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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By #610414 08,Feb,23 10:55
I'm so proud of my President, Mr Biden. He exemplifies what a president should be like. Last night he gave me hope that this country has finally turned the corner from that dark time we all know so we'll. I was ambivalent about him running again in 2024, but, if he does, he has my full support including my vote. I think mr_blue is right. God bless President Biden.👍😈
By #681164 08,Feb,23 11:50
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:09 other posts 
I must admit,I didn't get near a tv last night as I hear enough of his drivel just in passing.
If I want smoke blown up my ass I will get on the roof and stand over a chimney.
GOD Bless America and God help us all from biden's influence.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 22:34 other posts 
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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 23:27 other posts 
Terrific state of the union speech!
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 18:52 other posts 
You must like being lied to
By #610414 15,Feb,23 08:20
I agree. 👌
By phart [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 13:01 other posts 
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 19:19 other posts 
I agree. Republicans are better fit to govern your country because they're more ethical, law abiding and hard working. Trump is best for president again.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Feb,23 21:04 other posts 
Perhaps not the best, but better than what we have now, which is a weak ,old man that won't even shoot down a spy balloon until it has covered all the military bases.
They claim he ordered it shot down sooner but the pentagon said wait. Bullshit. biden is supposed to be the commander in chief, if he wants the fucking thing DOWN< it should a been DOWN. To weak to put his foot down and get the job done.
By #610414 15,Feb,23 08:21
In what universe? 🤣🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 17:44 other posts 
THis 1 ding dong! We need him to put his foot down and order these threats DOWN!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 17:46 other posts 
I can't even be sarcastic. I've been soliciting phart's reaction. But, no, the guy thought I was making matter-of-fact statements.
So, to answer your question, the universe is phart's universe.
By #610414 15,Feb,23 19:36
It's Phart. 🤣🤣🤣😈

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 11:41 other posts 
Iranian Couple IMPRISONED For 10 Years After Dancing Video Goes VIRAL
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 13:29 other posts 
Well when you break the law,you do the time?
By #610414 06,Feb,23 14:18
Yes, but not all laws are just.
"Well when you break the law,you do the time?"

If you don't understand who is wrong in that case, the law or the people,
you don't understand anything in relation to morality.

You defended the war with Iraq, saying Saddam Hussein was a horrible dictator.
How about his laws then? What's the difference?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 16:37 other posts 
Saddam was killing people.
This is not killing, this is punishment for breaking a law.
Now understand, I DO agree that the law is a bit harsh. BUT it was probably rooted from a good idea and went to far.
Think about it,2 people get close while dancing, this prompts sexual arousal which then prompts sex, which then leads to babies. Now, some countries just let the women stop in at the clinic on the way to Walmart and take care of the baby, but perhaps in iran they don't allow that. They try to prevent it from happening at all.

Our government does not rule Iran. OUr constitution and ideas are not accepted there.
So for good or bad,it is none of our business what goes on there.
Should we allow Irans people to tell us how to do something?
There comes a point and time that you have to learn to butt out. IS that not the very thing gays have been telling straight people for so long? Butt out? Well perhaps we need to butt out of irans bussiness. and let iran run it' self.
IF the people get fed up,they will pick up a frying pan,a Ak-47 or a stick and they will rise and take action.
If not, then they must be happy./
By #275407 06,Feb,23 17:32
I agree phart
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 18:12 other posts 
Good to see you "out and about" and participating!
By #681164 06,Feb,23 17:57
These laws are rooted in religion. They are harsh. Western countries disapprove these laws, but, it's an Iranian internal thing and we can't do anything about it. What we can do is publicly express our outrage at the Iranian government and we can ask our government to have no friendly contact with that country and set up sanctions. That's all legal and ALL OUR BUSINESS.

You, Phart, posted:
Think about it,2 people get close while dancing, this prompts sexual arousal which then prompts sex, which then leads to babies. Now, some countries just let the women stop in at the clinic on the way to Walmart and take care of the baby, but perhaps in iran they don't allow that. They try to prevent it from happening at all.

I just can't fathom any woman dancing with you.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 21:17 other posts 
I used to enjoy live music,but always got bothered by women asking me to dance. I never learned how and don't care to.To much motion and effort with no fruitful outcome.I can cut firewood or something if I want to work that hard and have something to show for it later.
By #681164 07,Feb,23 13:07
I beg to differ, but, holding a woman close to you, cheek to cheek, mixing your breaths, while moving to the beat of a slow dance is, in itself, something to cherish. Learning to dance, for a man, is not hard at all. Most of the foot work is done by the woman. Even if you never learn how to lead, like me, you can still have fun. And, remember, getting lucky could be just a dance away.
"always got bothered by women asking me to dance"
Maybe you would have preferred being born in Iran.
You obviously prefer theocratic imposed modesty over freedom.

"To much motion and effort with no fruitful outcome.I can cut firewood or something"
Do you just dislike intimacy, because it doesn't bring home the bacon?
Maybe something bad happened in your childhood, that makes you dislike intimacy.
That would explain your general distrust of people too. Or you have PPD.

"I want to work that hard and have something to show for it later."
That is the most hollow life-goal you can have. Did no one ever tell you that
money can't buy happiness? Also, it's a very risky life-goal, especially in the US. One mistake or accident can screw up your life-goal. If that was your only
life-goal and it didn't work out, what reason to live is there left?
Even if you work hard and make it happen, if money was your only life-goal,
you would still be miserable. That's why wealthy people never have enough.
They've reached their life-goal, but it didn't make them happy. They only keep moving the goal post, in the hope that wealth can ever bring them happiness.
It's pretty sad actually. If their endeavor wasn't so exploitative on other people
and nature, I would feel sorry for them. They are victims of your stupid greedy culture too. However, they are also the culprits.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 09:35 other posts 
Unless you sell a painting, it is has no cash value, it is just something to show for your efforts.
Unless you sell your vegetables, a garden is just a rewarding hobby that takes a bit of work. Not all work "brings in the bacon" it brings satisfaction.
My attempt at a relationship did scar me pretty bad I will admit.
The reason being bothered by being ask to dance is not that I want to be born in iran, I enjoy MUSIC. Not the movement. And the dancing and clapping and hollering, always got to loud after a while to really enjoy the good music ,so I just stay home and listen to XM radio or youtube. Of course I get tired of the prostate ad's on youtube.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:17 other posts 
So, just because you personally don't like dancing, you agree with laws against it?
What they have in Iran is a vague law against 'impurity'. If someone shows a bit of skin or hair and they think you are not subservient enough to the authorities, they just throw you in prison or kill you. It's not about dancing or decency, it's about control. It's 'big government' getting into everyone's private life. The values of freedom you profess to have and your love of The Constitution (although I do not hear anything about that from conservatives anymore) should put you completely in the camp of the people who are oppressed by their government, in Iran.

Besides, these are Muslim fundamentalist laws, exactly the people you hate
and who hate you. They are the laws of Al-Qaeda, coalesced into a government,
the realization of an Islamic State, the funders of global terrorism.
When they write down their ideology into laws, do you agree with it?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 18:51 other posts 
Never said I agreed with them. Just saying we need to keep our noses out of their hive so they don't fly more planes into our business districts killing 1000's.
The hatred, the killing, the crazy laws related to being Muslim are all over there, not here. For the time being.
let's keep our noses out of their affairs. If you want YOUR country to stick IT's nose into it,fine ,you folks can clean up after the plane crashes and bombs and the cancers and health issues that last decades after like we experienced after 911. Oh,I forgot you might need to google that. People forget their history.
If you take notice, we have not had any trouble from the Taliban taliwackers have we? We left, they aren't bothering us.Let's keep it that way
By #610414 08,Feb,23 22:31
Oh, ok. Just cower under your covers. Let a punkassed ayatollah scare us into looking the other way. You are starting to sound like Biden.🤣🤣🤣🤣
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 22:35 other posts 
I won't bother him,but if he bothers me,oh hell, he better go hide with his goat in the barn!
I don't want the US to go into another war for 'freedom',
but at least you once pretended to like freedom.
If there are laws that are OBVIOUSLY intended to oppress people,
just don't support those laws existing or being enforced.

Laws should be intended to protect people, not oppress them.
By #610414 06,Feb,23 18:05

If a woman's hair is coming out from under her hijab, they just fucking kill her.
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And then you say 'Well when you break the law,you do the time?'

Iranians are protesting for their freedom and you defend their 'law'.
You are defending SHARIA LAW!!!

Your government didn't rule Iraq either, but you still attacked them.
I'm not asking to attack Iran, I'm asking you TO SUPPORT FREEDOM!
And you're just defending one foolish argument, with even more of them.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 09:39 other posts 
You have to understand, it is none of our business how they run their country. We don't want them here telling us how to do things.
Are they right in what they are doing? NO.
BUT they are fighting for their freedom, death happens when you fight, it is called sacrifice. Is my praying for their safety going to help? Is my "supporting" their freedom going to help? No, it will do nothing, it is simply noise.
unless you literally get your feet on the ground and DO something ,there is nothing you can do but bark like a chihuahua on a chain.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 11:03
You are wrong Phart. Supporting them doesn't have to be with boots on the ground. Financial sanctions can go a long way and it doesn't mean we have to go in fighting. And, it is our business how they run their country if what they do is a crime against humanity.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 18:52 other posts 
there again is that liberal idea that America is the worlds police force. We need to take care of our own issues. NOT everyone else's.

Crimes against humanity? How can you be concerned about someone in Iran when veterans that gave their best fighting to protect your freedoms are homeless and broke living on shit stained sidewalks right here in our OWN COUNTRY????
That is a crime against humanity that YOU personally can drive to town and physically help at least 1 YOURSELF.
But yet,you want your leaders to take away money or some kind of resources away from a already broke ass country.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 22:20
First, this country is not broke. Second, we don't live in a country where there's one issue to solve at a time. Careing about man's inhumanity to man is not policing. Policing is going over to Iran with troops and invading it. We are not the only ones concerned with the treatment of Iran's citizens, and in particular, the women. Every democracy in the world is also concerned and European nations are with us on this.
Some veterans are homeless for many reasons. I can go to a homeless vet and buy him a meal. I can give him some money so he can get one or more meals. I can rent him a motel room for one night. And then what? There's about 158 million taxpayers in the US. If we pay an extra $100 per year to taxes and make it go to help the vets, that's over 1.5 BILLION $. That's how we can help the vets, but, it's not enough. Crybabies like you will say it takes it out of your mouth. How did you put it?
"veterans that gave their best fighting to protect your freedoms". That sentiment goes out the window. Most people are good everywhere in this world of ours. A line drawn on a map delineating countries shouldn't keep us from helping the downtrodden when we can.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 22:38 other posts 
I was trying to say you want to sanction Iran, which is taking resources away from THAT broke ass country. But yea, the US is going broke fast.

I can't see how "caring" is going to fix takes people doing something to fix something.And going over there,with a ball bat to fight or a shovel to dig, or something,is the only way to change anything.
Those people have been the way they are for centuries. I doubt a few do gooders from the US and europe are going to do anything but get shot or at least disappointed.
By #610414 09,Feb,23 09:50
You don't know your history. Before the ayatollahs there was the Sha of Iran. Go and research him, the American CIA'S role, and why there are ayatollahs governing Iran now. When you care, you do whatever you can to help. We've been at work since Bush Sr got us into the gulf war. You really want to invade Iran?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 11:30 other posts 
No,I want ALL American intrest out of the middle east and let them fight amoung themselves without harm or cost to the USA.
IF they cause us problems,that is why we have bombs.
And if we bomb it,we take it,put our flag on it and KEEP IT.
By #610414 09,Feb,23 13:04
What about the oil? 🤣🤣
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 13:10 other posts 
That is the spoils or winnings.
And besides,if those idiots would stop fighting,and start pumping oil, they wouldn't need to blow us up,they could BUY US.
DUH.Not that I want them to,but hey think about that,just like africa sitting on billions of dollars in resouces and they are deseise ridden and bare footed,the middle eastern folks sitting on oil,fighting,fussing,hating,they could be living well
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Feb,23 12:54 other posts 
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It was the US who made Saddam. The US made a monster. They knew what he was.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 04:00 other posts 
Republicans working hard to cut social security and/or privatize it.
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By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 04:05 other posts 
What is your interest, you are a socialist from another country.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 04:11 other posts 
Because all that shit starts in your country and then goes everywhere else.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 10:36 other posts 
HEY HEY! You can't use that theory! We try to explain the same thing when they do stupid shit in california and it follows the jet stream and fucks up the rest of America and the democrats think we are crazy and dismiss it.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 10:58
Think about this, Californians thank God the wind blows towards you and not the other way. 🤣🤣 Think about it. 😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:11 other posts 
There sure as hell aint nothing out there I want,well besides maby a couple of Jay Leno's cars.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 18:03
Yes, but they don't want the stench emanating from the Conservative Christian South.
Our government was swarming with Big Pharma lobbyists from the US,
before they decided to privatize our single payer healthcare system.
They were lying it would become cheaper and better, because of 'competition'.
Since they did that, it has become way more expensive, we have copay now, and dental insurance, which was fully covered previously, makes no sense now, because the coverage is useless, so most of us pay that out of our own pockets, if we can.

That privatization wind blew over from the US. It has resulted in poverty now,
like we haven't seen in decades before and a small minority of wealthy people,
who profited from it. Reverse Robin Hoods, all of them.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 08:33 other posts 
Hahaha welcome to my world you can thank me later
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Feb,23 08:23 other posts 
You understand this? That's why you don't have medicare4all!
Because those Big Pharma lobbyists are paying for your indoctrination,
and bribes of your politicians, against supporting a change that would eliminate their price gauging on your medicines, which would cut into their big profits
and would give you better and cheaper healthcare.

Or were you actually trying to say that your healthcare system is better?
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Feb,23 09:07 other posts 
No hell no our healthcare sucks there’s no reason a 61 year old man should be walking around with no health insurance no insurance company will take me because I have a preexisting condition and government insurance says I make to much to get on their program so I’m stuck in the middle all i can do is hope I have no problems till I turn 65
By #610414 08,Feb,23 10:44
Well, I can't comment on Ananas's interest even though he is right. We do influence the rest of the world in a very heavy handed way. But, getting back to your post, this is something that does interest me. I've paid all my working life into Social Security. The way Social Security is subsidized my contributions went to pay for the retirement of retirees at the time I was working. The promise was that when it came our time to retire, the current workers would pay for our retirement. These days there are more retirement age people. But, the promise was not that we would have to settle for less. We worked just as hard as today's workers. We deserve an equal amount. Don't cut our Social Security. Tax the BIG CORPORATIONS AND MEGA-RICH more.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:12 other posts 
If you tax the rich,it won't last long and that source will be out of country in other banks.
They invest and work just as hard to improve the world as you did,on a much larger scale. They took greater risk,much larger loans,and so on,to get where they are.
To tax them more so than others,is wrong as well.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:48 other posts 
I don't even think your heart is in this story anymore.
It just sounds like you are getting tired of this old lie too.
Where will they go? Isn't the rest of the world a socialist hellhole?
They have enough to pay for people to retire with dignity.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 17:29
Some millionaire with several millions that gets richer every day from investments and business is not going to suffer at all if he has to pay extra taxes, but, if he takes h Ii s wealth overseas, then, let's make him surrender 50% of his total wealth and business assets. I don't care how wrong it is. Poverty is wrong. Partial health care is wrong. Having to work two jobs to make ends meet is wrong. The only thing they invest in is their poket.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 18:46 other posts 
Wrong by what standard?
Not asking to be a asshole but asking because we all need to know who established this standard that all should receive equal without putting out equal.
If you work at Hardees for 32 years, your retirement is going to be less than someone who went to college, and got a job at AT@T and retires after 30 years. Obvious gap there, but there is no rhyme or reason for both to be equal after retirement.They did not put in the same effort.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 18:57
Yes, you are right about the difference, but, no one is suggesting equal retirement pay. What's at stake is if today you can look to X amount of dollars/month , then you can make plans. Do you keep working extra years? Should you put more money in the bank? Now, suppose that a few short yrs from retirement they cut your expected monthly pay?
Another thing. You are always saying going to college is a waste of time. You advocate getting into a trade. Now you say that's not advantageous? Also, work is work. If a job is more lucrative doesn't mean another, not as lucrative doesn't require just as much effort to do.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 22:04 other posts 
Well I just spoke to a fellow yesterday that said his wife was laid off from her executive job of 27 years last month.6 figure salary ,gone.
3 years left to retirement, the company laid off any one near retirement age, I don't know how her retirement was set up, but that gouges into it dramatically I am sure.
I don't know where you think I said having a trade was not advantageous. Nowadays it is more secure to have a job as a carpenter than a button pushing job at google.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 22:23
That's so vague it's not worthy of discussion.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 14:33 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 21:55 other posts 
You know I agree with you. I think you might be bringing up baby boomers a little here and better healthcare.. Combine the two and you have a large influx of people retiring now. It is not right, but both sides of the political isle are guilty of not recognizing this before it happened.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 22:29
It is the baby boomers that are stretching Social Security. This has been coming for years. When I was 30 in 1982, they were already bringing this up. They were saying, " We have to fix this now.". They didn't. No one wanted to hear it, including the workers. They are guilty, so pay up. Tax the rich corporations and mega-millionares a bit more. Take an extra bite out of the current workers. Do what's right.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 00:33 other posts 
Why should todays workers pay a higher % than you did? What did they do wrong?
By #610414 09,Feb,23 18:42
They are working NOW
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 09:53 other posts 
So, they are simply supporting themselves and their familys same as you were .Guilty of nothing more..
Damn shame you want to punish the young like that.
By #610414 10,Feb,23 12:40
You are putting words in my mouth. Social Security was established with that criteria. My parents did it, I did it, my kids are doing it and I expect every generation of workers to do it until a better system is put in place.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 13:08 other posts 
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I get so confused,
The oldsters get a big raise, it just means we have to borrow MORE money making the deficit BIGGER for the young people. It is not the younger peoples fault the system got a big raise.So why should they get a cut in their pay checks to cover it?
By #610414 09,Feb,23 18:46
It's not their fault but they are legally liable for the "big raise". This is a COST OF LIVING raise. It's the same type of raise millions of workers get every year.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 09:54 other posts 
I would like to see proof of that liability.
What ever one just quit, and left you oldsters to starve?
By #610414 10,Feb,23 12:36
It's in the rules. Exactly how it's done, I'm not sure but, here's why it's done.
How is a COLA calculated? The Social Security Act specifies a formula for determining each COLA. According to the formula, COLAs are based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). CPI-Ws are calculated on a monthly basis by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 08:44 other posts 
Yeah right find me young people that actually want to work the problem is people are living longer and now no one wants to work due to the hand out so now you have more retired people then working people
My bags are packed and I’m ready to go as soon as my number is called but I have not been the best person in previous years so he will probably make me live till I’m old and decrepit in this rotten democratic society
By #610414 10,Feb,23 09:49
Retirement is not a handout. I worked 58 yrs. I started at 16 and worked until the pandemic. I worked many double shifts and six and seven days weeks. I invested into Social Security (paid taxes). We have private retirements too, but, Social Security is owed us. There are many more retirees than in other generations because the baby boomers reached retirement age. It's not because young people are lazy and don't want to work. My kids, especially my daughter, were very popular. They were into sports and had many friends. Almost all their friends became responsible adults with good jobs. Many got college educations and have a family. Maybe, in your neck of the woods, kids are not like the ones I know. You, conservatives, Republicans usually, mention the "handouts". You talk a lot, but, you have no idea how hard it is to get a "handout". You have no idea how complicated it is to get food stamps or cash payments. You don't realize how little help you get and you don't realize that it's not forever. You have to prove income, rent, utilities, and WORK. no worked no payee. You guys swallow all that dribble like cum from a cock. Wake up. By and large, American society has changed little since WWII.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 10:02 other posts 
Taking the actions needed to get the hand outs is less physically demanding than actual work. So to the 1's getting it, it is like a job almost. They take a county provided ride,to a county, state or federal office and fill out some paperwork ,and wait.
Not very hard.
By #610414 10,Feb,23 11:40
It's not that simple. Food stamps (a federally subsidized program administered by the states) or Snap as it's called now, require you actively look for work. You have to provide name and address of where you applied for work. Somehow, you have to prove you PAY for utilities. You have to provide invoices (paid invoices from someone that doesn't work 🤣. The maximum monthly amount for a single person is $281 in food stamps. Remember, it's only good for food. No booze, paper goods or cooked foods. In Florida the maximum cash assistance, and it's only as an emergency aid, is $303 per month FOR A FAMILY OF THREE. For one is much, much less, and if you are able to work, forget it.
Okay, let's say you get the help. Are you going to tell me you would be happy SURVIVING with this little amount of help? Most people, kids, young adults, or anyone else, would not. I repeat, you swallow all that dribble like cum from a cock.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Feb,23 11:11 other posts 
I never said social security was a hand out you earned that what I was implying is the stimulus checks were a hand out the double and extended unemployment was a hand out welfare is a hand out I worked straight through bill gates plandemic with out any help from the government what so ever me and my guys could have easily closed the doors and sat on our ass collecting unemployment but my guy’s decided it’s a lot less hassle to just work through it
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

And as far as being so hard to get government hand outs I have a law firm calling me every week wanting me to apply for disability they guarantee acceptance and sure I have ailments but I only have a year and a half till I can flat out retire so why bother
By #610414 10,Feb,23 12:29
The stimulus checks were a handout, but, it was meant to help the economy. Both sides of the isle went for it. Now, let me ask you, since you are so against government handouts, did you return your stimulus checks? Did your employees? Yeah, right, 🤣. Extended unemployment, mostly used after Bush Jr fucked the economy of the world, was needed because unemployment was in the double digits and getting work was very hard. An economy depends, mostly, on people SPENDING money. If they don't have money to spend (out of work) the economy never gets better. Unemployment insurance lasts for six months maximum unless there's a special need. It's a handout, but, it's meant to help the economy as much as a family/individual. Welfare, on the other hand, is something that SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED except in extreme an unusual circumstances. A decent wage conmesurate with the current cost of living, one that lets a person/family support itself, being able to pay the essentials, would not require welfare. Working people's buying power has been steadily going down over the last 50 yrs or so. I blame the big corporations that have fought tooth and nail to keep from paying a decent wage to it's workers. They put down unionization and fire people to keep costs down.
Charlie had to stop working at 60. His health finally gave out. He has a whole litany of health problems, anyone qualifying him disabled. Even though he had medical proof, it took him three tries ( lasting 4 to 6 months each) before he was given disability. The last, and successful, try was with a lawyer. That took almost 18 months. He got his first check at 62+5 months. Two and a half years without any pay. Sure, it's easy to get government handouts.
You want more? My oldest so is 51. Six years ago he had a workplace accident, similar to Phart. It left him with an injured and
un-oparable spinal cord. He's in constant pain (and I'm so proud of him he won't opiate himself). Work is a thing of the past. It took him almost three years to get his disability. He had to sue Social Security and go to trial to get it. He got it and, you know for how much? He gets $1200 miserable dollars. If we don't help him he would be in serious trouble.
Yeah, it's so easy to get a handout. Let the lawyers tell you all about it. After all, that's their pitch. Did they tell you how they get a big chunk of the original settlement? How about that eventually they get it for you but not tomorrow. It will be months if not years. It's to their benefit to stretch it out, their fee is a % of the initial settlement (this is the amount due to you from the start of your case to the day they grant your disability and not a penny more). Did they also tell you Social Security pays their share direct and before you get yours? Think about that.

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