New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
He understands the problems and how we got here and the effects of lousy government.
Meet Bernie Marcus, the 90-year-old billionaire founder of Home Depot, who is a major Trump donor
How did I know that?
What's wrong with starting a company and being successful?
But, let me say this, "Even though he was responsible for a better economy, I can't approve of a president who acted the way he did.
election interference.
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He says he's Pocahontas, but he's actually Pinocchio.
Sadly from what i understand they do not work well to cipher Indian blood specifically to the tribe
The sheer will to survive is a trait that even the lowest of beings has .
But Herschel Walker is extraordinarily crazy. And that's saying something, after the world has been witnessing the Republicans emptying insane asylums to fill their party.
And they will be taught the Bill of Rights, The Constitution and the Amendments.
That's probably the reason why most of them vote for the Democrats.
But Herschel Walker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz
will never understand the Bill of Rights, The Constitution and the Amendments.
Even a Dutch guy understands 'liberty and justice for all' better than them.
not every jack ass that can swim.
I'm not saying you have to legalize every immigrant that can swim. Just be generous to real refugees, allow in people who add to your economy and who the US is easily capable to absorb. Send all the rest back to where they come from.
Don't let immigrants rot in the desert, don't let them walk around your country
and don't let them be exploited by farms. Just register them as soon as they arrive,
give them shelter and process their application for legal status as fast as possible. Then either let them in and start their future in your country or send them away.
Is this an extreme position? I think it's not.
It's the same standard I have for my own country.
But if you were turned loose from a prison in mexico and sent up here, and all you had to do was lie a couple times to get to stay,you would probably lie thru your teeth wouldn't you?
just sayin'.
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--------------------------------------- added after 27 hours
Walker’s team knew of an abortion allegation months before it surfaced
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I was able to talk with a inmate out on work release 1 day many years ago and he said he was in jail because they considered him a dead beat dad.
He went on to say the last few times he saw his son, the boy was barefoot, dirty and hungry .But the mother was driving a new Cadillac. He confronted her about the boys health and well being and she told him to just shut the fuck up. the county wouldn't do anything about it. So He decided jail was better than seeing his ex-wife waste the money that was supposed to be used to care for the child. When he was in jail, the state's money was being used to care for the boy, and the state took interest in how the money was used.
thus making a better life for his son. Sad the system is so screwed up. A woman should get some funds to care for a child no doubt,but she should have to account for every dime spent.
Being called a dead beat dad is derogatory and the conditions leading up to his not paying should be taken into account before judgement is passed.
that the most important point was that Herschel Walker most likely forced a woman,
who is also the mother of one of his children, to have an abortion, while he is saying
that he wants to ban abortions, without any exceptions.
That means he is an absolute hypocrite, as well as a deadbeat dad.
like he paid for her previous abortion. However, it's the woman's choice and she decided to give birth to the child and care for it. Then both parents are responsible to care for the child, but he was forced by the courts to do the minimum.
I have no idea what you're talking about, because it's not applicable
to Herschel Walker or the mother of the son he never wanted.
The whole case is just applicable to Herschel Walker propagating
a full ban on abortion, with only one exception; all the women he fucks.
As for Mr walker, people can change their mindsets can change with lifes experiences. Perhaps he regrets what he did, and doesn't want others to deal with the aftermath of those decisions.
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Or he's just not doing his job anymore, until the end of his term, because he lost.
Well fine, deduct it from his salary.
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Now be honest,does he look like he is in good shape??
Looks lost as a white elephant in a blizzard
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