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1942B, 18,Jul,23 03:42 [hide]
I won't be making any more fake accounts to creep around in, this will be the last, deleting content with our faces in I discovered on other sites, I decided to delete all the face content on **** & all because you simply would not block Freddy & this 4 day rule thing was introduced I have now blocked a lot of fans from interacting with my profiles, it seems if you remove the content that has comments on it, all those that have commented go straight to the naughty corner, I figured it would have only been if you deleted comments directly, but at least you got your way not having to block Freddy
I'm not sure what the intent of the message is/was. Is the writer suggesting that what happened, happened because I did not blacklist Freddy/PITBULL? What do you make of the message?
Apparently, he is creeping around BECAUSE I received the following message from him. Read on;
"I would appreciate it, if you could back off on me, I really have tried to clean up my act even deleting the "Bob", profile.
It seems that you wish to not remove things you have mentioned about me or my profiles, sure not that you have mentioned any names, but you keep banging on about stuff, but I have removed everything about you & I'm just asking for the common curtesy to leave me alone in the future as I am also happy to do for you, actually I'm totally over battling anyone here including you & am concentrating all my efforts on my "niche" that I have been working with my 2 primary accounts, with content sharing & running the new fan clubs I have set up for them.
You may not, but batting me up in posts & or mentions without expressing who I am specifically you may continue with, who knows. You may even abbreviate this message to suit your own purposes like you have done in the past.
I just think its time to call it quits aye, but that's up to you, if you want to keep wasting your own time to bait me into a retaliation that not going to work, so isn't it time to move on"
It's peculiar that he wants ME TO MOVE ON because it is CONVENIENT FOR HIM. I wanted the opportunity to talk to him to iron out the wrinkles yet that didn't happen. He's a typical man, he wants what he wants but HE IS UNWILLING TO COMPROMISE! So I will continue to talk in "gray" terms as I see fit rather than in "black & white" terns. Who knows, I might change my mind, stay tuned!
Look at the post made by TheWife+Hubby made slightly more than just an hour after my above post;
By TheWife+Hubby [Ignore] 22,Jul,23 10:09
"Terrible business,
All members on SIO should be thankful that these matters can be delt with sensibly/fairly in the polls supplied by the "Holly Council" of SIO.
It is clear to the Wife & I, the decision by the Holly Council to impeach, is a fair & reasonable one.
Thank you for protecting the site of the scum & villainy that plague this otherwise wonderful site."
I have no idea, I think one account makes me already waste too much time.
Like the page says, this new guy looks to exspensive
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Sure, he was carrying a lot there, not thinking about ergonomic strain.
But why is this political?
Bob the builder had to look buff and perfect.
His original form was actually more lifelike in the literal sense of the word. Most contractors are fat, and happy.
When M&M's are made less sexy, they tell you to be worried and angry.
When they make Bob the builder more sexy, they do the same.
Don't you see? It's just a distraction from things that actually matter.
They don't want people to think about why they don't make enough money
to buy food or why insulin should be so expensive.
Maybe it's a plus and they made Bob's girlfriend Wendy more sexy too.
Or did they exchange her, for Wendell, Bob's new black boyfriend?
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Just because you eat alone they charge you MORE?
Making more money from guests, by denying them liberty, isn't liberal.
That it even comes up in your brain, shows your warped thinking.
Capitalist idea? How? Denying liberty? Help me understand that? They are not saying don't come in,they are charging more money like as a punishment for being alone?
And in America 🇺🇸 no less what next
How is a centralized state economy involved in this?
You really struggle with the meaning of terms like capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism, neo-liberalism, etc.
When you don't like something, it must be liberalism, socialism or communism.
When a company decides something, to make more money for themselves,
by screwing over workers or customers, that's capitalism.
Or do you and dgraff don't see each others comments?
Looks like now your starting to throw a few punches around to members that have been supporting you, you just don't seem to know when its time to keep your trap shut, you must be quite flex-able to keep shoving you big fat foot in your mouth.
I don't go after members that have not gone after me first, I let a few things fly, but when enough is enough I come out swinging, you more than anyone here knows how I operate, you kept poking the bear, he was happy to sleep.
Stop ya shit its time to move on FFS
--------------------------------------- added after 33 minutes
Oh but you deleted the last posting you put up taking all the fun stuff with it, what a shame, but don't worry I have heaps of screen shots. Already shared them with Freddy he got quite a giggle out of them, so do you see where this is heading, ready to call a truce 🤷♀️
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You know I work on a double screened computer for a living all day every fucking boring day, this place gives me play time, if you want me to keep up at you, I'm guessing your just on a cell or mobile device of some description.
So stop your shit about me & my profiles, everyone knows about them all, I advertise it in the fan clubs for fuck sake, but if you want to be my hobby bella! good luck keep your fucking shit up cunt
-Martin Short
But I will remember it and I will not let anyone else forget it either
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It’s Jill, the secret cokehead.
To me this is serious. Our country's leader, or a staffer they rely on, is using a mind altering drug. Could be the limo driver, could be the 1 that brings his food? Or the 1 that keeps him stocked in Depends? This user should be made public for sure.
What he takes is needed, because without it he's a vegetable.
Still, I've never seen Biden sniff a 100x in one speech, like Trump often did.
Trump's sniffing, dry mouth and high energy at first, that turns into low energy and slurring, all are classic signs of cocaine use. Biden never showed any signs like that.
Otherwise I don't care. I care that politicians are honest and are representing the policies that I care about. If they can do that better under the influence of a mind stimulating drug, then I want them to take it. Preferably, I would see politicians who don't need mind stimulating drugs, to be able to do their jobs. If you don't agree,
vote for someone younger next election. But you would vote for Trump again
and deny all the signs of drug use that he has shown.
He doesn't need any brain stimulation, to be a total fascist.
Biden is a corporate neoliberal weakling and I'm a progressive socialist.
Biden is just as right-wing as our VVD prime minister Mark Rutte,
who finally fucked off, after 14 years, after making a mess of literally everything.
The last thing he did was fuck-up our pensions. Still better than yours,
but I hope the next cabinet will reverse that shit. If voters learned something...
Biden is a dottering old fool that should be put out to pasture and eventually be sent to the glue factory
Still, I prefer an old, senile, corporate, neoliberal weakling over a fascist.
This shows how little sense democrats have,and how little they understand the gravity of this situation.
"Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., defended the Secret Service, saying that testing hundreds of potential suspects for drugs would be "a massively disproportionate and overblown response that would violate people's civil liberties."
TO HELL with the civil rights of anyone that would bring Illegal drugs into the White House.
What gave you the idea that I don't believe in coverups by Dumbocrats? I'm sure there are occasions where it happened. What I'm saying is that since 2015, and in particular, the time after the 2020 election, the whole Trump machine has brought forth so many coverup theories, that it belittles the quantity of coverups for the previous 200 yrs. Look at you, quoting the Kennedy assasination or his brother Ted in Chapawiddick.
What are you talking about? They were declassified in 2022.
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You think, because there is no information in those archives about a some government conspiracy, that there must be some paperwork left that does
show some government conspiracy?
If there was, do you think both parties colluded together to kill him?
If it was just one of the parties, would the other party protect them?
If it was one of the agencies, would both parties protect them all this time?
If there was some conspiracy at all, why would they write papers about it?
But, if you think there is something like that, ask Trump, maybe it's in his boxes.
As much as they hate it,the liberals can't deny Trump was in the White House for 4 years. He should know rather there are cameras in there.He brigs up a good point. BIO WEAPON!
""Well, they said they don't have tapes," Trump said. "They don't happen to have it. This investigation and that's a big deal. The cocaine by itself is a big deal, but it could have been other things that could have been a dangerous weapon, so to speak, a bioweapon."
You are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of tax dollars over a nickel bag? Why?
Still liberals love biden, how?????
And how the hell can they sit there and say they can't figure out which out of 500 people brought in dope, but when the people came to the capitol building and went inside ,they used all kinds of facial software and etc and found most.? They know who's dope it is and they know if we knew we would raise holy hell.
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Close your eyes and plug your ears cat you don’t care about America 🇺🇸
No excuse for every resource known to man not being used to find ,arrest, convict and imprison whoever put that cocaine in there. Sure ,today it was dope, tomorrow what could it be? Antrax? We all want rid of biden, but not like that. You could bend things around to a point the person that left that cocaine in there could be considered a terrorist .It may all be a test to see what can be done and got away with.
And when I say see i mean see with there eyes not some god damn google search or fucking graph
The only good graph is DGRAFF
Why would I spend a fortune over a "nickle bag"?
Quite simple really.
When we Americans put folks in the White House with our votes, we are trying to put people in office to run the country that have morals and a good standard of living.We want leaders in office that our children can look up to as positive examples to follow.
People that use dope are low lifes. Period. They can not or are not willing to handle the stress's of real life and try to escape it with a chemical. I would hate to think North Korea would launch a missle at us and biden would be laid up somewhere with white powder under his nose.
We need leaders with sound mind and body.Not chemically altered hair sniffing,sweater nibblers.
fauchi was the killer ,he lied, people died ,for 2 months he said no mask were needed ,giving the virus a really good head start.
Explain to me why dog food at walmart was 19 a bag and is now 29? 30 with tax?
And please, tell me, do you not value confidence and trust worthiness in your government? What is being gained by not telling who's cocaine it was? They know, they are to scared to tell.
Yes what I said makes sense. You when you hold your computer what it has in it,you know what the screen says when you look at it.And so would your technician, or a lawyer or anyone else that looked at it.
We sadly have only heard about the laptop. I have heard enough I feel like there should be some investigation done by a reputable group to see just what is in it. I wouldn't trust the FBI in a hen house with a muzzle on,nor the secret service,they have shown the country they are not trustworthy.
Or leave the group entirely. The only 2 countries we need any kind of defense agreement with are the 1's bordering us.
Women can simply refrain from getting pregnant by using protection or requiring it's use to mate with them , and their reproductive health will be good. Simplest problem but no one seems willing to understand the solution.
Hunters laptop indicates our so called president could be a traitor If Trumps actions offend you so much, the idea or chance of your current leader being a traitor should irritate you MORESO because he is currently in power.
IF your liberal leaders would do something to actually stop drugs instead of making them easier to get and use, that issue would dwindle to.
Death penalty for dealers, prison for users, before long, drugs would be much less of a issue. And contract the prison system out to the chinese, they can house them over there much cheaper that we can.
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Besides, Canada is one of the founding members and has been a member since inception.
What other reason do you need?
Our military is to protect US Americans first and foremost.
Trump did well to get nato nations started paying their fair share but now that ukraine is draining the worlds military stock piles down, because of nato supporting it, we are vulnerable , and our allies are vulnerable.
I am willing to bet, before the 2024 election,china will invade or other wise threaten taiwan or other neighbors. China knows the worlds military stock piles are running low,and American workers are to fucking lazy to work and make more.
I say fire all the ungrateful union workers and hire NON union workers.
It took his sperm to make the baby,but yet a woman gets to kill it without any input from him.that should be a crime it's self.
You think really want to saddle themselves with the cost of supporting a woman and child for 18+ years? Why do you think so many women opt for an abortion.
And 9 out of 10 times it is not a "violation" of her body that prompted the baby, it is her willingness to act irresponsibly or trust in someone with ill intentions.Her legs do not have to part every time a dick flys up.
I keep my pants up, and I don't owe any child support.
The fetus is not her body, it is a new body within hers that she assisted in it's formation.
What part of that can you not understand? Once a new life is formed, it is a life same as yours or mine and should be protected from irresponsible people
Where else can you put a addict and limit the access to drugs?
Prisons have drugs come in by drone ,laundry truck, and other methods but at least it takes some effort to get them in there.
How else can you really stop a drug dealer besides kill him?
You put him in prison, he can still make phone calls and have all the arresting officers shot.
You turn him back loose ,he learned what he did wrong to get caught and doesn't repeat it and goes back to selling.
Selling drugs is highly profitable. Until you make the cost of getting caught more expensive than the profits can cover ,you won't even slow it down. Taking their house and car don't help, they have plenty of cash stashed and just buy another.
So why not get to that bipartisan thing again and come up with something else before it is some one else we care about that dies or ruins their lives with the stuff?
a few old geezers was worth. And it didn't kill off you two, so as 'globalist conspiracies' go, that was an epic failure. Wouldn't Bill Gates want you dead?
Didn't you think billionaires are geniuses?
So how come Bill Gates failed this miserably to achieve his goals?
And what's the vaccines about? If Covid was intended to kill off some undesirables, why have a vaccine? And why did you "smart people",
who saw through it all, not protect yourself then?
No vaccines, no masks, just walking around like nothing was happening,
while the globalishstss are intending to exterminate you.
But now it's fake? Why release a FAKE virus to kill off the old people?
Get your bullshit straight, will you.
As far as my body is concerned ,his and fauchi's idea for a vaccine didn't make it in me unless some one gave it to me when I got that Tentis shot a year or so ago
I do not agree the virus was fake. I feel like there was a virus,grown in china partly with USA funds thanks to fauchi and his ilk, and it got loose from the lab and got in that nasty wet market and spread like wild fire.
And then dumbass fauchi said people didn't need mask for 2 months. Which I wore 1 as damn little as I could but alot of people trusted fauchi and would have worn 1 and might still be alive today.
Virus's travel by air, mask would slow it down a smidge.
But no ,we didn't need 1.
yea right, funeral homes made MILLIONS because of that lie.
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I just talked to Joe he said it 20 bucks a gram or an 8 ball for 80
He quoted you the Republican price. The Democrats get
an eight ball for $60.
That’s ok I offer a discount to anyone that shows me their voters registration card if they are registered republican over at the shop
I know the group that my uncle associates with on facebook regarding vietnam there is only 1 democrat out of a couple 100 and he catches hell!
My house in the middle of nowhere
I have 22 acres to worry about any thing outside that perimeter is the rest of the country’s problem
I don't know of any veterans that are democrats.
All the folks i know that retired from a military branch are die hard conservitives.
Because most have saw the enemy,and they feel like it is in washington at the moment.
For the entire adult population, 34% of veterans and those currently on active military service are Republican, compared to 26% of those who are not veterans, while 29% of veterans identify themselves as Democrats, compared to 38% of those who are not veterans. (Thirty-three percent of veterans are independents, compared to 29% of nonveterans.)
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very confusing. I am not asking about all adults,I am asking about veterans.
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2009 – Gallup Article Only 29 percent identified as a Democrat
You show me yours and I will show you mine
Then next it’s you can touch mine if I can touch yours
I want to taste yours and you can taste mine
Next thing you know you’re bumping pee pees behind the shed
Makes me wonder if part of the military aid we are sending over there has something to do with covering his personal ass instead of actually helping the country?
you were driving your F150 and they loved the blue oval so much they shaped their ship after it!
If Ol sleepy joe were to say poop smells like roses she would believe it.
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