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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
Have a discussion

Anything bugging you,maybe the members could help you with your problem ?

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By #460385 09,Nov,16 22:38
What else can Americans do but laugh at this shit and see how it plays out. Really nothing else we can do.
By #358797 10,Nov,16 01:21
Exactly. And personal opinion here, but with the way hillary supporters are behaving right now, with the riots and all, I'm glad she lost. Just showing they'd rather throw fits in an attempt to get their way, destroying and desecrating their communities instead of moving forward and focusing on what's in front of them. It's ridiculous.
--------------------------------------- added after 22 seconds

Probably just opened a can of worms there, but fuck it.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Nov,16 05:22 other posts 

By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Nov,16 17:42 other posts 
Obama care will get the chop...Obama gotta be pissed Trump got in...
By #460385 09,Nov,16 22:35
Obama care is out, Trump care is in. Hair pieces for all the bald guys.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Nov,16 05:20 other posts 
will his hair get it's own security detail ?...Trump care sounds like an anti flatulence treatment...

By #485312 09,Nov,16 02:58
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Nov,16 03:28 other posts 
Why ?...
By #481583 09,Nov,16 13:17
Yes I agree!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Nov,16 00:50 other posts 
Well done the Cubs...I can't believe it...after 108 years...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Nov,16 09:32 other posts 
That's 19 years before you were born.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Oct,16 06:57 other posts 
The future president of the United States ought to have an honorary membership in showyourdick.com/showyourcunt.com/showitoff.com

Reason: He's the man! He goes after women and tries to fuck them. Well, just like the rest of us.

If you haven't seen the video in the Washington Post, take a look at it:
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Trump claims:
"I did try to fuck here; she was married"

And then
"I moved on her very heavily" "like a bitch"

He tried to fuck here despite, as he says, having
"big phony tits"

But he doesn't like kissing so he says
"I better use Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her"

And he also tells us his way with girls:
"and when you start you can do anything, grab them by her pussy, you can do anything"

So what do you think? Let's all contribute 1 cent to the site and present Trump with an honorary membership. He may give the money back to people when he's president.

Or maybe not. Maybe he won't be president. It's up to those who vote for him. But if he is, he'll be the first president who will be using our language to the world. Kudos to Trump!
By #485312 08,Oct,16 07:28
maybe he has a big dick as well as a big wallet, ld shake his hand and grab his crotch if he became president...*lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Oct,16 07:37 other posts 
Come on, you're smarter than that. You may grab his dick with one hand, but grab his wallet with the other. You better get something out of that!
By #485312 09,Oct,16 08:59
lol, money doesn't interest me that much, its comes with a price, l just like my sex and like it good...money cant buy that...good lovers are more precious to me in the long run, l cant fuck a pile of money leo...and a fuck you buy is like a job or clinical..passion and lust are priceless *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,16 23:51 other posts 
Wise words.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Oct,16 23:54 other posts 
But, seriously, ignoring his dirty dollars, do you find Trump in any way attractive?
By #485312 10,Oct,16 04:53
no, not really, it would just be fucking a powerful man and trying to get my fingers in his arse so l can say he was once my puppet lol, plus ld like to see if he did have a big cock, or his cars and jets really are a sign of a little pecker *lix*
By #502711 10,Oct,16 05:07
I hope Trump does become president. At least he's honest. Well, more honest than any other candidate. Hillary is a sociopath. I don't even know who elese is running for president, because Trump & Hillary are the only two I ever hear about. But Trump is the kind of guy I think would put his foot down on all the bullshit going on in the world. I really do believe he will make America great again. He also says what needs to be said, instead of saying anything just to win & I think that is actually what is going to make him win in the long run... At the least the world will be a more interesting place if he wins.
By #485312 10,Oct,16 08:16
absolutely right, he calls a spade a spade, and a pussy a pussy...he wants whats best for the country, whether you like him or not...its a cat fight to the end and he knows how to sack people for not doing their job...they've had worse presidents who are only mouth pieces for real people running the country...his 'advisors' tell him whats best for the people ...just mouth pieces for real people running the show...big business is in his b/ood..the country is just a bigger business that needs to be profitable *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 10,Oct,16 17:31 other posts 
No matter the size of his dick, His brain is what the country needs at the moment!
Hillary, Sheesh, It hurts to type it, much less to think of her as a president.
Nothing to do with the fact she is female.
Heck to some degree a woman president might have it's advantages,just not hillary for Gods sake.
Think about this. A woman president during her monthly period gets news of a nitshit country threatening her baby,the US. Oh hell, bombs away, problem solved and NOONE would say a word for fear she is still pissed.
Putin is not a saint, but can you imagine how much safer the world would be if our 2 country's could function together at some level to squash terrorism?

It does not matter about if we get along according to sexual orientation or skin color or anything else if we are all cowering under a bridge hiding from terrorist bombs!
By #502711 11,Oct,16 07:18
Yeah, Trump wants to ban Muslims from America, correct me if i'm wrong. I think if he wins & does kick all the Muslims out then all the terrorist attacks in America would magically vanish. I hope Australia follows suit. Pauline Hanson here in Aus has been described as Australia's version of Trump, she wants to keep Muslims in check. Call me racist, xenophobic whatever I don't care Muslims are a problem. I know not all of them are, but their ideology is not compatible with the Western way of life. If they want to live among us, then they need to compromise, or piss off somewhere else.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Oct,16 16:30 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Oct,16 09:44 other posts 
People are tired of not calling the spade a spade, and Trump has done that. Problem is that he's not a politician and although he appeals to people who're tired of pc bullshit, he doesn't fit the norm. Yes, you're right, some religions are much more violent than others and intolerant and so on.
By #485312 13,Oct,16 15:40
was Ronald Reagan the norm?? he didn't have any idea on how to run a country either, and Bush, well he didn't know a thing, and there was another dude that was just a normal man, l cant remember his name, but l remember he wore glasses...they just need a figure head because the true rulers of the country just need a mouth piece *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 13,Oct,16 17:52 other posts 
I was in the hospital recovering from surgery for my testicular torsion when Reagan won the election and Iran decided it better turn the hostages loose. Jimmy was shaking their hands in a building in Germany on the tv. I bet I watched that a 1000 times in 4 days I was laying in the bed with a ice pack on my balls.
Iran was Afraid of Reagan, they figured he would bomb their ass back to the stone age. Which some of us feel like 1 hand grenade would do that! We need a leader that the terrorist will fear, not 1 they know will sit back and let them kill us.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Sep,16 21:06 other posts 
Had to finally kick firefox out and use chrome...wtf has happened to firefox ?,
By #23212 17,Sep,16 23:10
The Mozilla people, who make the Firefox browser (latest version = 48.0.2) also have always made the SeaMonkey browser (latest = 2.40). I have always found SeaMonkey to be a FAR better browser, including that it renders the texts on web pages the same size as they are intended, not smaller like Firefox always does. Also seems way more stable.

By #358797 29,Aug,16 15:42
Gene Wilder died. So sad.
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By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,Sep,16 16:33 other posts 

By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Aug,16 00:47 other posts 
Nice little upgrade admin..
By #485312 24,Aug,16 17:31
yes the upgrade works great, *lix*

By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Aug,16 18:30 other posts 
apple are rumoured to be getting rid of the headphone jack on iPhones...to make it slimmer...bah...
By #494679 20,Aug,16 18:40
Hmmm, so is that an iRumour?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Aug,16 20:04 other posts 
probably..I don't use apple...I just see apple removing something that works just so they can market new headphones/earbuds....
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Aug,16 19:36 other posts 
So no earphones at all?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Aug,16 19:48 other posts 
It will be through the lightning port or bluetooth...it's just apple being a dick...to apparently improve audio as the headphone jack cannot be made any slimmer/smaller...apple haven't a clue about audio...that's why they bought beats from Dr Dre...

Digital audio is overrated anyway..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 00:59 other posts 
That'll be draining the battery faster. Nice.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 12:46 other posts 
Still makes me laugh how tech companies can't sort out the one thing everyone does want....longer battery life...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Aug,16 01:58 other posts 
It's very difficult for fundamental physical reasons.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Aug,16 17:39 other posts 
The actual battery size/capacity I agree...but a lot of the things that drain the battery are often not needed or used...crapware/bloatware whatever you want to call it..bad software,etc...

By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Aug,16 18:49 other posts 
So was Michael Jackson a psychopathic pe.do.phile?
By #485312 10,Aug,16 07:10
of course he was...if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it usually is a duck *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Aug,16 08:06 other posts 
Thought so. It was kind of obvious anyway.
By #485312 12,Aug,16 21:41
money can buy most people off, but in years to come, they'll come out and tell their stories, for more money ... sec.ret rooms, he went to a lot of trouble to groom them, fun park, sl.eep overs, lollies and money...he's nothing but a grub and his music shouldn't get air time ever again...*lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Aug,16 02:29 other posts 
You know how many idiots out there have MJ as a tattoo?
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It's fucking ridiculous.
By #485312 17,Aug,16 18:58
l wonder how the tattooists feel about drawing pe.do.philes on people, maybe they should ask their clients before inking them if they realise its a memorial to a sex offender, l loved his music, but turn it off when l hear it now, knowing that he was nothing but a sicko fucktard k!d sex offender...he doesn't deserve to be listened to...like OJ Simpson, the naked gun played last night here and as much as l love a good comedy, l wouldn't watch that sick bastard either, they should pull that show and burn it.. his wife deserves more justice that him still getting air time anywhere around the world *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Aug,16 19:06 other posts 
Well, yes, but I suppose the tattooists didn't know back then. To me, MJ always looked weird and sick. I `knew' he was hiding something. What is a fame worth for when you're unhappy?
By #485312 18,Aug,16 15:20
fame and money can hide the truth, but cosby is finding out you cant gag people for ever, and MJ is dead so he cant intimidate them into not telling, lm sure it wont be long before someone breaks their silence *lix*
By #210252 21,Aug,16 03:41
he built an amusement park and had sleepovers didn't he ?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Aug,16 01:57 other posts 
How should I know? I've heard he fucked young kids.

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