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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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Political embarrassment for the White House.
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UK police spend £66,000 on 'woke' rainbow LGBT merchandise.
Nothing wrong about treating lgbtq people as equal human beings, politically, socially, financially, etc. But why does the police have to decorate itself as if they're taking part in a Brazilian carnival? That's ridiculous. Instead, they should focus on treating everyone equally, regardless of race, sex, status.
It would seem that saint biden has done something terrible with classified documents.
Well,when will the raids begin on the biden homes?
operating in a situation funded by communist china with classified documents??
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"Biden stole classified documents and stored them at his think tank while he was VP. The VP does not have any authority to declassify classified documents. And this 'think tank' received $54 million in funding from the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]," Biggs tweeted.
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There are so many ways to deter a six year old, throw a book at him or move very fast at him, it's not like they have vast knowledge of shooting and hitting there intended target, I personally would not shoots a six year old, he don't know what he's doing and I don't blame him for his actions at this age, but I would react so quick that he would be confused and disarm him.
This is a case where a little teacher training would have helped the situation she might be alive today had she been properly trained
For the wages teachers earn for just standing around talking and pointing most of the time,it won't hurt for them to have to get some more training to keep the kids safe.
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Listen to this and find out how shockingly stupid people can be.
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Suppose that the teacher has a gun too and maybe she should.
The kid approaches, pulls out the gun and is about to shoot and kill the teacher.
The teacher pulls out the gun and, being trained in guns by the school, she tells the kid to drop the gun. The kid, however, is about to pull the trigger. She sees his finger on it. Realising that she's shot to die, she pulls the trigger and sits the kid (who dies then or later).
Question: should she have pulled the trigger and shoot the child or not?
My take on it: YES. Since guns are allowed, they must be used when danger exists.
If someone writes a reply to this, please don't start a diatribe saying the it's the parents' fault, don't sidetrack the answer. The answer should be direct. Given that the toddler is about to shoot and given that the teacher has a gun, should she shoot it or not?
Yes, or no.
I say yes.
I won't go far into but this is terriable ,a 6 year old in this situation.
We as the people need to know more about it to perhaps understand it.
We agree on that.
If I were a teacher there I'd certainly carry a gun and would have sought to be trained on how to use them correctly to protect my life and the life of others and of shoot when I had to.
You know that the 6 year old is gonna shoot you and you'll die.
You know that pupils and toddlers are allowed to have guns, responcibly trained of course, from a young age, by parents and grandparents because they must become free American citizens and there's no freedom without guns. They'll be told this again and again in their life.
You're obliged to carry guns while working in schools where pupils or other trespassers may, at some point, start shooting. You don't like guns, but you have to have them.
The clock is ticking, the child holds the gun.
You're trying to deter the child by using your sweetest voice and most kind approach.
The child doesn't understand. After all, online and on TV people die and are reborn. He's seen that hundreds of times.
His small finger is still at the trigger and you see he's about to do it.
At this point, you do it first.
You shoot and kill the child.
You've no other choice.
All that is possible and a very logical consequence of reality.
Since guns are necessary for American democracy, they must be used when there's no other option.
If my life was threatened and if I had a gun and if I saw that there was no way to size the gun from the child then I'd kill the child rather than stay there and have the child kill me.
After all, it wouldn't have been my fault that the child had a gun. Moreover, the school had provided me with a gun and instructions on how to shoot, and kill, were I threatened by one of these children who get hold of a gun and start the common massacres. The only issue here is the age of the child but since there's no age restriction of gun carrying children, neither a rule on what age children to shoot or not, I'd be acting completely within the law, making use of my training in gun shooting and protecting my life. It's all perfectly justified.
Is 21 the lowest age one can legally own a gun there? Is that what you meant? Thanks.
a 6 year old wanting to kill someone at all is just sad.
BUT I do wish someone would find out what the teacher may have done that could provoke this? Until I know different ,i will not consider the teacher innocent totally. The teacher may have hurt the child, sexually touched the child? Who knows, YET?
It "should" be easy to distract a 6 year old and take the gun or escape or something but we were not there, we don't know what happened.
and the 6 year old could have brought some exlax brownies or other poisonous thing
I think this highlights a problem with our system.
WHY should a 6 year old kids privacy be protected?
Why is there any secrets about this?
How can the public make informed decisions without accurate information?
That kid should be grilled on prime time tv along with it's mother
That is a change that needs to be made. MORE information to the public to help prevent future problems.
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Why does this seem like a déjà vu?
All fascists and fascistoids of the world unite!
my dismay at the rise of thuggism/fascism/backwardness in many places around the world that are supposed to have democracies (not talking about China or North Korea or Saudi Arabia. Those places are open dictatorships anyway). And your (sorry for the pun) ex president fueled the thuggish beliefs and behaviour and opened the path to many assholes around the world. He'll remain in history as the piece of shit of America. That is, the big turd that he is.
Yea, it does look like deja vu,
I wonder how long they will hold the protesters without a trial or medical care or etc?
Strange how liberals are soft on crime until they feel their little apple cart is going to be overturned then they go to dictatorship methods.
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Children shouldn't be indoctrinated about religion or nationalism or sex at that age. I know jews who send their children to kindergartens to learn parts their "holy" text torah by heart. That's pathetic. In exactly the same vein, teaching a child that it is normal to dress up and behave like brothel mamasans is pathetic. All these things fuck up childrens' brains.
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So has anything like this ever been taught in school?
A love everlasting between what was master-servant?
By William Spivey
People who wave the Confederate flag may say it’s about heritage, not hate. They may have convinced themselves that’s the only way it should be interpreted. But in their hearts, they know how it’s being received no matter what they say they mean. When people say you’re purveyors of hate, that’s what you are and what you meant to do.
Make America Great Again (MAGA) in theory, is well-intended; what’s wrong with wanting to make America great? The problems start when you take a close look at “Again.” Ask a MAGA person when exactly again is, and you’ll never get an answer. They may ramble about certain values they think America once had, but ask them what they’re talking about, and you’ll get a blank stare.
Let me help them narrow things down. If we pick the Declaration of Independence in 1776 as a starting point for America and don’t count the years that had enslavement, the Black Codes, or Jim Crow, we’ve eliminated any year before 1968. So it’s only within the past 54 years that America has been great. Then take away the years of pay inequality, mass incarceration, voter suppression, and homophobia. Just like that, there aren’t any years left. What MAGA zealots mean is when they think America was great for them which is a whole different thing.
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fascistoids will never ever be convinced
by this argument. They're fanatics.
Exactly the same psychology as
suicide bombers.
Make America great again? anyone offended by that must not have a clue about what America was. After WW2 we had nice homes,a man's wage supported his family,cars were stylish,if you lived within your means you had a good life. The cold war,the Ruskys, were our biggest threat.
Now it is terrorism, getting sued for whistling at a lady and so on.
As for the flag , if I can drive around and see everyone else's damn flag and cope,they can cope with whatever flag I fly.
And why in the hell should i be forced to forget my heritage but have everyone else's shoved down my throat? We can all live and celebrate our differences in peace if people would just do it.
I would like to see America go back to a time when people read their books and learned from them instead of trying to rewrite them to fit their ideas.
I would like to see America go back to a time when people were born and knew what they were and accepted it and dealt with it instead of being confused and expecting me and others to accept it.
People are offended by syrup bottles and butter boxes.
Soldiers used to come home from a war and went to work. now they get on disability.
Made in America meant something was made with pride.Unlike now,when chinese junk actually last LONGER than American made! Sad.
I would like to see a time when people were not so offended as it was back in the 50's. MUch better times for this country.
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When WWII ended, all the women that had jobs where laid off so returning troops could get work. Starting with Korea, meatball surgery in the front lines of a war became commonplace. This created a huge number of soldiers that were saved but with a disability. Of course, those disabilities don't count. Only your type is a real disability.
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Jewish slaves didn't build the pyramids. ...
Cleopatra wasn't Egyptian. ...
Vikings didn't wear horned-helmets. ...
Christopher Columbus didn't discover America. ...
The Pilgrims didn't host the first Thanksgiving. ...
Napoleon Bonaparte wasn't short.
All these were popular beliefs in the 50's. Some are still believed today. Yet.....
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The Puerto Rican flag or the Cuban flag or the Pride flag or some other flag is not offensive to blacks like the Confederate flag. That flag is as repugyss the Germay Nazi flag and you know why. So stop being an ass about it and fly the Stars and Stripes instead.
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If a man's wages supported his family after WWII, then what happened? The US was one of the first countries to require a woman go to work to help support the family and that happened right after the second WORLD War.
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You know what, Phart? You have an idealistic view of the past, but, you conviniently ignore the truth or are just too lazy to do the research.
As for the disability comment, I should have been more clear about the type I was thinking of,the "mental" part.
Ptsd. Something that has been around before it was even named. But men MANNED UP and came home and did what had to be done.
THe women that worked during the war, had family's to raise after the war,so they still had a job. Parents didn't pawn their kids off to some day care. They did their jobs.
As for all the name calling,you didn't have to use the words,you didn't have to let them bother you. alot of people didn't and got along just fine.
Why is that when we all know war was and is violent regardless of when it happened. Must be a difference somewhere.
Evidence from the trama of war can be found in letters and diarys of soldiers from the civil war on up for sure.
it is the way the men cope now that is different, WHY? my uncle did 2 tours in nam, came home and would wake up screaming in the middle of the night,he held a job and supported the family though. how,why? something changed .what?
PTSD—known to previous generations as shell shock, soldier's heart, combat fatigue or war neurosis—has roots stretching back centuries and was widely known during ancient times.Oct 2, 2017
In 1887 at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, physician Jean-Martin Charcot documented that traumatic experience could later lead to “hysterical attacks” that might happen years after the trauma. U.S. soldiers who fought in the gruesome battles of the Civil War were no exception.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often thought to have arisen with the advent of mechanised warfare—think shell shock and the First World War—but the examination of ancient texts offers sufficient evidence that PTSD may be as old as the act of war itself.Feb 12, 2019
PTSD during the 1940s--This condition was nothing new among combat soldiers, but military medicine was gaining a better grasp and understanding of what exactly was causing it. What had been known in previous wars as “Nostalgia," “Old Sergeant's Disease," or “Shell Shock," was now appropriately termed, “Combat Fatigue.
What then is the reason for moving PTSD out of anxiety disorders and into the new trauma and stress disorders section? The main rationale is that PTSD often manifests with non-anxiety symptoms such as dissociative experiences, ANGER OUTBURSTS, AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR. Sep 25, 2015
Brain scans show that PTSD symptoms and behaviours are caused by biological changes in the brain, NOT by some personal failure. Understanding the changes can also help friends and families gain a better understanding that their loved one's PTSD symptoms are not their fault.
PTSD is considered a permanent VA disability. The Department of Veteran Affairs recognizes post-traumatic stress disorder as a serious, life-altering mental condition and will award disability benefits to qualified veterans suffering from PTSD.Aug 9, 2022
When the VA gives an Unemployability rating for PTSD, it means a veteran cannot workead due to his PTSD. As a result, a veteran receives a 100% PTSD rating due to unemployability.
Alright, Phart, I could go on, but, this is more than enough. You could have done this research instead of blindly making unfounded statements about something you don't know anything about (sounds familiar in your case). Your uncle, whom you used as an example, experiences bouts of PTSD. That alone should have shown you that PTSD IS REAL and that it affects people's minds. Severe cases are not something one just ignores and pushes through. This has been know for ever but, only relatively has it been recognized as a real condition.
If you think America was great at that time, then you should strengthen labor unions, reinstate the top tax bracket of 91% and apply The Fair Labor Standards Act to raise the minimum wage to $21.50, keeping up with inflation and productivity. It would lift tens of millions of Americans out of poverty. How can a man's wage support his family at $7.25 per hour?
But you are probably talking about putting women back in the kitchen, reinstating
the Jim Crow laws and abolishing the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the
Fair Housing Act.
I see nothing wrong with the family being reassembled in a way that takes care of the children.
The man should make a wage that will take care of his family.
The constitution gives us equal rights, it should be enforced.and it could be without giving free rides to those that are simply to sorry to pull their own weight.veterans are a very small part of that group.but there are those that take advantage of the system.
As for veterans eating their guns, I know for a fact all these programs and benefits for veterans didn't help a friends daughter who shot her self about 3 days after that botched withdrawl from afganistan, she was there for several years ,and wrote in her note to her dad that she felt biden had erased all the military's hard work. Eating the gun as you call it has increased, even with all these benefits in place you speak of.Money can't buy trauma out of a persons brain. But giving that brain hope and purpose after the war will help it cope.and for most,hope and purpose come from being capable of independance.
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