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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,23 09:36 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Nov,23 06:25 other posts 
What a load of bullshit. Soros is just a donor to the corporate democrats,
just like Republicans have lots of wealthy donors, who give to them to do their bidding.
If you don't like that, change back the rules of your corrupt system.
Politicians should listen to their voters, not to their donors.
By #610414 22,Nov,23 07:32

By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,23 22:38 other posts 
Ai is the new thing! Should save millions in labor cost!
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By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,23 15:35 other posts 
I am REALLY surprised leo or Ananas hasn't remarked about the reappearance of Osama's letter to America. In which he outlines exactly why he and his followers attacked America.
The 1 thing I noticed in the 2 page letter that really stood out to me was that he said they want us OUT OF the middle east and to leave so they wouldn't have to send us out as dead cargo.
I have often said we need to get the hell out if we aint gonna finish what we started and keep the land and oil. and his words proved that more than likely they wouldn't bother us any more if we were gone from there.
By #610414 18,Nov,23 11:08
So you are willing to have a bunch of terrorists dictate to the USA how it should conduct it's foreign policy. You want us to stop supporting Israel, a top allie, stop dealing with India and disavow our knowledge of some East Asia countries.
And you believe Iran would say, "We were wrong. That evil Devil, the USA, is really a friend and we should stop supporting terrorists that want to attack them." And, of course, every Osama Bin laden wannabe will send flowers to our funeral.
Well, if you support Trumpo and his fascist ideology, then, yeah. 👍💩💩💩🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,23 13:30 other posts 
It is not something I am saying would actually happen. I am just saying,I have thought about it and wondered alot about if that would work. his words say it, but I doubt it would stick.
THis is a huge mess the world is in.And like you and others say about how other aspects of America aint working and we need to think outside the box,
who's to say 110% a different approach wouldn't bring about less hardship?

By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 13:02 other posts 
Apparently being smart is not all that fun.
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Note it was his views on that got him in trouble.
smart people aint that smart ,I think he learned his lesson and hid his views behind fake names when he wrote books.
By #681164 16,Nov,23 18:56
His parents did not allow him to have a regular childhood. That can't be remedied by a high IQ. Almost every child prodigy throughout history ended up with a mediocre adult life.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,23 08:57 other posts 
when you are leaps and bounds smarter than everyone else around you, you are not going to have anormal childhood. things that arouse a childs attention would bore this poor kid to death. hand him a tricycle instead of a rocket ship and he would just look at you funny..
By #681164 17,Nov,23 11:13
True 👍

By #610414 14,Nov,23 10:35
"I love it when a plan comes together". Remember The A Team?
First Pence drops out. Now Scott is out. Soon all will drop out and leave Trump to be the Repuckers nominee. Then, in October 2024, he will be found guilty of sedition and be removed from the ballot. They will be forced to nominate the Chicago Southside Dog Catcher to replace the Clown. We jump to Jan 20, 2025 at the inauguration of President Joe Biden for a second term.
I love it when a plan comes together. 🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 13:52 other posts 
You might not want to open the champagne yet. I am saddened by Scott falling out, but not pence, he was a good man but did not have gonads for leadership. He would be a good secretary of state or something ,but not a "leader".
I was hoping if we couldn't have Trump, we would have a Scott Ramaswamy ticket. Then the republicans could get 2 trophys out of the way and have some common sense leadership and folks that understand what being a American means.Unlike joe that thinks getting money from the chinks and the ukraine is a good thing.
By #610414 14,Nov,23 19:40
Your last sentence doesn't fly.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 19:56 other posts 
Not meant to fly ,it is meant to land in your eyes and perhaps if you do some research, land in your ears and then on to your hippocampus and amygdala
By #610414 15,Nov,23 06:50
My prefrontal corteX tells me you are trying to make wishful thinking into a factual event(s). Nice try won't fly.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 07:41 other posts 
In your case it doesn't need wings,it needs a carbide drill bit to get thru your head!
By #610414 15,Nov,23 12:29
That drill has to be made with proof. Show me the VERIFIABLE proof.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 15:25 other posts 
✔️I just heard the dumbshit trump analinguists are elbowing each other in the back, in the House of Representatives!

By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 10:00 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,23 09:56 other posts 
here is israels real chance at the war ending
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By #610414 08,Nov,23 08:12
SherryAnn, you posted on Bella!'s thread:
"I'd love to know & hear what cat & ananas think of the mass shooter Trans person who killed all the White Christians & bragged about it calling them "crackers" "white privilege " in his/her/its manifesto. It is clear the person hated whites and targeted them specifically. I don't wanna argue or debate, just wondering if anyone heard about it and have the heart to say and acknowledge this person was someone who hated white people"
You don’t give me much to say. You couched your request in a way that I’d have to agree with everything you’ve said or sound like I don’t have “heart”. Here goes.
Any person that commits murder without cause (self-protection) is an evil person. A mass shooter is evil no matter if he/she is black, white, gay, straight, transgender, or any other ethnic-like definition.
I, and notice the “I”, can’t address your premise that this person (and he is a person no matter what gender he/she identifies himself as) hates white/black or any other race. After all, he shot up a Christian school. Maybe he hated nuns or wayward priests or pastors. The only thing I can say is that this person, like any person who commits murder, had a deficient mind. In other words, he was mentally unstable. This, in no way, would it excuse this action and, if he had survived, should not have stopped for the police to charge him for the crime.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 08:45 other posts 
What else would there have been to say?
You yourself admitted that trans people are mentally ill.
This 1 decided to kill people because their parents gave them Mustangs and convertibles instead of mopeds? rather lame reason to kill innocent young people just because their parents can afford to be good to them.
By #610414 08,Nov,23 08:55
I never said that. All I’ve said is that a transvestite feels that they are trapped in a body that is the wrong gender to what they feel they are. That is not mental illness.
What drove this individual to do what he did did has nothing to do with being transgender. That THIS transgender was deranged and killed innocent people is strictly a personal thing. Don’t blame being transgender for it.
You can’t accept that transgenders are a minute but normal part of humanity. They are as normal as you or me except for this need to be of the opposite sex, and that’s a NEED. The problem is you, not them.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 12:56 other posts 
Whoa whoa now, this site does not have a search engine but i do know at least twice your words were that trans people have a mental illness were crystal clear.
It is not a need,it is a issue,just like schizophrenia or mental retardation
Now be honest, if a trans was not able to get treatment,and they ate and slept and functioned as a human is supposed to,they would get along just fine with whatever is hanging between their legs. it is a want to have yourself cut apart and sewn up like a raggdy ann doll.
By sherryann [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 18:50 other posts 
Hi cat, I couldn't agree more, it doesn't matter if they're white or non white they're all evil for murdering other people. I don't care if the shooter is white, in my book they should be held accountable as should any other race.
The reason I said what I said, (and believe me, I don't care if it is a Trans person, they killed people!) is because he called them crackers who had white privilege among other stuff he disliked, so he shot and killed them. Lots of whites hate other whites, I live among them, they're really deluded. And cat, I swear to you, whites like this are waaaay worse than any other race. Thanks for your input.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 17:40 other posts 
Your only repeating what you heard or looked up but let me tell you I lived with a cross dresser for over a year and believe me they have a dark side he was constantly talking about suicide and how he would do it so I say he was mentally unstable i was afraid to go anywhere and leave him at home i was so glad when he told me he was moving back to his mothers house
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 18:23 other posts 
Do you think it would have been better for him, if he was forced to suppress his sexuality that urged him to do cross dressing?
Or do you think he would be more happy in a culture where it's fully accepted?
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 05:00 other posts 
He would have been better off in a padded room were he couldn’t hurt himself or anyone else those were early warning signs and he needed help
By #610414 09,Nov,23 19:53
I'm not doubting you. I also know of a straight guy who tried to kill his wife and two kids before he committed suicide. The wife and kids are my daughter and grandkids. We hid them because we learned he was looking for them. All the cops did was tell us to call 911 if he showed up. The son of a bitch is dead.
Now, are you going to tell me all straight guys have a dark side with an intent to kill? This piece of trash lived in my house for months and he was married to my daughter for over six years.
You and Phart and many others take one incident and make it a rule just because you don't like the lifestyle, sex orientation, or race and/or ethnicity. It offends your concervative, macho (sic), racist, religious, being. Well, it's not like that.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 22:01 other posts 
if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it might be a duck.
If someone has a issue that is obvious, then there are issues we can't see more than likely.
By #610414 10,Nov,23 07:49
Phart, that's a false assumption. It is not more than likely.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 05:06 other posts 
I’m just saying nut jobs come in all shapes and sizes and are a threat to people I seen the early warning signs and I should have done something about it but instead chose to pawn him off on his mother and although he has not snapped yet I’m sure that he will sooner or later
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

The first sign was that he wanted to be a woman now what man in his right mind wants to be a woman
By #610414 10,Nov,23 07:53
That Dgraff is also a false assumption. As I see it, any man that likes it up the ass, at the very least, while getting ass fucked, wants to be a woman.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 11:41 other posts 
I still don’t agree with that I’m currently living with a woman and her 22 year old daughter and their is no way I would want to be a woman you girls bring to much baggage 🧳 to the table with your woman problems and all the things that come with it ain’t no way I would want to be a woman
My bathroom is a wreck with 20 different hair products frilly things hanging on the shower knobs and I can’t find anything in my kitchen any more but I guess it’s the price I pay for not wanting to live alone anymore
By #610414 10,Nov,23 14:07
Boohoo but it doesn't change anything. The discussion is the mental stability of a transgender and your premise is false. Women do have baggage but so do men. For every feminized bathroom, I can show you a man cave garage or shed, dirty shorts on the floor or greasy hands on the wall
By #704634 10,Nov,23 15:09
Did my Step Daddy WOODY58 feel like a girl when my Daddy Gerome (spelt with a G not a J) used to fuck him in the bum with his big black dick.

I'm a bit retarded from my difficult birth all those years ago Mammy, so I'm a little confused, is Charlie a boy or a girl
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 16:34 other posts 
By #704634 10,Nov,23 05:56
I have been trolling this tread & more importantly this conversation for a few days now & wanted to come out & have a little say.

I actually feel moved by your story CAT , although in my life I have not had such extreme things happen, but certainly of similar tone.

I guess the moral of the stories told here in this conversation, is a wack job, is a wack job 🤷‍♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

I would also like to mention Sandy, thank you for sharing your story
By #610414 10,Nov,23 08:00
Mongo you've got nerve posting here. You are moved? May I suggest getting to a toilet? Read all you want. I can't stop you, but, keep out otherwise. I don't care for you in any way.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 18:54 other posts 
Mongo like candy
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 06:58 other posts 
Kermit the Frog - Clean Up Your Room (Jordan Peterson)
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 06:19 other posts 
David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything
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I found it through this guy, Nate Lawson, reacting to it:
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 19:15 other posts 
If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble.
By #610414 08,Nov,23 08:15
Sure but then we would not have known any knowledge. Just think, mankind going around with a fig leaf hiding his meddler regions and foraging for food in the open fields.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 08:39 other posts 
but,we would not have global warming,we would not have war,we would not have aids,we would not have,fill in the blank.
We would be naked and looking for food all the time to fight,no time to get confused about our gender,the position of our fig leaves would make it obvious and so on.
Just think,nothing to complain about!
By #610414 08,Nov,23 08:57
I’m surprised at you. You claim you are closer to nature than us left wing city slickers and, yet, you ignore the fact that as hunter/gatherers, humanity would have had to constantly fight for survival.
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I see you admit global warming exists.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,23 12:49 other posts 
Of course it exist ,in the minds of liberals.
BUT if there were no liberals or conservatives ,there would be none of these theory's because no one would be "smart" enough.
What's wrong with scrounging for food?If everyone is busy scrounging for food, there wouldn't be any george floyd protest or people glueing themselves to vegetable oil tankers in europe.
By #610414 09,Nov,23 08:37
Come on, Phart. Get real. You want to live like that? Doesn’t the modern world have any good stuff to make you happy to be living in it? If not, then I would suggest you sell everything and move in with one of these societies.

Hunter-gatherer societies are still found across the world, from the Inuit who hunt for walrus on the frozen ice of the Arctic, to the Ayoreo armadillo hunters of the dry South American Chaco, the Awá of Amazonia's rainforests and the reindeer herders of Siberia. Today, however, their lives are in danger.

Note that last sentence.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 09:53 other posts 
Well if we didn't ever start having these high tech life styles we would have never known the difference. Our happiness would be simple, wow,some fresh berries!, later,"oh my,wrong berries,now I have shits". With all this high tech, we have ALOT of problems.
Never said I wanted to live being a hunter-gatherer,was just saying it would be a MUCH easier lifestyle if we never knew any different.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 14:11 other posts 
Oh what a wonderful life that would be
No government
No cars
No nothing
Just a bunch of half naked people running around
I’m all for it we’re do i sign up
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 15:14 other posts 
I'm not cut out to be a caveman, I like civilization.
I like playing survival games on my PC, not in real life.

That's why I support cooperation and solidarity.
It's how humans created this great civilization
and the only way to keep civilization going is more of it, not less.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 17:15 other posts 
I could be a cave man just fine and with my size and strength I bet I would have been a leader i may have even invented the wheel 🛞
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 18:15 other posts 
I'm a big guy (6.2) and IF I need to be strong to survive, I can put on muscle pretty fast. I can do it, if I have to, I just don't like it. I didn't study for 10 years, to have society collapse and see my nice cushy job go to waste.

The leaders didn't invent the wheel, that was the short scrawny guy, who was useless for hunting mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers. He had to make himself useful in other ways, like inventing stuff, setting their broken legs, relieving the pain with his 'herbs', making cave paintings about their heroic hunts and telling stories about it.
It's the scientists, doctors and artists who have always progressed humanity.
The leaders mostly get in the way, by starting wars and suppressing ideas.

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