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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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Looks photoshopped to me.🖕💀
NO SHIT sherlocks!
Heck,even I saw cell phone video that was taken by someone that was actually there,of cops MOVING barricades for people to come in.
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This from a state that was founded by polygamists.
Like this guy.
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They at most give them puberty blockers. That's reversible.
And that's after a long period of evaluation.
Most transgender kids show that they're transgender very young.
That's years of confirmation, before puberty blockers even are necessary.
Our top-model Loiza Lamers knew she was a girl and not a boy at age 6.
Her transition operation was at age 18.
And of course, she didn't need puberty blockers, before puberty started.
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Do you think she would have looked this pretty, when puberty blockers
would have been denied from her, until the age of 18?
Denying her those puberty blockers, that would have been life altering.
She wouldn't have won Holland's Next Top Model, that's for sure.
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That's how it's done. It doesn't matter who did the deed. Justice has to be blind.
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Another asshole Floridian Republican.
This woman, Sarahthesexybeast!, that I don't even know, posted this about me. "Send this rat to the block!"
Here she is, /yw7plez86wt1pic.html , no tits and all tongue. I guess she's sexy. Some say she's hot, but, her choice of member friends make her even more ugly.
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Third time she has went down in the pipes. Rescues cost money ,sometimes lots of it depending on what the fool did and where the fool found themselves. Such as a flooded river rescue we had recently requiring the Army to send a chopper out.
You think maby they should pass a law to stop her from going down in the drain? Laws work don't they?
Afte a accident with a angle grinder I had to start using a different type with a trigger switch that would cut off on it's own if it slipped from my hand. I didn't have that poor grinder 2 months and it fell off the frame I was welding on and broke. I took it back, told the lady it fell on the floor,she said go get another. a 60 dollar grinder replaced,and I renewed the warranty for around 10 bucks. well worth it.Do it with about anything I buy there now.
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Now they want to cut Medicare and Social Security (witch we paid into all our working life) Why not raise taxes on corporations?
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So what? National Dept for the US means nothing.
The US prints money ex nihilo.
Now watch how the reactionary fucked up phart will justify
the dept. He'll say it's a communist propaganda or that
it's fake news or that the money was actually borrowed and
will be used in the near future to make loyal true fascist
americans richer.
Donald Trump 33.1% increase
Barack Obama 74% increase
George W. Bush 101% increase
Bill Clinton 32% increase
George H.W. Bush 54% increase
Ronald Reagan 186% increase
Jimmy Carter 42.7% increase
So, from worst to less worse, we have
Ronald Reagan WORST
George W. Bush second WORST
Barack Obama third WORST
George H.W. Bush fourth WORST
Jimmy Carter fifth WORST
Donald Trump sixth WORST
Bill Clinton seventh WORST
So the Donald isn't the worst. Reagan and Bush are.
Obama is almost there too.
The American people have reached their debt ceiling ,they can't afford to live a decent life as it is with the cost of living sky rocketing the last year or so.
That is meddling in children's lemonade stand funds ridicules.
You guys don't know how it works. Get your facts right.
It is unsustainable.
The biggest spenditures are healthcare, Social Security, defense and interest.
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How do you cut that?
You cut stupid shit like this.
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We can get our noses out of their energy problem.
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we have homeless veterans here in the US and we send money overseas?
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Don't most gay people say,"keep the government out of our bedrooms"? Well, then stop this shit to.
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This is easy,contract prison systems to the highest bidder. I bet china can house prisoners alot cheaper than we can in the US.
I could go on and yea, the prison example is a step to far to give you something to yammer about but stil,there are plenty of cuts that would not starve people
We should take care of what is inside our borders FIRST.
Kamala Harris, Vice-President of the United States.
'unsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination'.
But, off course they love to say they are protecting 'freedom of speech'.
New Training Tells Florida School Librarians Which Books Are Off-Limits:
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"School librarians in Florida will have to undergo training on choosing, removing, and curating books for school and classroom libraries to comply with a state law passed last year.
They are prohibited from using any instructional materials that include critical race theory, culturally responsive teaching, social-emotional learning, social justice, “and any other unsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination are prohibited,” according to the training."
Leaving out a important tidbit of info.
The whites didn't go chase down the people they inslaved. They bought or traded for them from OTHER BLACKS in africa.
If whites were to lazy to work their own farm land,what makes you think they would run thru the jungles to chase after workers?
So teach the truth, the WHOLE truth.
Also,teach the fact that even Robert E Lee said it was inhumane to free the slaves without education,trades or ways to support themselves.
You don't hear that.
All you hear is the simple part,they were not "free".
Also teach the fact that the slaves were well fed, clothed, housed. UnLike the conditions they had in africa. naked ,starving, ridden with sickness and diseases.
NOT unlike the folks there still are today. The african people are now being used by the chinese in mines and such and paid little.Not much different than slavery.
not only are they used but are also being robbed.
So nothing really has improved,only moved
Thinks saying, "I'm sorry" ,is enough.
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I guess she has no idea that the state issued car was paid for with taxpayer dollars, taxpayer dollars will have to pay for the car damaged and the state issued car .The lack of use of either vehicle while being repaired or replaced and etc. Alot of aggrovation because she couldn't drive. NOT to mention, her walking away from a accident. Sad.
Does she walk away from problems with her job to?
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The Roman Catholic devotion of praying the Rosary is not a part of the Orthodox Christian Tradition, as this devotion in its present form dates from about the 15th century—hundreds of years after Roman Catholicism separated herself from the Orthodox Church.
I am Russian Orthodox Catholic. My Grandmother came from Russia. Around 1000AD, the Roman Catholics broke with the Orthodox Catholics. About 400 yrs later, in the fifteenth century, praying the rosary became popular and prevelent in the ROMAN Catholic church. We, Orthodox Catholics never did use it. So, in answer to your question, I never had one to throw away.
There is a small branch of the Catholic church in Russia (1/2 % of Russians are Catholic), but you seem to be neither Orthodox -- as explained in the first paragraph -- nor Catholic.
There are, of course, hundreds of branches of christianity nowadays, and new ones pop up frquently, so I may just be ignorant about the existence of the "Russian Orthodox Catholic" branch. (According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity only registered users can see external links there are 45,000 branches.) A quick search on the Internet revealed nothing a propos your denomination.
Just wondering, I'm curious.
Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Catholicism ( centered in Constantinople) tenuously co-existed during the first thousand years or so. Around 1040 AD, they split up ( called the Great Schism).
A few years before, in the 10th century, Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (who ruled Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015) is famous for Christianizing this territory during his reign for political reasons. When the split occured, this part of Christianity remained part of the Eastern Orthodox Catholicism. Russian and Greek Orthodox Catholicism are two sects of the same Christian Orthodox religion. The correct name is Eastern Orthodox Catholics. The Russian Orthodox Church was established in Russia, hence, the name. I belong to the Russian Orthodox Catholic church because of birth. Like all other religions, small sects practice unique rights and have slightly different beliefs in the operation of the sect, but, not the main RELIGIOUS Beliefs.
So the answer is that Russian Orthodox Catholic is the same as what is more commonly known as Russian Orthodox, that is, only registered users can see external links
U.S. Christianity to Fall Below 50% by 2070 from Paulogia Live:
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Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Greed is in the human genes,
You have more rocks than me,so WHACK I take your rocks.
You have a bigger drumstick than me from that buzzard Ug killed,I whack you and take your drumstick,
been happening for eons.
can I conclude that you do think the 'no religion' part is viable?
Or the 'imagine there's no countries' part?
There is a lot of evil in human genes. Humanity has already conquered a lot of its evil. I have hope that greed can be conquered too. The first step is teaching guys like you to stop worshiping greedy narcissist bastards. Because it might be impossible to eradicate greed from our genes, but that's not necessary.
We just need the rest of humanity to work together to stop the greedy narcissist bastards from taking everything.
And you keep believing, because the people who don't want it tell you it is.
What seems really impossible in this world is getting people like you to stop believing that people who do nothing deserve the same as those that do.
With your mindset those that take risk and work hard don't deserve anything for their efforts ,therefore taking away any motivation.
You think it's impossible, because the rich and their minions tell you so.
When everyone thinks good things are impossible, it becomes impossible.
Just like when you think that you will not amount to anything, you will fail.
Low expectations result in low results.
It's just a stupid strawman that I think people who do nothing deserve the same as those that do. It's the other way around; you think people who do nothing, except for being wealthy, should get everything.
I think people who work hard deserve to have a good living standard and you think it's OK that there are poor people who work 40 hours/week or more.
As long as there is not just ONE wealthy asshole who owns EVERYTHING, they will keep exploiting their workers, to be the most wealthy asshole of them all. Their greed is an illness that has taken over their brain.
Those are the people that phart worships like gods and wants to give the power of gods to. That's dumb, because to them he is even more worthless than the working people they want to exploit, to the point of starvation. That's why he doesn't get the healthcare he needs. They only want healthcare for working people, and everyone else to die quickly, because they only cost money.
But he has been indoctrinated to want those people to control his life.
It will be the death of him. But at least they feed his implanted hate and fears
of e.g. immigrants, transgenders and unintended pregnant women.
You don't think they have possessions? How about Kim, he owns everything.
And maybe you don't understand, but North Korea is a country and they are prepared to kill anyone who crosses their borders without authorization.
How is that 'nothing to kill or die for'? North Koreans are dying like flies for
their believes, their divine leader and over his country and his possessions.
Your arguments don't hold water.
You just assume John Lennon was a communist and therefore he was talking about a communist state. He wasn't, every communist state failed miserably at turning those dreams into a reality. Maybe some managed to eliminate religion, but they exchanged it with other dogmas (=religion) and not with reason. And they definitely didn't eliminate possessions. The ruling elites just took everything from everyone. That's not 'sharing all the world'.
So explain why you think those are nightmarish values, without making stupid comparisons with authoritarian regimes, that don't have any of those values.
That's what you think, because you live in America.
Socialism means that 'society rules', not the government. The government should only exist as a tool to share resources efficiently. It's shouldn't be the topdown structure that you are used to, but a bottom up structure.
'The downtrodden' only exist, because people are exploited by the wealthy,
for profit. Labor, skills and aspiration is not utilized effectively, because high profit requires cheap mindless work. Because of profits, people are forced into low-paying, low-skilled work, that doesn't benefit society. It just creates useless low quality products, serving mindless consumerism, hurting the environment, humanity and causing animal cruelty.
The 'market value', right-wingers are always talking about, is an affront to 'human value'. The large majority of the people would be much more valuable to society, if they are not constrained by profit motives, but stimulated to maximize their benefit to society. With a maximized benefit to society, there are more resources to share and with a bottom up 'government', those resources are shared fairly.
There will always be a small number of people who are not capable of contributing to society, but there is abundant resources to compensate their deficiency.
Most low-skilled work doesn't benefit society or can be eliminated, but some tedious tasks would still be required to facilitate society. Those tedious tasks are therefore essential and therefore the people who choose to do those tasks would be rewarded fairly. In a world like that, there are way less 'downtrodden' that society needed to take care off.
I don't care if you call that socialism or communism, but it is in any case not capitalism. Communism has never worked, because it was always 'top down' and authoritarian. Something close to the 'socialism', by your definition, works in several countries. The more that countries have that kind of 'socialism', the more fairly resources are shared. It's not because 'humanity's mind won't allow it', it's because the wealthy don't allow it. They fill 'humanity's mind' with lies, serving their wealth, keeping humanity down, creating 'the downtrodden'. Humanity and 'the downtrodden' won't allow that anymore, when they finally stop believing the lies.
Perhaps "downtrodden" is not the right word to describe the poor and unfortunate. What word would you use? And, however they end up there, the rest of us should want to help.
I've noticed you put Capitalism down a lot. Capitalism is what allowed the people of this country to enjoy a higher standard of living than any other country in the world. With all the faults of Capitalism, it's the easiest economic form for the average citizen to succeed in. What most people don't realize is that, by force, Capitalism has to have a good dose of socialism. Other countries have huge doses of socialism and it seems to work for them. More power to them. In this country it shows up more in rights and services to the public. We have rights in the workplace. We have rights in the services, too. Social Security, 40 hr work week, public hospitals, Medicare, etc.
The labor of their workers does not go to those workers, but to the shareholders.
"Capitalism is what allowed the people of this country to enjoy a higher standard of living than any other country in the world." You're stuck in the 50's, 70's at the latest. The US doesn't have the highest standard of living anymore. Not by a long shot. Unless you are talking about the top 10%. The bottom 50% is poorer than many other bottom 50% in other modern countries. You just think you are doing better, because the media is not telling you anything real. The right-wing media is outright lying and the 'liberal' media is staying silent. There is no left-wing media, because the media is all bought and owned by the wealthy and corporations. They are all rich and want you to think what you are thinking, because it keeps them rich and the rest poor.
I am proposing a system, where all people organize, into what you call a government, but is completely different than what you understand as a government. It's a bottom up structure, empowering the people. Then, people do NOT NEED 'HELP' anymore. When people's labor is not exploited anymore, you don't need all that tax-money to go from average Americans to UNDERPAID working people anymore, because we share the benefits from the labor fairly. People wouldn't even need to work 40 hours/week anymore, because it's easy
to organize labor more efficiently and let everyone benefit from way less labor.
We don't do that now, because people's labor is cheap. Because people allow it.
That 'help', that you think is 'socialism', is neither. It's just a system to protect the wealthy, from the poor revolting. Socialism means people organizing, to put the power in the hands of people and eliminate that system of exploitation, which NOW requires 'help' for people who work their asses off. In the system that Lennon talks about, everyone contributes to a better society, creating abundance for all. Now there is just abundance for the wealthy and scarcity for everyone else. Because the wealthy don't care about people contributing to a better society, they only care about people working to make them even wealthier.
Capitalism worked well, for a while, to organize humanity to progress.
But it's a TOP DOWN SYSTEM. Every BOTTOM UP SYSTEM is better.
It would allow humanity to progress way more, but it would take away the power from the top. The top needs YOU to believe they deserve that power and that everything will go to shit if we take their power.
Everyone is equal, equally at the bottom.
How about an incentive to better yourself and society?
What do you not understand about the term 'abundance'?
When the economy is not prioritized anymore to enrich a few selfish assholes, it is prioritized to improve the life of everyone. That creates 'abundance'
for EVERYONE, not just ridiculous wealth for those few selfish assholes.
Meanwhile, capitalism does NOT provide 'what it takes to survive' for a whole fucking lot of people. So what is your defense?
Money is what is needed to better yourself.
Have you stopped in at the local store and picked up a new pair of pants and a shirt so you can look better and just told the cashier, "I love you and appreciate these clothes to make me look better " and walk out? No, you had to submit payment in money or a credit card that you would pay back later.
Have you paid your electric bill with a "I owe you" lately? IF so you may be walking around in the dark.
I could go on but the currency is what is exchanged for the improvements to our selves.
Education, cost money,not a couple dozen eggs a day.
a nicer home,cost money, not a herd of cattle.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
And, you are right, most people use money to buy products, but, that's the simplification of bartering. Let me make it simple for you. If I'm a sex worker and charge $50 for a ride, I'd get $50 from each John. Now, say, a car mechanic wants to use my "services" but has no cash. He offers me a brake job for my car in exchange. If I agree all is good. Now, can you imagine how hard it would be to know what each product or service is worth and how impossible it would be for me if all the johns are mechanics wanting to pay with a brake job. Money is a way to measure worth. Nothing more and nothing less.
I imagined that you wouldn't get the 'better yourself' point.
I'm not talking about your possessions, I'm talking about your character, skills, knowledge and inner peace.
Lack of anything interferes alot with a persons character.
You would be grumpy if you had no living quarters,no food,no nothing.BUT if you had shelter,food,and other needs fullfilled, you would not be worried,and stressed,so you would have a better "charactor"
I'm not being naive. We do have our share of problems and we are working on them. The absolute biggest problem is the big fuchup called the Federal Government. It's supposed to be "by the people, for the people". That last part is what we have to work on.
Discrimination. In May, a petition signed by 55,913 people to repeal the discriminatory law “L38” on social housing was discussed in parliament, but the law remained in force. ...
Refugees' and migrants' rights. ...
Women's and girls' rights. ...
Right to privacy. ...
Corporate accountability.
According to a study of Caritas3, there are about 250,000 working poor in Switzerland (4.7% of the active population). Today, Switzerland occupies a leading place among countries with the greatest social disparities.
Because Norway does not have a minimum wage, there is no mandatory minimum rate of pay for workers in Norway. Pay rates must be agreed upon directly with the employer through collective bargaining or other means of negotiating a fair living wage.
I can go on, but, you get the idea. Not one country has a lock on what is the very best for it's people. The very best country when it comes to the standard of living is Canada. You know what separates the US and Canada? An un-policed frontier and......................
something you believe to be anathema to the good of the people................. a better working government.
I love my country. I would not live anywhere else. I know we have problems and everyone has to work at solving them, but, baby, right now, I'm here to stay.
"labor is regulated by supply and demand. If enough workers are willing to sell his labor cheap, than all other workers have to settle" The system of supply and demand only works, until the market is monopolized. Employers have formed a cartel that has almost complete power over the government, monopolizing the demand of labor. Unions have been almost destroyed, because the government bows to the will of the employers, fucking over the employees. Even the FED is raising interest rates, with the full intent to create unemployment, so employees will stay nice and desperate, keeping wages low. Does this make you understand that the whole system is set up to keep most people poor and labor cheap, so that the owners and shareholders can sit on their ass, making lots of money from the labor of workers.
"Making enough to buy a house doesn't mean much if there are no houses to buy" That's because housing is not a human right, being provided by all the people working together, but a market making a few people very wealthy.
"Being able to satisfy your hunger means crap if there's not enough bread loafs in the supermarket shelf" The production of enough food is just such a low bar for our level of human development to provide. That should have been completely eliminated as a problem by now. Food is one of the first necessities of life and society has outsourced that to people making lots of money from making cheap factory garbage that clogs our veins and just provides customers for big pharma, selling us heart decease and diabetes drugs.
A government "by the people, for the people" is exactly what the Socialist Party, I am a member of, is all about. It is the most democratic party in my country and has the most member participation of all parties in my country.
I see them say and do exactly, everything they promise in the party program and that party program is fully based on the combined voice of their members. All party heads are just one vote away from being replaced, if they not live up to the expectations of the members.
Borrowing this quote which is created by both you and cat,I have a question.
Where is the line drawn on what is a "right" and a privilege in regards to housing?
Ok so suddenly we all wake up this morning and all living structures are missing and we are left with clothes on our backs. The government comes along and says all housing is provided by us. and we all get Coleman tents.
Is that enough for the liberals to be content that myself and Elon Musk are neighbors in a tent city?
Housing is a "right" and not a privilege to some, but how is it right for me and him to have the same tent when he puts more effort into to making his life better than I do?
Why should cat be happy with a tent on the next path over from us,after working all her life for the home she has? All for the sake of equality or "rights" or whatever other term is used.
The other assumption you are making is that I want only what's apportioned to me. I'm just as human as you or anyone else. I want that mansion even if I'm a McDonalds hamburger flipper.
Wanting,and deserving is 2 different things.
And If you apply more effort of course you deserve more.If you apply little effort,you deserve less.
I disagree; just by being a person, you deserve to live
and if life is unbearable, without remedy, you deserve the right to end it.
Why even have 'human rights' or the 'bill of rights'
if 'no one deserves anything'?
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Might there be some negative connotation attached to it in the US?
To me 'deserving' means exactly the same as 'having the right to'.
You have the right to live. Just because you are a person and explicitly by law.
Your laws might differ with mine, on the right to end your life, but in my opinion, you don't HAVE TO live. Your life is yours and yours alone. You have a right to it and you should have the right to end it.
I also consider human rights 'absolute' (for as far as rights or morality can be absolute). Even if the laws of the land do not define those rights, I still think you have, or should have, them. They are more than words on paper, they are what you 'deserve'.
"do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment)."
What is the true meaning of right?
noun. 1. : qualities (such as adherence to duty or obedience to lawful authority) that together constitute the ideal of moral propriety or merit moral approval. : something to which one has a just claim: such as. : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled.
Um, I see words in those definitions like privilege ,reward adherence.
Nothing about if you fall out of your mother and hit your head you have the right to sue the manufacture of the floor covering, builder ,owner, and etc. for a example.
Our rights are "earned" because we were born here.
What we deserve is based on our actions and etc.
The bill of rights in the US is something that gives the Natural Born CITIZENS of the USA Rights for simply being born here.
Exactly half of Dutch people call themselves non-believers now.
The religious are down from 55% in 2010.
Still, only 16% of people visited a house of worship at least once a month.
The biggest group of believers are still Catholics, but they are also the fastest secularizing group of believers.
I was actually surprised that only 50% of Dutch people call themselves non-believers.
We are only at 20th place in the world.
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I really hope we can get that down faster. I just 'pray' to science that we can conquer
all the other misinformation, that people seem to want in return for losing religion.
Some people just don't want to embrace reality.
It just shows that the religion of capitalism runs even deeper than Christianity.
Money is GOD, even for the people who have almost none of it. That's very sad.
Religion is a useful tool to make people believe everything, old, gray men tell them.
Which is also good for maintaining their belief in capitalism.
It even turns people like Elon Musk in Jesus himself.
Besides that, socialism is not related to atheism at all. The socialist party is very much in favor of freedom of religion. It's just consistent in that freedom. Christianity shouldn't get any more freedom, than any other religion or the lack of religion. Religion is a private matter and shouldn't affect anyone else, because that would affect other's freedom of religion, or freedom FROM religion.
Off course, socialism does want to destroy the religion of capitalism.
Because it affects everyone's freedom negatively. Therefore it must go.
Not a matter of "believing" in money, it is a matter of understanding life requires it. AND requires effort to acquire it.
If you make money your main goal in life, you stop living.
My 'socialist' goal is to make money less important to support all our lives,
so we can actually really LIVE.
It shouldn't take this much of an effort to support our lives.
Lots of people are working harder to support their lives, than cavemen ever did.
Humanity has progressed too much, for surviving to cost this much effort.
It would already be progress, if you ever understood that.
It's fine for everyone to have some money to live a comfortable life, after all, this is the way we chose to live starting some 5 thousand years ago.
However, when I say that he perceives money as god is that he thinks that the filthy rich have the divine right to their fortunes and that he thinks of them as gods. However, he doesn't realise how many unethical things they've done in order to make such profits.
Nobody should have the right to handle more than, say, half a billion dollars.
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