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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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here is where the antigun people are taking it to far.
HOW can they or anyone else for that matter, be properly educated on the issues of guns if information is deliberately removed from public view that would support gun ownership?
Is that not censorship??
Antigun people are so hell bent to miss inform and de educate people that they are willing to censor data on a government website, that the public would use .
"And while that very small study by Gary Kleck has been debunked repeatedly by everyone from all sides of this issue [even Kleck] it still remains canon by gun rights folks and their supporting politicians and is used as a blunt instrument against gun safety regulations every time there is a state or federal level hearing,"
This is the headline:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reportedly removed statistics on defensive gun use in the United States following pressure from gun control advocates.
This is not censorship. This is removing mis-information from the CDC site.
Should you not have all available information on a topic before deciding how you feel?
To make a long story short, this makes us both happy. She told me that having me see her once a week (sometimes twice) or that she can anytime call me and I can hop over and take care of her needs, has made her more content in her life.
Two people happy means two kinder people for the society at large. (Unhappiness that leads people to do unpleasant things to themselves or others. Happiness, in moderation, is a good thing.)
Mary is not so young, she's the oldest of all women I maintain sexual relations with, but she's so keen and so expressive that I must say I enjoy being with her, even though penetration isn't included, often more than I enjoy fucking a young woman.
Here's a little clip of me cumming as a result of her putting her effort in it.
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N.B. The primary reason for existence of this site is sex. Just never forget that. And all things around it, e.g. our being keen in looking and exhibiting and talking and, sometimes, fucking.
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And some stills from the above
[deleted image]
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And people still want to move to Florida. 😝👿
Oklahoma,I don't want to live there. Flat,tornados, drove in the edge of 1 while i was on I40, scary smelly state.Smells like grease and mildew. because of the oil wells.
Bragging or threatening for the next time? What has the Republican party become?
I mean really, We Americans are fucking tired of the bullshit.
I think the jan 6 thing should have never got out of hand as it did. BUT it should have never had to happen in the first place to open peoples eyes to the problems our election process has and can have worse.
People don't trust the process. That needs to be fixed.
The buttfuckers of school shootings corpses
Naturally, our Bronx, cold water dueller from Pakistan, Sir-Skittles resurrected it. It seems he's been banned by so many he's desperate to get attention.😝👉👿
“They’re trying to destroy us. They think we’re less than everybody. They think people don’t empathize with us. And unfortunately, he’s targeting the youngest people,” said Andrea Montanez, a trans woman who began her medical transition when she was a TSA supervisor at Orlando’s international airport and now works as a human rights activist.
Montanez is worried that the state’s refusal to cover some people in the transgender community could embolden insurance companies to do the same.
Gender dysphoria can be delt with at much less cost by counseling and antidepressants.
Again, dissatisfaction with your gender can lead to many problems. You advocate counseling and antidepressants. First, counseling is effective only if the affected seeks that counseling. Also, counseling, if sought, does not always work. Antidepressants is just one more pill with horrible side effects including sulcide
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You really have to be desperate. Little Caesars is $6 for a large cheese.
BUT DAMN< that guy is WACKED.
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A pair of progressive organizations operating in complete secrecy spearheaded a $32 million campaign during the midterms to push back against former President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" movement. The effort, first reported by POLITICO, was undertaken by two newly created groups: Pro-Democracy Center and Pro-Democracy Campaign. Those groups operated in states across the country as the election system faced unprecedented pressure from Trump and his allies, who falsely said that the 2020 election was stolen. Among the initiatives funded included: Supporting organizations that were pushing for expansive ballot measures on voting in Arizona and Michigan. Boosting voter outreach programs, like groups hosting registration drives at local jails in Pennsylvania and "souls to the polls" events in Florida. Backing campaigns to urge local officials to expand access to early voting.
Altogether, the organizations funded 126 groups across 16 states, from national battleground states like Arizona and Pennsylvania to places like South Carolina and New Jersey, where most statewide races have not been particularly competitive.
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I'm glad there are people pushing back against the big lie.
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This 2,147-mile pipeline runs from Hardisty, Alberta, to the junction at Steele City, Nebraska, and on to the Wood River Refinery in Roxana, Illinois, and Patoka Oil Terminal Hub (tank farm) north of Patoka, Illinois.[21] The Canadian section involves approximately 864 km (537 mi) of pipeline converted from the Canadian Mainline natural gas pipeline and 373 km (232 mi) of new pipeline, pump stations and terminal facilities at Hardisty, Alberta.[22]
The United States section is 1,379 miles long.[22] It runs through Buchanan, Clinton, Caldwell, Montgomery, Lincoln and St. Charles counties in Missouri, and Nemaha, Brown and Doniphan counties in Kansas before entering Madison County, Illinois.[23] Phase 1 went online in June 2010.[2]
The Cushing MarketLink pipeline phase started at Cushing, Oklahoma, where American-produced oil is added to the pipeline, then runs south 435 miles to a delivery point near terminals in Nederland, Texas, to serve refineries in the Port Arthur, Texas, area. Keystone started pumping oil through this section in January 2014.[5][6][24] Oil producers in the U.S. pushed for this phase so the glut of oil can be distributed out of the large oil tank farms and distribution center in Cushing.
On March 17, 2008, the United States Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing the construction, maintenance and operation of facilities at the United States and Canada border.[36]
On January 22, 2008, ConocoPhillips acquired a 50% stake in the project.[37] On June 17, 2009, TC Energy agreed that they would buy out ConocoPhillips' share in the project and revert to being the sole owner.[19] It took TC Energy more than two years to acquire all the necessary state and federal permits for the pipeline. Construction took another two years.[38] The pipeline, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada, to Patoka, Illinois, United States, became operational in June 2010.[23]
CAT Wait a minute, "the Keystone Pipeline"? The one all the conservative Republicans say we don't have oil because Biden shut the construction down? The one that's been operating since 2010? The one that was approved by President Bush (Jr) on his last year in office and with continued approval of the Obama administration? HMMMMM. No wonder we are out of oil. 🤣🤣🤣😈
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Now remember,this former UBER driver,best I can tell that is essentially a taxi driver that has no real borders to operate in, can't even rent a shack to stay in while in washington.
Apparently he is no better or even worse than most of us at managing money. BAD CREDIT.
Now this same guy is going to be deciding how to spend YOUR MONEY.
Stupid is is stupid does.
But to be managing the NATION and it's MONEY, yea, his poor credit is directly related to his ability to do his job.
You have to live within your means.
apparently he didn't.So how can we expect him to keep the country within it's means?
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I can't find it but I saw this morning that he just graduated from UNC with a major in HISTORY.
He did it so he could explain and prove alot of myths about slavery and such are WRONG.
defend the point of view
of all reactionary forces in America.
and not focus on the historically documented genocide by English, by French, by Spanish, by Portuguese and by Dutch, who exterminate entire communities of peoples, entire nations, huge empires, progressed and agave states, not sparing anyone,
and the was done in the name of their god?
Why don't you focus on the fact that they used people as objects, they uprooted whole nations, they treated them as machines and that the result of all that is the existence of millions of their descendants who, clearly, can still not tolerate what happened? It takes more than a thousand years for collective memories to be erased.
If only the facts were given, and no bull, then people could make a honest assessment.
Have you ever been a slave?
Have I ever been 1?
Neither of us can say yes.
Have either of us owned slaves?
So it is none of our fault, none of our responsibility.
Should people in France go grab german children and expect reparations for WW2?
Should we as Americans go grab some Japanese kids and hold them till we get money from the Japanese government?
The childern are not at fault.Nor are any of us for the actions of the past.
Now that I got that part explained.
Not all slaves were abused.
That 1 of those broad brushes that Cat says I use , being used by others.
A beaten slave can't work.
A well fed ,healthy 1 can.
And finally ,what type lifestyle would the offspring of former US slaves be living had their ancestors not made that terrible sacrifice?
Going back thru some history, the Egyptians had water traveling vessels but I don't find much about inventors in the southern parts of africa ever building ships and traveling. So they may have not been born here at all.
Terrible things were done to humans in the past.
But it is in the past and the only reason it is still being brought up is because of the idea of making MONEY off of it and causing division among the people ,just as it is here between us. Divide and conquer.
Slaves weren't abused?
Slavery itself, uprooting people from their places and families is a hideous act. And you're saying they weren't abused?
Do you realize that what you're saying is equivalent to kidnapping a girl, keeping her locked up, but not raping her?
You're not just stupid. You're evil.
Shut the fuck up, you nazi pig.
You're the worst of the worst.
You're a shame to our species.
THat is why history from way back during Plato's time,is sometimes questionable.
Because people like yourself,refuse to see but 1 angle,1 side,1 idea,and not the rest.
When history or anything else is not documented as FACT and FACT only, it is left up to interpretation.
And the 1's like you,write it up and no one ever sees any other side because it is not documented or documented as well.
I am not a nazi, and I am not a pig.
I am not calling you similar things.I don't even call you stupid,because you aren't. BUT you are biased,arrogant and blind to all but what you think is fact.
Sad to think you know it all . You don't, nor do I.
OF course slavery was abuse.No one said it wasn't.
OF course taking familys apart was wrong.No one said it wasn't.
The facts are it is HISTORY. and NOT our fault.
Learn from it,don't repeat it.
That is the biggest reason our country ,hell our entire world is so fucked up now. Conservatives have tried to be tolerant of others and their lifestyle choices and look where it got us all?
To shut up is to give people like you, the arrogant 1's who thinks his shit don't stink and can quote Plato ,to much reign over the planet. I don't ask you to shut up, you actually are a asset to the cause. Your typing and ways of handling things you don't like serves us all well to expose the enemy for it's true self.
So don't shut up, continue to act like a arrogant jurk ,the part you play so well, conservatives need the updates and motivation to continue the good fight.
3.35 thru about 3.50, you need to hear that.
Candace Amber Owens Farmer (née Owens; born April 29, 1989) is an American conservative, author, talk show host, political commentator, and activist.[1][2][3][4] Initially critical of United States President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, Owens has been recognized in part for her pro-Trump activism as a black woman,[5] in addition to her criticism of Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party.[6][7][8] On several occasions she has claimed that the effects of white supremacy and nationalism are exaggerated, especially when compared to other issues facing Black Americans.[9][10] She worked for the conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA between 2017 and 2019 as its communications director.[11] In 2021, she joined The Daily Wire, where she hosts Candace, a political talk show.[12]
Owens has promoted conspiracy theories,[13][14] mostly through her social media profiles and television & media appearances. She has expressed anti-lockdown views[15] and anti-vaccination opinions during the COVID-19 pandemic.[16]
You did hear what she said though, that blacks were set to OUTPACE whites in the 50's economically?
Part of that could be attributed to the fact that blacks at that time would work for a living and trades are important .And still are even moreso today.
Try building a house with a mouse for example.
So much opportunity out there and some would rather just play victim and drink starbucks
You want to know whom I would bring to the table? I would bring a John McCain or a Jimmy Carter. I would even bring a Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama. These people have the smarts needed to resolve problems and conflict, but, more important, they are or where honest people. They call it as it is, not as a group of people want to hear it. This lady is a joke and because she's Black, you, conservatives want to kiss her black ass. You want to show us lefties that "even Blacks" are on your side. BS, baby.
And I said try BUILDING a house with a mouse, not design it,2 different task requiring a bit different knowledge for each.
I would like to have met your dad, seems like he was a good man.
1)The info you claim is spread over a 1000 years is similar to the "fake news" as you call be spread on us.
CAT No, it's not. That is factual information.
2)If only the facts were given, and no bull, then people could make a honest assessment.
CAT There's no bull. The truth is what it is
3)Have you ever been a slave? Have I ever been 1? Neither of us can say yes.
CATThat has nothing to do with it.
4)Have either of us owned slaves? NO. So it is none of our fault, none of our responsibility.
CAT It's the responsibility of the government. This is not new. Not even in our country. See here:
The Big Picture:
Reparations have often been used post-conflict to "reduce the risk of peace failure," and to help governments transition following a long period of authoritative rule, according to a study about the effectiveness of the tactic. The process involves investigating the events, assessing damages and a variety of complexities that can result in years going by — if not more — before a single check is signed.
These are Reparation requests for citizens:
U.S.: The U.S. paid Japanese American citizens reparations after wrongfully holding 120,000 people in internment camps during World War II, reports Vox.
Colombia: The government paid reparations to its citizens following a war that spanned 5 decades, reports Reuters. $23 billion was allocated to victims of murder, **** and other violence committed by rebels and right-wing paramilitary groups and armed forces.
South Africa: The government paid $3,900 to victims of apartheid crimes in 2003, reports the New York Times. The reparations totaled $85 million, and a commission originally recommended the government pay $360 million.
Côte d’Ivoire: Following the violence during the 2010 presidential elections and various instances of political violence since the 1990s, the government agreed to pay reparations to its citizens, according to L'osservatorio Research Center on Civilian Victims of Conflict.
Peru: The Peruvian government was told to pay its citizens after a 20-year conflict between state forces and rebels led to mass violence, the deaths of more than 60,000 people and the fall of an authoritarian leader. Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was considered controversial, even as some citizens anticipated reparations. The government has yet to fulfill its compensatory commitments.
Philippines: After the dictator Ferdinand Marcos controlled the Philippines for 14 years under martial rule, the government issued reparations to victims of violence and abuse, reports the Philippine Star.
These are Reparations to other nations:
Former colonizers:
Caribbean nations formed the Caribbean Reparation Commission in an attempt to recoup funds from former colonial powers for "crimes against Humanity of Native Genocide, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and a racialized system of chattel Slavery."
United Kingdom: The U.K. paid a little more than $25 million to 5,000 Kenyans who were victims of violence during the Mau Mau uprisings in the 1950s, reports the Guardian. The Mau Mau rebellion was a war between Kenyans and their former colonizer, the U.K., in a bid for freedom.
Germany: After World War II, Germany paid reparations to Holocaust victims, and gave Israel $7 billion as the nation was forming, reports Vox. By 2012, the German government had paid $89 billion in reparations to individual survivors as well.
France: There's been a long debate about whether France should pay reparations to Haiti after crippling its economy when it was freed from colonization. Haiti originally paid French colonizers for lost plantations, reports the Washington Post. There have since called for France to give Haiti the money back in the form of reparations.
5)Should people in France go grab german children and expect reparations for WW2? Should we as Americans go grab some Japanese kids and hold them till we get money from the Japanese government? No. The childern are not at fault.
Nor are any of us, individually, for the actions of the past.
CAT But, a country is, and it's government should compensate for past actions of that country.
Now that I got that part explained.
6) Not all slaves were abused.
CATYes, they were. Just the fact that they were slaves, even if they were treated well, is a human rights abuse.
7)That 1 of those broad brushes that Cat says I use , being used by others.
A beaten slave can't work.
A well fed ,healthy 1 can.
CAT Well, excuse me. Just because the slave owner showed good business practices, I guess we should forget that a slave was a prisoner, held against his will and his human rights were taken away.
And finally ,what type lifestyle would the offspring of former US slaves be living had their ancestors not made that terrible sacrifice?
CAT Who cares what type of life the offspring would have had? It would have been a free life to do as he wished with it. He would have been in a community of his people doing what they do without knowing any better or worse. That is his human rights.
9) Going back thru some history, the Egyptians had water traveling vessels but I don't find much about inventors in the southern parts of africa ever building ships and traveling. So they may have not been born here at all.
CAT Different civilizations develop at different speeds and developed ways to meet their needs. The Egiptians used the Nile as a highway and developed vessels to navigate it. Other civilizations in the Mediterranean basin developed more seaworthy ships and introduced them to the countries in the Mediterranean. African people didn't need much more than a dugout canoe. They could walk to any part, including South Africa.
10)Terrible things were done to humans in the past.
CAT There are terrible things happening to humans now.
11) But it is in the past and the only reason it is still being brought up is because of the idea of making MONEY off of it and causing division among the people ,just as it is here between us.
CAT Disagreement between two factions happens any time a major course is envisioned by the government. It's not only natural, but, necessary so the government can gage the will of the people. The idea of making money off of it, is the definition of reparations. It's really the easiest and most concise way of doing it.
10, well considering the fact it is nothing new, why isn't anyone doing something about it?
I will tell you why. MONEY. Human trafficking, 1 of the newer words for slavery, is profitable. So until you fix that, it won't stop. and incase you forgot ,the southern border issue we have, contributes to the trafficking.
To give money to people for repreparations with tax money is just plain wrong.
IF there is any evidence of direct descendants of slaves or slave owners, then link them and let them fight it out in court. Just to hand a entire race money for something done to a small number of some of their ancestors from people who very few descended from slave owners is just morally WRONG.
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