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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 14,May,23 13:19
America has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations–and it’s on the rise. Here’s why we are facing a pregnancy health crisis

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--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

It's unbelievable that this is happening in this country.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 13:54 other posts 
I can't read the whole thing as it wants me to download a app or something but it is sad that babies are dyeing so much ,I have read about it elsewhere.
But I remember people getting blood tested before marriage and if closely related they didn't get married. Could this be part of the reason for the increased deaths?

Drugs and the long term side effects could be causing these issues to.
By #610414 14,May,23 14:16
According to other sources (I just couldn't believe it) it seems the biggest problem by far is LACK OF QUALIFIED CARE. There are millions of health providers for face lifts, erectal disfunction, women's incontinence, and geriatric care, but, it seems maternity is not that well covered.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 14:58 other posts 
gee that is odd, is this care after a few weeks when the mother decides to go back to work or is this like in the first few weeks?
By #610414 14,May,23 15:10
That is something I don't know. If I had to guess, it would be just before, during delivery, and just after.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 16:05 other posts 
Shame.I would have thought there would be plenty of care during that stage.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,May,23 13:54 other posts 
I was delivered by my family doctor in the doctors office not at the hospital the doctor was so excited about my length and birth weight that he burst through the swinging doors all most knocking over my father saying he’s a big boy he’s going to be a linebacker and my mom later on baked him pie’s as payment for delivering me
It's because giving birth in a hospital is very expensive in the US.
Lot's of people cannot afford that, so they don't go to the hospital when it's needed.
Giving birth costs $18,865 on average in the US. Nearly $3,000 of that is paid for out of pocket, even if you have health insurance. But, about 30 million people are uninsured.

In The Netherlands it's fully covered by the standard health insurance.
In the UK, it's fully payed for by the NHS.
In Canada, if you're covered by provincial health insurance, most medical care related to your pregnancy and childbirth will be of no cost to you.
By phart [Ignore] 16,May,23 16:56 other posts 
Well, if you get hit by a falling tree in those countries that cover child birth,is it also covered?
I never understood why insurance covers preventable things like pregnancy to start with. It was intended for sickness ,accidents. But now hell it covers everything.And then people wonder why insurance cost so much. My insurance should be dirt cheap as for what my employer pays as I can't have a baby, they will never have to pay for my baby to be born. and so forth.
A example of why it makes no sense to me would be if your homeowners insurance covered the cost of remodeling your kitchen because you didn't like the wallpaper and the fridge was the wrong color.
Or your car insurance covered the cost of repainting your car because you want it blue instead of green.
I know that is not what the liberal thinking is on child birth but that is a choice parents make,it should be their sole responsibility.
I think the lack of care is lack of people wanting to Work.
By #610414 16,May,23 18:46
Phart, medical insurance is for medical costs. You might not get pregnant (assuming you are not transgender) 🤣 but you might get other medical problems others wouldn't have. Having children is part of family life. You have strange ideas, Phart.
By phart [Ignore] 16,May,23 19:42 other posts 
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"Health insurance resembling what we think of today began in the 1930s during the Great Depression. Prior to that, it wasn’t so much “health insurance” to pay for the costs of medical treatment, rather it was what we would today call disability income insurance."
More similar to workers comp
" For this reason, “sickness insurance” products started popping up to help people cover their living expenses when they couldn’t earn an income due to illness or injury. "

This explains alot,
"Health insurance for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn care became mandatory in 2014 under the ACA. Even if you don't have health insurance, there may be free or discounted services for expecting mothers in your area."
In other words It didn't HAVE TO Pay for it ,until Hussien got involved.
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By #610414 16,May,23 20:51
I don't know where you've been but I've had medical insurance that covered pregnancy since 1978
By phart [Ignore] 16,May,23 21:35 other posts 
It was most likely a OPTION on the plan to make it more desirable to a particular market.
By #610414 16,May,23 22:02
Nope. We paid for insurance. I got mine for free. Employer paid. Husband and kids were extra. I paid for the kids. Charlie got his free through his work
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 18:00 other posts 
So did your employer pick any certain plan that offered coverage for baby birth or? that is what I meant,my employer pics the cheapest contract and that offers what most of the people "need".
By #610414 17,May,23 18:24
In those days the employer would pay full, part, or none of the cost of health insurance. Since then most prospects would not work for a company that didn't provide and pay for a good chunk of that insurance. Still, to this day, there are many companies that offer insurance to the employee at a reduced price but wont subsidize the employee's family's cost. My son works for such a company. It's a small 30+ company. They pay his insurance premium in full but if he wanted to put my daughter-in-law and my grandkids it would be prohibitive. It's one of the reasons she works too.
What these insurances cover is what is bought by the business. What is normal is the usual.

By #610414 11,May,23 17:10
Remember, fellow members, when I refered to Trump as a pervert and so many of you had a meltdown? HA! HA! HA!
It's official, he's a sex offender. Too bad it was a civil trial.
By phart [Ignore] 11,May,23 17:31 other posts 
So is joe biden, he sniffs little girls hair.Also boast about kids rubbing his legs to feel the hair on them.
How gross is that?
His fbi is refusing to turn over paper work that shows his entire family has been getting millions of dollars from other countrys. The same fbi he used to raid Trumps house, is now covering for biden.
By #610414 11,May,23 19:41
You equate sniffing hair with ra.pe? And it's not his FBI. There's no proof he or his family did or is doing something illegal. At least, not so far. Bad gossip or, as the previous president, the pervert, used to say, "Fake news"
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,May,23 20:28 other posts 
You can’t R A P E the willing did you see that whore that’s accusing him hell she sat on every pole in Atlantic City NJ
By #610414 11,May,23 20:46
Right, the victims lie all the time.
By phart [Ignore] 11,May,23 20:50 other posts 
Here is where the equal rights thing is off kilter, you accuse a male of lying constantly, in this case Trump. So if he told 1 lie in your book everything he says is a lie. BUT suddenly a woman says "he did this and that" and she is to be believed without question or condition, women can only speak the truth. Bullshit. She was funded by a democrat to go thru with all this, the state even changed the law just to fit the bill, to much bullshit here to ignore.
But no, Trump is the only human capable of lying according to you folks, Bullshit.

And besides, why is it that people can't see that a woman had a chance for a quick shag with a millionaire and then used it later to essentially black mail him?

If you were single Cat and elon musk came along and wanted a quick shag,I am willing to bet you would be missing for a while.
By #610414 12,May,23 08:09
You would be wrong. You have a poor opinion of women. You seem to think women are always ready to have sex with anyone just because the man is successful or rich. Not to pop your bubble, but, unless the man has attractive features, he can be the richest, most successful man in the planet and I would still pass.
By phart [Ignore] 12,May,23 08:34 other posts 
I am glad you feel that way but you are a exception to the rule.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,May,23 12:52 other posts 
All women lie through their teeth just ask one their weight some time
By phart [Ignore] 13,May,23 12:55 other posts 
By #610414 13,May,23 14:55
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Although, in some of my pics I was as much as 124lbs. In my avatar I was 98lbs.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,May,23 20:32 other posts 
My goodness you’re all over the board I’m with in 10 lbs of the weight I was in high school
By #610414 13,May,23 21:36
Gained weight after hysterectomy. It brought on early menopause. I had to go on a diet when my cholesterol reached 400. That made it come down. Now I eat very healthy.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,May,23 23:04 other posts 
Your response was inappropriate. You let pphart derail you by his avoidance tactic: when someone makes a comment he doesn't like (that's 99% of the time) he "responds" by talking about a different thing. Then you respond to his "response". At this point, he's achieved his goal: instead of discussing your original point, you discuss something different.

Just observe the way he deals with a discussion; by diverting it.
By phart [Ignore] 13,May,23 23:22 other posts 
You just don't have enough sense to understand the world is interconnected . All these things tie together.
Trump being a pervert, was her original post.
A tidbit of information. But to someone who does not know anything about the issue,that is all they would know.
But biden is a pervert as well. And my point is the hypocrisy and double standard that these folks operate under. She hasn't bothered to mention tara reade that biden is accused of raping because he is her man in shining armour. You can't focus on the point of the discussion because you are more focused on finding faults in the method of communication.. Which in turn means you don't give a damn about the actual issue.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,May,23 02:25 other posts 
Precisely. You prove my point.

You're doing it your diversion tactics again.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 09:09 other posts 
Just how the hell do you prove any kind of a point if you don't use a precedent set from anywhere?
She is openly displaying hypocrisy and exposing the double standard that liberals play by all the time. She calls Trump a pervert, I call biden a pervert ,but she is to blind to see there is Proof of my statement.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,May,23 10:30 other posts 
You don't prove something by changing it to something else. You do that ALL THE TIME.

For example, if I say the proud boys committed such and such crime, you'd truly the vegans committed another crime.
By #610414 14,May,23 11:01
Phart, Leopoldij both of you missed the mark, but, for different reasons.
Leo, you first. I know how Phart conducts an argument. His arguments are always, “Well, your guy did it too, or, there are other reasons no one thinks about.”. What you have to understand is that a chat doesn’t have to be linear. The conversation can wobble back and forth. What Phart does not understand is that old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”. I’ll get back to this, but right now, Phart gets a response to his post.
Phart, even if your supposition is correct, it doesn’t take one iota away from the despicable act that Trump has been found guilty of in a civil trial. Even if every male politician in the last 100 years had done the same, Trump still did something despicable. This guilty verdict by a civil trial jury is as damning as if it had been in a criminal trial. O. J. Simpson was found “not guilty” of murd.ering his ex-wife and her lover, but, her lover’s family sued him after, in a civil trial, and won. He was found guilty of murd.er by a civil jury. Okay, Trump IS a convicted sex offender. Now, let’s see about your post. This comes from “POLITICO”, a well respected source of news about politics. They are neutral in their reporting. This is what they say about Tara Reade.

Many of those who knew her well in recent years said she frequently lied or sought to manipulate them, in many instances taking advantage of their desire to help a person they felt was down on her luck. “You can use these words: manipulative, deceitful, user,” said Kelly Klett, an attorney who rented Reade a room in her home in 2018. “Looking back at it all now, that is exactly how I view her and how I feel about her.” “She has a problem,” said Lynn Hummer, who owns a horse sanctuary where Reade volunteered for two years, beginning in 2014. She described Reade as “very clever, manipulative. ... I do think she’s a liar.”

None of those descriptions are made by credible sources, of Trump’s accuser. Trump himself is mostly to blame for being found guilty of sexual assault. And let’s not forget how many times he’s bragged about it. So, Phart, let’s get to the meat of the posting. This IS NOT ABOUT PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN. This is about THE SEX OFFENDER, FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
I hope both of you, Leo and Phart, understand MY POINTS OF VIEW. 😈😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,May,23 12:33 other posts 
I don't disagree with your points of view at all.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 13:12 other posts 
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and we are supposed to believe that these women were not put in a awkward position and embarrassed?
By #610414 17,May,23 13:30
That's exactly what we want you to believe. These occasions lend themselves to close personal contact. Suppose instead of his head being close to their hair he would have put his head on their breast. Would that have been better?
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 13:32 other posts 
why smell hair to start with??
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 12,May,23 04:48 other posts 
And continues to be uncle Bladder's buttfucker of school-shooting corpse's
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,May,23 10:35 other posts 
Trump uses his "star" status to defend his sexual assault comments.

Lawyer asks Trump:
“It’s true with stars that they can grab women by the pussy?”

Trump replies:
“If you look over the last million years
... that’s been largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately.”

'Stars Get Away With Sexually Assaulting Women Fortunately or Unfortunately'

IN OTHER WORDS THAT'S HIS ADMISSION that he has done the very thing he said in the tape.

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By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 11:20 other posts 
And even if all these things were 100% true, how would they affect his ability to lead America?

Bill clinton stained a dress, IN THE WHITE HOUSE as president, he still held his chair and some folks were happy with his leadership skills.

Cat does at least understand conversation better than leo for sure.
I feel like biden is guilty of far more damning things that affect his leadership than trump. Hunters child support situation has revealed alot in the past couple weeks.
By #610414 14,May,23 13:47
Let's get Clinton out of the way. He had an affair while he was President. As a husband, he was crud. As a president he conducted himself in a professional manner and did an excellent job of leaving the country better than when he took office. But, "Phart", you are doing it again. You are saying, " Well, your guy did it too." Do you realize this is like a thief saying to a judge, "Your honor, other people steal too. You should let me go." Trump has been caught doing many things. Biden has not. But, again, you can't excuse one person's behavior by what another has done.
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 13:50 other posts 
Perhaps but why do you pick and choose who you find fault with ?
By #610414 14,May,23 14:08
I pick and choose the candidate that "promises" to do what I want my chosen one to do. There's a caviat to that. As much as I may like a candidate, I would not vote/support someone that lies or behaves inappropriately or in an unlawful maner. Way before Trump ran for president he was already doing dishonorable, perhaps illegal, things. His 1st wife was a despicable bitch while Marla Maples was a goldigger, but, he treated them really bad. A good friend invested in property Trump was interested too. Because of his underhanded dealings my friend lost his investment. Biden was just a senator that did nothing more than try to go with the proverbial prevailing winds. In other words, he was a politician. As such, he gets my vote unless or until he's proven to be a skunk. And even if he is, I'm not like you. I won't vote for either one and I would campaign for a decent candidate. Republican or Democrat, that's a political party affiliation. Good or bad is totally different.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 13:07 other posts 
another thing,why do you always want to push the clintons out of the way? or the obama's? They did things and got away with them that set a precedent of what others could get away with later on.
By #610414 17,May,23 13:25
You are changing the subject. I didn't mention the Clintons or the Obama/Biden team, but, okay, lay it out here. List "all those things that
they did and got away with that set a precedent of what others could get away with later on." And we can hash it out.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 13:41 other posts 
Not changing the subject,
But let's get Trump out of the way, use your logic for a moment and save MILLIONS of tax dollars trying to hang the poor man that gave up 4 years of his life and lost MIllions of dollars in worth trying to save his country.
By #610414 17,May,23 14:37
Poor man? He's a sexual deviant. He tried to derail the 2020 election. He's an embezzler. Are you out of your freaking mind?
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

And saving all that money, I thought you wanted criminals to be prosecuted and sent to jail.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,23 15:20 other posts 
Of course but no one has proven Trump to be a criminal.
Others in the past have done far worse that Trump is accused of and nothing was done.
Oh they spent millions on a impeachment for clinton but he still held his office, I could go on but Trump actually did some good and they just can't stop digging.
By #610414 17,May,23 15:25
Be patient. There's several criminal cases in the works
By phart [Ignore] 14,May,23 14:56 other posts 
Um, then why are his chances in a appeals process considered good?
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By #610414 14,May,23 15:08
That's not what I've heard.

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