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New Comment Rating: -6 Similar topics: 1.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.No Collusion. 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME analysis. 4.democrats and associated press close believeallwomen twitter account after Biden sexual assault case came to light 5.Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden Comments: |
that system was doomed from the start with the ever increasing population, the gov can't take out of enough of peoples paychecks to cover what they are paying out.
We damn sure do not need someone like Justin Trudeau (cumala) to win. Screw socialist bs. Anyone wants that crap they know how to leave DirtyDesco.
This is voter fraud. Donald has filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania addressing this issue. If successful, it's expected that it'll be big news all over Pennsylvania but also all over the US. It's the first time this has happened.
In this instance, I agree with Trump. Democrats should control their food intake and their farting.
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.... Then spends the next 20 minutes telling you he didn't mean that.
I just posted a link about schools in Indiana that are being overrun by haitian kids that can't speak english. A small town of 18,000 now suddenly over run by people there to take away what few jobs there was and are lowering the quality of the kids education.The parents of those kids paid taxes for the schools, and now their kids are not getting the quality education they deserve because of outsiders. and the dems think that is just fine, the dems bused those illegals there and caused this mess. and they love it.It has to stop or this country will be like mexico soon
Those "very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics,
and it should be very easily handled, by if necessary the National Guard
and if really necessary by the military."
Who is Trump talking about there?
"Trump tells it like it is!", so I expect him to round up his political enemies now.
Trump told it like it is!
Trump said he really loves women, but....
but "Trump tells it like it is!", then when did Trump last say anything relevant
to what is going on in the US? He is making a fool of himself. Anything he says
is debunked in 30 seconds flat. You want him to win the election, but he's showing everyone he's lying and stupid. Why are you supporting that? If my candidate was doing that, they would be replaced with someone better, the next day.
It took Democrats a bit longer, because they left it up to the candidate to step aside, but they did what's best for the party. Donald Trump is HUMILIATING YOU!
Trump cucked your party and he cucked you. He's doing nothing but losing.
Tim Walz and Obama just showed the world that they exactly know what is going on
in the US. Every single sentence was on point and honest. The Democrats are doing their best for their constituents. You cannot say that Trump is doing that!
Hell, Kamala Harris has bigger balls than Trump.
She went on Fox'News' and crushed little Bret Baier's nonsense.
Trump cannot even handle the softballs from his own media.
Trump is a whiny little bitch, who didn't outgrow puberty.
Trump is the most insecure person in the world.
Insecurity is the opposite of masculinity.
It's like putting your fingers in your ears and shouting; "Lalalalalalala!".
It's way preferable over lying.
You would make a better MAGA president than Trump.
That's why it's a bit sad that you support that whiner.
obummer is a damn wimp and tampon tim, well his name says it all. Many black men hate obummer now for degrading them a few days ago.
TRUMP 2024
In any case, I'm 100% more honest and sure of myself than Trump.
You tell me what you think makes Trump that real man for you.
If you don't see that Trump is a whining bitch, then "Love makes blind!".
Trump is constantly crying about being treated unfairly, the size of his hands, dick and crowds and all the different groups of voters, he feels is entitled to their votes.
Trump is a sad whiny bitch, Walsh, Harris and Obama are not.
If black men think Trump degrades them less, they should vote for Trump.
If Muslims think Trump will kill less Palestinians, they should vote for Trump.
Stupid people are his voters, so they can fuck off to vote for their own demise.
Oh, stop with your stupid suspicions, no one is talking about you. Why would they talk about an idiot?
TRUMP 2024
He never accepts any accountability for anything, he even says so himself.
He always blames someone else. How about "The buck stops at my desk!"?
A real man lives up to his responsibilities, right?
TRUMP 2024
but you project it onto Biden and Harris.
Biden did say the pull-out from Afghanistan could have gone better.
At least he did that. Trump wanted to, but was too chickenshit to do it.
You cannot point to anything Biden could have done better, you just have Trump who says he could have done better, without pointing to anything specific. If Trump had overseen that pull-out, I'm sure it would have gone much worse, because he's an idiot and had idiots in his White House.
We can point to many things Trump could have done better in the Covid crisis, probably preventing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The first mistake was calling it a hoax, while he knew better. He's on tape saying so. The second thing is getting in the way of outbreak management specialists, think he knew better. He is an ignorant shithead that always does the wrong thing and always exacerbates the problem. And he never admits his mistakes. Biden and Harris did 100 times better.
"...THE SAME..."!!! MORON!!!
"joey and cumala" pulled your country out of the worst health crisis in 100 years. They have recovered your economy, after it was crushed, because of Trump's stupidity, and put Trump's inflation back on target.
What do you want them to accept accountability for?
that damn harris wants to hand out 100,000 dollars to start a "small" bussiness. sounds great on the surface, but when you realize it will be loaned to people that CAN"T PAY IT BACK, they will go bankrupt and default on the money and be the same as the supposedly "evil" Trump! wants to give money for a down payment on a first home. All that will do is raise the price of a "first" home because the sellers will know the money is there to get.
EVEN IF it was a terrorist attack, many other countries were already suffering deaths of covid, long before it came to your country. Still he said it was a HOAX. THAT'S EVEN MORE FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE,
Trump will give more tax-cuts to corporations and the wealthy.
Harris will give tax-cuts to small businesses, from people who want to build a future for themselves. No one is talking about paying it back.
Since when do corporations pay back the tax-cuts they are getting?
Why do you think the US ranks 173th of 180 countries in the
Self-employed ranking? 6.09% is very low.
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It's because you only help big companies and let them crush small companies. That's why the US is starting to fail. Innovation is dying.
Kamala Harris has plans to reverse that. Trump is just all talk.
Harris is also planning to build lots of houses, to reduce the prices.
Jon Stewart killing it again:
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