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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
I had a chance to use a food stamp card a couple months ago and didn't . Just didn't feel right. The poor fellow got put in the hospital and there was 75 bucks on the card and he was afraid he would loose the benefit if it was not used. Wound up they stuck him in a nursing home and he lost house and everything to the hospital. Sickening.
1,this shit show is meant to divide this nation at it's very foundation. Divide and conquer.
2, it is meant to disrupt Trumps chances to run again for President.
You have to ask yourself,if the democrats are so smart,and so right about how they want to run the country,what are they afraid of in Trump?
the future,which then,now would be the future,is built on the past.
YOu can feel that you need a change. Of course,but you should at least choose a LOGCIAL path and not 1 directed at just removing someone.
Do you think our oil and gas would be where it is today. by the way,it is DOUBLE what it was this time last year.
Trump had things rolling with the economy recovering from the terrorist attack from the chinese against the whole world.
By the way,did you miss the news blurb about North Korea restarting it's nuclear power plant project?
Would Trump have sat back and done nothing?
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Bush's coup through Florida succeeded. Trump's coup fortunately didn't.
just like The New Deal did in the thirties.
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You wouldn't have to cry about high gas prices anymore either.
All it would do is put some people out of work and others in work.
And cost MILLIONS of dollars the country and it's people don't have right now.
Turning poor people into middle-class people benefits everyone.
When you support 'MAGA', doesn't that include a booming middle-class?
To create something,means there was nothing there in the first place.
The same engineer that designed a oil rig,can design a windmill. So no new job there and etc.
Just a shell game, moving employment from 1 spot to another.
Wagon makers in the early days made truck bodys once the horse was put to pasture.No new job there just a change.
Solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy are now much cheaper than any of the fossil fuels. It takes investments to get them going, but those investments are regained in 1 to 8 years, depending on the technology.
The tax payer pays for national expenses, these are investments, for which the Fed can just create money. They have bought trillions in assets, just to stimulate the economy. They have bailed out banks with $800 billion before. They just give away billions to the fossil fuel companies as subsidies. That just created debt. Investments in renewable energy generate income for the tax-payer.
It would also lower prices of fossil fuels, for as long as they are needed.
Do you think solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal plants build themselves? Renewable energy is more labor intensive. The biggest hurdle to implement it in my country is labor shortage. Any lost jobs in the fossil fuel industry would be more than regained in the renewable energy sector.
These are facts and if you see otherwise, show it with links.
You didn't want any links from me, so take a look yourself.
And don't claim bullshit unless you can show that it's bullshit.
Search for "price of energy sources".
Search for "USA jobs renewable energy vs fossil fuels"
Just making things cost to much does not speed up anything.
You have to be able to get supplys to the factory to build a electric truck.For the moment, all we have is diesel, so price it so we can afford to move supplys. and etc.
And I still can't see fossil fuel just going away for a Very long time to come. It is a strain right now to get a good 300 miles range from a electric car.
Try plowing a 400 acre field with electric. Try moving a cargo ship from 1 side of the ocean to the other on electric.
It will take decades for that tech to be feasible.
Off course, but we do those things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best
of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win,
and the others, too. Or simply put: MAGA!
And you keep going back to cars, but they are only a small part of the energy demand and the hardest transition to make. Houses, factories and offices already run on electricity are 66% of the energy demand and the infrastructure is mostly there. Cargo ships and planes might be the last things to be feasible and maybe we don't have to and save the oil for those.
You still don't get it.. You never will either because your brain is contaminated.. Searching for answers with political links is not the answer. You search for news which is fake because you have no critical reasoning skills whatsoever. You try to act smart on here but you are as dumb as the average liberal.. I won't debate you becasue its a waste of time. The playbook is to take our guns, our food, our medical supplies to make us powerless.
For you to coverup for these mass murderers killing babies, turning people out in the cold , killing babies with no formula ON PURPOSE,, with a political spin bullshit makes you one of them.. You are guilty of accessory to murder and for you to be an accessory makes you just as guilty as the actual killers.
Control is 1 of the main goals of the system in washington right now.BUT even if they achieve the control, what do they really have? A bunch of disgruntled citizens who will eventually pickup the nearest stone and break in their heads with it.
and that's wisdom to you.
You told me before "either give me facts or don't reply again..".
I would like to respect that wish. I have real and meaningful facts for you.
Your theory is based on a complete misunderstanding of the facts.
I agree that humanity shouldn't keep growing the population, because the earth cannot support 10 billion people, but the best way to do that, is give people prosperity. Prosperity lowers the birthrate to sustainable numbers.
The poorest countries always had the highest population growths
and rich(er) countries have low(er) population growth.
Since you are talking about babies and starving people, here is a short,
interesting video about Birthrate vs Child Mortality.
(Low Child Mortality is a very good indicator for high prosperity)
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Do you understand why I show that, in relation to your reaction?
One thing I do want to ask you; do you at least know that the keystone pipeline goes through the lands of natives? They are worried about oil leaks poisoning their babies! Can that not be a reason for shutting down the keystone pipeline?
The keystone pipeline was the main artery of the USA economy that leads to the economy of the world. But you're living in your pool of fake news as a dummy of supporting what is not real.
No, I understand everything.. But you're subjective. I don't base my opinions on what the fake news industrial complex puts out there. But you do and you use links that reinforces their propaganda outlets.You do what they tell you and believe in the fake news outlets. You see, I'm educated very strongly with college level humanities. I believe in my constitution because I'm conservative. This is not a political correctness document. Its based on moral law. If you are an american and hate the constitution then move. This is our law. The 2nd amendment is a very unique right. No other country supports this.
You are wrong in thinking I just get my idea from the media. I have been living for 48 years in this world and I see huge changes, like less snow and ice, hotter summers, longer droughts, water shortages, etc. Than there is data about temperature averages that support MY OWN OBSERVATIONS. Then I READ reports and I understand the logic, because I have a scientific education. No need of any (fake) news, I am able to remember and notice changes. Have you not noticed any changes the past decades?
Are you referring to an earlier comment, because I didn't notice any questions in the last one. I saw one question mark and I addressed that. I didn't plan on commenting on everything you say all at once. I am trying to make point based on facts and see if I can convince you maybe on some topics.
You want me to comment on being a liar or being brainwashed or being dumb? That's a little difficult to answer with facts. Here is one fact, my employer doesn't think I'm a liar or dumb. I have been an innovator and problem solver for the last 10 years. The thing with problems is, that if you are not able to think critically, you can't solve any problems. My employer would have noticed by now. I could prove what I do for a living, but I'm not going to post my contract on a sex site. You either have to believe me or not. I could try to convince you of it, but that looks like a challenge, not worth the effort.
Why don't YOU show some facts about that pipeline being that vital to the survival of Americans, because you might think you are telling me facts, but you show nothing that supports your positions. There is a problem though, why would I accept your media, if you don't accept what I provide?
If you are going to talk about gas prices, I pay DOUBLE what you pay so the keystone pipeline has no relation to that.
In Canada they are destroying huge forests to scrape away a layer of tar sands. Don't you believe that is a fact or do you not care where the oil comes from?
Maybe I have not addressed all your arguments, but I have to hurry up right now, to go to family. I will answer any direct question and I would appreciate if you at least react to my previous comment about population growth.
About the pipeline, in the longrun during the shutdown everyone lost including the people there.. They lost everything. All our reserves are being subdued. Have you see our border? Biden and harris never went there to see children in cages then shipped off to pimps.. You've heard of disney? Child sex trafficking is ramped.
You live in the netherlands of course. the main spin bullshit of israel being evil all must be dead in the sea.. You support that too for that is what your evil party did.. fund terrorist tunnels to sneak into isreal to kill...
The keystone pipeline was plotted during the democrat NO-american obamma and the rhino traitor bush.. Trump didn't pull it out of his ass since you blame him for everything. Obama and clinton gave Russia 80% of our uranium while supporting terrorism worldwide including america...
You live there,,, worry about your left wing bullshit country. You have enough problems there..Go visit epsteins grave to show the child ren of the rest of the world how much you love him more than us.. You support this and you should be ashamed of yourself.. Anyone to the accessory to child p ornography, the murdering of israeli jewish childran, selling children to brothels murdering others as awll as taking their freedoms away from then for destroying our country and freedom,,, anyone that knowingly knows what they are doing and support them...... is just as guilty and you are just that.
Damn you are flipping from subject to subject. If you think that's all related, you have a tendency to think in conspiracy theories. I'm not going to react to all of that. There is one subject related to our discussion and the rest is really QAnon level propaganda or mental illness. That is not worth my time.
I'm not in principle against oil pipelines. Europe doesn't have any oil and just a bit of gas, so we have been dependent on the Russians and the Saudi's. Those are both regimes that I don't like to support by buying their oil, but I do understand that the economy depends on it. I just want to get out of that situation as soon as possible and alternative like wind, solar, thermal and hydro power are the way to do that. At least I see that way out, you would just keep using oil, wherever your country can get it, no matter how people or nature are damaged by it. If that pipeline was that vital, it would be possible to change the route, so the natives are not screwed, that's one problem less. Still leaves the problem of Canada destroying their forests for the oil though. How much devastation is warranted for that oil, while there are alternatives?
Are you not interested in commenting on the topic of population growth?
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When the left opposes something it is because it interfers with their agenda,, they have never ever made decisions on moral correctness..
nThis became a political issue because the democrats have political ties with the middle east. They get to launder their dirty money they steal from taxpayers so the residues become invisible and untracable. Hillary Clinton who is on the hotseat with her dealings on russiagate claimed she doesn't support the pipeline because of climate change.. United States
Protest near construction work for the Keystone XL pipeline in Winnsboro, Texas
Public opinion polls taken by independent national polling organizations toward the beginning of the dispute showed majority support for the proposed pipeline in the US. A September 2013 poll by the Pew Center found 65% favored the project and 30% opposed. The same poll found the pipeline favored by majorities of men (69%), women (61%), Democrats (51%), Republicans (82%), independents (64%), as well as by those in every division of age, education, economic status, and geographic region. The only group identified by the Pew poll with less than majority support for the pipeline was among those Democrats who identified themselves as liberal (41% in favor versus 54% opposed).
So what is that agenda of the left?
Maybe I say something strange here, but most of your politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike are bought and owned by the oil companies and have ties with the Middle East. Ever investigated the ties of Trump or Bush with Saudi Arabia? Oil is big business and they all want a piece of the pie. That's why they do almost nothing to prevent climate change. As far as something has been achieved, it's because investors can make money from sustainable energy too.
I believe you when you claim their is a majority support for the pipelines. Most people don't care about some natives. There are still laws that protect those natives. Like I said before, if it's so important, it would be possible to go around their land. How would you like it, if you get an oil pipeline through your backyard? As your representative of the left, you seem to think that I want to take away your oil. I don't, as long as you need it and take action to decrease you dependency on oil. You see how much it hurts people when prices go up and down. That can be evaded by using alternative power sources.
So even if you don't believe in climate change, do you see our dependence on oil is a problem?
I never said I don't believe in climate change.. If you put words into my mouth again I'm going to ban your ass... Climate change is real and does have an effect although very small.. Climate change existed since the earth was born. It has 25000 year cycles. The democraps use this as a political narrative of propaganda forcing you to give them your money.
The bush administration is responsible for 911
Then why are they all left wing operatives? Why is Joe Biden in the mix that he has lied over and over again including lying about his son who is a crack-addict pe dophile? I never brought up climate change.. you did.
Also, I do think Hunter's poison of choice is cocaine. He's rich, poor people do crack. Donald Trump Jr. is doing coke like crazy too. I don't care.
Lately, I have seen much more stories about Republicans prostituting under*a*g*e girls, like Matt Gaetz. The evidence of that is much more convincing. Trump was very close to that monster Epstein and has been paying porn-stars and models for sex all his life, fucking them while his wife was pregnant. And he still couldn't keep his hands of women. He didn't care that you only should grab them by the pussy, if they like you to or if you pay them for it (in his case always the last option, even with his wife). But I do agree your politicians and famous people have a sick preference. Why do they all want to fuck girls as you as they get caught doing? To bad they killed Epstein (or do you believe it was suicide?),
I wanted him to tell on all of them.
Here's you bringing up climate change in reactions to me talking about Al Gore winning Florida:
"Bush did a deal with him during the recounts to give him the endorsement for spewing bullshit about climate change since it was and is a radical left mafia bullshit story where they steal your money and force in the green new deal.."
"Bullshit... The green new deal destroys jobs."
"To reach the necessary amount of energy for people to survive without fossil fuels is not achievable since the there is no technology to replace it."
Did you think you were stating facts when you said "there is no technology to replace it."?
It seams that you have never heard of:
- Solar - photovoltaic / heat
- Wind Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Hydroelectric (you have the Hoover Dam, for god's sake)
- Ocean Energy
- Biomass (not my favorite, but useful for some waste streams)
- Ethanol
- Bio-gas
- Bio-oil
- Hydrogen (if made with bacteria, otherwise it's just storage)
As far as Gore.. I've explained this ... no more..
No more repeating.
And in the long term it is kicking the can from big oil over to big lithium. And who has all the lithium? China, Afghanistan .Enemy's, and not so good governments that would benefit. sound familiar, oil from russia ,Saudi Arbia , same issue.
The best thing to do is pump up the volume on oil from every well out there that can,and get the prices back down so we as a world can afford to eat,and move. Let private enterprise montior the market and the resources and if electric cars or wind mills become FEASABLE and AFFORDABLE or other alternatives ,build them
I disagree about drilling all the oil out of the earth since it is natures way of putting it there for a reason.. Plate Technonics would be very difficult and without that you cannot have a magnetic field in the earth to protect us from damaging solar radiation.
IF biden is innocent,the lap top deal would have been made public and would not longer be a issue. They ,as in the democrats are hiding something to keep biden from being held responsable.
Why is our border with mexico falling apart and we keep sending BILLIONS to ukraine?
The right-wing suggestion that the move was to protect his son, rather than to legitimately push back on corruption in the Ukrainian government, has been proven untrue. If there were criminal activity in play, the machinery behind the Big Lie would have made it known by now — including Trump’s former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who was dispatched to Europe to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce an investigation into Hunter Biden, prompting Trump’s first impeachment. Thus, the Burisma connection probably won’t produce criminal charges against Hunter Biden going forward.
Enough with Hunter Biden
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