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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jul,23 13:22 other posts 
This is a statue from the Herefordshire Church in England.
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The statue is of a nymphomaniac female, stretching her cunt, wanting to be fucked. It's about 1000 years old.
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One wonders how many people have masturbated to it and how many couples have fucked under it.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jul,23 15:22 other posts 
Leo,we disagree on 99% of subjects, but I will say this, you are smart enough to know that some shit you find on the net ,may not be real? that does not even look like a human for crying out loud.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jul,23 19:28 other posts 
It's real. I've seen it in person. It's described in many tourist guides and history books. It's part of the church decoration.

Here's an entry from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Sheela Na Gig, also spelled Sheela-na-gig, short form Sheela, a type of (usually) stone architectural figure of uncertain significance, representing a naked woman gesturing to or otherwise flagrantly displaying exaggerated genitalia. Sheela Na Gigs are usually situated on or in Romanesque churches of western and central Europe (dating roughly from 1000 to 1200 CE), but they can also be found, though less frequently, on secular buildings of the same era.
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And here's a picture from the same, most credible, encyclopedia.
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By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,23 14:00 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 00:12 other posts 
Leo and cat convicting the gun instead of the trigger puller.
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By #610414 06,Jul,23 13:08
What you suggest is ludicrous. Of course we condemn the trigger puller. Why is it so hard for you to understand that if there was no trigger the body count would go down. I don’t see you come up with a solution on how to prevent the trigger puller from pulling the trigger. No one can. That’s why we advocate for less guns. In the end the body count would go down. Are you against the idea of a smaller body count? In the name of having your sex partner, the gun, you are willing to sacrifice thousands of innocent lives per year? I hope not.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 14:15 other posts 
Until the deranged ,mentally ill, trigger pullers are no longer a danger, sane people need protection. That our government is not able to provide.
What part of that are you so against?
Response time for law enforcement here is 5 minutes minimum. Alot can happen in that time frame.
By #610414 06,Jul,23 17:19
Why do you think I want the number of guns in the public’s hand reduced? I’m willing to take you an exception. Let Phart, the chicken shit, have a gun for protection. Can you prove you’ve needed a firearm for protection FROM ANOTHER PERSON in your lifetime?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 18:30 other posts 
Need i remind you that I foiled a robbery at the liquor store just by opening my leather jacket and showing the scorpion burned in to the rose wood grip on my 45 long slide the nigga ran out the door like he was on fire 🔥
By #610414 06,Jul,23 21:03
I remember, but, where you in danger?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:15 other posts 
No but it was New Year’s Eve and the liquor store was packed many people could have been in danger
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I was thanked by the store manager and the chief of police
By #610414 06,Jul,23 21:18
Poor guy. Why didn’t you let him take a bottle?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:46 other posts 
I doubt he was after 1 bottle or 2. He was probably going to steal money and or hurt someone. A liquor store is a good target around Fridays or when social security checks come in.
And Cat, Dgraff was NOT in danger ,He was armed. The others in the store, that weren't, were in danger.
A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Just a flash of the gun ,was all it took to change the thief's mind."Damn, dat crazzee ass honky had a BIG azz gun,I aint robbing dat stow".
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 14:57 other posts 
He was going to rob the cashier but I was keeping my eye on him the whole time no robbery is going to happen on my watch
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 15:07 other posts 
something wierd just happened.I tried to reply to Dgraff and it just added my reply to him to a reply I made to cat yesterday,what the hell?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 15:07 other posts 
What makes a situation like this so sad ,is only 1 Person noticed that the fellow was about rob the store, and only 1 person took ANY action to do something to prevent it.
Why are so many people so complacent and think stealing is ok ,harming a cashier doing his job to take what he and his business have worked for? This illustrates just how much liberals support the idea of entitlement to something you haven't worked for.
[+] 0 [-] Repl
By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:57
Really? You think a robber really cares if he's liberal or conservative? In any event, and in case you've forgotten, I didn't need a gun, just my beloved Mustang. You either have balls or you are a "PUSSY" 🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 11:03 other posts 
Boy that shot parted your hair,I wasn't saying the robber cared about liberal or conservative. I was saying liberals don't CARE that he wanted to harm a cashier and steal from the business. And that all but 1 person in the store ignored the problem. Very sad.
I guess you and leo would ask Dgraff to please not interfere with the robbery,we need more bad news on the tv and more loss's for insurance companies to pay for?
By #610414 08,Jul,23 12:47
Yes, we would have asked the Cowboy not to interfere. I value my life.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jul,23 09:15 other posts 
Really? Well GEE, I wonder if the cashier valued HIS LIFE?
By #610414 08,Jul,23 11:03
Dgraff, it wasn't your money, you put everyone else in danger, and the cashier would have capitulated. If it was a chain store he was probably told not to resist. Your cowboy mentality took over.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 11:05 other posts 
NO, people like yourself let apathy take over. Robberys would greatly reduce of people would stand up to the robbers .
Apathy from folks like you are the reasons companys loose money,the legal system is overloaded and stuff cost to much.

People not willing to stand up and put a stop to crime are the 1's with no balls.
By #610414 08,Jul,23 12:46
Really? Instead of a gun they would use an AR15 and kill everyone as they enter the store. Even the Dgraff types. Go back to your daydreams and stop giving advice to misfits.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jul,23 08:14 other posts 
Then why did the police chief come to the scene just to thank me for being an outstanding citizen the only one in danger was the nigga in a torn up army coat
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And do you realize you would have to wear a trench coat to hide an AR15 don’t worry I fully checked out the situation I kinda followed him around the store for a half hour he was very nervous and was cupping something in coat pocket at best a small caliber handgun most likely a knife that’s why he ran like he was on fire 🔥 he knew he was out matched
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 15:06 other posts 
If he wants some booze he should have asked me but you don’t just take what you want that’s not how it works in America 🇺🇸 and the sooner you liberals get that through your thick cocaine sniffing skulls the better off we all will be there are consequences to stealing in my area it’s called death ☠️
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:56 other posts 
Haven't needed it yet,BUT Times are changing.
Only had a fire truck here twice in 52 years,only needed a ambulance once.
So does that mean we can haul them off to pakistan and do without?
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What makes a situation like this so sad ,is only 1 Person noticed that the fellow was about rob the store, and only 1 person took ANY action to do something to prevent it.
Why are so many people so complacent and think stealing is ok ,harming a cashier doing his job to take what he and his business have worked for? This illustrates just how much liberals support the idea of entitlement to something you haven't worked for.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:36 other posts 
Here's what I think.

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By #610414 08,Jul,23 13:13
More people got killed in the name of Jesus than any amount of gun play.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 18:39 other posts 
Well what are the numbers on the 1's killed for Allah?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 13:47 other posts 
I agree with you 100%.

By #610414 01,Jul,23 13:38
Thanks Governor.🖕👿

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Black engineers and “Game of Thrones” fans are the latest groups canceling Orlando events and attributing their decisions to Gov. Ron DeSantis and Florida’s political climate.

The National Society of Black Engineers’ 50th conference would have brought up to 15,000 visitors to the Orange County Convention Center in 2024 and generated millions of dollars in economic impact, the group’s CEO Janeen Uzzell said Friday.

Instead, it’ll be held in a different city that will be announced next week, she said.

The Con of Thrones, which typically draws 3,000 to 4,000 fans of the “Game of Thrones” books and television shows, also announced this week it was pulling the plug on a gathering planned for this Aug. 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 06:11 other posts 
Who wants all them people tramping around anyway can’t anyone just spend some quiet time at home Marcy got on the phone yesterday and started inviting people to a cookout I didn’t even know about screw that it makes a lot of extra work for me quite time is what I’m all about that’s why I live in the mountains
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Sorry just venting
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 16:25 other posts 
Well, gee, a bunch of "gamers" ? No loss.
By #610414 05,Jul,23 08:39
You missed the point. It’s not the event. It’s the revenue that it brings to the area and the state. Millions of dollars lost to the businesses of the area and the loss of tax revenues. No big loss? I don’t think so.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Jul,23 09:59 other posts 
Well, it will be made up by conservative groups coming in because of the positive atmosphere.
By #610414 05,Jul,23 13:49
That’s BS.
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And how do you make them come at the time the other group canceled? And what happens to the hotels and motels that will be missing that income during that time?
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 18:58 other posts 
Try burning 🔥 your city’s down and go back to farming working hard for a living that’s how we country folks live
For get about all that macho shit and learn how to play guitar 🎸
By #610414 08,Jul,23 11:07
Become shit kickers? Smell of cow dung all day long and chew tabacky while scratching my ass after using a corncob for toilet paper? Not a chance. Please stay away from the New York subways. 🤣🤣🤪

By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:03
In a public forum on Thursday, Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s state superintendent of public instruction, said teachers could cover the 1921 massacre, in which white Tulsans murdered an estimated 300 Black people, but teachers should not “say that the skin color determined it”.

It was because of the smelly armpits?
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 10:23 other posts 
Good it’s about time we start teaching history the right way no sugar coating our kids deserve to know the truth niggas be having smelly arm pits
By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:30
Obviously you’ve never been on a New York subway on a summer day during the 5 o’clock rush hour.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 10:37 other posts 
Yeah niggas be riding the subway with smelly armpits to I know all about it
By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:51
Mountain Man, in New York city people don't drive cars. The great majority are whites. I've heard a rumour many are retired Pennsylvania mechanics out to see the sights like The Stonewall Inn. 🤣🤣🤣😈

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 19:51 other posts 
Russia isn’t the only o meddling in other countries' elections. The U.S. does it too.

The U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000.

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By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:38
The same with the UK, France, China, Cuba, and, even Nicaragua. Countries are immoral. A country cannot afford not to take every opportunity to protect it's interests.

By SLUT! [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 16:45 other posts 
The real reason why the Titan imploded:
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By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jul,23 20:52 other posts 
It was smuggling Joe Biden’s cocaine into the White House and they knew we were on to them so they pushed the self destruct button to get rid of the evidence
By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:31

By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jul,23 09:49 other posts 
Someone wrote in a blog that liberals smoke or inject cocaine and opium (I don't know how you take these things).

What kind of idiotic statement is this? Anyone with addiction or no respect for themselves take drugs, be them liberals or illiberals.

I'd never touch that shit, I only take some alcohol, and that in moderation, 2 beers per week, say.

I'm against anything that destroys humanity. Drugs, guns, wars, hate, etc. I'm all for love and sex.
By #610414 08,Jul,23 10:28
That someone is an IDIOT. Everyday you hear about these super parties where most of the attendees are the rich and famous. Everyone is a conservative. And what is served? Tito’s, 24 yr old single malt, G. H. Mumm Grand Cordon Brut Champagne,……………..and……….cocaine, pot to smoke outside, and sex on the second floor powder room between two perfect strangers who find themselves attractive. This particular IDIOT has led a very sheltered life or maybe his internet connection is dialup.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:30 other posts 
In a ground-breaking experiment, they sent rats inside Trump's head and rats found it disgusting.

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By phart [Ignore] 06,Jul,23 21:54 other posts 
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