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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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Can that be right? Isn't "climate change" fake news? 🤣🤣😈
For example,if your house has been blown away 5 times in 20 years, perhaps moving somewhere else would be a good idea?
If your house has been flooded 5 times in 20 years, perhaps building it on higher ground would be in order?
I admit natural disasters are just that,natural. BUT we have known for over a 100 years that hurricanes hit the coast, so why keep rebuilding in the same place ,knowing it could get washed away AGAIN and AGAIN? costing millions of dollars and LIVES??
Think before you build? Think before you buy land?
It boils down to people wanting to blame their loss on anything but themselves after the 2'd or 3rd 1.
Still, these are good arguments for relocation, but, it doesn't answer why 100 yrs storms or floods are happening more frequently. Most Building and Zoning Depts require construction to withstand up to a hundred years storm. Historical events are used for this and building strength is calculated. If that 100 yrs storm repeats every 10 yrs, whole communities are at risk. That is what accelerated climate change is doing. Normally, it would happen anyway, but, it would be more manageable.
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Looks worse in a suit! WOW,
#9. Death is the number 1 killer in the world.
#8. Life is sexually transmitted.
#7. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
#6. Men have two motivations: hunger and hanky-panky, and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.
#5. Give a person a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and he won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.
#4. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing.
#3. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
#2. In the '60s, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.
#1. Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may become a burning issue tomorrow.
Funny, but I don't agree with #6.
A sandwich doesn't stop the throbbing.
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Trump cunt decides she now wants to use a dildo. 😈
It was that despicable representation of hatred, the flag of the treasonous and Confederacy
At least one good thing about her.
BTW. In one of your posts you say Carpetbaggers where not presented in school. During junior high and highschool, American History where required courses. I remember studying post Civi War h Ii story and the resulting Carpetbaggers and what they did to the Southern economy. I don't know what your curriculum was, but, all my peers are well versed in that period of American History.
I seriously doubt the word carpet bagger is in a "modern" history book used in a public school. I hope I am wrong,I hope they teach history thru and thru,but I doubt it.
At least I learned something new.
'Opportunistic Northerners who come to the Southern states to exploit the local populace for their own financial, political, and/or social gain' are WELCOMED WITH OPEN ARMS BY THE SOUTH now. They give them huge tax-cuts and tax benefits,
to build their Amazon warehouses, Google data-centers, big oil pumping rigs and maybe soon the Twitter headquarters, to exploit and pollute the local population.
They should not be forgotten either. But Germany learned from their mistakes.
No one is demanding to put up the Nazi Swastika flag on the Reichstag.
That's why we can mourn the victims of Nazi ideology on both sides.
The southern racist, anti-freedom ideology is still alive and flourishing.
That's why the liberty4all side need to keep fighting, until it's gone.
And the liberty side cannot mourn the victims of the anti-liberty ideology,
on both sides, until the side propagating it has learned their lesson.
As long as that side still sees the Confederate flag as a symbol to defend,
that side has not learned their lesson yet.
They were not free at home before they came here either,they were at war with other tribes,they were sold off by other tribes,they were running from wild animals,dieing of strange illness's and so on. Look at their decendants now. Lexus,gold teeth,good health,fine homes,fine clothes,and they still whine. Africa is ready when they are if they don't appreciate their ancestors sacrifices.
Being enslaved should be enough for anyone to see that they were horribly treated, but, there's more. The treatment of slaves in the United States often included sexual abuse and ****, the denial of education, and punishments like whippings. Families were often split up by the sale of one or more members, usually never to see or hear of each other again. Enslaved people "desperately sought freedom".
While 180,000 African-American soldiers fought in the United States Army during the Civil War, no slave, not one, fought as a soldier for the Confederacy.
Slaves were punished by whipping, shackling, hanging, beating, burning, mutilation, branding, ****, and imprisonment. Punishment was often meted out in response to disobedience or perceived infractions, but sometimes abuse was performed to re-assert the dominance of the master (or overseer) over the slave. Slave overseers were authorized to whip and punish slaves. One overseer told a visitor, "Some Negroes are determined never to let a white man whip them and will resist you, when you attempt it; of course you must kill them in that case."A former slave describes witnessing females being whipped: "They usually screamed and prayed, though a few never made a sound." The branding of slaves for identification was common during the colonial era; however, by the nineteenth century it was used primarily as punishment. Mutilation of slaves, such as castration of males, removing a front tooth or teeth, and amputation of ears was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era, still used in 1830: it facilitated their identification if they ran away.
Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites inflicted by their captors. "The punishment of deviant slaves was decentralized, based on plantations, and crafted so as not to impede their value as laborers. Whites punished slaves publicly to set an example. A man named Harding describes an incident in which a woman assisted several men in a minor rebellion: "The women he hoisted up by the thumbs, whipp'd and slashed her [sic] with knives before the other slaves till she died.
Medical care was poor. A majority of plantation owners and doctors balanced a plantation need to coerce as much labor as possible from a slave without causing death, infertility, or a reduction in productivity; the effort by planters and doctors to provide sufficient living resources that enabled their slaves to remain productive and bear many children; the impact of diseases and injury on the social stability of slave communities.
Slaveholders had no legal obligation to respect the sanctity of the slave's marriage bed, and slave women— married or single – had no formal protection against their owners' sexual advances. ...Without legal protection and subject to the master's whim, the slave family was always at risk. Owners of enslaved people could legally use them as sexual objects. Therefore, slavery in the United States encompassed wide-ranging **** and sexual abuse, including many forced pregnancies, in order to produce children for sale.
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Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, kidnapping adults and stealing children for the purpose of selling them, through intermediaries, to Europeans or their agents.Those sold into slavery were usually from a different ethnic group than those who captured them, whether enemies or just neighbors.[citation needed] These captive slaves were considered "other", not part of the people of the ethnic group or "tribe"; African kings were only interested in protecting their own ethnic group, but sometimes criminals would be sold to get rid of them. Most other slaves were obtained from kidnappings, or through raids that occurred at gunpoint through joint ventures with the Europeans.
Africans lived in villages in Africa. They did not have to fear wild animals unless venturing into the woods, much like us now.
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"Lexus,gold teeth,good health,fine homes,fine clothes,and they still whine. Africa is ready when they are if they don't appreciate their ancestors sacrifices." This statement alone shows how little you know about the African/American community. If you are not a racist, you sure are close to it. At the very least, you parade an ignorance about what slavery is. You also fail to grasp that today's African/Americans don't own anything to the white man. They got what they have by the sweat of their brow and the blood spilled fighting for their civil rights.
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People could write back then. They have records about how slaves were transported from Africa and how many of them died. They were tied up for months in the hold of a ship. There are records on how long the slaves lived, after they were sold. Some slave owners kept very precise records and some didn't, but there's other data to determine the death-rate for those, like census data and the numbers of slaves that were sold, which were archived meticulously (it was a business). There are many mass graves of slaves archeologically examined.
It's possible to determine the age of bodies found and in some cases their cause of death.
There is massive amount of scientific research on the history of slavery.
But you don't know and don't care. If science paints a picture that you don't like, you just deny science. You prefer the uninformed opinion of some politician or paid political activist. And you are averse to knowledge in general.
Africa is still being completely exploited by the west. We take all their natural resources for almost nothing and make them pay for ever for the debt that the west imposed on them. Their corrupt leaders are maintained by our leaders. When there is a war in Africa, we only help the side that most bows to our wishes. And of course white people in South Africa maintained 'apartheid' until recently. Africa is still mostly a slave continent. We are not there to enslave them in person anymore, we just enslave their countries.
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"Treatment by union soldiers could also be brutal."
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"25% of slaves that followed the union army died".
I can't copy and paste from this link but it clearly states alot of slaves stayed at the plantations after being freed.
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Read the line in yellow at the end.
Is that something I should be surprised about?
Horrible crimes are performed on both sides in every war, even when one side is fighting freedom and the other side is fighting to keep slavery. It doesn't condone the horrible crimes, but it doesn't eliminate that one side was fighting for freedom either. What do you think is happening between Russian soldiers and Ukrainian defense fighters now? The Russians are brutally murdered too. Do you think they are kissing them to death?
"25% of slaves that followed the union army died"
Because they joined the fight maybe? A war creates casualties.
"alot of slaves stayed at the plantations after being freed"
Some had to work off the debt, as compensation to their owner's loss of ownership. Many others didn't have anywhere to go. It's hard to make it on your own, if you have NOTHING, in a world were people hate you. So their slavery turned into jobs at exploitative wages. They did not advance much in life, but at least they had some future to look forward to and some rights to make their own decisions. There is a difference between being poor and being cattle.
Don't you understand freedom or just not when it involves former slaves?
I cannot read any line in Yellow, but I don't care about the words of Robert E Lee either. Not much of a neutral observer, don't you think?
At that time it seemed logical but it didn't work.
Maybe he fought courageously, but I'm sure some Nazi generals did too.
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel unconditionally surrendered for Germany, probably saving many lives. I'm sure he knew he was going to executed when he did, and he was. His last words were: "I call on God Almighty to have mercy on the German people. More than two million German soldiers went to their death for the fatherland before me. I follow now my sons – all for Germany." He was doing what he considered to be right. But I don't trust his words on how they treated the Jews. I consider that the same thing.
In any case, General E. Lee, even if he was less of a bastard than Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, fought for the right of rich assholes to keep slaves.
So I don't trust his opinion on matters of slavery. Because he was wrong,
just like Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.
He was stripped of his citizenship after his surrender at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. On 1975 it was posthumously restored.
Taking down statues of traitors or mass-murderers is not erasing history,
it's suppressing the ideology that resulted into that history, so it doesn't repeat itself.
You are the one rewriting history, by whitewashing it, so you won't learn anything.
Hidden away in a library,to never be seen, probably to get repeated with a modern twist.
List of Nobel Prize Winners
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I know you don't read, but libraries are where you provide books to the public.
They are in DIGITIZED archives, so everyone can read them.
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Where do you want them? Hanging from a flag pole?
A statue is not an archive, it's a method of glorification.
People who fought to keep slavery don't deserve glorification.
Road names only have one reason; to show respect for the name-holder.
You don't want to remember them, you want to worship them.
Books. Specifically books that make students feel uncomfortable in any way, so that their parents need never endure a more complicated discussion than “tendies or nuggies?”
AP African American History.
Small liberal arts colleges with a mathematical symbol for a mascot.
Diversity, equity and inclusion programs at universities and fairness and diversity courses for judges.
Tenure for college professors with too many suede elbow patches, a bad sign.
Privacy for menstruating high school athletes or public university students seeking gender-affirming care.
Indoctrination, unless it’s the right kind of indoctrination, then it’s all good.
Anything “easty,” since state universities are going to be grounded in “western traditions” and require classes about “philosophy that has shaped western civilization.” You just know easty when you see it.
Disney’s special taxing district, a hasty freedom dreamed up (a wish your heart makes) last year when the Walt Disney Co. got too woke about LGBTQ people.
Private businesses setting their own rules on masks and vaccines.
Legally elected state attorneys.
Migrants... in other states...
Public records the governor doesn’t feel like letting the public see.
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14 overall in the nation.
So you are free from a bad economy.
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Number 8 in the nation on this 1,
You should be thankful, many states,and many people are NOT in as good of shape as you are.
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--------------------------------------- added after 43 hours
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Aussie authorities reported they found a missing radioactive capsule yesterday. They say it was too late for one person. DEV01, according to Sgt. Dundee, is now a very glowing character. 🤣🤣😈
Some of my Democrat colleagues refuse to admit that the vast majority of those claiming asylum are coming to the U.S. for economic reasons, not humanitarian, which makes them ineligible for asylum.
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