ass with
By #610414 09,Jan,24 08:34
Maybe it's not the economy but the people.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jan,24 10:17 other posts 
Yea, there is something amiss with the people, they voted for john fetteeerrrrrrrrrmmmaaan .Had a chance to get a educated dr in the office that understands health care and economics and chose a fellow that lives in a old car dealership and doesn't want to dress for his job.
By #610414 10,Jan,24 09:51
“Had a chance to get a educated dr in the office that understands health care and economics”? You believe that charlatan Dr Oz? You poor man.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jan,24 10:42 other posts 
You poor ,poor woman.
By #610414 10,Jan,24 14:10
He's slightly crippled like you. And like you, he means well. So far he's doing his job. Oz comes from lala land and he's a snake oil salesman.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jan,24 16:00 other posts 
Yes I agree, the man genuinely means well, but he should have known his limitations.
I know my limits,and although I do donate my time to some causes,I know not to get to far over my head
By #610414 10,Jan,24 17:53
Those limitations are weighed by the electorate and if they find him acceptable then he gets the job. It's called "a democratic election". Every one said he was able and so far he has done the work.

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