I am not to concerned about the same sex marriage part of it as I am with those folks being able to sue someone for not doing a job for them if it is against their beliefs.
there is more than 1 cake maker, more than 1 wedding photographer ,no need to home in on 1 and then sue when you can't pressure them into doing something.
The same sex marriage thing just goes beyond logic.
In another post, there are those that think marriage is a outdated concept to cut it small, and that it means little to nothing .So why is it such a issue with people, just live together and not make a big stink .they have done it for years, there has been 2 lesbian couples locally for the past 25-30 years. never made a stink ,never caused any trouble, kept their bills paid. then suddenly in the last few years suddenly a bunch want to jump up and down and make a stink nationally.
Marriage makes it possible for several legal issues. For instance, only a family member can visit ER patients. Only married people can assume well being of each other. There's many more
Um, only family in the er??
strange, that issue didn't come up for me on several occasions over the past few years. excluding the wuhan period. Anyone qualified can gain guardianship over someone. I am having to watch a situation unfold regarding that type thing as of lately.
"I am not to concerned about the same sex marriage part of it as I am with those folks being able to sue someone for not doing a job for them if it is against their beliefs."
If their beliefs are preventing someone in doing their job, they should be fired
and go look for another job, which is not obstructed by their beliefs.
How do you feel about a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf on her uniform?
A head scarf is not preventing her from doing her job.
If it is, she should either do her job or be fired.
John Stuart Mill's liberty principle is that people should be free to do whatever they want, without any intervention from state or individuals, unless their actions harm somebody other than themselves.
if I walk into a place and someone is wearing a head scarf I turn around and walk back out.
I make it a point to avoid them.
they are apt to scream out ali ak bar and blow me up any minute.scary stuff.and what is really scary is people like you don't think nothing of it,you are the kind that would get blown up because you are naive.
Getting fired is not needed,the people wanting service can go elsewhere.
Like I've said before, Phart, "Chicken Shit". What's wrong? You leave your house without strapping your twin holstered guns to your hips? You would be a match for any cunt wearing a headscarf no matter how many "Ali Ak Bar"s she's screaming.
Look at this.
Extremely barbaric treatment of a 10 year old girl by the US laws.
So backwards.
A man in the US state of Ohio raped a 10-year-old girl.
The girl had to cross state lines for an abortion after her home state restricted the procedure.
Can you imagine the pain of this girl?
First she's raped by a thug (who should go to prison for very very long time).
She's left pregnant (unusual, but it happens).
And then her country, the laws of her state, tell her "you must have the baby regardless of whether you were raped or not." Effectively, they're saying "we don't recognise your pain. We're religious freaks who think that our god wanted you to get raped and be pregnant, so keep the baby. "
She had to go to another state.
If this little girl grows up with mistrust about her society, the laws of her country, full of hatred against the pseudo religious backwardness of the law makers, it won't be her fault.
We agree that the rapist should be punished.prison for a long time, eh, death penalty would be better.send a loud and clear message to would be rapist.
As for the 10 year old being pregnant. If you would read and pay attention ,even alot of conservatives like myself understand the need for the option of abortion in a case like this.
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If this was the only reason abortion was available i don't know of anyone except religious extremist that would object.
The use of abortion for birth control after random ,frequant negligent sex is the issue.
Immoral living prompts most abortions.
IMMORAL? What the fuck is immoral?
Don't tell me about any stoopid religious crap please.
Besides, why are you on a sex site if you believe on "immorality"?
Well, here's an immoral thing I do and I enjoy it. I fuck this girl in all possible ways (except anal--because I'm not too interested) and we often start by a footjob, like below
[deleted image]
She's married too, but she likes to fuck. Her husband doesn't know but he probably fucks too on the side. We all enjoy it. Is that immoral?
Well she sure has no idea what the concept of marriage is, why did she bother? religion or not. Once her husband finds out, you might have to hide.
a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
"the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"
the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman).
What is the main purpose for marriage?
Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—and is a life-long commitment. It also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children.
Bullshit dude.
Marriage and crap.
There's no basis for marriage.
Humans are not single partner animals,
as both paleontology and evolutionary biology,
as well as the existence of this site show.
Why don't you go to church instead of hanging around at a sex site?
considering the way you choose to act and live, you best Watch your back or your only visit to a church might be a box because of a jealous husband.
Some people take marriage seriously.
And just what makes you believe that we are not single partner "animals"?
Yea, that is what everyone needs to do. Why bother getting married if you are incapable of keeping your end of the bargain?
Marriage is cheap ,divorce is expensive. Not to mention the horror it creates for children that have to grow up in broken homes.
"Why bother getting married if you are incapable of keeping your end of the bargain?"
I agree with you, in the old-fashioned concept of marriage.
But that was intended for an agreement between a man working to provide for the family and a woman staying home to care for the children. In that case, the woman is dependent on the man and she lets go of most of the ability to be self sufficient. Then there should be a contract to secure her future. I know you prefer that social arrangement, but it's mostly obsolete these days.
Women are now better educated than men (on average) and often work too. Marriage is therefore now just a proclamation of love and I think we should discard those bargain aspects (at least as standard) from it. It might be good to replace that with a cohabitation contract, that needs to be reconsidered every 5 years, when people choose to live together. Marriage may then be gutted to just ceremony and a party and divorce should be easy.
That leaves the cohabitation contract, where people should take care of each other as much as needed to compensate for any loss of ability to be self sufficient, caused by the cohabitation.
It is difficult for anyone to be totally self sufficient. Who built the house you live in? or mine? Sure wasn't me!
Did you build yours?
Do you grow EVERYTHING you eat?
We're not.
We like to fuck dude.
Both men and women like to fuck when the opportunity arises.
Religious idiots may not want to fuck, but it's their loss. --------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
Look at this pussy, posted by my friend Freaknigga.
[deleted image]
Take a good look.
Position yourself to a closeup of that pussy.
And now tell me. Say she wanted you to fuck her.
Say she told you she's married but that age wants you.
Would you refuse the fuck?
Would you?
You'd proceed and fuck her.
That's what we are.
Animals, of the human kind, who love to duck.
"hat's what we are.
Animals, of the human kind, who love to duck."
We might love to fuck but as your last sentence makes clear, we would need to learn to love to "DUCK" if we poke a married woman and her hubby finds out.
You just respect the other man by leaving his woman alone.
You don't see wrong in fucking just because the woman is willing. You consider us animals.
where you came up with that shit was not from going to a normal school in a civilized country.
Even if we were "animals" we are intelligent beyond that of the cat and dog.
Edit, besides, if a married woman is parading herself around, does that not clue you in on the fact that she is a cheater ,a liar, adulteress and other words that describe someone that is a negative influence on you? that person is not lifting you up, or as was described elsewhere, you aren't improving yourself or the world.
Obviously, there was a typo. Duck was supposed to be fuck.
You didn't reply to my question.
Would you not fuck that gorgeous woman regardless of her marital status if she wanted to be fucked, if she asked you to fuck her?
No I would not.
She is married, she is COMMITED to another man .morally, legally .
What part of commitment and loyalty are you not understanding? infidelity is reason for divorce.
What part of alot of men being in cemetery's for doing the very thing you are so proud of doing are you not quite catching in that aluminum trap mind of yours? Messing with other mens women? You are the dipshit here, not me. Do a survey ,ask other people, you might find a majority here, but not in the real world. And you will find key board warriors that will say they would but when faced with reality will have second thoughts.
This is a funny page about this very thing from many years ago only registered users can see external links
I only fuck a married woman if she wants it.
It's a mutual agreement.
I see no problem at all, if we both want it.
Marriage is an artificial construct anyway,
supported or even instituted by stupid concepts
such as religion. These concepts are man made
conventions introduced probably over the last
4 thousand years. That's nothing compared to
humanity's age (hundreds of thousands of years).
40 thousand years ago people were exactly like us
but everything points out to living without marriage.
Take away religion (which is idiotic) and then you see that polygamy and polyandry is fundamental to us.
I'm sorry you wouldn't fuck that pussy.
That's so sad.
Even your idol, trump, fucks married women, grabs women by the pussy, and si on.
yea,he does,and you see how much hell he catches for it to.
I never said I agree with everything the man does.He is just the best choice at this time for the country until someone better,hopefully younger,comes along.
I really wish his daughter would run.
that would get a trophy the liberals want so bad , and she is smart to.
I don't think it is sad that I wouldn't partake of the womans favors. She is obligated to another man,that territory is supposed to be his.
It is disrespectful to him to take something of his.
Would you walk up to his dinner table and take his biscuit if his wife said it was ok? would you take his truck if his wife said it was ok?
Sure those things are physical property and not alive but similar situation. something that is not hers to give away.
What evidence are you looking at to learn all these strange ideas?
Even animals select a mate and alot of them stay together for life. Blue birds, horses, etc
Your examples are unsuccessful.
All I'm talking about is sex.
And, yes, I have fucked many married women and will keep fucking them, so long as they agree. Their husbands are also free to fuck other women.
I don't steal the woman, I don't steal anyone's property, I just have sex and that's that. My partner is free to fuck whomever she likes, so long as there's mutual agreement and we talk about it. I fuck in order to entertain myself AND the person (woman) I fuck. I always make sure she has orgasms. Fuck is just a need and that's all. If your religions decided that this is not right, go ahead and do whatever your priests say. We only live once and I decided to live the way people will live once religion and shit is eradicated, IF we survive as a species. --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
This one is married, early 40s woman, we've been fucking for 5 years. Alas, the goons move to another city soon.
So what do you do to prevent diseases from spreading?
Do you understand your life choices could negatively impact others? Oh ,I am sorry,I forgot you don't give a shit about anything but your own desires.
That mindset indicates you are a selfish ,self centered person that has no respect for anyone.
number 1 is enough, but rejecting the very possibility that there is more than YOU in the world and YOUR mindset supports it.
you have no more facts to support your mindset than I do that we neither 1 can prove wrong or right. but yet, you think I am wrong for believing life is not by chance .
As for your comment, "Fuck is just a need and that's all.". Drug addicts use that same justification for abusing drugs and alcohol.
I think your bragging and judging may be a scatter shield to cover up your sex addiction.
But thank God or mother nature or the dirt beneath me,whatever, I don't have to live in your part of the world and you are free to do your thing where you are.
thanks for a view into the windows of a strange world I am thankful to not have to experiance . . by the way,you didn't answer my questions which again,supports my thinking in regards to your charactor.
Not preaching,just not cutting liberals any slack,thats all!
Besides,there is nothing I have said that you can use to confirm I am religious to the extent of it being a problem. I deduce alot from what I read here,you seem to forget I am college educated,not as dumb as you would like to think I am.
Sheesh,you to? damn,
religion and the freedom of religion, was part of what this country was founded on. Get over it or get gone!!
don't mean that to be taken as shear anger,just can't understand all this hatred of the 1 thing left in the world that keeps the place from becoming completely unwound.
Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States
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Since the end of the last century, children deaths by car accidents have decreased by 50%, whereas deaths by guns have increased by 25%. This makes deaths by guns in children the leading cause of deaths. And it's unique in the US.
Double FFS!!!! No one is saying murder won’t happen, but, doesn’t it say something that Japan has 2 gun victims while the US had over 40,000?
By phart
So what motivated these guns to jump out of their hiding places?
violence is world wide,hatred is world wide,taking away Americans guns is not going to do anything but kick the can down the road. You have got to get people to understand the value of life and take away the desire to destroy it.
By JustWill
That "point" is as idiotic as it has always been.
If someone wants to steal something or set fire to your house, they will find a way to do that, too.
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't bother making laws to regulate those activities as well?
In the entire country of Japan--which has strict gun regulation--only two people--TWO--have been shot to death in the past year!
Here in the US, at least 10 times that many people have probably been shot since I began typing this post.
The actual "point"--as anybody who is capable of logical thought should be able to see--is that regulation of guns DOES reduce shooting deaths.
Unless, of course, you believe that the people of Japan, Austrailia, New Zealand, the UK, etc. are just better people than we Americans are...
By phart
Anyone capable of logical thinking knows the desire to kill and harm is the real problem.
Taking away the tools,just makes it a little more challenging.
By JustWill
So why are you and the rest of the "Thoughts and Prayers" patrol so against making it "more challenging"?
The "real problem" is that people like you are willing to make it as easy as possible for them to harm or kill as many as they can in the shortest time...
CAT that’s all they can use. They give you all types of excuses but, not one can bring a REAL solution to the blood letting.
By phart
No everytime there is a shooting,you want to take everyones guns away that didn't do it.The honest,working Americans that have a constitutional right to have guns.
CAT, Phart you don’t have a constitutional right. You just have an AMENDMENT (#2). )You know how that is. If not, ask any woman about abortion)
If you tried to take them all up,only the honest people would give them up.The crooks,being they don't obey the law,won't, so you will have 10's of 1000's more soft targets for the crooks.
CAT Phart that argument is both, sophomoric, and unproven.
By kebmo
Phart, I read what you said and I understand what you said but what you said does not hold true in Japan, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand or any other country in the world that has fairly stringent gun laws. Why do you think that is? Oh, I know why, it’s because other constitutions don’t have gun ownership as a citizen’s right. If only there was a way to change the constitution…
By admin
But you do realize that Russia, Brazil, Venezuela and several other countries with much stricter gun laws than US, have 2-3 more gun murders per capita than USA? More than half of gun deaths in US are suicides, not murders. And constitutions are there for a reason. If you start changing constition, where do you stop? They changed constitutions in Russia and Venezuela so that the president can be president indefinitelly and they are now dictatures.
ADMIN, YOU ARE RIGHT. Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela do have more murders than the US. I’m not sure that’s something for any country to be proud of, but, we, or at least, me, are discussing US gun violence. Paraphrasing Stalin, 43,000+ deaths by gun violence in one year is a statistic, but, not for those affected. Many countries change their constitutions more often than their leaders change underwear, but not the US. We AMEND ours when there’s a clear view that a change is needed, and, even then, if it is to repeal a previous amendment, first that amendment has to be repealed with an amendment. Our Constitution, the prime law of this land, the US of A, is an old lady with plenty of spunk left in it. Is it perfect? It’s as perfect as it could be at the time it was written, but, even then, it was AMENDED as it was through the years. Unfortunately, No2, was not though out very well. Okay, #2 doesn’t work. Let’s get rid of it. Those other countries you alluded to? Too bad for their people but, it’s not our problem.
By bella!
Do you have an opinion on why countries with stricter gun laws would have higher murder rates? Is it possible that Canada, Australia and the European countries are just blessed to be populated with people that are more civilized than the people living in the United States? In my mind, I feel like the world views American folks as excessive, lazy, rude, gun toting, barbarians.
CAT Bella!, I’m not sure if that’s the case. Others look at us as the cowboys with guns strapped to our hips. We smoke Marlboros while riding a horse in the huge plains. We look rugged and we are ready to face another gun packing guy on the streets of Laredo. It says so in the movies.
By admin
Well, due to my background I know something about statistics and factor analysis. So it kinda bugs me when someone just takes limited sample and deducts a lot from it. But it also makes hard to answer your question. I could push my own narrative, but I know that an answer to your question requires thorough analysis with a lot of data which I do not have. I'd say murder rates is just slightly correlates with gun availability, it probably correlates more with low level of living, because crime levels usually heavily correlate with it, and also correlates a lot with cultural peculiarities. Switzerland has a lot of guns and very liberal gun ownership laws, but there is little of gun violence. I'd say the disparity among it's population is less than in US, less desperate people to commit crimes. Also it's more homogeneous culturally. In US black ghettos and in some mostly white rural regions like Apalaches they still have ancient tribe mentality that requires to be ready to prove with violence that you are a man and should be reckoned with. I bet this mind set is not common in Switzerland. Also, if you glorify violence on TV and especially glorify mass shooters, it should not be a surprise that some take it as encouragement. I don't think there is a study about that, but I know of study about suicides, they essentially increase among young people after some suicide becomes popular on the news. It's way outside margin of error. It's called "The Werther Effect", you can google it if you want. I'd say it should be the same if even not more with violence glorification. There may be other factors I'm missing and can't figure out without comprehensive statistical analysis for which, as I said, I do not have data.
CAT Admin, statistical analysis is not needed to comprehend that if the gun is not there, no amount of wishful prayer will make that gun fire. Again, I say, “What happens in another country does not mean it will happen here. “
By Bravenewone
You sound smart, (Admin) but you are mendacious: It's no surprise to most of us that there is a "robust correlation between higher levels of gun ownership and higher firearm homicide rates". Have you ever considered that it's Switzerland that is an outlier, rather than the opposite? Having gone to Uni with a Swiss guy that is a shit argument to propose: All healthy Swiss men aged between 18 and 34 are OBLIGED to do military service and all are issued with assault rifles or pistols which they are supposed to keep at home. So ... of course gun ownership rates are super-high. Got a better example?
By mr_blue
Why do you feel the world views Americans as excessive,lazy,rude gun toting barbarians?
They changed the American constitution to abolish slavery...
So where do you stop? constitutions made without true democratic representatives are the problem!!
That's why Russia, Venezuela etc get fucked,cuz it's really a dictatorship disguised as democracy....
By admin
Yeh, that's what I heard from Venezuelans before they become dictatorship - "we are not like other countries, we are better then this, it will never happen with us". Venezuela was a democratic country with checks and balances and it was most prosperous and most developed country in 1980es-90es on South America continent.
Admin, I’ve lived or have been associated with Miami, Florida all my life. Venezuelans would come to Miami to buy American goods. Some emigrated to Miami as it was the closest mainland part of the US that spoke Spanish. Marcos Evangelista Pérez Jiménez, was the dictator of Venezuela from 1950 to 1958. He was overthrown and the new regime started to help Castro and Cuba. Venezuelans where angry with the US oil companies. They nationalized the oil companies. Ever since then, even with their so called democratic elections, the country went down the drain. Especially since Hugo Chavez and his followers took control. So, Venezois not a good example. Neither is Russia. I don’t have to tell you why.
And this is not the only example. How about Germany under Hitler? Was they also not civilized enough? One of the most developed both culturally and technologically nation of Europe at that time.
Also, I do not think you understand how it all works. Constitutions are meant to limit democracy, that's exactly their purpose. Pure democracy turns into dictatorship in a blink of an eye. Masses of any country are always ready to vote for a lying populist.
Laws like a constitution are always meant to reign in the destructive mob rule. It’s called Anarchy. Laws tell us how we, as a people, should behave in an acceptable manner. Yes, the ovens are always waiting, but, the people have to also watch for an overzealous government.
CAT WWII Germany and Italy were bitter countries for what happened in WWI AND AFTER. Germany, more so, as their economy was destroyed, land taken away and ostracized by the rest of Europe.
By mr_blue
Constitutions guarantee rights at any particular time,things change over time.
Take slavery as the example in America....
No country has pure democracy, that's the problem,we vote for other people to represent us,they change the rules to suit themselves,so call it any number of things, theocracy, dictatorship, people in power will always protect their position unless they are held to account.....
People are sheep,they follow....the ones that should lead,are not interested in leading, that's why they should be leaders..... people who seek power are already corrupted,and that comes from indoctrination in their beliefs that they are superior than others.
By Bravenewone
"Constitutions are meant to limit democracy." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
"Pure democracy turns into dictatorship in a blink of an eye." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
"Masses of any country are always ready to vote for a lying populist." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
You have an unusual way of making your points, regardless of whether it's in your tertiary language or not.
Nonetheless, you seem to be advocating for NO change to the US Second Amendment. As King Lear said: "that way madness lies".
Put it this way: if, for every 50 people killed by a firearm in the US, they had a Day of Remembrance where nobody went to work they would do fuck all, all year. ALL YEAR! The most recent available figures show 53 people are killed each day by a firearm in the US (Source: CDC). If you think the status quo is hunky dory you're complacent, at best.
By Bravenewone
I wouldn't normally comment on matters such as these, but that's such nonsense I feel compelled to. If you want to make comparisons by all means do so - but compare like with like. The US is (or is supposed to be) a modern, affluent, Western democracy. So compare it's gun deaths to those of other modern, affluent, Western democracies. Then you can see there's a problem.
As for not changing the "constition" (sic) - you're kidding, right? The right to bear arms is an AMENDMENT. Perhaps you should invest in a thesaurus. Or maybe you think the 13th amendment was a bad move? Or how about the 18th? The US needs change, unless you're content with the carnage that's being repeatedly wrought. As for Bella's point: I don't believe US folk are barbarians. You have a similar percentage of disturbed citizens as most other, similar, nations but you allow those folk to tote assault rifles and automatic (or semi-automatic) weapons. Guess what then ensues? Culturally, there might be a point to be made that (unless you're of Native American descent) your collective psyche might (deep down) realise that the land you all live on was stolen from it's original inhabitants and you exist, as a Nation, through force alone. I'll leave aside the fact that some of your original, Western, settlers were also religious fanatics that Europe was glad to see piss off.
By admin
Pointing out bad vocabulary to win an argument with someone who speaks English as tertiary language at may be B-2 level is not a win one should be proud of. You are picking a sample to fit your narrative. What exactly are "modern, affluent, Western democracy" you are suggesting to compare US with? Japan that 70 years ago was a totalitarian empire where pilots suicide bombed US ships for the glory of the emperor and soldiers were cutting Chinese prisoners to pieces just for fun? Or is it Belgium that brutally exploited Congo and performed genocide of 10 million people there just 150 years ago? Also, why should they be more justifiably compared to US, a country that has a very unique intense history, very different from old European countries? And overall, if you think that 200 years of relatively civilized existence can somehow overturn 5 millions years of evolution, it's just a superiority complex speaking. It's OK, all neurotypical people have it. I don't blame you for it, I just want you to know that 99% of differences that you think you have with Venezuelans or even some primitive African or Amazonian tribe are imaginary. So called Western democracies can be turned into very ugly dictatorships within 10-15 years, if proper narrative wins.
I'm now tired of this theme, it is difficult for me to argue complex conceptions in language that I do not think in. So I will not continue.
By Bravenewone
I wasn't having a go at your vocabulary, I was quoting you, so used "sic" to show I wasn't repeating your spelling mistake. Touchy, much?
You picked a sample to fit your narrative. Why did you pick those particular Nations (Russia, Brazil and Venezuela) to make YOUR point? If you think any of those are close analogues to the US you would need to provide evidence to that effect. I'm not sure what your problem is with "modern, affluent, Western democracy". Is it the adjectives or the noun that you think are inaccurate? Last time I checked Japan wasn't Western, by the way. You assert that the US has a "very unique intense history, very different from old European countries". Any evidence that you would like to present, or is that just an opinion? How do you know I don't have Aspergers, or any other condition that might make me non-neurotypical? That is, as you probably already know, an ad hominem attack. Play the ball, not the man. If you're interested I had an email today from a guy I follow: a US citizen, a gun-owner and a member of the NRA. He proposes a 28th Amendment to repeal and replace the 2nd Amendment. At first, cursory, glance it looks like an interesting proposition. See? Things in a Constitution can be AMENDED!
By phart
Just as admin brought up, the gun violence is popular in the "poor" sections of towns and states .but the only time you hear of gun violence is when there is a major shooting. 2 people dyeing don't make it on the news. but 4, oh yea, mass shooting.
It is my understanding that chicago has alot of gun violence.just as it did in the 20's. nothing changed but the color of the people shooting
I don't know what that 1 big word means but,
If you tried to take them all up,only the honest people would give them up.The crooks,being they don't obey the law,won't, so you will have 10's of 1000's more soft targets for the crooks.
Phart that argument is both, sophomoric, and unproven."
And just what evidence do YOU have to show me I am wrong????
NONE because you know nothing more than anyone else.
YOu are just a drone of the liberal democrats.Step back,take a deep breath and THINK FOR YOUR SELF!
You are assuming I don't know more than anyone else. Okay, I don't, but, I don't care if the crooks have the guns. What I do know is if guns are oulawed, there will be less guns to kill. Can you refute this? I'm not a drone for the liberal Democrats. I AM A LIBERAL DEMOCRAT AND PROUD OF IT
Well at least you understand you have a problem ,even if you don't recognize it as a problem. And as the GI Joe I remember on television said often, And KNOWING is half the battle.
If a normal honest American is ask to turn in their guns,they are going to go to their safe and they are going to look and see their grandfathers rifle,that he bought with money made from picking cotton and think,"no, i don't want to give that up". They are going to look at the pistol their father gave them for their birthday and think about how hard their dad worked to pay for it and think "no, why should I give that up,my dad worked hard for it".
And then they will come accross the old 22 rifle they took on a trade for a lawnmower 20 years ago and think,"you know,the government does not know about these other 2 guns, and don't need to know,But so I will appear honest, I will just give them this old 22, they won't know the difference, and I will still have the family heirlooms to pass down to the kids.
Guns are not just a toy to people that own them honestly. They are a self defense tool, a hunting tool, a sports tool ,and they are collectable antiques and family heirlooms. and we have a right to own them that our founding fathers made perfectly clear shall not be infringed on.
1 day, probably about 15 minutes before hell freezes over, democrats might understand that.
If you want to break the law, then you will, however, I don't believe there will be many situations like the one you describe. I'm in favor of just compensation and if there's a problem then have a court decide.
"In my mind, I feel like the world views American folks as excessive, lazy, rude, gun toting, barbarians."
Here's a little example.
I recently experienced the following in Luxembourg. I was staying in a small hotel. An American family of 6 were staying next door. One morning I heard them shout insults to the hostess. Soon I realised that the cleaner had found a gun in their room. They were told to immediately submit the gun to the police. They refused shouting "it's our constitutional democratic rights, we won't let you fucking morons take them was away from us". So they were told they had to vacate the property immediately. Guns aren't allowed. They refused. They hang around shouting and shouting insults. The police were called and were taken away. As they were being dragged away, they were shouting "freedom", "God bless America", and other such nonsense.
I'm sure there are many Americans who are embarrassed by such behaviour. Nevertheless, the opinion about loud, gun bearing, religious freakish, opinionated, unsettling, unhappy and angry, gun loving Americans is stronger than it was 15 years ago. Perhaps the news play a role: More guns, more deaths, more suicides, more religion, more wars, prohibition of abortions, etc., are daily news.
Wow, you may not like your government,but they seem to be doing a good job. Alot of surplus ,cash, lower unemployment, to add to that, "And in a recent VISIT FLORIDA survey, nearly 60% of Floridians "have a deep appreciation of their home state and its tourism industry," and roughly 70% say they are "proud to live in Florida.""
If you will remember ,the country was doing well, until Trump was forced away, now look at the US.
IF Desantis leaves, Florida will follow the rest of the US into decline.
Prosperity does NOT fit the democrats agenda.
The country was not doing well before Trump went away. Why do you think he lost the election?
And DeSantis is not the first Republican governor. Two of the best where Ted Bush and Charlie Christ. DeSantis is another Trump and we don’t want him. Florida is a great, beautiful state.
Hahaha your going to keep riding that democrat ship right to the bottom of the ocean following your hero at the helm’s not me I’m getting in my life boat and jumping ship before it sinks --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
There’s room in my life boat for you to phartif you would like to get off of the crazy ship
He was the better choice. I did NOT vote for him in the primaries. Now that he is the President, I try to support him as much as I can. What are you doing? --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
And, by the way, Phart, so did a MAJORITY of the population. That's why he lost the election
Yeah but you are the only one still bragging about voting for the old fool all the others that were on here running their mouth about how great Biden is are now in hiding with there head hung low in shame for what they did to their country
cat I have never personally met you,but you are the only person I have encountered both online and in person that admits to voting for biden and admits supporting him.
what does that tell you?
You must be a minority of biden supporters. Most,are hiding,ashamed,and just as fucking broke as the folks that voted for Trump right now because of the democrats bad choice.
It tells me that I, at least, am honest enough and unashamed enough to admit that I voted and supported a candidate. I'm also honest enough to realize things are not going as I thought it would. The measure of a person can be taken by their convictions.
Ted Cruz is a fu#!ng asshole
there is more than 1 cake maker, more than 1 wedding photographer ,no need to home in on 1 and then sue when you can't pressure them into doing something.
The same sex marriage thing just goes beyond logic.
In another post, there are those that think marriage is a outdated concept to cut it small, and that it means little to nothing .So why is it such a issue with people, just live together and not make a big stink .they have done it for years, there has been 2 lesbian couples locally for the past 25-30 years. never made a stink ,never caused any trouble, kept their bills paid. then suddenly in the last few years suddenly a bunch want to jump up and down and make a stink nationally.
strange, that issue didn't come up for me on several occasions over the past few years. excluding the wuhan period. Anyone qualified can gain guardianship over someone. I am having to watch a situation unfold regarding that type thing as of lately.
If you want to have more sex, that's allowed without getting married.
If their beliefs are preventing someone in doing their job, they should be fired
and go look for another job, which is not obstructed by their beliefs.
How do you feel about a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf on her uniform?
A head scarf is not preventing her from doing her job.
If it is, she should either do her job or be fired.
John Stuart Mill's liberty principle is that people should be free to do whatever they want, without any intervention from state or individuals, unless their actions harm somebody other than themselves.
I make it a point to avoid them.
they are apt to scream out ali ak bar and blow me up any minute.scary stuff.and what is really scary is people like you don't think nothing of it,you are the kind that would get blown up because you are naive.
Getting fired is not needed,the people wanting service can go elsewhere.
Look at this.
Extremely barbaric treatment of a 10 year old girl by the US laws.
So backwards.
A man in the US state of Ohio raped a 10-year-old girl.
The girl had to cross state lines for an abortion after her home state restricted the procedure.
Can you imagine the pain of this girl?
First she's raped by a thug (who should go to prison for very very long time).
She's left pregnant (unusual, but it happens).
And then her country, the laws of her state, tell her "you must have the baby regardless of whether you were raped or not." Effectively, they're saying "we don't recognise your pain. We're religious freaks who think that our god wanted you to get raped and be pregnant, so keep the baby. "
She had to go to another state.
If this little girl grows up with mistrust about her society, the laws of her country, full of hatred against the pseudo religious backwardness of the law makers, it won't be her fault.
Bravo, America.
As for the 10 year old being pregnant. If you would read and pay attention ,even alot of conservatives like myself understand the need for the option of abortion in a case like this.
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If this was the only reason abortion was available i don't know of anyone except religious extremist that would object.
The use of abortion for birth control after random ,frequant negligent sex is the issue.
Immoral living prompts most abortions.
Don't tell me about any stoopid religious crap please.
Besides, why are you on a sex site if you believe on "immorality"?
Well, here's an immoral thing I do and I enjoy it. I fuck this girl in all possible ways (except anal--because I'm not too interested) and we often start by a footjob, like below
[deleted image]
She's married too, but she likes to fuck. Her husband doesn't know but he probably fucks too on the side. We all enjoy it. Is that immoral?
a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
"the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"
the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman).
What is the main purpose for marriage?
Marriage is the beginning—the beginning of the family—and is a life-long commitment. It also provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your wife and children.
Marriage and crap.
There's no basis for marriage.
Humans are not single partner animals,
as both paleontology and evolutionary biology,
as well as the existence of this site show.
Why don't you go to church instead of hanging around at a sex site?
Some people take marriage seriously.
And just what makes you believe that we are not single partner "animals"?
Marriage is cheap ,divorce is expensive. Not to mention the horror it creates for children that have to grow up in broken homes.
I agree with you, in the old-fashioned concept of marriage.
But that was intended for an agreement between a man working to provide for the family and a woman staying home to care for the children. In that case, the woman is dependent on the man and she lets go of most of the ability to be self sufficient. Then there should be a contract to secure her future. I know you prefer that social arrangement, but it's mostly obsolete these days.
Women are now better educated than men (on average) and often work too. Marriage is therefore now just a proclamation of love and I think we should discard those bargain aspects (at least as standard) from it. It might be good to replace that with a cohabitation contract, that needs to be reconsidered every 5 years, when people choose to live together. Marriage may then be gutted to just ceremony and a party and divorce should be easy.
That leaves the cohabitation contract, where people should take care of each other as much as needed to compensate for any loss of ability to be self sufficient, caused by the cohabitation.
Did you build yours?
Do you grow EVERYTHING you eat?
We like to fuck dude.
Both men and women like to fuck when the opportunity arises.
Religious idiots may not want to fuck, but it's their loss.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
Look at this pussy, posted by my friend Freaknigga.
[deleted image]
Take a good look.
Position yourself to a closeup of that pussy.
And now tell me. Say she wanted you to fuck her.
Say she told you she's married but that age wants you.
Would you refuse the fuck?
Would you?
You'd proceed and fuck her.
That's what we are.
Animals, of the human kind, who love to duck.
Animals, of the human kind, who love to duck."
We might love to fuck but as your last sentence makes clear, we would need to learn to love to "DUCK" if we poke a married woman and her hubby finds out.
You just respect the other man by leaving his woman alone.
You don't see wrong in fucking just because the woman is willing. You consider us animals.
where you came up with that shit was not from going to a normal school in a civilized country.
Even if we were "animals" we are intelligent beyond that of the cat and dog.
Edit, besides, if a married woman is parading herself around, does that not clue you in on the fact that she is a cheater ,a liar, adulteress and other words that describe someone that is a negative influence on you? that person is not lifting you up, or as was described elsewhere, you aren't improving yourself or the world.
You didn't reply to my question.
Would you not fuck that gorgeous woman regardless of her marital status if she wanted to be fucked, if she asked you to fuck her?
She is married, she is COMMITED to another man .morally, legally .
What part of commitment and loyalty are you not understanding? infidelity is reason for divorce.
What part of alot of men being in cemetery's for doing the very thing you are so proud of doing are you not quite catching in that aluminum trap mind of yours? Messing with other mens women? You are the dipshit here, not me. Do a survey ,ask other people, you might find a majority here, but not in the real world. And you will find key board warriors that will say they would but when faced with reality will have second thoughts.
This is a funny page about this very thing from many years ago only registered users can see external links
It's a mutual agreement.
I see no problem at all, if we both want it.
Marriage is an artificial construct anyway,
supported or even instituted by stupid concepts
such as religion. These concepts are man made
conventions introduced probably over the last
4 thousand years. That's nothing compared to
humanity's age (hundreds of thousands of years).
40 thousand years ago people were exactly like us
but everything points out to living without marriage.
Take away religion (which is idiotic) and then you see that polygamy and polyandry is fundamental to us.
I'm sorry you wouldn't fuck that pussy.
That's so sad.
Even your idol, trump, fucks married women, grabs women by the pussy, and si on.
I never said I agree with everything the man does.He is just the best choice at this time for the country until someone better,hopefully younger,comes along.
I really wish his daughter would run.
that would get a trophy the liberals want so bad , and she is smart to.
I don't think it is sad that I wouldn't partake of the womans favors. She is obligated to another man,that territory is supposed to be his.
It is disrespectful to him to take something of his.
Would you walk up to his dinner table and take his biscuit if his wife said it was ok? would you take his truck if his wife said it was ok?
Sure those things are physical property and not alive but similar situation. something that is not hers to give away.
What evidence are you looking at to learn all these strange ideas?
Even animals select a mate and alot of them stay together for life. Blue birds, horses, etc
All I'm talking about is sex.
And, yes, I have fucked many married women and will keep fucking them, so long as they agree. Their husbands are also free to fuck other women.
I don't steal the woman, I don't steal anyone's property, I just have sex and that's that. My partner is free to fuck whomever she likes, so long as there's mutual agreement and we talk about it. I fuck in order to entertain myself AND the person (woman) I fuck. I always make sure she has orgasms. Fuck is just a need and that's all. If your religions decided that this is not right, go ahead and do whatever your priests say. We only live once and I decided to live the way people will live once religion and shit is eradicated, IF we survive as a species.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
This one is married, early 40s woman, we've been fucking for 5 years. Alas, the goons move to another city soon.
[deleted image]
Who would refuse such a pussy?
Do you understand your life choices could negatively impact others? Oh ,I am sorry,I forgot you don't give a shit about anything but your own desires.
That mindset indicates you are a selfish ,self centered person that has no respect for anyone.
1) I like to fuck whenever there's mutual consent.
2) I reject each and every religion as being nonsense.
3) I care a lot about human rights.
How, from this, have you built a portrait about me and extrapolated my behaviour?
you have no more facts to support your mindset than I do that we neither 1 can prove wrong or right. but yet, you think I am wrong for believing life is not by chance .
As for your comment, "Fuck is just a need and that's all.". Drug addicts use that same justification for abusing drugs and alcohol.
I think your bragging and judging may be a scatter shield to cover up your sex addiction.
But thank God or mother nature or the dirt beneath me,whatever, I don't have to live in your part of the world and you are free to do your thing where you are.
thanks for a view into the windows of a strange world I am thankful to not have to experiance . . by the way,you didn't answer my questions which again,supports my thinking in regards to your charactor.
Besides,there is nothing I have said that you can use to confirm I am religious to the extent of it being a problem. I deduce alot from what I read here,you seem to forget I am college educated,not as dumb as you would like to think I am.
religion and the freedom of religion, was part of what this country was founded on. Get over it or get gone!!
don't mean that to be taken as shear anger,just can't understand all this hatred of the 1 thing left in the world that keeps the place from becoming completely unwound.
Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States
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Since the end of the last century, children deaths by car accidents have decreased by 50%, whereas deaths by guns have increased by 25%. This makes deaths by guns in children the leading cause of deaths. And it's unique in the US.
See article above.
And see the main graph:
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(DISCLAIMER: Do to blacklisting, I had to make these responses here using copy/paste)
By Kebmo
Besides former prime minister Abe, only one other person
was shot to death in Japan in the last year.
By Phart
But,the shooting proves the point,if a man wants to kill another man,he will find a way,with or without regulations.
By Andthisisme
Oh F.F.S !!!!
Double FFS!!!! No one is saying murder won’t happen, but, doesn’t it say something that Japan has 2 gun victims while the US had over 40,000?
By phart
So what motivated these guns to jump out of their hiding places?
violence is world wide,hatred is world wide,taking away Americans guns is not going to do anything but kick the can down the road. You have got to get people to understand the value of life and take away the desire to destroy it.
By JustWill
That "point" is as idiotic as it has always been.
If someone wants to steal something or set fire to your house, they will find a way to do that, too.
Are you suggesting that we shouldn't bother making laws to regulate those activities as well?
In the entire country of Japan--which has strict gun regulation--only two people--TWO--have been shot to death in the past year!
Here in the US, at least 10 times that many people have probably been shot since I began typing this post.
The actual "point"--as anybody who is capable of logical thought should be able to see--is that regulation of guns DOES reduce shooting deaths.
Unless, of course, you believe that the people of Japan, Austrailia, New Zealand, the UK, etc. are just better people than we Americans are...
Well said JustWill. I agree wholeheartedly.
By phart
Anyone capable of logical thinking knows the desire to kill and harm is the real problem.
Taking away the tools,just makes it a little more challenging.
By JustWill
So why are you and the rest of the "Thoughts and Prayers" patrol so against making it "more challenging"?
The "real problem" is that people like you are willing to make it as easy as possible for them to harm or kill as many as they can in the shortest time...
CAT that’s all they can use. They give you all types of excuses but, not one can bring a REAL solution to the blood letting.
By phart
No everytime there is a shooting,you want to take everyones guns away that didn't do it.The honest,working Americans that have a constitutional right to have guns.
CAT, Phart you don’t have a constitutional right. You just have an AMENDMENT (#2). )You know how that is. If not, ask any woman about abortion)
If you tried to take them all up,only the honest people would give them up.The crooks,being they don't obey the law,won't, so you will have 10's of 1000's more soft targets for the crooks.
Phart that argument is both, sophomoric, and unproven.
By kebmo
Phart, I read what you said and I understand what you said but what you said does not hold true in Japan, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand or any other country in the world that has fairly stringent gun laws. Why do you think that is? Oh, I know why, it’s because other constitutions don’t have gun ownership as a citizen’s right. If only there was a way to change the constitution…
Hahaha, Kebmo If only……
By admin
But you do realize that Russia, Brazil, Venezuela and several other countries with much stricter gun laws than US, have 2-3 more gun murders per capita than USA? More than half of gun deaths in US are suicides, not murders. And constitutions are there for a reason. If you start changing constition, where do you stop? They changed constitutions in Russia and Venezuela so that the president can be president indefinitelly and they are now dictatures.
ADMIN, YOU ARE RIGHT. Russia, Brazil, and Venezuela do have more murders than the US. I’m not sure that’s something for any country to be proud of, but, we, or at least, me, are discussing US gun violence. Paraphrasing Stalin, 43,000+ deaths by gun violence in one year is a statistic, but, not for those affected. Many countries change their constitutions more often than their leaders change underwear, but not the US. We AMEND ours when there’s a clear view that a change is needed, and, even then, if it is to repeal a previous amendment, first that amendment has to be repealed with an amendment. Our Constitution, the prime law of this land, the US of A, is an old lady with plenty of spunk left in it. Is it perfect? It’s as perfect as it could be at the time it was written, but, even then, it was AMENDED as it was through the years. Unfortunately, No2, was not though out very well. Okay, #2 doesn’t work. Let’s get rid of it. Those other countries you alluded to? Too bad for their people but, it’s not our problem.
By bella!
Do you have an opinion on why countries with stricter gun laws would have higher murder rates? Is it possible that Canada, Australia and the European countries are just blessed to be populated with people that are more civilized than the people living in the United States? In my mind, I feel like the world views American folks as excessive, lazy, rude, gun toting, barbarians.
Bella!, I’m not sure if that’s the case. Others look at us as the cowboys with guns strapped to our hips. We smoke Marlboros while riding a horse in the huge plains. We look rugged and we are ready to face another gun packing guy on the streets of Laredo. It says so in the movies.
By admin
Well, due to my background I know something about statistics and factor analysis. So it kinda bugs me when someone just takes limited sample and deducts a lot from it. But it also makes hard to answer your question. I could push my own narrative, but I know that an answer to your question requires thorough analysis with a lot of data which I do not have. I'd say murder rates is just slightly correlates with gun availability, it probably correlates more with low level of living, because crime levels usually heavily correlate with it, and also correlates a lot with cultural peculiarities. Switzerland has a lot of guns and very liberal gun ownership laws, but there is little of gun violence. I'd say the disparity among it's population is less than in US, less desperate people to commit crimes. Also it's more homogeneous culturally. In US black ghettos and in some mostly white rural regions like Apalaches they still have ancient tribe mentality that requires to be ready to prove with violence that you are a man and should be reckoned with. I bet this mind set is not common in Switzerland. Also, if you glorify violence on TV and especially glorify mass shooters, it should not be a surprise that some take it as encouragement. I don't think there is a study about that, but I know of study about suicides, they essentially increase among young people after some suicide becomes popular on the news. It's way outside margin of error. It's called "The Werther Effect", you can google it if you want. I'd say it should be the same if even not more with violence glorification. There may be other factors I'm missing and can't figure out without comprehensive statistical analysis for which, as I said, I do not have data.
Admin, statistical analysis is not needed to comprehend that if the gun is not there, no amount of wishful prayer will make that gun fire. Again, I say, “What happens in another country does not mean it will happen here. “
By Bravenewone
You sound smart, (Admin) but you are mendacious: It's no surprise to most of us that there is a "robust correlation between higher levels of gun ownership and higher firearm homicide rates". Have you ever considered that it's Switzerland that is an outlier, rather than the opposite? Having gone to Uni with a Swiss guy that is a shit argument to propose: All healthy Swiss men aged between 18 and 34 are OBLIGED to do military service and all are issued with assault rifles or pistols which they are supposed to keep at home. So ... of course gun ownership rates are super-high. Got a better example?
Well said.
By mr_blue
Why do you feel the world views Americans as excessive,lazy,rude gun toting barbarians?
They changed the American constitution to abolish slavery...
So where do you stop? constitutions made without true democratic representatives are the problem!!
That's why Russia, Venezuela etc get fucked,cuz it's really a dictatorship disguised as democracy....
By admin
Yeh, that's what I heard from Venezuelans before they become dictatorship - "we are not like other countries, we are better then this, it will never happen with us". Venezuela was a democratic country with checks and balances and it was most prosperous and most developed country in 1980es-90es on South America continent.
Admin, I’ve lived or have been associated with Miami, Florida all my life. Venezuelans would come to Miami to buy American goods. Some emigrated to Miami as it was the closest mainland part of the US that spoke Spanish. Marcos Evangelista Pérez Jiménez, was the dictator of Venezuela from 1950 to 1958. He was overthrown and the new regime started to help Castro and Cuba. Venezuelans where angry with the US oil companies. They nationalized the oil companies. Ever since then, even with their so called democratic elections, the country went down the drain. Especially since Hugo Chavez and his followers took control. So, Venezois not a good example. Neither is Russia. I don’t have to tell you why.
And this is not the only example. How about Germany under Hitler? Was they also not civilized enough? One of the most developed both culturally and technologically nation of Europe at that time.
Also, I do not think you understand how it all works. Constitutions are meant to limit democracy, that's exactly their purpose. Pure democracy turns into dictatorship in a blink of an eye. Masses of any country are always ready to vote for a lying populist.
Laws like a constitution are always meant to reign in the destructive mob rule. It’s called Anarchy. Laws tell us how we, as a people, should behave in an acceptable manner. Yes, the ovens are always waiting, but, the people have to also watch for an overzealous government.
CAT WWII Germany and Italy were bitter countries for what happened in WWI AND AFTER. Germany, more so, as their economy was destroyed, land taken away and ostracized by the rest of Europe.
By mr_blue
Constitutions guarantee rights at any particular time,things change over time.
Take slavery as the example in America....
No country has pure democracy, that's the problem,we vote for other people to represent us,they change the rules to suit themselves,so call it any number of things, theocracy, dictatorship, people in power will always protect their position unless they are held to account.....
People are sheep,they follow....the ones that should lead,are not interested in leading, that's why they should be leaders..... people who seek power are already corrupted,and that comes from indoctrination in their beliefs that they are superior than others.
By Bravenewone
"Constitutions are meant to limit democracy." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
"Pure democracy turns into dictatorship in a blink of an eye." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
"Masses of any country are always ready to vote for a lying populist." - unsubstantiated bollocks.
You have an unusual way of making your points, regardless of whether it's in your tertiary language or not.
Nonetheless, you seem to be advocating for NO change to the US Second Amendment. As King Lear said: "that way madness lies".
Put it this way: if, for every 50 people killed by a firearm in the US, they had a Day of Remembrance where nobody went to work they would do fuck all, all year. ALL YEAR! The most recent available figures show 53 people are killed each day by a firearm in the US (Source: CDC). If you think the status quo is hunky dory you're complacent, at best.
By Bravenewone
I wouldn't normally comment on matters such as these, but that's such nonsense I feel compelled to. If you want to make comparisons by all means do so - but compare like with like. The US is (or is supposed to be) a modern, affluent, Western democracy. So compare it's gun deaths to those of other modern, affluent, Western democracies. Then you can see there's a problem.
As for not changing the "constition" (sic) - you're kidding, right? The right to bear arms is an AMENDMENT. Perhaps you should invest in a thesaurus. Or maybe you think the 13th amendment was a bad move? Or how about the 18th? The US needs change, unless you're content with the carnage that's being repeatedly wrought. As for Bella's point: I don't believe US folk are barbarians. You have a similar percentage of disturbed citizens as most other, similar, nations but you allow those folk to tote assault rifles and automatic (or semi-automatic) weapons. Guess what then ensues? Culturally, there might be a point to be made that (unless you're of Native American descent) your collective psyche might (deep down) realise that the land you all live on was stolen from it's original inhabitants and you exist, as a Nation, through force alone. I'll leave aside the fact that some of your original, Western, settlers were also religious fanatics that Europe was glad to see piss off.
By admin
Pointing out bad vocabulary to win an argument with someone who speaks English as tertiary language at may be B-2 level is not a win one should be proud of. You are picking a sample to fit your narrative. What exactly are "modern, affluent, Western democracy" you are suggesting to compare US with? Japan that 70 years ago was a totalitarian empire where pilots suicide bombed US ships for the glory of the emperor and soldiers were cutting Chinese prisoners to pieces just for fun? Or is it Belgium that brutally exploited Congo and performed genocide of 10 million people there just 150 years ago? Also, why should they be more justifiably compared to US, a country that has a very unique intense history, very different from old European countries? And overall, if you think that 200 years of relatively civilized existence can somehow overturn 5 millions years of evolution, it's just a superiority complex speaking. It's OK, all neurotypical people have it. I don't blame you for it, I just want you to know that 99% of differences that you think you have with Venezuelans or even some primitive African or Amazonian tribe are imaginary. So called Western democracies can be turned into very ugly dictatorships within 10-15 years, if proper narrative wins.
I'm now tired of this theme, it is difficult for me to argue complex conceptions in language that I do not think in. So I will not continue.
By Bravenewone
I wasn't having a go at your vocabulary, I was quoting you, so used "sic" to show I wasn't repeating your spelling mistake. Touchy, much?
You picked a sample to fit your narrative. Why did you pick those particular Nations (Russia, Brazil and Venezuela) to make YOUR point? If you think any of those are close analogues to the US you would need to provide evidence to that effect. I'm not sure what your problem is with "modern, affluent, Western democracy". Is it the adjectives or the noun that you think are inaccurate? Last time I checked Japan wasn't Western, by the way. You assert that the US has a "very unique intense history, very different from old European countries". Any evidence that you would like to present, or is that just an opinion? How do you know I don't have Aspergers, or any other condition that might make me non-neurotypical? That is, as you probably already know, an ad hominem attack. Play the ball, not the man. If you're interested I had an email today from a guy I follow: a US citizen, a gun-owner and a member of the NRA. He proposes a 28th Amendment to repeal and replace the 2nd Amendment. At first, cursory, glance it looks like an interesting proposition. See? Things in a Constitution can be AMENDED!
By Sir-Skittles
Well stated Admin
But not to the point.
By phart
Just as admin brought up, the gun violence is popular in the "poor" sections of towns and states .but the only time you hear of gun violence is when there is a major shooting. 2 people dyeing don't make it on the news. but 4, oh yea, mass shooting.
It is my understanding that chicago has alot of gun violence.just as it did in the 20's. nothing changed but the color of the people shooting
The operative word is "shootings"
By Sir-Skittles
BLM, Biden, media- 100% do not give a fuck about black on black crime
Skittles, they should.
If you tried to take them all up,only the honest people would give them up.The crooks,being they don't obey the law,won't, so you will have 10's of 1000's more soft targets for the crooks.
Phart that argument is both, sophomoric, and unproven."
And just what evidence do YOU have to show me I am wrong????
NONE because you know nothing more than anyone else.
YOu are just a drone of the liberal democrats.Step back,take a deep breath and THINK FOR YOUR SELF!
If a normal honest American is ask to turn in their guns,they are going to go to their safe and they are going to look and see their grandfathers rifle,that he bought with money made from picking cotton and think,"no, i don't want to give that up". They are going to look at the pistol their father gave them for their birthday and think about how hard their dad worked to pay for it and think "no, why should I give that up,my dad worked hard for it".
And then they will come accross the old 22 rifle they took on a trade for a lawnmower 20 years ago and think,"you know,the government does not know about these other 2 guns, and don't need to know,But so I will appear honest, I will just give them this old 22, they won't know the difference, and I will still have the family heirlooms to pass down to the kids.
Guns are not just a toy to people that own them honestly. They are a self defense tool, a hunting tool, a sports tool ,and they are collectable antiques and family heirlooms. and we have a right to own them that our founding fathers made perfectly clear shall not be infringed on.
1 day, probably about 15 minutes before hell freezes over, democrats might understand that.
"In my mind, I feel like the world views American folks as excessive, lazy, rude, gun toting, barbarians."
Here's a little example.
I recently experienced the following in Luxembourg. I was staying in a small hotel. An American family of 6 were staying next door. One morning I heard them shout insults to the hostess. Soon I realised that the cleaner had found a gun in their room. They were told to immediately submit the gun to the police. They refused shouting "it's our constitutional democratic rights, we won't let you fucking morons take them was away from us". So they were told they had to vacate the property immediately. Guns aren't allowed. They refused. They hang around shouting and shouting insults. The police were called and were taken away. As they were being dragged away, they were shouting "freedom", "God bless America", and other such nonsense.
I'm sure there are many Americans who are embarrassed by such behaviour. Nevertheless, the opinion about loud, gun bearing, religious freakish, opinionated, unsettling, unhappy and angry, gun loving Americans is stronger than it was 15 years ago. Perhaps the news play a role: More guns, more deaths, more suicides, more religion, more wars, prohibition of abortions, etc., are daily news.
Wow, you may not like your government,but they seem to be doing a good job. Alot of surplus ,cash, lower unemployment, to add to that, "And in a recent VISIT FLORIDA survey, nearly 60% of Floridians "have a deep appreciation of their home state and its tourism industry," and roughly 70% say they are "proud to live in Florida.""
IF Desantis leaves, Florida will follow the rest of the US into decline.
Prosperity does NOT fit the democrats agenda.
And DeSantis is not the first Republican governor. Two of the best where Ted Bush and Charlie Christ. DeSantis is another Trump and we don’t want him. Florida is a great, beautiful state.
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There’s room in my life boat for you to phartif you would like to get off of the crazy ship
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And, by the way, Phart, so did a MAJORITY of the population. That's why he lost the election
what does that tell you?
You must be a minority of biden supporters. Most,are hiding,ashamed,and just as fucking broke as the folks that voted for Trump right now because of the democrats bad choice.
You are admitting you are not to happy with the results. Alot of people won't admit it.
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