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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
Actually he's forgetting some things, it was hard to keep up.
Keep watching the whole video, if you want to comment about it.
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that you must internalize the following definition of socialist:
"Someone who actually wants to help people create a better life for themselves"
And you puke over even considering that whole concept.
PUT the "less fortunate" back to work, make it illegal to quit high school so we won't have any more uneducated DUMBASS"S walking our streets unemployable .and etc.
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Let's go back to what SYC AND SYD is about.
HAD lincoln left the Confederacy alone, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
They had already became dependent on the Americans.
Besides that, what was so humane about freeing the slaves, throwing them out to the wolves with no education, no homes ,nothing? Leaving them to be taken advantage of on up until modern times??
How many slaves went to Liberia?
Between 1820 and 1864, only 11,000 African Americans emigrated to Liberia (4,000 free blacks and 7,000 former slaves who gained freedom by agreeing to emigrate to Liberia).
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We are still "maintianing" the blacks, only registered users can see external links
Equating human beings with pieces of machinery is about as crass, and stupid, as you can get.
The modest numbers that went to Liberia is ZERO excuse for the aberration that is slavery. ANY, repeat ANY, justification for one human owning another is deplorable. I hope you don't mean what you say. The alternative is that you are a fucking horrible person.
I understand equating humans to machines is not the finest way to explain a point but it was the simplest and with folks like you,I have to make it simple.
The average male slave cost about 3500 dollars.
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So you do the math,
that was alot of money.
Again,the only logical way to explain it is it did not make economic sense to abuse a slave.
Excusing slavery on economic grounds, or any other grounds, is despicable.
You can't seem to understand things were different then than now.
IT was LEGAL. It was wrong of course, but it was legal.
but to claim abuse of slaves ,without proof, makes it seem people were stupid and deliberately damaged their property.
I was simply explaining it in a way even your simple mind should be able to grasp. It was a different time ,a different lifestyle ,different mindset than now. You can't think "now" and understand "then".
And people like yourself fail to understand, airplanes fly back to Africa every day Are blacks leaving? They are free to? But are they? No, they know they have it MUCH better here today, due to the sacrifices of their ancestors ,than they would be back in their nation of origin.
The modest numbers that went to Liberia is ZERO excuse for the aberration that is slavery. ANY, repeat ANY, justification for one human owning another is deplorable.
I guess I'll be crass too. Those 11,000 free blacks and those that were freed former slaves is not enough to make a dent in a continent that has millions upon millions of people. The majority of American slaves between 1820 and 1862 were born here. They were slaves in their own country. Liberia, like most of Africa, suffers from poverty, undereducation and little infrastructure, and that's today. In the 1800s there was a lot less.
Putting a dollar amount to a human being to show how well treated a slave was treated is evil. One of the biggest injustices was the fact that when slaves got their freedom, the former owners did not help them to merge into American society.
Sherman was a horrible person. So you say, but, his job was to win, and he did. He said the following.
We are not only fighting armies, but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war, as well as their organized armies. I know that this recent movement of mine through Georgia has had a wonderful effect in this respect. Thousands who had been deceived by their lying papers into the belief that we were being whipped all the time, realized the truth, and have no appetite for a repetition of the same experience.
Today many, especially in the south, remember Sherman as a cruel man who burnt the homes and crops of Georgians, forcing them into poverty and starvation. Debates continue to rage today whether he should be considered a war criminal, or simply as a general who knew now to end the war.
Whatever he was, it doesn't excuse slavery and all the discrimination of blacks that came later and to this day.
That has no bearing on rather you agree or not with what is going on,be it slavery or murder, it just means you understand it.
The sad reality is,people were putting dollar amounts on other people long before we were born.
I am not comparing humans to machines because I agree with the ideas of the 1800's.I am trying explain the mindset of the people at that time.
what part of,
"NOTHING in what I said excuses it.I am simply explaining it."
is so hard for you to understand?
Rather we like it or not.
Rather we agree or not.
Nothing we can do to change what happened then.
But perhaps if we accept the fact that the people did not operate under the same rules as we do, perhaps we could also accept the fact they did not feel they were doing wrong.
It is wrong now,but it was not wrong then by the living standards of that time.
And what evidence can you show us that they knew it was wrong?
only 1 can exonerate ,and it will be a while yet before it happens.it is called judgement day,that is if you have any religion.
for brave 1,there is a deep hole when he is finished.
You really are a fucking idiot. At about the time the US became a Nation people were already campaigning against slavery. Do yourself a favour - read a fucking book now and again.
Alternatively, Google the following:
James Oglethorpe
Granville Sharp
Hannah More
The Somersett case of 1772
The French law of 4th February 1794
The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833.
ALL, repeat ALL, predated the American Civil War. People have known that slavery is despicable (and that people are not analogous with tractors) for a lot longer than fucking idiots, like you, are aware of. Fucking idiot.
I'll settle for my "deep hole" if the alternative is believing fairy tales. You can take your Ephesians 6: 5-8 and shove it up your arse. Repeat - you're a fucking idiot.
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Central Europe was the most favoured destination for importation of slaves alongside Central Asia and Bilad as-Sudan, though slaves from Northwestern Europe were also valued. This slave trade was controlled mostly by European slave traders.
I don't care whether US slave owners "learned it from" Vikings, Asians, or Mickey fucking Mouse! Fucking idiot.
Oh yes it fucking was, you ignorant turd.
On a wider point: that's what I see as the difference between conservatives and progressives. Conservatives seek to conserve the status quo (because it enriches them), progressives seek to make progress so that we can all live better, more enriching lives.
My only hope is that phart ends up qualifying for a Darwin award and doesn't pass on his genetic material (or views) to another generation.
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it won't let me post this without a change.
Where he again confessed that he stole the documents.
Has he explained WHY already? That would be informative.
Off course he accused Hillary again, who was guilty of being not transparent with
her e-mails, while she was never president. Trump WAS president and was ALSO not transparent with his e-mails. So were Ivanka and Jarod, who had equally important positions as Hillary ever had. Jared Kushner was called 'Secretary of Everything'.
Hillary's e-mails were the reason to chant 'lock her up'.
If the courts had decided to do that, that would've be fine with me.
Trump did much worse crimes. His crimes are unprecedented in US history.
You would say 'LOCK HIM UP' too, if you weren't a partisan hack.
Also the partisan hacks are the 1's that kept the "hunter laptop" under the radar long enough to get biden in office when that laptop proves our p"resident" is owned by the russians and chinese. PROVES IT, not hearsay like with Trump.
Working people should be concerned that they might become too lazy, if they vote for things like infrastructure, education, healthcare, childcare and the energy transition? Damn that's stupid. And your disrespect for your fellow Americans is shocking.
Hunter doesn't fall under the Freedom of Information Act, because he's not part of the government. Jarod and Ivanka were and misused their position in the government to enrich themselves in ways that Hunter can only dream about. I'm sure many crimes are uncovered when Jarod and Ivanka get investigated. If it was a crime to just use the name of your father to get cushy jobs, all of your politicians and their children would be guilty. The difference between what you consider proof for Republicans and Democrats is incredibly funny. A few confusing mails of Hunter are good enough to arrest all Democrats, and boxes full of secret documents being stolen and missing and than having lawyers sign off lies that all of them are returned, by a Republican shouldn't even be investigated. The term 'hypocrisy' falls short.
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At least she is a legitimate whistleblower, exposing crimes by the government.
Trump is a traitor who planned to change the election results with fake electors and organized an insurrection against the government, where a riled up mob was planning
to hang the vice president and all the Democratic party members they could find.
Favoritism is an incredible understatement.
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Like you said. Just delete mate nimbda don't have time for whinging... Just saying
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And if you want to start again ... I'm here. Never went anywhere
that are important for working class Americans:
- Lowering prescription drug prices and lowering healthcare costs
- Tackling the climate crisis
- Lowering energy costs
- Creating good paying jobs
- Creating fairer taxes
Now every single working class American needs to return the favor
and not vote for any of those Republicans.
Lower energy cost? how? when the democrats are killing the coal industry and pushing electric cars at the same time ,there is NOT enough electric grid out there to support the liberal ways without coal and natural gas to remain in place while alternatives are being built.
There are plenty of jobs, don't need to CREATE jobs out of thin air, this is not the 30's and the WPA. There is plenty of work to do, just to many AMericans being paid to stay at home instead of putting their ass's into the work force.
Fairer taxes, 87,000 irs agents being hired, you honestly think they will SAVE anyone any money? They are being hired to virtually beat people out of MORE money.
Come out into the light and see reality.
Besides the democrats tack on all these "great ideas" you posted about, onto terrible legislation so the repubs would have to vote against it to prevent a tragedy.
we can work towards a better tomorrow without breaking the backs of the Working class American people as the current ideas will.
get the government out of it and let private enterprise develop and market the alternatives, and if they are viable, the consumer will decide to use them.
We work for and earn our money,it should be up to US the American people as to what we spend it on. if we want a gas car,get 1,if we want a fuel cell car,buy 1,if the prices are competitive.
Do not forget that china can pollute all they want, hell they need to support the US. See them agree with the green crap, hell no. They are a million times smarter than our whole regime. Do not forget the FARTING cows!
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What's more, there are few products sold in the US that has parts made exclusively in the US. You are 50+ years too late to complain. Where were you when the big American businesses started moving their manufacturing to other countries? Heck, I remember being a kid and the TV repairman ( yes, we used to repair them) would complain all the parts, even the whole TV was made in Mexico. You just like to complain, make noise really, because your sugar daddy, Trump, is in danger of getting a new address, Leavenworth.
Who do you think will suffer from heat, drought, fires and floods?
Billionaires on their super-yachts?
The working class will suffer first if harvests and drinking water supply are failing.
Rivers are running dry all over the world, also stopping hydro-power. Meanwhile there are record floods in Pakistan, drowning people and destroying their harvests.
That's what climate chance does; extreme weather: Record heat, drought and fires
in one place, massive floods and hurricanes in another.
If it's not the working class' problem, than whose is it? The least affected?
"nor can anyone solve it"
It's the CO2 dumb-ass. Humanity is burning fossil fuels (carbon) that was stabilized below the ground over millions of years. We are burning all of it in a few hundred years.
There are alternatives to fossil fuels that emit much less CO2. Using those alternatives instead of fossil fuels and stopping with destroying forests for those fossil fuels IS THE SOLUTION. You even mentioned deforestation as a cause yourself once.
Unless humanity prioritizes those solutions much more than now, everyone will waste much more tax money on 'natural' disasters. And on wars over the last fossil fuel, food and water supplies.
Coal is not stopped by Democrats, it's just more expensive than oil, natural gas, solar and wind, so coalmines went bankrupt. Oil and natural gas are getting more expensive and solar and wind are already much cheaper and are still getting cheaper.
Investors are choosing solar and wind over fossil fuels, but not fast enough.
Fossil fuels are subsidize with $5.9 trillion in tax-money globally per year and you are saying we cannot solve climate change, because it would cost tax-money.
Just reallocating the $5.9 trillion in subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable energy would help a lot. But the oil companies don't like that and threaten everyone with high prices, so you choose the path of death and destruction.
Come out into the light and see reality.
“There was an amendment that was offered in the Senate when this bill was being debated that said you cannot use any of these IRS agents to go after anyone earning less than $400,000 a year. The Democrats voted that amendment down so it can go — it can go for anybody.”
A limit of $400,000/year gives too many people free rein to cheat.
They could have set the limit at $50,000/year or $100,000/year, but Republicans think $400,000/year is middle class. Only 1% of Americans make more than $400,000/year.
It was the Republicans who broke the IRS and enabled cheating of a trillion a year.
Go cry about that. Those taxes could have paid for a lot of solar and wind energy
and lower the demand for fossil fuels and thereby lowered the price of energy you pay.
All of them make less than $400,000/year themselves, OFFICIALLY, but all of them
are very rich. How? Because they make a lot of suspicious money on the side.
They are all doing insider trading, having nice jobs on the side and taking money for speaking fees at nice donor events as a reward for services rendered. Even while that's all 'legal corruption', it's not enough for them, so they are also declaring expenses that do not exist and getting gifts they don't report. The real greedy ones surely have lots of other ways to enrich themselves. They don't want the IRS looking into all of that.
The Republicans are just a bit worse than the Democrats, so that's why the Democrats are in favor of the IRS having the power to use their new funding for investigation of people making less than $400,000/year. Republicans are way more stupid and get caught more often, so Democrats wouldn't want to give them tax cheat immunity.
I admit it's speculation, but it would be a result of a limit at $400,000/year.
Or have your politicians already exempted themselves from IRS audits?
I would sort of expect that from your corrupt politicians.
Look at this. I found it after I thought of it. It's at least a rumor:
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I think that $400,000/year limit would protect them at least significantly.
If they get caught, they could easily say in court that the audit was illegitimate,
because it was payed for with the new budget. It's very difficult to prove it wasn't.
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