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New Comment Rating: -4 Similar topics: 1.American men? 2.nude 3.Donald Trump 45th President of United States 4.🎆 🇺🇸 HaPpY BiRtHdAy America!! 🇺🇸 🎆 5.The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅 Comments: |
What a purrrfect idea!
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determine the winner of the 2024 election on
January 6, 2025. That sounds interesting.
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Trump has been officially diagnosed as psychopathic (psychopathic personality disorder, aka PPD).
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"That came clear in a 2022 white paper by Dr. Vince Greenwood, an expert in cognitive therapy and founder of “Duty To Inform,” an organization to educate about Trump’s state of mind. Among his many credentials, Greenwood has done more than 1700 psychological evaluations.
In his paper, he reminds us that 60,000 mental health professionals signed a 2017 petition that called for Trump to be removed from office as unfit to serve. They assessed Trump’s behaviors that are well documented. Trump’s persona could be called data rich, even over-exposed.
Let Dr. Greenwood describe some of the characteristics of a psychopath and see if you see what he sees from the mountains of exposures of Trump’s behaviors:
Drive to dominate
Lack of empathy
No compassion
No shame or guilt
Low frustration tolerance
Easily bored
Greenwood uses a car analogy to help people understand how dangerous a psychopath can be. The PPD car has no brakes (remorselessness, lack of shame or guilt), no steering wheel (impulsivity), and only one gear (drive to dominate). Crackups are inevitable.
“He is like a man behind the wheel of a car that has no brakes or steering,” he says, “and takes great satisfaction in battering whomever crosses his path next.”
Greenwood adds that psychopaths “often have a keen, opportunistic intelligence that enables them to get ahead and slither their way up the social hierarchy.” They hide their true natures.
Many people see Trump as an extreme narcissist. Greenwood begs to differ. Narcissists care what other people think of them; Trump cares not. “Do not think of him as some preening peacock, although it is tempting to do so. Recognize he is a cold-blooded snake (however colorful) who can’t help but strike with venom.”
He sees Trump as beyond paranoid or delusional, though some of that may be present.
You may want to dismiss all the above as social science mumbo jumbo. Let’s consider some other perspectives from people who know Trump close-up.
Jennifer Rubin, a veteran, common sensical national journalist, points out that four of President Trump’s closest former advisors – picked by him – Attorney General William Barr, Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary William Esper and Vice President Mike Pence have conspicuously refused to endorse their former boss.
In my humble opinion, they have a duty to go further. Beyond just warning us, they could band together and endorse Biden for a second term. Like Trump, he is too old. And he has his drawbacks. But he is not PPD mad.
Two more viewpoints on Trump’s unfitness for office bear attention. His ghost writer for the book that made him famous, “The Art of the Deal,” lived with him for 18 months. Tony Schwartz, who later regretted writing that work of fiction, now says, “Trump stands for many of the things I abhor: his willingness to run over people, the gaudy, tacky, gigantic obsessions, the absolute lack of interest in anything beyond power and money.” (Schwartz has donated his share of the royalties from his book to charity.)
Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, a PhD clinical psychologist, knew him close up and personal. She wrote a book in 2020 that told about the mess that was the Trump family. She debunked his business prowess, outlining the multi-millions he inherited from his father. He was born on home plate.
She did not do a diagnosis of her uncle, but she sub-titled her book: “How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man.”
And in one short summation, she wrote: “Donald today is much as he was at three years old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in or synthesize information.”
I think she would agree with Dr. Greenwood’s deep assessment that the man who wants to be president again, and thinks he never lost the Oval Office, is a PPD basket case.
One final note: a psychopathic personality disorder is deemed incurable."
Alot of her speech's are word salad to.
As far as I've seen, lately her speeches are less word-salady.
She's accurately forming sentences, with clear content.
She's not talking about sharks vs electrocution or respecting Hannibal Lecter.
old but relevant.
"dominant," "narcissistic/confident,"
The same N word has been used on Trump.
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Sounds like another pant suit wearing hillary as far as personality goes.
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Not the border czar uh?
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Has YET to visit the border.
If there is a scale of narcissism, Kamala scores 60% and Trump 100%.
As personality goes, she's like most female career politicians.
At least she had a drive out of minority underprivileged self-assertiveness,
while Trump just thinks he is entitled to people worshiping him, because he's wealthy.
Funny how you parrot the same narrative that she's not nice to staff,
while Trump is known for the catchphrase "You're fired!".
Literally, 75% of his former cabinet members now hate his guts.
His Secretary Of State called him a "Fucking moron!".
His Chief Of Staff said "He is the most flawed person I've ever met!".
Why does he need a new VP? Because he tried to have his last one KILLED.
June 25, 2021: In first trip to U.S.-Mexico border as vice president, Kamala Harris focuses on causes of immigration
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Focusing on the causes, is exactly what I do, when I want to solve a problem.
Trump doesn't want to solve the problem, he needs the problem to fearmonger about.
I think when the US makes a big arrest of a Russian spy or murderer that that person should more often “accidentally” fall out of a tenth story window or “catch” COVID and die from it. That way they will never go back to Russia. If you want to play with the Russians, you have to play like the Russians.
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Included in this deal are 12 Russian dissidents. One of them is Vladimir Kara-Murza, by far the most outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin who was serving 25 years in jail for being a Russian journalist. He often wrote negative articles about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and won a Pulitzer Prize for his work.
When they swapped for that trans ball player, they left a military veteran to rot and sent back a weapons dealer.
A weapons dealer for a ball player. national security concerns at their upmost eh?
In exchange for these two Americans 250 Houthi rebels were released in Oman, much to the pleasure of Iran.
If she picks the right VP candidate, they are done for,
because they already regret picking JD Vance.
I just saw clips of Trump's white nationalist base losing their goddamn mind
over Vance being married to an Indian/American woman, having children with
Indian names and picking an Indian vegan diet over the 'traditional American diet'.
Damn, what a bunch of racist lunatics.
Yep, they would need to consider that she could be first lady, one day.
Seeing Trump's 'traditional American diet', his heart is on borrowed time.
JD Vance is nothing but a Baby Trump. His biggest fans are Donald Trump’s MAGA base. He brings nothing to the table and he will not add a single vote on election day. He is definitely the worst possible choice.
As for the cat ladies with no kids, you can count them OUT!!! 🤣
Vance used to be a very vocal anti-Trumper and even voiced very socially liberal ideas.
Now he just flipped to the position that furthers his political career.
It just shows JD Vance has NO MORAL CORE. He's just saying what he thinks sells.
People like him disgust me more than people who really believe those horrid ideas.
At least they are honest.
-Fox News Sunday
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But, someone who tries to kill a grown-ass man, protected by snipers, is not a coward. Even if he turns out to be a Nazi, who is angry at Trump for not building destruction camps yet, hoping Nicki Haley will do that job better. The act of sacrificing your own life for what you believe in is not cowardice. Even Nazi soldiers fought with courage.
Trump is a coward for using stochastic terrorism against his political opponents
and the Justice System, for holding him accountable for his crimes.
Trump was a coward for sicking his cult members on the capital, who had a gallows outside to hang Mike Pence and Nanci Pelosi, for his lie to keep him in power, while he was watching TV. Trump is a coward for lying about it for eternity and ordering his sycophants in the Supreme Court to give him immunity, so he will never face consequences for his TREASON. He deserves to have his brains splattered all over,
but as a humanist I try to suppress such primitive feelings.
As someone who understands cause and effect, I know that Trump is only a symptom of the disease. He didn't think of Project 2025, and while he would love to be the dictator, there are many Republicans who would be even more evil and more effective.
At least Trump is not a religious zealot, and is not really interested in doing Christian sharia. He just wants to be de deity himself, like his one and only true love; Kim Jong un.
Dgraff, I was born at night, but it sure as hell wasn’t last night.
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And by the way, if you were suggesting that President Biden had his fingers in this pie, which I think you are, I can guarantee you he would not send some 20-year-old kid to do the job. Agreed?
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So you see kebmo I’m a little more familiar with that family than you can find on the internet
It's only a joke to your side. They take it deadly seriously.
The elites have taught you well, to shit on the normal American.
Yes, Biden came from humble roots and Trump from a wealthy dad.
I prefer my representatives to have shit Volvo station wagons,
instead of Bentleys and Rolls-Royces. All those affluenza ridden
silver-spoon-fed spoiled fail-sons that you prefer, don't understand anything
about the life of the normal American, who you pretend to care about.
You can't go bankrupt six times and then still shit on a golden toilet.
That's why Trump doesn't give a fuck about you. He only cares about the wealthy people. He spent his life trying to present himself as one, but they all considered him a vulgar pretender. They now stroke his ego, asking him nicely to not regulate them and give them more tax-cuts. They bribe him too, which he like too, but it's mostly that they 'love him' now. They don't, but he's not able to see the difference between love, respect and just pretending. That's why he married Melania.
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That’s what is great about America 🇺🇸 you can start a business and if it fails file bankruptcy and start a new business under another name
A beautiful option
I'm sure those newspapers were very objective.
Ever read up about what Trump was doing all his life?
Why do you think the chickens are coming home to roost now?
You can hide a lot, but in politics you're under the microscope.
You are crying about parking tickets, while Trump is a r@pist, a fraud
and a traitor. And he was spending more time in court, before he was president, than you have spent in school. Biden hasn't.
What are you crying about then, about your garage going bankrupt under Biden?
Just throw all your debts on your creditors, your banks, your subcontractors
and your employees, and start over, like Trump did 6 times.
It doesn't work that way for a small entrepreneur, doesn't it?
To the elites, you are working class. They only protect their own.
Biden was chosen by Obama, because he had the appearance of working class.
He wasn't, he's a career politician, but he understands some of their struggles.
When they try to make a fist against the elites, he supports them, while Trump supports the elites. "Back to the mines with you, peasants! Go shovel!"
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
No I’m way too smart for bankruptcy I m figuring things to get a lot worse if some how Joe Biden is re-elected so I already sold off all my investments and all my equipment and closed the garage down and retired my government is not putting my dick in the dirt i still have my mountain property and my gun collection
Under what circumstances did that happen? I need a bit more to believe you.
No he isn't. Just because he smiled at you, doesn't make him a nice guy.
Every single politician has the ability to make you think they are a nice guy,
if you meet them, especially when the person they meet already warship the ground they walk on. Go look at the people who work for them, or have to live with them, or live next door, then you see what kind of people they are.
Well, first impressions count, they say. I would say; not that much.
It must have been blind infatuation, for you to disregard everything
he did after that.
Or you just have a really strange idea about how nice guys act.
He even craps on guys and gals who were nothing but loyal to him.
And literally everyone else he ever worked with hate his guts
for him using them like chumps. A nice guy doesn't do that.
Of course there are some self-loathing cucks who come back for more.
Trump even uses his own children as the scapegoats.
They just stick with him because of his inheritance and because
they think they can bank on the Trump brand for a career.
They have even less brains and talent than their father,
so they need him to stay relevant.
Seen Melania lately? That nice guy is certainly a good husband.
He worships the ground Ivanka walks on. In a dirty way.
He's a Swiftie, but he cannot handle that she's rich, but not just thinking about herself and paying less taxes, but cares about other people too.
He cannot even fathom the concept.
That’s a bunch of hogwash i never seen nor heard anything about doing away with social security
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"FACT SHEET: 80% of House Republicans Release Plan Targeting Medicare, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act, Raising Costs, and Cutting Taxes for the Wealthy"
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"Calls for over $1.5 trillion in cuts to Social Security, including an increase in the retirement age to 69 and cutting disability benefits."
Or how Fox 'News' shifts it: "Republicans warm to Social Security, Medicare reform as 2024 election nears"
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Sure, "reform", how Leatherface 'reforms' people with a chainsaw.
But, maybe some has a use for it.
so many facts, so little proof that any of them are viable except what you can see with your own eyes, feel with your own hands, smell with your own noses, hear with your own ears ,and afford to live with out of your wallet.
and my facts are that the economy has SUCKED out loud for the past 3 years.
if even our facts are different, how can we agree on anything?
Proof doesn't exist. It's impossible to know anything 100% for sure.
But there is lots of evidence and there is logical reasoning.
There are clear methods of measuring the economy. You are using them, when you want to say Trump did a good job. You are completely rejecting all of the same measuring methods, to keep believing the lie Trump tells you.
You are not objective. It's not a bubble, it's willful self deception.
Trump did not invent the term 'alternative facts' for nothing.
to know how a/your country is doing, is listening to politicians.
You need to find the most objective sources available.
By the way, Gaxbling is a word not allowed here it got x'd out when i typed it and entered
I used service similar machines and there was a couple knobs you could adjust and you could either win or loose alot based on the adjustments.
Must have been another crime family.
As I have tried to explain to the hard headed liberals like cat, FIX THE SCHOOL BULLYING PROBLEM>
"Jason Kohler attended Bethel Park High School with Crooks and said he remembers the 20-year-old sat alone at lunch and was “bullied every day.” Kids picked on Crooks for wearing camouflage to class and his quiet demeanor, Kohler, 21, said."
How long before people figure out if kids are bullied in school it harms their mental state and turns them into killers??
Also, Anannas always says he is a good observer of the US because he lives outside it. So do the Russians, and I agree 100% with their statement in regards to the Trump shooting.
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Apart from not being part of a "well regulated militia",
Thomas Matthew Crooks took the 2nd amendment very seriously.
He was using his AR-15, like all the other extremist gun nuts.
He understood that "tyranny" was afoot and he wanted to "thwart" it.
Unfortunately, he has probably given democracy the last cut.
The Constitution is shredded, the Supreme Court is corrupted
and Law And Order has been nullified. Long live Emperor Trump.
It's not an atmosphere Biden created, it's REALITY!!
Biden is too fucking WEAK, to point out reality clearly.
He's probably scared of the firing squad, that Trump is planning for him.
Just like all the other cowards, who don't want to replace him anymore now.
All of a sudden, they all unite behind Biden. Good call, hiding behind a corps!
When Putin took power, all of the Russian government resigned.
I see this happening in the US in the near future, in the best circumstances.
Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Applause, from YOU!!!
Should I be surprised that you agree with Putin? DUH!!!
Don't you just think it would matter to them, if he was a registered Democrat?
My hypothesis after hearing the latest information; he's just another bullied school kid,
with a gun fetish, who wanted to commit suicide with a statement.
This one just didn't shoot up a school, but had another 'bright idea'.
I say that, because he used the AR-15, the choice tool for mass murderers.
It's not intended for accuracy, it's designed for maximum kill numbers.
That's why the national guard snipers don't use the AR-15.
If he had used the correct rifle, Trump would be dead now.
That rules out a professional hit-job; they would not make this mistake.
Don't blame Democrats for rightly pointing out Trump as a danger to democracy,
blame Republicans for allowing AR-15's to be sold like candy to schoolkids.
ANGER,Hate, desire for revenge, those things make a person seek out a tool to take action against their aggressor. FIX THAT.
As for the AR, i don't own 1 because after the first shot, the damn thing starts going up because of recoil, you can't hit a damn thing with it.
What I shoot, hits the fucking target.every time.
But you don't want to fix the other problems either, because they cost money.
And it's all very woke to consider the feelings of the students.
And your Christian extremists are replacing professional school counselors
with preachers. If you are bullied, a bible verse won't help you.
ANGER, Hate, desire for revenge, are the MAGA culture.
Trump and all the cult members are giving the wrong example 24/7.
That it could ever come back to bite him, he never imagined.
Well, stop making people crazy, crazy people are unpredictable.
Most of your mass-shooters are 20 year oldish white males.
At that age hormones are raging through their bodies,
they have all those anxieties about their studies, debt, future
and the world they need to find a place in for themselves,
find a job that might in the future pay for a house and family,
while jobs don't pay shit, because everyone in your culture
still considers them to be a stupid kid, worth nothing.
You think those young people are mostly stupid and useless,
but they can join a gun-club and learn to shoot like a SWAT team member
and easily buy an AR-15 or get it from dad, who has it lying around.
They are not much use for self defense, if they are in a safe, right?
Hell, your Republican politicians are sending Christmas cards
where even the children are holding assault rifles. SICK AS FUCK!!!
I've never seen "crazed lunatic" Nanci Pelosi "sick woman with mental problems"
do that. With Republicans, every accusation is a confession.
It's not a serious responsibility to defend yourself, it's a GUN FETISH!
And MAGA is "poisoning the blood of your country" with it.
I guess the terrorist that shot Trump was killed by a slingshot?
Thoes 20 somethings, don't understand that the "old" people didn't get their homes and cars for free. They didn't wake up 1 morning to a 30 dollar a hour job. They WORKED their way up a ladder.They took that crumby 2 dollar a hour job in 1973 and worked their way up to a salary that would cover the house and car.
UNtil schools teach it takes work,and then teach them HOW TO WORK and how to maintain a budget, they will always be dumb at 20. not all their fault,but partly. They could stay out of drugs, they could work summer jobs to stay out of trouble, that is the goal of a kid working during the summer, make a bit of money,and keep them OCCUPIED so they don't have time to explore drugs and crime.
YES, fix every problem , the gun is not the problem.
Many folks are rotting in the ground from rocks, knives,arrows, fist, acid ,poisons
Who killed this terrorist? Not a responsible armed citizen, right?
What's your idea here, that I think the national guard shouldn't have guns?
It's pure ignorance, if you don't see the difference in affordability of living now and 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago. One low education steady full-time job could support a family. That same living standard is now unobtainable for most people. When I entered the housing market, I could not do it on just my own HIGH education steady full-time SHIFT job, we needed the income of my girlfriend too. I would not be able to enter the housing market today. It requires TWO HIGH education steady full-time jobs now. Less than that, and you are happy to afford buying small apartment. Rent has gone up by at least a factor of 4, in the last 20 years. Wages have not even been keeping up with inflation.
Do you not know this? If not, can you inform yourself?
If you do know, can you at least admit THIS? It's not much to ask.
The burger joint in 1970 paid 1.80 a hour.
Now fast food folks think they need 18 a hour or 20.
So the burger cost 5 bucks.
When wages go up, cost go up, can't you at least admit money does not grow on trees?
Where do you think labor cost is supposed to come from if not out of the cost above product for a hamburger,a house or a car if not from increaseing the price to cover it??
Again, what's different then between then and now?
Did wages not add up into the costs, back then?
Actually, productivity has gone up by over 250%, which means the cost percentage of labor has gone down. Instead of employees benefiting from that, the owner class benefited from that. That's how millionaires became billionaires and will soon be trillionaires, while the working class becomes the poor.
True, money does not grow on trees.
It's just how the pie or hamburger gets divided.
"He was identified as a character of suspicion because (he had) a rangefinder as well as a backpack. And this was over an hour before the shooting actually occurred,” said Barrasso."
It's just "suspicious" to carry around a rangefinder near the president?
In my country, they at least take you to the police station
and don't let you go until it's clear why you would have one
and they would search your house for illegal weapon possession.
In your crazy gun country, that's just a prop for a normal hobby.
what was in it? Bomb? Acid? Poison? we know what the range finder can do, if you don't own any binoculars you can see your candidate up closer with a range finder.
If it's all I had to see better with,it's what I would use.
You allow people to carry around a much more effective mass murder tool.
He didn't use the bomb, acid or poison, because a fucking AR-15 works better!
How can you see the difference in your country, between a 'good guy with a gun' and a guy with a gun, who's intending to kill a (former) president?
The only CLUE could have been that he had a rangefinder in his back pack.
There was no bomb or acid in it, so he was just a guy with a hobby.
BUT i will say, I had 1 of them come up to me crying years later asking forgiveness and he later killed himself so i guess i was the better man after all.
And the sad thing is, nothing was ever done to stop the bullying, 1 principle told me to man up and fight and quit whining everytime it happened.how could I fight? I was underwieght because my mother starved me, Some response from people i was supposed to be able to trust..
What could have been done is suspend the bastards and then I could have went to school,and felt able to pay attention and learn,and coulda went further in life because I would have higher grades.
But no, it was allowed to continue for years, go to class sore,bruised,both from being beaten at home and on the school bus, food thrown on me, stuff stolen from me,how the fuck could I be happy go lucky? How could i be expected to go thru life loving everything and everybody when I only saw the bad side of people?
FIX that problem in the schools and so much would be better.
In countries where people use a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer,
those are the best means available to them, because the gun ain't legal.
In your country, a gun is much easier to get than a bomb, some acid or a bulldozer.
I was bullied from time to time too, but I was never bruised from being beaten.
They could torment me, but whenever they laid a hand on me, I got the red mist before my eyes and I just exploded on the person. I've never been in a fight, that I haven't ended in more than one kick or a few punches. Then, they were crying on the ground and I was raging: "Did you want to fight?" or "Never tough me again!"
and then it was over, every time. I broke my hand once, in two places, but they guy never bothered me again.
These outbursts helped me against bullying, but that I didn't like that temper.
My younger brother was on the receiving end once or twice, and I lost a friend over it once. It also almost got me kicked off Judo, but they did put me in a group with older kids. I was small for my age, so I was in a group of a bit younger children, but they put me in a group with a bit older children. The first day, my toenail got kicked half off, taking weeks to heal and then I stopped doing Judo. I think I've got that monster inside under control, because I haven't seen it come out the last 20 years. Having a girlfriend who had an even worse temper, I had to be the most controlled one. I have never beat or kicked her, but I've seen her smash stuff and I had to push her off me once when she wanted to scratch my skin open. She had a horrible childhood, but she has recovered from it. She has progressed in a lot of things, the past 25 years.
There are many school programs to stop bullying kids. It starts with acceptance of kids who are different. They don't have to be LGTB, but kids who accept kids who are LGTB are also better in accepting kids with ADD, Asperger, autism, low IQ, high IQ, being small, slouching, crooked legs, ugliness, etc. These programs are all considered 'woke' by conservatives. It's just a term for accepting 'different' people.
Nothing brings out the bad in people as much as intolerance.
I think the school crumbling down around their evil little ass's would have put the fear of God in them.
just because of some bullies?
other children stood by and did nothing, all staff stood by and did nothing,
so why care about them?
They will ask themselves what they did wrong. How awful are these parents?
Want to know why they don't do that now?
His father Mathew Crooks was profiled in Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign database, as a strong Republican supporter, gun owner and hunter. He had a score 0.99 on a scale of 0-1 in 'gun owner enthusiasts'. That's a 99% GUN NUT!
He ranked 17th as "SRONG GOP", from the 19,320 citizens of Bethel Park.
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Thomas Matthew Crooks was raised by a Republican voting gun nut, he was a Republican registered gun nut and he used the preferred weapon of gun nuts.
His profile matches the large majority of mass shooters: young adult white male loner, raised in gun culture, bullied at school, suffering from depression.
His phone's search history shows searched for images of both the former president and current president. He searched for the dates of the former president's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for dates of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Crooks also conducted searches online about "major depression disorder".
He was just another mass shooter, wanted to commit suicide by cop and get on the news. Trump just showed up closest to his house.
He also had bombs in his vehicle .Which the vehicle confuses me because it had out of state tags, no one is explaining that 1.if he lived such a short distance away, why would his tag be out of state?
There were numerous security flaws,
BUT as I have said before, liberals wear blinders and the only problem they see here is the Ak, all these other issues are null and void.
You and folks that align with your mindset think if the gun magically evaporated , none of this would have happened.
The bomb in the vehicle? oh,he would never have made that had he not had a gun i guess right?
Fix the bullying, fix the depression, these other problems would greatly reduce.
Mass shooters do that. It's not like they just snap one day.
The bombs could have been his backup plan.
Blowing yourself up with the president or former president
is making a big splash too.
When assault rifles were legalized, mass shootings tripled.
But, you go ahead trying to fix bullying and depression,
it will never work, because you have no idea how to do that.
That's because your culture is worsening the causes for them.
You promote selfishness and antipathy between people.
That's asking for bullying and feelings of despair.
But, do tell how your plan to fix bullying and depression,
with your message that young people should not want anything
and should just work as hard as they can for $5/hr, while rent is $1500/month.
Or that maybe they can make $15/hr, if they go in to $200,000 of student debt.
Meanwhile, you let the billionaires destroy their future, by climate change.
Your plan is just to say "Shut up and take it!", right?
Well, the fact that he researched both Trump and Biden shows how much his Republican father brainwashed him. He should have known who is the cause for
his "major depression disorder"; the guy who wants to make him work for peanuts
until he dies and plans to accelerate climate change.
Only after this bullshit of worrying about peoples feelings did the depression set in.
People laying around,wanting for nothing because they don't work or work very little,have plenty of time to think,get in trouble.
Just a quick googleing,
"Context: During the 1950s and 1960s, anxiety was the emblematic mental health problem in the United States, and depression was considered to be a rare condition."
Results from the 2024 Mind Health Index show a rise in the number of people struggling – up by 3 points to 15% overall. Fewer than a quarter of people in the world are now flourishing (down by 1% to 24% this year), while just a third are getting by (down to 33% from 35%).Mar 5, 2024"
what changed?
People got lazyer because of welfare programs.people demanded higher wages, but it doesn't look like it is buying happiness does it?
"people demanded higher wages, but it doesn't look like it is buying
happiness does it?"
Because they didn't get it!!!
Wages have not in any way kept up with cost of living.
Whatever welfare programs you have don't cut it.
They are hardly a band-aid against bleeding out.
Young people have a reason to be depressed, because
your generation had affordable education and a chance to build a life.
Your generation has destroyed most of that for them.
And your generation keeps making it even worse.
I told you you have no plans to "Fix the bullying, fix the depression".
So, what do you want, "Shut up and take it!" advertisements on TV?
You keep confirming you have NO FIXES. Even if was true, and people were lazier now, YOU better shut up and take it, accept that they're lazy AND DO SOMETHING, or get the guns away from them, OR ACCEPT EVEN MORE MASS MURDERS.
Your plan for everything is do nothing and just accept that it's getting worse.
Well, you're voting for the correct party, they excel at making things worse.
If anything it will cause MORE issues as mass bombings will take place,a van full of 10-10-10 and some diesel fuel will harm alot more than 20 rounds from a rifle.
How is my generation makeing it worse?
My father paid for my college education with interest from investments made during his employment.
I can't help people my age have 8 kids and can't do that.
I can't help houses cost some much. I didn't jack the price up. nor did my parents or other family.
cost were raised by regulations and laws, wage hikes, taxes and fee's and other things .Not to mention half the forest have burned down the past few years from lack of land Maintenace.
You don't offer any fixes to the problems other than takeing away a gun.
we had asylums for crazy people.not any more
We had low income housing for decades.
It was called Mobile homes, a young couple getting started could buy 1 and rent a lot for it. as their lives improved they could sell it or rent it. Not any more,zoning laws and regulations have all but made them illegal. towns and countys were not collecting much tax from them. so poof.some of that governmemt regulation for you.
i guess people like you think the gov should put everyone in half million dollar homes at the tax payer exspense.
Tear down some of these damn foot ball stadiums and such and build 10 story dormitory's for the homeless. 1 set of plans, duplicate as needed.save 1000's on architect bills.
I have told you why people are feeling depressed.
I have told you to not allow depressed people to have AR-15's.
Are you able to simultaneously understand 2 separate logic chains?
You can EITHER fix the depression, OR take away the guns.
You don't want to do THE ONE OR THE OTHER.
1) Your ideas are making people MORE DEPRESSED.
You are creating more young adult white male loners, bullied at school,
suffering from depression.
2) AND you have no solutions for keeping AR-15's away from THEM.
You are raising everyone in gun culture and allow them easy access to AR-15's.
Do something to fix EITHER 1) OR 2) and you WILL have less mass murders.
When the assault rifle ban was lifted, there were not all of a sudden 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school. STILL, there were 3 times as many depressed young white male loners, who got bullied at school, DOING MASS MURDERS!!!. They didn't do all of them before, with just the handguns, knifes, bombs or poison, but they started doing those mass murders, when they got their hands on AR-15's. It's like they were all waiting for a tool that was especially designed to do mass murder.
"I can't help people my age have 8 kids and can't do that."
People cannot afford any kids anymore. Is your news telling you anything useful?
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Can you at least agree on the fact of the declining birth rate?
Increasing costs of housing are caused by one thing. The government used to support affordable housing with regulations and housing projects funded by taxes.
That responsibility has been fully transferred to the market. It is only intended to maximize profits for the rich. They don't care about people being able to afford a house. Instead of investing money, to provide affordable housing, they maximize profits, by exploiting scarcity.
YOU did that, by voting for Republicans, who tell you a fantasy story about people benefiting from wealthy investors, which is CLEARLY NOT TRUE!
You are confirm that you are believing their stupid stories, by telling me their stupid straw-men stories, about what Democrats want to do, which is exactly what your government did before, when people could still afford a home to live in.
Those damned football stadiums bring in huge amounts of money to a city and the taxes generated bring tremendous help to city budgets. I'm not going to mention the employment that it supports, not only at the stadium or game itself, but at the amount of labor needed to accommodate the fans, The hospitality industry, fast food, other tourist attractions, all benefit from a stadium. The same stadium can accommodate many different venues.
One more thing, in case it slipped your mind, these "stadiums" are private property.
just a nearby city paying 650 million towards a staduim
The same foot ball teams owner backed out of a deal with a city in south carolina for a practice place and the city lost millions on it.
As for the mobile homes, countys around here condemn them regularly and have contractors go around tearing them down and the owners are forced to pay for it. There have been multiable trailer parks around here that were zoned out by towns looking to bring in larger brick homes with higher tax values.
for a few already wealthy people.
As a socialist, I want public investments creating public profit.
I also think the government has a responsibility to provide affordable housing to everyone. In your example, they are screwing poor people, to the benefit of people with a higher income. I'm sure those tax incomes are an incentive to do so, but there is more likely someone getting money from someone else making lots of money from those larger brick homes.
Those houses will be unaffordable for the people who lived in the trailers, because private investors demand a quick and big return. As a socialist, I want public investments in housing for the poor and middle income. That would still provide a return for the public, but it doesn't need to be quick and big, because the public already benefits from people being able to afford housing. Then those people who lived in the trailers, would be able to afford those larger brick homes.
People that try,need help, those that want to dope up, leave them under the bridge.
If honest working people can only afford a mobile home then don't bother them. leave them be and let them work and better themselves .
Every other problem is just that, another problem. Me? I want less firearms and more controls of the ones left.
the number of deaths from mass shootings tripled, in a very short time-frame.
That was a statement from Biden, but it was fact checked and determined to be 'Mostly True'.
One thing that resulted from the assault rifle ban expiring, is that cops are too afraid to do their jobs. They are not up to task against an AR-15. They will wait outside a school, while some kid is going around killing children, because they fear for their lives. Banning assault rifles again might give them back the courage to go save the children.
You aint looked inside the police cars around here sir.
AR-15's in brackets attached to the dash on the passenger side.
And yes I have seen them out before!
THey are up to it in rural areas where the law don't put up with as much shit as they do in big citys.
And honestly,I am having similar discussions regarding our firefighers around here, if you aint man enough to face the fire, face the high water,see the blood,deal with the hazards of the job, WHY are you taking up a position on the force?????
Same for police, You may not have a Legal obligation to protect, but you have SWORN to protect when you took the fucking job. Protect or quit.
He had that AR-15 pointed at him and he retreated.
Crooks took a shot at Trump, directly after that.
That cop was most likely armed with just a handgun.
He was outgunned, by a 20 year old boy.
How many cops walk around with an AR-15?
It's not much use, if it's in the car.
Do you want cops to carry around AR-15's?
They are cops, not soldiers.
And if you read about the officer that the crooks pointed his Ar-15 at, you will find the cop has his hands occupied trying to hang on the side of the building, when the gun was pointed at him, he had to let go and fell 8 feet to the ground.
Your cops in your country may have a 3rd arm,but over here they only have 2.
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"When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot."
Where is fear? I am still looking for the link that said he fell 8 feet , he was helped up by another officer, and was hanging on with both hands,
Are we just going to trust HIS words?
I would be very surprised if he admits he was outgunned.
Actually, he was being brave to even put himself in that danger.
Most cops would just shoot a suspect, to be safe.
Of course he wasn't an unarmed black guy doing something 'suspicious',
he was an white guy with an AR-15, who you ask nicely to put it down.
Even Secret Service Snipers will wait until a white guy has fired 8 bullets.
He should have not gone up the ladder, he should have taken his gun out and shouted: "You on the roof, stand up and put your hands in the air!".
Maybe that way, he could have controlled the situation of a Glock 9 against an AR-15, or he would have been dead too.
Fell 8 feet , could you fall 8 feet to the ground and jump up like rambo ,glock 9 blazing? i doubt it,
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