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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
What's poppin' where you are ? Care to share ?

Current events, rants and raves...general chit chat...politics..
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By mr_blue [Ignore] 28,Jul,16 17:44 other posts 
Trump v Clinton..... let the shit slinging begin...
By _avg_ [Ignore] 29,Jul,16 03:04 other posts 
I really felt Michelle Obama was speaking directly to Hillary when she said "When they go low, we go high." Hillary is better than Trump; her natural instinct will be to go to the mud when he slings it, but she really IS better than that. If she doesn't realize..and act..on that, she'll lose this election.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
~George Carlin
By #460385 29,Jul,16 12:27
Too bad these are our only 2 choices.
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Jul,16 12:34 other posts 
Just out of curiosity, alex:
Given what you know about me from what I post here at SYD, which of the two do you think I am voting for?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 15:09 other posts 
Donald Clinton or Hillary Trump

I reckon it's Hillary Clinton.
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 16:19 other posts 
That is correct.
When all else fails, I go with the one who can construct a coherent sentence. (And isn't a racist and a bully.)
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 19:38 other posts 
No, publicly she isn't a racist or a bully, just a liar!
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 20:34 other posts 
And Trump is noted for his complete honesty. Isn't he the one they tell the cherry tree story about? Bottom line is the guy speaks like a total idiot. Given my disdain for idiots, there is no way I can support him.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 20:53 other posts 
I understand exactly what you're saying but all I was trying to say is that Hillary is no prize herself.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 21:18 other posts 
Hillary will try to take away my guns but she will have to pry them from my cold dead fingers first
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 22:45 other posts 
Hillary is going to come and knock on your door personally and take your guns. That's her "super power".
By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 22:46 other posts 
This is true. However, given that they are both liars, I will take the less mentally unstable one.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 23:28 other posts 
What's worse is not just that he's an idiot but the realization that the are so many millions of idiots who vote for him because they think he's like them. Just as in the Bush case.
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 01:01 other posts 
That is a true story.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 06:41 other posts 
A politician lying, no way... so you are gonna vote Trump then...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 18:16 other posts 
Well, here is something to think about. The Prez is responsible for the security codes to activate our nuclear arsenal. Regardless of your preference, most people don't like the idea of frying from the inside out and being dead.
Hillary could not even keep her emails secure. The democrats can not even keep their computers secure. But yet some folks want to let Hillary be Prez? DUH>
Trump sometimes talks like a 5th grade bully. He took the bait the democrats laid out for him a few weeks back with the muslim parent thing. I agree, the best thing he coulda done there was HUSH.
BUT if We Americans suffer a terrorist attack under a Trump administration, you can bet your ass the enemy will be delt with effectively and quickly with little concern as to how some little nit shit country that is bumming money off of us feels about it.
We need to protect this country and it's contents. And I think he is the better man for the job.

And really, think about this for a moment,really think. JUST who here in the US is really presidential material? Compared to our founding fathers with a real vision for America and a desire to keep it safe?
And if you found this person, would they be fool enough to take the job? And would the congress follow thru with the ideas?
I can't think of anyone right now that would run for Prez and be good for the job that would take it.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 22,Aug,16 00:44 other posts 
That politics for you....

By mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 12:49 other posts 
So has everyone enjoyed the olympics ?

By #460385 25,Jul,16 18:53
2 tragic mass killings again. One in Ft Myers, Florida at a club during teen night for 12 to 17 year olds. My wife and I were just in Ft Myers Beach a month ago for vacation. Another in Tokyo, Japan at a handicap facility. Just a reminder for those who believe gun control is the answer. The 26 year old man in Tokyo killed 15 and injured another 45. And his weapon was a knife.
By #188992 30,Jul,16 17:33
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\If things were different in Japan I suspect the numbers would be "60 killed and no injured". What do YOU think?
By #201583 30,Jul,16 18:09
An artery is an artery. It doesn't matter how you puncture it. Same with the liver. Look at Nice, he took out 77 to 80 with a truck faster than with a firearm.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 06:53 other posts 
But a truck is not designed to kill...
Anyone intent on doing harm can find a way to do just that,having guns just makes it easier for the nutters to cause havoc...

Everyday there is a fatal shooting in the USA,so something has to be done,but it will not happen,there's just too much money the USA will continue to see mass shootings until better laws are in place...
By #201583 31,Jul,16 14:26
It's not the laws. Any good, mentally stable, god fearing person can flip and go suicidal at any given moment. The problem is that there are so many assholes in this country that shit on as many people as they can daily. Not to mention when a love struck psyco gets dumped. Then when said idiot hits the bottom and wants to off himself, he just plans where he can take out as many assholes as possible instead of seeking help. When they cross that line everyone is the devil to them.
You concern over the minute number of lives lost to mass shootings, but not the thousands due to gangs, and drugs. Granted one death is too many. However, you can't fix stupid. Do you have any idea how many felons have **** guns. You only hear about the ones in the news that were purchased legally were an agency failed to report or enter data into a database which would've denied the buyer a firearm. Just wait until the nutters realize that trucks can increase their score.
I would rather be shot, than ran over, stabbed, or simply beaten to death with just about any object. Out here people get killed for money, jackets, shoes, phones, Ipods, laptops, jewelry, hats, sunglasses, and simply wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 15:08 other posts 
Every gun starts it's 'life' as a legal legititmate purchase then someone sells it on..
There's just so many guns floating around now,that you cannot prevent them ending up in criminal's hands,so it is at basic level,a matter of law...the people who make the laws need to make better ones,cuz the ones at present are not working..
But it's an individual right of American's to bear arms,so how to you resolve the issues...people want their guns,but there are too many needless shootings happening.
And a nutter is a nutter regardless of how stable they have been,feeling self pity and wanting to off yourself taking as many people with you is easier with an assault rifle.

Desperate people do desperate things,if people cannot see a way to progress in life they can turn to crime,and it's so easy to fall into that life.

Drugs is a different debate.
By #201583 31,Jul,16 15:38
Especially when the government is looney tunes.

A lot of firearms are stolen. On most of the gun turn-ins for gift cards most of the guns turned in are almost always missing serial numbers. Aka stolen. Some are legit turned in by widows. But the news always spins it to look like they are all legit. If you want the truth just ask the cop and not the agenda spinner.
Mexico has much stiffer gun laws than the US and more gun deaths per capita. Canadians have about the same laws we do with far less gun deaths per capita. They need to hold the reporting agencies responsible when they fail to report a mental illness, or local **** fails to report up, or even the feds fail to report down. All firearms purchases new or used, should all be run through the background check. But that would only stop a felon or known mentally off person from purchasing a firearm. A felon gangbanger can get a stolen one from one of his boys. A wacko can buy one from a gangbanger. Outlaw guns and they would pour in from Mexico with the drugs.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 31,Jul,16 15:53 other posts 
Most governments are looney tunes,look at the people we elect..

I take on board all that you say,but my main point is that something has to be done...I honestly have no answers only half baked ideas as to what can be done to halt gun crime...

I don't really watch mainstream media,I talk to people who live in those places to try to understand their part of the world.
By #201583 31,Jul,16 17:38
Extremely stiff penalties, like life without parole for using a firearm in a crime, 20 years without parole for il-leg-al possession of a firearm. You commit a crime you lose your rights. No more boys camp. Bust rocks until you die. No steaks, TV, newspapers, or even letters. Our judicial system is a joke. Guys are serving less than the minimum for murder and are killing people as soon as they are back on the street. But you will never stop or prevent the crackpot. Some people can't handle undue stress, rejection, or even loss of a job. Then again some people go an entire lifetime without knowing that they themselves are crazy.
I was physically and mentally **** as a ****,not a little but a lot. I had a 12 guage and a .22 Ruger10/22 hanging on my bedroom wall with enough ammo to last a while. I had many fights in school, I dislike many people. However, I never, ever threatened to shoot anyone. I even was forced to watch my step-dad beat my mother and then later my stepmother. He was nuts and he did the world a big favor in 2002 with a .44 mag. I wished him ill will but never even thought of shooting him. I dropped that piece of shit like a sack of potatoes with a good ole one, two combo while in the 8th grade and had to move in with my mom. I have been bankrupt while going through a divorce and creditors calling me every 30 min. I never thought about hurting my wife, or jackin a bank. Some people crumble and others grow stronger.
By #188992 31,Jul,16 17:13
It's a conundrum, but from the outside it looks like an armed government and an armed populace with some very troubling issues, locked into their own private arms race. It saddens me when there's a mass shooting in, for example, a school and one of the "serious" responses is to have armed security guards in schools. Do you know how crazy that sounds to pretty much everybody outside the US? Your constitutional right is an interesting one - here's a thought: they're called amendments because you can AMEND things! Maybe you should have a grown up conversation, as a Nation, and decide whether you want to change what the 2nd amendment says? Remember the 18th amendment? Things don't have to be unalterable.
By #23212 01,Aug,16 01:39
"Canadians have about the same laws we do ..."

NO! Private ownership of handguns is mostly i l l e g a l in Canada--NOT the same!
By #201583 01,Aug,16 07:23
- To purchase a handgun or other restricted firearm, a person must have a possession and acquisition licence (PAL) for restricted firearms. Canada's federal laws severely restrict the ability of civilians to transport restricted or prohibited.
I live in the United Socialist Republic of Illinois. I have to apply for a card, background checks. And I still can't buy what I want. Most of the guns on the Canadian ban list I wouldn't buy anyhow. You can buy a few guns that I cant. And the only stupid thing I seen on your list was .22 and .32 cal. I would never ever own a .32 it's a crap round. The .22 is cheap and fun for target shooting. However, I haven't had one since I was in middle school and I would never buy another.
By #460385 31,Jul,16 17:53
The gun laws will never pass in the US. Like Alex said, there is too much involved. Big money talks. Gun laws are no different then trying to ban cigarettes and alcohol. Never gonna happen. I can drink myself to death. I can smoke myself to death. And I can carry a gun. And it's all legal and possibly fatal. Land of the free and home of the brave. Welcome to America.
By #188992 31,Jul,16 18:13
Hmmmmm, I think you might be guilty of saying something and thinking that just by saying it you make it true - "Gun laws are no different then trying to ban cigarettes and alcohol" . In the UK you can smoke as much as you like (outside or in your own home) you can drink as much as you like (pretty much) but you can't go to Asda/Walmart and buy bullets. As a nation/society we have made that choice. We don't think that seeing gun ownership as commonplace is right. If you need a gun to pursue your hobby you need to meet some pretty strict rules. Otherwise, why do you need a gun? Home security? You just encourage the criminals to have better guns. Plus .... if you don't wear your holster 24/7 you lose anyway. Land of the free, my arse! What percentage of your population do you lock up? How does that compare to the rest of the "Free World"?
By #201583 31,Jul,16 18:29
We already have strict rules. The problem is less than one percent have no regard for the rules. So, if rules have no bearing, immensely stiffen the penalty. Like if your little one is unaffected by your rules even if you keep adding rules and they keep on disregarding your rules because you only give timeouts. To fix the problem stop giving timeouts and tan that hide. If you don't stiffen the penalties you will only throw fuel on the fire.
By #188992 02,Aug,16 18:25
By using your own analogy (and twisting it a bit, for sure): if people can't use guns responsibly (and all the things you've tried haven't worked) "tan that hide" and take their fucking guns away from them. BTW, I **** the defence that guns would be your only defence against a tyrannical government. Last time I checked, the US was a democracy - if you don't want tyrants in power, don't vote for them.
By #201583 02,Aug,16 20:13
Yep. Didn't us armed back woods yanks kick you redcoats out of the US. That means your opinion on the matter is fully null and void. I can care a less about UK politics. You can keep your Unitarian government.
Voting here is nothing but smoke and mirrors. The parties push ponies forward and say Vote. The winners from each party usually gets the party blessing. Then they say vote again. Then the winner is declared.
Now if you can't see that the system is rigged then your blind. Either the Elephant,the donkey, or the clown wins. It doesn't matter who wins because the only guarantee you have is a very expensive ticket to a three ring circus.
If I owned the US and was looking to fill the the Presidential Position I would still have an empty position. Since my eighteenth birthday I have yet found a candidate that had my approval. However, if they added a clause on the ballet that stated, "All candidates that are running for this position are incapable," I would vote at every election.
Voting is our earned right but, sorry to say the game is rigged. I refuse to choose between shooting my left foot, or my right foot. If I have to eat a shit sandwich, it's going to be against my will and without my blessing.
We have guns for self defense, sport, collecting, national defense, and just plain Ole because we can. Just go back in time and ask all the yanks that repelled your reds about the importance of armed. An armed civilian population vastly reduces the chances of being invaded by another country.
Sorry, I can't drink your tea and you don't like our Kool-aid so please stay out of our fridge.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Yep. Didn't us armed back woods yanks kick you redcoats out of the US. That means your opinion on the matter is fully null and void. I can care a less about UK politics. You can keep your Unitarian government.

Voting here is nothing but smoke and mirrors. The parties push ponies forward and say Vote. The winners from each party usually gets the party blessing. Then they say vote again. Then the winner is declared.

Now if you can't see that the system is rigged then your blind. Either the Elephant,the donkey, or the clown wins. It doesn't matter who wins because the only guarantee you have is a very expensive ticket to a three ring circus.

If I owned the US and was looking to fill the the Presidential Position I would still have an empty position. Since my eighteenth birthday I have yet found a candidate that had my approval. However, if they added a clause on the ballet that stated, "All candidates that are running for this position are incapable," I would vote at every election.

Voting is our earned right but, sorry to say the game is rigged. I refuse to choose between shooting my left foot, or my right foot. If I have to eat a shit sandwich, it's going to be against my will and without my blessing.

We have guns for self defense, sport, collecting, national defense, and just plain Ole because we can. Just go back in time and ask all the yanks that repelled your reds about the importance of being armed. An armed civilian population vastly reduces the chances of being invaded by another country.

Sorry, I can't drink your tea and you don't like our Kool-aid so please stay out of our fridge.
By #210252 21,Aug,16 03:53
sorry cheese puff but more laws won't do a damn thing when laws we already have on the books won't be enforced . just feel good politics . why don't you just be honest cupcake ? what you would like to see is disarmament of the people . aint gonna happen .
By mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Aug,16 12:48 other posts 
No worries cheesecake..

By #149019 12,Aug,16 00:38
[deleted image]
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Aug,16 04:17 other posts 
Is this where your eyes are located?

By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Aug,16 18:30 other posts 
Who has been watching the Olympics ?
By #460385 08,Aug,16 21:30
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Aug,16 21:41 other posts 
Everything or are you more interested in certain events?
By #509475 10,Aug,16 07:36
I kinnda like those synchronized divers Tom Daley and Dan Goodfellow . Now there was someting worth watching
By the way the water in the diving pool has turned green . I wonder what that could be .
By #460385 11,Aug,16 22:55
I have been watching 4 different channels everynight. As many events as I can. But Michael Phelps has been unbelievable. I'm convinced the guy was born a fish. Soccer, swimming, diving, gymnastics, boxing, basketball, vollyball, even ping pong, and badminton. It has all been awesome. These kids are freaks of nature.
--------------------------------------- added after 70 minutes

Congrats to Fiji. They won their first ever medal in tbe Olympics. And it was Gold in Rugby.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 08:29 other posts 
Donald Trump should join this site.


Donald Trump assured the American people on Thursday night that he does not have a small penis during what had to be one of the most bizarre Republican presidential debates in history.

Responding to comments Florida Sen. Marco Rubio made about Trump's hands earlier in the week, the businessman said, "Look at those hands. Are they small hands? [Rubio] referred to my hands, 'if they're small, something else must be small.' I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee."
By mr_blue [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 08:37 other posts 
Do you reckon he has a combover around his dong ?...
All the problems in the world and they are talking about the size of hands...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Mar,16 10:04 other posts 
Probably he has.
As you said, he's an idiot.
By #485312 18,Jul,16 09:35
lm hoping he gets elected...will be the funniest term ever...and couldn't be any worse than Bush *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Jul,16 13:41 other posts 
oh yes, it could. when bush was elected, people were saying it couldn't be worse than reagan. and it was. same thing with trump. it could be worse than bush. careful, because he might invade australia.
By #485312 19,Jul,16 04:42
nah, we're just redneck racists according to the wise cunt from merca with all the answers to the world problems..and we don't have enough oil for them to invade us...we just got wallabies and baby eating dingoes...nothing worth coming here for lol. *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 19,Jul,16 05:57 other posts 
You forgot that you "have" pig fucking kangaroos too, right?
By #485312 30,Jul,16 02:28
that's the tame bits, wait till you see the snake that eats a kangaroo and has to spit it back up, that was one big mouth but his eyes were too big for his belly *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 16:36 other posts 
A country of many wonders!
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Jul,16 21:26 other posts 
and they have disrespectful grave yard fucking whores there to *lix*

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