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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #692771 06,May,23 18:04
Jim Jefferies take on American gun laws, if you haven't seen this before, whether your pro or not pro guns, its well worth the watch

Part 1
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Part 2
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Comments left by a few of his followers:

"First aired in 2015 and, depressingly, it still feels absolutely relevant!"

"This is an epic, epic monologue!! The fact that he's saying it to an American crowd makes it even more epic. The extra fact that there's no heckling, though, confuses the hell out of me! 🤔".

"I worked as a security guard on a minimum wage. I was asked not to engage at any cost even if you see a robbery happening just call the police. They don't want heroes. They want a set of eyes to call the police".

"LEGENDARY! And most funny and sad thing is that it's still valid and will be for many years. Timeless piece".
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,23 01:49 other posts 
Hilarious. But expect the site fascistoid, a.k.a. phart, to give you precisely the bullshit arguments the aussie guy spoke about. Americans are so fucked up that they now live in an extremely dangerous society and am themselves to teeth with bazooka and all kind of military-level weapons and are ready for war.
By #692771 07,May,23 02:18
I would expect nothing less, but I think he nails most of phart's arguments/opinions on this matter, that he has expressed here, not that I have read them all, I have been mostly busy with my current ongoing crusade.

I have nothing against you at all phart I just wanted to express my own opinion bloke .

I don't have the answer to the ultimate solution to the gun issue in America, I only look in from a outsider much like you do leopoldij .

What I will say is this, although these massacres are horrible, with or without gun control that may or may not happen, in Australia for example, possibility the strictest gun laws in the world except for maybe Japan, not that I am a expert by any means, Australia still has shooting shit as well, but not very often, but Australia has a much lower population, so balancing that out with it all, who knows, per head of human, how much it happens over here may well balance out, as I say I am no expert on the matter, what I do know though is most deaths in America caused buy fire arms is black on black 🤷‍♂️.

Something I do disagree with the American argument on it all is "we need the right to bare arms against a repressive government if we need to", the American armed forces have the power to flatten any any country in this world into a smouldering piece of dust, to say I need to protect myself against the government, if the most stupid ridicules argument of all 🤣🤣🤣
By #610414 07,May,23 07:44
That’s just it. The excuses why Americans need arms are simply ridiculous. These gun enthusiasts know, deep down, that all these excuses can be addressed by other means. They convince themselves that these means don’t exist. The biggest excuse is, “I need it for personal protection.” The great majority of the American population goes through life not needing to “protect” themselves from any major harm.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 08:37 other posts 
The reasons some people think gun removal is necessary also know there are other solutions. Like MOVE to a country that already has a gun ban.
Determine why people feel unsafe and address those issues.
The government has weapons to turn me to dust ,but they don't want to nuke or bomb their own land, just kill the people off that resist. Most likely that will be done with drones ,poisons ,and men indoctrinated to kill the "resistance".
That is what you are trying to protect yourself from.
By #610414 07,May,23 10:02
Why should anyone have to move to another country with a gun ban because some obtuse members of our society have the need to own a firearm. Determining why people feel unsafe is easy. There are too many firearms in the hands of the citizens of this country. I want to address this particular issue. Ban all firearms. My government does not want to kill people off that resist because, one, it’s a fair, just, and elected government. And, two, what does it mean “resist”? Resist what? Is this another conspiracy theory that the far right is waving in front of those that march to the tune of MAGA? The only thing I need to try to protect myself from is these ideas that people need guns for self protection.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:08 other posts 
That this fascist-head cannot comprehend is that his country is so very unsafe and dangerous, and that's why he needs guns. He can't fathom the existence of a society that operates in peace and were nobody is in constant fear.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:12 other posts 
There is no peace in your part of the world, are you forgetting the russians are bombing the fuck out of your neighbors, and if they hit that Chernobyl, you are FUCKED?

The fact you can't understand what the forefathers were writing the constitution for is amazing.
I am FAR from a expert. BUT I do know that our ancestors were tired of living under harsh conditions created by the Europeans ,and fought tooth and nail to free the nation from them. They knew government could be the worst enemy .and wanted the citizens to be able to protect themselves from the government.
Cat had there been no tea party, had there been no fight for freedom, you and I would not be on a forum argueing.
The simple fact citizens had guns back in the 1700's allowed them to take part in the revolution that got us free.
Will we be in that situation again? I hope not, but as of the moment,we can protect ourselves and fight the amount we can against it.
If the biden type folks are still in office in a few years, you will see another battle. our president says the kids do not belong to their parents. that should clue you in as to the thinking process of your current government.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:14 other posts 
Ha ha ha.
My part the world isn't that.

Besides, I'm talking about your fear of the neighbours dude. You're afraid. I'm not.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:18 other posts 
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,23 18:22 other posts 
Are you an idiot or what?

I'm talking about your fear of violence in your neighbourhood and you're posting links of what would happen in a nuclear war.

You're just incapable of understanding.
By #610414 07,May,23 11:32
What does a war between two countries have to do with gun violence in our country? Europe is mostly peaceful. In the last 200 years, two countries caused all the mayhem that cost so many lives. That would be Germany and Russia (aka the USSR). The rest of Europe has not been belligerent and took up arms in defense of the motherland.
Our forefathers wrote the Constitution to address the possible problems that a government would face and they wrote it with the idea that the people would have complete say so in the way they would want to be governed, but, they were not the known-it-alls they thought they were. That’s the reason for all the amendments.
Our ancestors were tired of living under harsh conditions created by the Europeans while living in Europe. That’s why the American Colonies were established. The biggest reason was religious freedom although, some freedom of speech was most welcomed. At the time of the American Revolution, the colonial power was the English. The biggest beef of the colonists was that they could only sell their products to England only and that the king and Parliament of England were taxing the colonies without the colonies having representation in Parliament. That brought about the Boston Tea Party. They were PROTESTING the taxes imposed on them. The colonies decided they wanted independence from the British. That led to armed insurrection and they fought tooth and nail to free the nation from them. Having arms was because they were needed for food and protection from wildlife and from lawlessness as there was no law presence in most areas of the colonies.
However, if the colonies had lost, I think you would still be able to be in a forum posting what you post. If you don’t think so then what do you think of Kebmo and Canada?
You say “the Biden type folks”. What does that mean? Biden was fairly elected by a MAJORITY. We are not like other countries, England for instance, that have more than two political parties. Those countries can have a head of state elected by a MINORITY. You think that if a MAJORITY of the people keep electing a Dumbocrat legislature, there will be a revolution to make the minority the controlling party. You see how perverted that sounds? And that bit about Biden saying kids don’t belong to their parents, when did he say that? I’m clued in, alright. I’m clued that there’s a lot of people in this country that don’t know anything about our form of government and much less about the people of this country.
Hey, Phart, do you recognize this?

“No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace, by any state, except such number only, as shall be deemed necessary by the united states, in congress assembled, for the defence of such state, or its trade; nor shall any body of forces be kept up, by any state, in time of peace, except such number only as, in the judgment of the united states, in congress assembled, shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defence of such state; but every state shall always keep up a well regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of field pieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage.”

This is a quote from THE FIRST CONSTITUTION the US had. The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777. This document served as the United States' first constitution. It was in force from March 1, 1781, until 1789 when the present-day Constitution went into effect.
So you see, our forefathers weren’t all-knowledgeable. They had to do it a second time. Why can’t we change our minds about the second amendment? After all, the Constitution does not mention anything about firearms, only an amendment does.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 12:15 other posts 
You are talking about a decision that would affect millions of people ,changing our ruling documents is not like you waking up and deciding which shirt to put on.
Biden says your kids are not yours.Anyone that agrees with that is "biden type folks" enemys of the state as far as millions are concerned.
By #610414 07,May,23 13:42
Show me where he said that. Also voting for president or other ELECTED official affects million too. So what? Are we supposed to sit on our thumb and not do anything?.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 16:40 other posts 
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The first couple minutes of the above video talks about it

Here is the kamel saying the same shit,
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By #692771 07,May,23 15:26
Yes well in our recent visit to America we went to LA & NYC, at night in LA we were afraid to go out at night because of the fear if violence, like getting robed at gun point or something, we clearly looked like tourists. It might not have been like that but who knows.

In NYC though we felt much safer & ventured out at night to see the sights.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,May,23 18:20 other posts 
They don't get it mate.
They just love to kill.

By #610414 07,May,23 09:46
This has been a banner year when it comes to mass shootings. What I don’t understand is why, otherwise smart people, refuse to see that it takes a firearm to commit a mass shooting. And in almost every occasion, there’s no one with a firearm to stop the killer. STOP THE KILLING. BAN ALL FIREARMS.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:02 other posts 
I am all for stopping the killing but lets get the crazys off the streets so the citizens can feel safe before we start trying to disarm everyone and leave them vunerable.
If you will notice alot of these shootings are at "soft targets". Places where guns are not allowed. perhaps this recent mall shooting is a exception .
The shooters are getting smarter.
I am willing to bet had there been men walking around with vest on covering their pistols,the shooter would have waited until the men were walking around in shorts and flipflops.
By #610414 07,May,23 12:37
You can’t stop all the crazies but you can take away their tools.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 16:17 other posts 
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Car control ,we need car control!
Oh, would not have mattered in this case.Hispanic ,most likely illegal as he has given several names. So no law would have helped in this tragic case.

By #610414 07,May,23 09:38
Sometimes I wonder who the stoopid person is that comes up with these stoopid rules.

In a 2022 report to Congress, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission stated the obvious: “Medicare should base payment rates on the resources needed to treat patients in the most efficient setting. If the same service can be safely provided in different settings, a prudent purchaser should not pay more for that service in one setting than in another.” It makes little sense that taxpayers pay 141 percent more for the first hour of chemotherapy in a hospital than that same hour at a doctor’s office. Hospital outpatient departments can bill Medicare more than $1,000 for an echocardiogram, a service that costs taxpayers just $350 at a doctor’s office.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 10:00 other posts 
It is confusing, way back when I was being treated for problems from my accident, workers comp took bids for a mri on my shoulder. the cheapest bid was 1400 dollars in a open mri machine at a little fly by night place that was gone a couple months later. The surgeon looked at the scans and said," I can't tell a damn thing from these, i will just have to go in and fix what I find. This was worthless and a waste of your time and their money".
By #610414 07,May,23 11:57
Incompetent workers are in every industry.
By phart [Ignore] 07,May,23 12:10 other posts 
Had workers comp not been a cheap skate,and got the best folks for the job with the best equipment,my treatment could have been better,and actually saved them money long term.
It comes down to if you are not paying for something,and payment is provided, you don't get the best care,you get the best PRICE,

By #610414 05,May,23 13:58
An open letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis
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By phart [Ignore] 03,May,23 10:01 other posts 
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When will democrats become as concerned about this as they are trying to ban guns? Drugs are killing MORE people than guns every day of the week.
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By #610414 03,May,23 11:58
Like all illegal drugs, fentanyl is the DEA’s problem.

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What makes you think Dumbocrats are not concerned? Think about this: suppose you have a bad rash in your privates and a bad toothache. Do you say, “I’m only going to get help for one problem.”?
Guns are a problem. Illegal drugs are a problem. Illegal aliens are a problem. The economy is a problem.
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,23 12:44 other posts 
All the problems need equal attention.
The DEA is a branch of the Methodist Church?

No,The Dea is part of the same damn government that you are asking to take away guns.
SO it is a government issue.
By #610414 03,May,23 15:05
Yes, but they work for whomever is in charge. The fentanyl problem has been around for some time. Why didn't your sweetie El Trumpo do something about it?
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,23 15:46 other posts 
He was working diligently to close the border.
May not have been a perfect idea but at least it was a attempt,which is far more than sleepy joe is doing
By #610414 03,May,23 16:41
Sure, baby. If you say so.🤪🤣👍
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,May,23 19:16 other posts 
Hey I had them for supper the other night
Sloppy Joe’s
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,23 21:02 other posts 

By #610414 03,May,23 16:37
Trump caught using photos from his own time as president to argue life is worse under Biden
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Same old liar

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 06:49 other posts 
There we go again, another mass murder:
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A guy was practicing shooting his semi-automatic weapon at home in Texas. This was disturbing the neighbors. They were trying to put a baby to sleep and also worried about their safety.

So the guy decided to put an end to this: He shot them from the neck up, almost execution style, basically in the head. Two children were first to die, followed by three adults whose dead bodies lay on top of the dead children.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when you got guns you're gonna use them to harm someone, possibly yourself, sooner or later in your life. Firearm incidents are the top cause of death for US children and teenagers.

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Francisco Oropeza is the name of the killer. He's alive and hiding. The chance he's gonna shoot others while on the run is very high as he's got nothing to lose anymore. If caught he's gonna face the death chair. (After all, he's Mexican, so, according to the mainstream beliefs in the US, second rate citizen.)

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Apparently, he has been shooting guns for long time. In the evenings, weekends, during Christmas, national holidays, etc. If this had been happening in a civilized country they would have taken the gun away from him and put him in prison. But not in the US. An American can get by by shooting his bazookas in his backyard. Just like in Afghanistan.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 08:22 other posts 
As long as it is 500 feet from a residential area it is legal to shoot firearms into a back stop or dirt embankment -etc. if he was shooting late at night, he was disturbing the peace.
In this case I am thinking the guy was a drunk or dope head and the neighbors had harassed him alot and he went postal.

You seem to forget ,we have more open space here in the US.
People buy property large enough to live their lives as they see fit. There are 2 shooting ranges within a mile of me, trust me, it is gets noisy during the day. But they don't shoot at night when people are sleeping.1 is used by local law enforcement.
By #610414 30,Apr,23 09:53
First: most people live in a city where the neighbors live a few feet away from you. In most cities, discharging a weapon within the municipality, is against the law.
Second: this jerk is crazy and he shouldn’t possess a firearm.
Third: despite what gun owners say, FIREARMS SHOULD BE OUTLAWED except in very controlled cases.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 12:44 other posts 
I don't want guns near me. 500 feet is less than 200 metres, that's ridiculously close. I'm just glad, once again, that I don't have to live in (those parts of) the US or equivalent, e.g. Kabul.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 15:53 other posts 
I don't want to live in a situation where my "saviors" , the "law" is miles away when danger happens.
This guy in this situation must have really had a issue to go postal like that. I hope he is punished severely. Seems like the type that will get carried away instead of put in the back of a police car.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 19:29 other posts 
We don't have guns here.
We just laugh at Americans and Afghans, but of whom live in war zones.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 16:28 other posts 
I would theorize that you live in a city ,heavy population,
have to listen to the neighbors tv and so on right Law on every corner.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 19:28 other posts 
No. I hear nothing at all.
By #692771 30,Apr,23 19:33
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 19:40 other posts 
By #692771 30,Apr,23 19:45
Sad to read about another senseless mass murder 😢
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 19:55 other posts 
Indeed. He's been shooting his gun daily in his garden and, in the end, he executed 5 of his neighbours (2 children).
By #692771 30,Apr,23 20:02
I hope they catch the cunt alive, a bullet would be to good for him, deserves public execution 🤬
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 20:03 other posts 
Before he kills more...
By #692771 30,Apr,23 20:15
That if he hasn't blown his own brains out already, like what often happens with vermin like this guy 🤬
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Apr,23 20:04 other posts 
He should get a life sentence in a room together with freddy.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,23 16:42 other posts 
OK leo,there is more to this story than first shown.
I think it goes back to something the President that cat loves to hate has mentioned several times and gets alot of hate from liberals over it.
"Francisco Oropesa, the man on the run after allegedly killing five Texas family members, is a Mexican national who was previously deported four times, a source familiar with the investigation told ABC News."
He is a fucking illegal immigrant. So NO GUN LAW known to man kind would have prevented him from getting and having any kind of gun he wanted.he is a criminal.Criminals have no respect for law.
Also read the rest of his arrest record.A real model citizen he is.
No wonder he is on the run, probably back in mexico to live out the rest of his life under a drug lords care.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,May,23 18:55 other posts 
The point is that this man, nor any man or woman, should be allowed to habitually fire his guns in his backyard daily.

This is lack of civility.
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,23 22:09 other posts 
In this case I can't figure out how he even could say it was his back yard being he was illegal. But that is 1 of many perks of OWNING your own land.
You do what the hell you want to. During daylight hours, why should he not be able to shoot? As long as he had a safe back stop, such as a deep ditch or large soft pile of dirt behind the target, why not?
As far as noise, hell ,myy neighbor has 2 jackass donkeys that raise holy hell sometimes at 2 am. But the people paid 400,000 cash for the ranch, it is theirs to have what they want on it.and they shoot as well. but during day light hours when it not keeping people awake. New years and 4th of july there is gun fire at midnight,along with those noisy fire starting fire works.
By #610414 01,May,23 19:00
So NO GUN LAW known to man kind would have prevented him from getting and having any kind of gun he wanted.he is a criminal.Criminals have no respect for law.
How about a law that prohibits the manufacturing and sales of firearms anywhere in the USA?
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,23 22:03 other posts 
You would have to seize every piece of equipment from every machine shop in the country as guns are not that hard to make from scratch in case you didn't know .Interesting process to watch a gun be disassembled ,reverse engineered, and copied and improved on.
there are papers stored with measurements so if there is nothing hold ,you can still make 1.
People in this country have known for along time that the wolf is at the door regarding guns and have been preparing for the worst ,probably since you were a baby if not before.
By #610414 02,May,23 07:39
How many people know that? And if true, how many machine shops would manufacture a gun? And, even if there's a shop doing it, how many would be manufactured? And if they charge the shop owner with m_rder if one of his creations is used to kill, how many would do that?
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 11:15 other posts 
your analogy is the same 1 that is used for moonshining, drug manufacturing, and etc. It will happen.Those that want a gun,will get a gun. Those that want to kill find a way.
A vial of poison in a city water supply would work just fine.
By #610414 02,May,23 14:14
Yes, you are right. What I'm saying is that the final tally will be much reduced. I'll use an analogy like you did. If you live in Death Valley, the chances of getting run over by car traffic is considerably much, much less than crossing the street in New York City
By phart [Ignore] 01,May,23 23:12 other posts 
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WHite house fails to mention the shooter is a illegal.
I guess they don't want Trump saying "I told you so".
By #610414 02,May,23 07:50
What about all the Americans that murder? Would he say, “I told you so” too?
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 11:16 other posts 
We already know so.
You still are missing the point. Had our borders been secure,those 5 people would be alive right now.
Look at case by case sometimes,
By #610414 02,May,23 14:31
So we would be taking about another LEGAL shooter that killed five or more or less LEGAL victims. You are missing the point, Phart, the common denominator in ALL SHOOTINGS is the firearm.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 15:01 other posts 
1. ONE of the common denominators is the gun.It is NOT the only piece of the puzzle.
By #610414 02,May,23 22:15
But, it's the only viable one that we can control.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 22:49 other posts 
Really? Explain why people on medicine for mental illness can't be on a watch list similar to ****'s? So they can't legally buy a gun?
Explain why the permitting process can't be expanded to cover larger firearms than pistols?
Just a couple examples off the top of my aching head before bedtime.
By #610414 03,May,23 07:44
The great majority of gun owners are not on meds or have mental illnesses.
As far as larger firearms, you, Repuckers, are blocking it.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 20:11 other posts 
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Leo,you feel like we should depend on police and not have guns,
"San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers explained the delayed police response in the town of Cleveland, about 45 miles north of Houston, saying he had only three officers covering 700 square miles. When police arrived, they found a horrifying scene."
What say ye to that?
What good were they?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,May,23 20:50 other posts 
No, not at all.
YOU live in a dangerous country.
Therefore, YOU should have guns
(and you do).
I was just saying that I'm glad
I don't need them. I'm lucky.
You're not. It was an accident
of birth you were born there and
haven't had the chance to escape.
For that, I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry for you.
I know that you have no choice
but be armed.
I agree with you.
By phart [Ignore] 02,May,23 22:50 other posts 
That's not the response I am looking for.
What is your idea for a solution to this?
I am hoping cat reply's as well.
IF folks really want problems solved ideas need to come out.
And not just 1 idea drilled into the ground constantly.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,23 04:17 other posts 
I don't know the solutions to the problems of your country or my country even.
Your society requires that everyone
be armed. All I'm saying is that I'm lucky I don't have to rely on death machines in order to lead my life.
By phart [Ignore] 03,May,23 15:51 other posts 
They found the guy,hid in a closet. 17 miles from the shooting.
Musta been a real dipshit.Had I been him,I woulda been in mexico shortly after.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,May,23 15:53 other posts 
I'm sure that was his plan too but he didn't manage to realise it.

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