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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 21,Apr,15 11:21  other posts
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By #518223 13,Dec,16 15:52
US citizens. Trump and Clinton is no comparison to the shenanigans of South African politics. Just search Zuma.
Also search Farm murders in South Africa. White genocide.

By #358797 11,Dec,16 12:34
Uhm.... I finally caught a ditto this morning. Lol.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Dec,16 13:55 other posts 
By #358797 11,Dec,16 18:01
Pokemon Go. Lol. They released ditto a few weeks ago. He's hard to find.
By #460385 11,Dec,16 14:17
Is that an STD.
By #358797 11,Dec,16 18:00
Nah. It's a Pokemon. Lol. I'm a nerd.
By #460385 11,Dec,16 20:20
Nerds are cool.
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Dec,16 17:23 other posts 
Do they make an ointment to help get rid of that?
By #358797 11,Dec,16 18:01
Probably, but it transforms, so treating it may be hard...

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Dec,16 02:18 other posts 
WWIII....no way around it with the cheet0shitOrangahtang at the helm
By #485312 03,Dec,16 02:32
l think WWIII started with Bush invading Afghanistan, its been going on far too long and needs to be stopped...Bush and America started this war, they should be made to finish it...its a b/oody disgrace this has been left to go feral for last few years...its going to be the down turn of civilisation, islam is taking over the world now and its all the idiot Bushes doing... Hussain should never have been ousted and murdered, he was the only person keeping that middle eastern time bomb in check, and they murdered him ...*lix*
By phart [Ignore] 03,Dec,16 19:37 other posts 
I have to admit,Hussein was subhuman, but,under his hammer,the shit stayed semi contained.
I never understood why ground troops were ever dispatched to the middle east in the first place. We have B52 bombers and refueling planes. Our allies have similar.
Simply start at the outer borders of the country's and bomb in a circular pattern until it ends in the middle. Kinda like a whirlpool or toilet. Bomb the borders and roads out first, then bomb inward. Once the bombing is complete, put the US flag on part of it and let the allies have the rest to divide up. The oil sales would pay for the clean up and problem solved.
By #460385 03,Dec,16 20:00
Bombing the mountain regions of Afghanistan would have only killed innocent people in the villages and cities. The rats were burried inside the mountains in a very complicated tunnel system. What you suggest sounds great but it would not have worked. Same as in WWII with the battle for Iwo Jima. Flame throwers, grenades, and dogs were used to flush the Japanese out of the inside tunnels of the mountain island. I wish it would have been that easy.
By #485312 04,Dec,16 00:03
Like the dont have the technology to see where they are in and on the mountains? That was a war just like Vietnam that shouldnt have happened. But when have politicians ever listened to the people? I hope trump puts some reality back in the world. Hope the puppet show ends and he makes his own mind up on what to do as the inside informers have it all worked for the rich to profit, not to end the crap and fix your own backyard before you bomb someone elses for no good reason *lix*
By #460385 04,Dec,16 00:56
No good reason? Did you watch the Twin Towers fall? Sorry that us Americans didn't stand around and not revenge the thousands of men, women, and c-hildren killed that day.
By #485312 04,Dec,16 18:36
revenge wasn't the reason, oil and money is why they are there *lix*
By #88520 04,Dec,16 02:27
It's funny to see you call someone subhuman and then in the next sentence advocate for the killing of over 20 million people because they happen to be born in the wrong part of the world
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,16 18:47 other posts 
If they know right from wrong we would not have the problems. They are not as innocent as the media wants you to believe.
By #88520 05,Dec,16 02:03
Still sounds to me like you're the one that doesn't know right from wrong. I think there are plenty of innocent, women and **** that doesn't deserve to blown to bits by your whirlwind bombing. Maybe you should consider changing the kind of media you consume if it gives you that kind of black and white view of the world.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Dec,16 12:13 other posts 
It is the kaleidoscope view, of the world that folks in leadership have had that has left us venerable to attack.
Sometimes truth sucks.

Trust me, World peace would be a wonderful thing. Imagine being able to use our entire military and intelligence budget to fund medical care and to feed the hungry? Would that not be wonderful? But in the middle east those innocent women and youngan's are being taught to **** and kill us and breed more. I am sure there are Christians trapped there. But our government won't accept them as refugees, i know there was 12 or so turned away a few months before the election.
So death for them may even be welcome as a only escape from the **** and rapes they are experiencing.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Dec,16 15:18 other posts 
11 days to go...
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,16 16:20 other posts 
What happens in 11 days?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Dec,16 17:38 other posts 
America has it's last chance to save itself from a prize nut job becoming potus....I honestly can't believe his choices for a cabinet.... he's out his depth,it ain't the apprentice or one of his shitty arse businesses..the guy doesn't understand fundamentals of his own constitution ffs...
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,16 21:01 other posts 

I'm still confused on the "11 days to go... ". Trump will be sworn into office on January 20, 2017.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Dec,16 21:19 other posts 
Electoral college votes...
By #23212 08,Dec,16 21:04
And how does 19 December equal the USA's 'last chance'--as though it makes any difference now.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Dec,16 08:47 other posts 
Well he's a multi-billionaire and you are probably not. So he must know something you and I don't.
I like his cabinet so far except for that south carolina governor,she should not have been put anywhere in Washington. To quick to discard the history of the very state she lead a couple years back.But for the most part, he has put in knowledgeable people ,most are experts in the area's assigned.
A refreshing change from what we have had the last 8 years.
We should be able to get a good supreme court nominee now .
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Dec,16 09:42 other posts 
So what does he know ? How to take millions and make billions by shitting on everyone...Trump is real estate con artist...really look at how he got his money and you'll see hes not good for anyone except himself....same goes for his cabinet picks...all in it for themselves...Trump has already shown how he can bought,threaten to leave the country and take jobs away from the states and he'll give you tax breaks....have a look at carrier and the words from the union people.... Trump lied.... I'm wasting my time anyway,Trump is gonna do what he wants and shit on everyone...that's a tyrant.
By #88520 09,Dec,16 12:50
He knows the **** of having a very rich and well connected dad, even an imbecille like Trump can be successful when you're given everything on a plate. There were a couple articles that went through how he would have been much wealthier today if he had just invested all his inherited money in normal index funds.

As for knowledgeable people I don't think there has ever been as many unqualified people in charge of peoples lives like you'll have now. I guess that's what you get when you elect a president that normal intelligent people don't want to be associated with. You know it's pretty bad when someone with total lack of management experience like Ben Carson suddenly is the head of the Housing Department.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Dec,16 09:33 other posts 
And I guess 769 days total in the senate in Washington and being a community organizer made Obama qualified to be President? No wealth of his own by inheritance or earned, means he can manage a economy?
We could go on for days. But the sad fact is this country can't get much more fucked up than it is now. Medical bills out of sight, folks out of work and jobs leaving for abroad by the 1000's.

Folks need jobs and income. Folks need affordable energy. Has Obama gave us more of that than we had before him or has more been lost?

Coal mines shuttered,miners homeless. Does that sound good to you? OH I know,send them to school to use computers. Doing WHAT when they finish? All the damn jobs are leaving.Not just mining and manufacturing.

As for Carson heading the housing department.Hum, not to bad a thing. Have you got the college credentials he has to be a surgeon? I doubt it. You have to be very damn smart to have that credential. Surgery was not the only subject he was taught during his time in college.
Hell, he might even suggest, "quit doping so you can make house payments"
By #88520 10,Dec,16 23:43
Coal mines being shuttered does sound great to me, wherever it is possible coal should be replaced by greener alternatives. Get those people into factories assembling solar panels or something.

Easy manufacturing jobs will continue to leave your country as long as there are people willing to work for lower wages elsewhere, there's no stopping that. The solution is to continue to innovate and be technologically superior. You won't win by sticking your head in the sand, wall off your country and continue living like you're back in the sixties or whenever Trump thinks America was great.

You're way off if you think unemployment, the economy or energy costs got worse under Obama btw. Your country made a pretty amazing turn around after he took over after Bush, things were really heading in the wrong direction at that point, dangerously close to falling into a recession.

I do have a lot of university credentials, none that will let me operate on people though. Carson should stick to what he's good at, it was blatantly obvious that he didn't know what he was talking about when he tried discussing politics at the debates. The guy himself didn't want the health secretary position when it was offered to him because he acknowledged that he had no experience leading a government agency. Don't know why he let himself be placed as the head of the housing department after that, he's even more unqualified for that.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Dec,16 18:30 other posts 
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By #88520 18,Nov,16 13:25
Alright, so Trump who claimed he will only hire "The best people!" has started to make some picks.

Chief Strategist: Steve Bannon, a white nationalist and the biggest pusher of the Alt-Right **** movement. Wife beater and generally creepy guy.

Attorney General: Jeff Sessions, had his judiciary nomination denied in 1986 by the Senate Judiciary Committee because he was considered to be too racist. Has kept leaving a steady trail of racist comments and fought against the rights of minorities since then. Has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign because of his opposition to anything that has to do with LGBTQ rights.

National Security Advisor: Michael Flynn, an unhinged former general who was utterly despised at the Defense Intelligence Agency and later forced out, is a crazy islamophobia, retweets Info Wars articles and has on several occasions expressed adoration for Putin, Erdogan and other wannabe dictators.

Head of the CIA: Mike Pompeo, a member of the Tea Party movement with no intelligence credentials whatsoever. Wants to keep Guantanamo Bay running and increase the surveillance programs in the US to collect even more data on its citizens.

Is this the kind of people that will make America great? Will Trump manage to dig up more of these racist and hateful people to fill in the rest of his administration?
By #460385 18,Nov,16 14:24
And I'm assuming if Hilary Clinton won, there would be shit to dig up on her choices too. It's politics my friend. They all have a shady past. ALL OF THEM.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 14:33 other posts 
that may be the case,but Trump is not even trying to hire moderate thinking republicans... He's not running one of his businesses now,hes the Potus elect...his hiring of these people sends what message exactly ?..not a good one..
By #88520 18,Nov,16 14:43
To Countryboy:

You think that Hillary would have picked a bunch of rascist, anti-LGBTQ or otherwise hateful people to her administration?

If everyone in politics is so bad, can you name some people that Obama picked and tell me what their awful qualities were?
By #460385 18,Nov,16 15:42
No. I wasn't looking for a debate. I was simply stating that all politicians have something in their past. Yes is racism and abortion beliefs worse than others. Of course. But they are all crooked mother fuckers out for their self.
By #88520 18,Nov,16 17:01
It's such a tiresome argument to just say that everyone is awful though. Trump has only started making his picks and has already assembled a gang of truly reprehensible people around him. It's not normal and should not be treated as such. Trump more than anyone else needs reasonable, moderate people to keep him in check, but with people like these egging him on it could be quite disastrous for your country.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 17:08 other posts 
Who told you that the people he has chosen are reprehensible?

PS. I know Nigel Farage always speaks common sense
By #88520 18,Nov,16 17:32
Checking out their record and the various statements they've made in regards to minorities and people of certain religions certainly says a lot. Don't know much about Pompeo, but the other three has quite the history, their Wikipedia pages are a good start.

PS. Nigel Farage is the perfect example of how much damage a single person can do to his own country.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 17:49 other posts 
Who told you that? Stop blowing your own trumpet! (Getit?) A perfect example? In the words of .... My Arse!
By #88520 18,Nov,16 18:01
Here's someone that told me that you might have some problems over there in the UK, thanks to Farage and his likes. Does that work or is it still just coming out of my arse?

"UK faces £100bn Brexit hole in budget

Philip Hammond will admit to the largest deterioration in British public finances since 2011 in next week’s Autumn Statement when the official forecast will show the UK faces a £100bn bill for Brexit within five years.

Slower growth and lower-than-expected investment will hit tax revenues hard, the official forecasts will show, supporting the Treasury’s pre-referendum warnings that the long-term economic costs of Brexit are high.

Instead of a surplus in 2019-20, as his predecessor George Osborne had promised, Mr Hammond will show a sizeable deficit in that year with the gap between the borrowing forecast for each year in the Budget last March and the Autumn Statement getting bigger every year.

The deterioration in the outlook — which is still a forecast and highly uncertain — will not prevent Mr Hammond from finding room for some tax cuts to help what officials in Whitehall call “Jams”, meaning families who are “just about managing”. But these giveaways will be small compared with the additional borrowing the government will plan. There will not be much room in the public finances to reset fiscal policy with a big stimulus package.

The Office for Budget Responsibility has drawn up the forecasts the government will present and officials acknowledge they have been grappling for weeks with weak tax revenues and an outlook for lower growth."

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Good luck with your economy!
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 18:40 other posts 
You read the Guardian? Or a BBC journo? Repeat, ad infin... etc. And the FT used to be ....etc
By #88520 18,Nov,16 19:04
Oh sorry, I forgot that we now live in a world where you're never allowed to trust anything coming from the normal media or experts!

From here on I will just look for information on obscure blogs and sites which sprinkle in some **** speech between the lines so I can be sure that they tell it like it is!

By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 20:27 other posts 
Yes, I've read the so-called experts. But The People, the voters, us, don't agree.

And, for at least the last 8 years, the 'experts' have been wrong. As countryboy says (almost) these 'experts', all have a vested interest (for themselves).
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 19:22 other posts 
you are missing the fact you don't live in the UK...people who have nothing anyway can't lose something they don't have...
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 20:30 other posts 
Erm, I've got it, always have had it. I worked for it
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 07:51 other posts 
Put sh in front of it and you might be accurate...
By #460385 18,Nov,16 20:56
I'm missing something. Is it that bad in the UK? I thought things were ok over there.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 21:02 other posts 
Things are OK here. It's just the EU Euro people won't let it go. And now they can **** DT, too. . Edit .. dislike...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 07:55 other posts 
things are OK!!! Like most things,it depends on who you talk to and where you live..I voted to leave just in case you are wondering...
By #435701 22,Nov,16 14:42
History kinda' proves this, Countryboy! If there are honest politicians, they are soon crushed under the weight of the dishonest ones and INCREDIBLE weight of Washington beaurocracy...HELL, I cain't evin spel that Washington all powerful, soul sucking, money grubbing, asinine, totally UNCARING about American citizenry...insti...FUCKING...tution!!...not to mention the Lobbyists skulking around with $$$$ hanging out of their pockets to make our elected officials change their minds to what those in POWER want...And not what YOU, the voter wants...Ever wonder about the Electoral College? It's the ONLY way to truly RIG an election!...I say this while thinking Hillary Billary is a disgusting liar, possible charity fraud vampiress, as well as TOO many other dishonest things (crimes) to mention...But...she won the popular vote. Which is YOU and me!
Oh, lest I forget...POLITICS SUCK! Nobody, but NOBODY can be objective...At least I was disgusted beyond belief in BOTH of 'Amuricahs' choices...Which just proves what my dear departed Dad always said...America will one day be a Dictatorship...
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 22:22 other posts 
What the hell is wrong with keeping all those deadly terrorist at Gitmo instead of them being somewhere they would be more apt to escape and do harm again? I am all for Gitmo,Unless you want to take part in the "adopt a terrorist program"? Or bring them to your country for safe keeping. And whoever is down there should be listening to Barney the Dinosaur music all day and fed yogurt till they start talking.

Perhaps some racist remarks have been made. But at least we know where they stand. it is the silent 1's that we should be concerned about.

I can assure you, Hillarys pic's would be just as crooked and dirty. But they may lean in the other direction so would be fine to the 1's currently whining. As in take our guns, let in more damn immigrants that happen to be fighting age males that could be protecting their homeland instead of running from it.

I am looking forward to his supreme court picks. He will be able to fill the position that became open suddenly because of the death of a healthy older guy. Kinda odd he was a conservative working against obummer.

Just remember, just because you disagree with them,does not make them wrong,it just means they are wrong to you.

I could go on but what's the use?
By #88520 19,Nov,16 03:20
Considering what was going on at Gitmo when Bush and his friends were running things I can only imagine the kind of atrocities that a Trump administration would let happen. The pictures that were leaked from that place was one of the most effective tools for recruiting new terrorists, it became easy for them to convince their followers that the US was truly evil.

Letting people with clearly racist views hold positions of power should never be okay, so yes I really think it's concerning when people like Bannon and Sessions gets top positions.

It's funny that you're so afraid of terrorists yet seem to be totally against any laws restricting guns. If you would look up any chart comparing the amount of deaths caused by guns to terrorism you would find that terrorism doesn't even register on the scale. You're playing right into the hands of terrorists if you go around fearing them when they're such a miniscule threat in comparison to actual problems in your country. I live in a country with below 10 million inhabitants and during last year more than 90 000 asylum seekers came here mainly from the countries you would consider as problematic, sure there has been some problems but not a single terrorist attack.

I'll ask you the same thing I asked earlier, name some awful people Obama picked and we'll see how they compare to Trumps gang. One would guess that Obama and Clinton would pick largely similar types of people.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 08:13 other posts 
If you read history you will find that the Japanese did not invade the mainland of the US because they felt there was a gun behind every blade of grass.

Guns in the hands of wise citizens. It works to protect a nation.

I am sure on You tube somewhere you can find some video of people jumping from the twin towers holding hands and screaming all the way down to be speared by a light post or embed into the asphalt several feet.
After watching that, anyone in their right mind would not give a fiddlers damn how sympathizers or fellow terrorist are treated if it will prevent that from happening again.
Liberalism is breeding this generation of people that think you can "talk" your way into peace. Tell that to the WW2 veterans that fought to save Europe from Hitler.Talk aint worth a damn against terrorist.
By #460385 19,Nov,16 11:10
I agree. The death toll from shootings in th US by registered guns is almost Non existent. The bad guys are not committing crimes and killing people with registered guns. Criminals have and will always have a way to get weapons. To take them out of the hands of the citizens that need them to protect themselves, their families, and their land is idiotic. Gun laws will never pass in the US. So get over it. The comparison you are making with guns and terrorism is not fully the truth. Remember gun control and gun laws only restrict the good people from purchasing. Do you really think the fucking scumbag criminals are just gonna turn their weapons in. Come on dude. And this is America my friend. There is more gun yielding citizens then there are soldiers. So really, who's gonna come take our guns from us??? Forget about gun laws here. It would start a war.
--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes

All you (DeadEnd) keep talking about is Racism. And Trumps all white radical picks to his cabinet. Why not talk about communism. Why not talk about Obama and Hilary and their ties to Saul Alinsky. Both studies of his work. Hilary even calling him a hero of hers. I mean logically, couldn't you say one's communist beliefs are just as bad as one's racist beliefs. They kinda go hand in hand. Which is what I originally said. Their politicians, they all have a shady past. All of them.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 12:55 other posts 
You know when I went to vote, i was not picking a fishing buddy.I had to pick a person out of the batch I thought would do the most good for the US.
You would have to be a naive idiot to think that a multiBILLIOAIRE would be totally honest and that a politician would be completely honest.

Racism will not go away, or even calm down for that matter, until the Black lives matter crap goes away and all races deal with race relations with the same rule book.
It is the land of opportunity .The laws that say we have to hire so many minority folks and such, should go the way of the dodo bird.
Hire based on qualifications. And if folks don't want to starve,that will motivate them to get educated and GO TO WORK.
By #88520 19,Nov,16 14:27
My point was that you'd be saving much more lives if you focused on decreasing the number of guns in your country instead of focusing on decreasing the number of muslims in your country. That's a very simple fact. Australia is a good example of a country that had severe gun **** problems that were largely solved by enforcing stricter rules. You have to start somewhere!

Can you post some proof that Obama is a communist? I would have thought that we would have seen some signs of that during his 8 years as president. Maybe appoint some communist, propose some communist policies. If it's true as you say, he's certainly a very inefficient communist
By #460385 19,Nov,16 22:32
I gave you proof. Obama and Hilary borh studied under Saul Alinsky. Do your homework.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Nov,16 13:03 other posts 
Stop listening to fox news ...how many countries really are communist these days...just cuz some one studied under someone does not mean they follow that person's thinking...Trump has used the so called playbook of the left to win this election...so he's a communist too....any politician will use tactics to win and Alinsky's playbook is used by many,its basic reading for anyone in politics....
By #460385 20,Nov,16 14:57
What's Fox news?
By #88520 19,Nov,16 14:14
Edit: This was supposed to be a response to Pharts first reply, structure of this forum messes everything up

Yeah guns in the hands of wise citizens is the key point. Enforcing strict background checks and preventing people from reselling guns to people that hasn't been approved would be a good start. Unfortunately the NRA holds way to much power over there and they're of course only interested allowing as many guns to be sold as possible.

I don't think I've said that terrorism can just be talked away, merely stating that there will be a lot more terrorists to fight if you start antagonizing all muslims and support indiscriminate bombings that leads to civilian deaths. A syrian father that sees his **** blown to pieces will be just as likely to want to fight as the Americans you described in your example.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 16:13 other posts 
I see some logic in your reply.and in a ideal world alot of it would make sense.
The Nra does not speak for all gun owners.
And to be honest, In some things I don't feel like they do enough.
As for the terrorists the trouble is, the extremist and the "moderates" all read from the same book. And it is difficult to separate them. And as found in the case of the California shooting, "moderates" knew of the plot but DID NOT SPEAK UP. That is 1 of the reasons they get lumped together.
To put it in perspective.
If you had a choice of hiding out with Bonnie and Clyde the bank robbers that were wanted by the FBI, or go somewhere else where the folks were not wanted and there would be no shooting, where would you go?
By #435701 22,Nov,16 14:04
You must be reading history you yourself have written. The Japanese did NOT invade because America is so isolated. NOT because everyone was armed!...Although that may well be true 70+ years later, it DEFINITELY was NOT true in the 40's...I think there's 5,000+ miles between Japan & the US. Hell, the Germans never attacked (there's less than 3,000 mile between Europe & the US) other than having U-boats along the East Coast in the early part of the war. And they had much more advanced weaponry..Not to mention that barely 6 months AFTER Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, we sank mostly ALL their Aircraft Carriers at Midway!...You may remember that the ONLY reason Pearl Harbor was able to be attacked was they used Aircraft Carriers...Just like we did in the Doolittle Raid...I am sorry, Phart, but you must be breathing your own noxious fumes...
By phart [Ignore] 02,Dec,16 22:05 other posts 
You can use google to read about it. I have heard about it since I was a ****. Of course with the internet there are those that say it is true and those that say it was never said. Anti gun folks say false, gun folks say true.

Either way, you sit back and enjoy your freedom , And remember that a gun,and bloodshed gave you that privilege at some point in history. And hope the earth don't rattle to much and you become a island!
--------------------------------------- added after 238 hours

Way up it was mentioned that pictures of what happens to Gitmo prisoners are good recruiting tools for terrorist.

Isn't pictures of people leaping to their deaths from the Twin towers not equally motivating to prevent this type shit from happening again by whatever means necessary?
Talking peace does not work with those folks.

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