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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
New Comment Rating: 3 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.STUFF, JUST STUFF 3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 4.A Forum Topic 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II Comments: |
“ If I was as miserable and ugly to everyone as you are I’m sure I would have shot my self by now
Oh I’m sorry you liberals are against guns
Well how do you feel about slicing your wrists
Use a new razor blade so you bleed out quickly”
This does not sound appropriate. I know the forums can be wild, but this is over the top.
“Hopefully the next mass shooting occurs where you and your family are and every one of your family members is shot and killed. But worthless old you live on.”
And that is even worse. Admin, what is going on with some members?
Now I don’t have to see his bull shit
You know he was a member years ago I’m guessing 10 years ago because he knows skittles name so I’m guessing he was with John spooner’s possy but anyway his soul purpose of being here is revenge
you know, frankly, I have blacklisted people, mostly if they black list me to even the score or because something about them just annoys me.But not because of something they say
The US surpasses 500 mass shootings for 2023 in september.
How many of them were stopped by a 'good guy with a gun'?
A cop with a gun is about to the point of being useless. to much red tape every time he try's to use it, not to mention lawsuits and etc.
which is your 'good guy with a gun' fantasy.
You are just including cops in the argument, because you know
that the 'good guy with a gun' fantasy doesn't hold true.
If only the cops have guns, they wouldn't need to stop any mass shooters.
My advice is to stay away from this guy his only mission on this site is revenge for things that happened 10 years ago
That describes you and phart and tecsan (except 'old') too.
Although it depends on your definition of America; if it's the one described in the Constitution and the amendments, then you are surely voting for the people who support destroying it the most. If you understood what they are planning for as soon as they win the next election.....
I want lower prices on everything just like they were when trump was in office and don’t give me a bunch of graphs 📈 and google look ups it was just as bad when Obama in office
None of the other bull shit matters to me
Lower the god damn prices
Number of members who befriended strakar: 9
Number of members who blacklisted strakar: 2 (Why?)
Number of members whom strakar has blacklisted: 4
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Ohio became the seventh state where voters decided to protect abortion access after the landmark ruling and was the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year.
“The future is bright, and tonight we can celebrate this win for bodily autonomy and reproductive rights,” Lauren Blauvelt, co-chair of Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, which led support for the amendment, told a jubilant crowd of supporters.
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Hey, you DUMBASSES in the Supreme Court, you said that abortion is a state issue. Well, 7 states have listened and acted to let women reclaim their bodies. Fuck you and stay out of OUR vaginas.
“ Yea, people post a photo of their eggs and bacon and such. i am surprised they don't post a pic of their big turd in the toilet with a measuring tape beside it. People don't need to ,nor do they want to know EVERY aspect of your life.”
Maybe you are not familiar what FACEBOOK is about but it’s exactly what you’ve just described. It’s interaction with your circle of people that share your life. I’m surprised that you ignore the fact that if you don’t like someone’s postings, you can ignore them or refuse postings from that person or institution. Member pages are personal and for the enjoyment of whomever that person wants his/her info to go to. Many things can be and are set to the general public, but, why you would complain I just can’t understand. It’s like radio or TV, if you don’t like the program, change the channel.
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So I say unto you, come up with some bright ideas and fast,or YOU won't be any safer where you are than anyone anywhere else.
By Megan K. Stack
Getting bombed from the sky is a particular horror: The sense that death hangs quite literally over your head, invisible until it’s too late, and maybe it will hit you. Maybe this moment. Or this. Or this. Every heartbeat hammering through your skull.
I’ve watched U.S. warplanes attack Afghanistan; barely escaped a direct strike from a Russian MiG in Georgia, and lived for weeks under relentless Israeli bombardment in Lebanon.
The images from Gaza bring back memories I usually keep buried. The thunder of the bombs, drifts of broken glass and twisted rebar where houses and shops once stood, dust and the smell of blood mixing in the throat. Very small bodies, and very old bodies. The rage of a funeral under bombs in Lebanon, a hospital truck and a trench for a mass grave, planes still in the sky, women keening, praying for souls and revenge.
As bad as that was, Gaza is incalculably worse. I have never experienced the merciless pace of airstrikes and death now being suffered by the people of Gaza — people who did not travel to a war zone as foreign reporters, but who are getting attacked at home, with their children and grandparents. People who already lived under blockade, and never had any real possibility of escape.
White House officials have said a cease-fire only benefits Hamas; that even to ask for the bombing to stop is “disgraceful” and “repugnant.” I find myself thinking that, had these officials ever experienced even one day under bombardment and shelling, they could not so blithely, so unambiguously, defend this nightmarish attack on Gaza.
Israel has so far killed more than 8,000 people, the Gaza Health Ministry said, more than 40 percent of them children. The ministry, having no doubt heard President Biden suggesting they could be lying about their casualties, released a registry of the dead — page after page of names, dozens of members of the same family.
It was clear from the start, in the earliest hours after Hamas slaughtered and kidnapped Israeli civilians, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel had no mercy in mind for Gaza. “All of the places which Hamas is deployed, hiding and operating in, that wicked city, we will turn them into rubble,” he said.
If the people of Gaza are just a political abstraction, perhaps it’s easier to tell yourself that the killing of their children is sad but unavoidable — an unintended and ultimately forgivable consequence of a nation’s righteous pursuit of self-defense.
But having spent time under bombardment, and having reported in Gaza, I have no time for these explanations. If diplomacy and international relations can acquiesce to this kind of war, then what is the point of diplomacy and international relations? What outcome does this strategy avert that would be worse than the outcome it has already created?
But they say we should not call for a cease-fire.
The atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 were shocking and evil. The vicious attack, which killed more Jews in a single day than any day since the Holocaust, cries out for an answer.
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Killing the children of Gaza, however, is not the answer.
If we are to believe the Israeli political and military leadership’s own words — and I think we should — the assault on Gaza was driven, first, by straightforward vengeance.
“You wanted hell, you will get hell,” Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian of the Israel Defense Forces warned the residents of Gaza, whom he referred to as “human beasts.”
Israel’s minister of strategic affairs, Ron Dermer, declared that Israel would “do whatever we have to do” to send a message.
“Gaza won’t return to what it was before,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said. “We will eliminate everything.”
Mass slaughter is immoral, of course, but — making it even more tragic — it also doesn’t work. Quite the opposite.
Looking at pictures of the ominous lunar landscapes of bomb-crushed Gazan blocks, I see the birth of a new generation of fighters. Or terrorists, if you like — I don’t see why it matters very much. The children who survive this onslaught will grow even more radicalized and traumatized than the generations who came before.
Palestinian violence is rooted in the political grievance of generations of Palestinians, whose lives are defined by open-ended military occupation. They have no state to call their own, their basic rights are systematically curtailed and the world has given them little reason to anticipate better days. Palestinian political violence is older than Hamas, extends beyond Hamas across society, and will surely outlive Hamas in the absence of a political solution.
Israel knows this. Israel has bombed Gaza pitilessly before, but Hamas is still there. Israel turned parts of southern Lebanon to rubble, but Hezbollah is still there.
As Americans, we too should have learned this lesson over and over again. All the military might of the United States could not defeat the ragtag bands of Taliban or force a nation of conquered Iraqis to accept a U.S. occupation. Maybe we don’t want to understand.
But they say we can’t call for a cease-fire.
I have eaten in Gaza, laughed there, slept there, seen the sea there. I can’t match my memories to the strange depictions I see on the news of an irreal and uncivilized place inconveniently built atop a nest of terrorist tunnels.
Gaza is a real place crammed full of real people. Indefatigable people, annoying people, hilarious people, duplicitous people, all the usual types of people. Lots and lots of children, so many kids you sometimes waded through them in the streets, scrambling and touching and hollering, tugging on your clothes, slipping hands into pockets. The children of Gaza, I won’t lie, were often a nuisance. But a beautiful nuisance, an untamed burst of irrepressible life in harsh circumstances.
I imagine Gaza now, how it must be. I know that it must be like hell, like a hallucination, like time itself is stretched and stuck. I know at such times there is only one coherent thought: Stop the bombs. I was in southern Lebanon in 2006, when Israel bombed medical teams and fleeing civilians and villages filled with people too old or disabled to get away, and what I remember now is the pain of knowing that the rest of the world was flowing along as usual. Knowing they could stop the bombs, but chose not to. Not just yet; a little more death first.
I can still feel the rage that surged — in the people who were around me and within my own mind — against a powerful nation that would kill like that, from a distance.
To be honest, I feel that I have now crossed to the wrong side of things. Now I sit clean and safe in America while far away the bombs fall.
Before I went to Israel, an editor tried to convince me it was a bad idea. “You’re a writer, and you like to choose pretty words,” the editor said. “In Jerusalem you can’t use the pretty words. You have to use the careful words.” The editor was right. Writing about Israel is full of careful words and careless killing. We nitpick every last point until no reader can decipher what we’re saying anymore. Now we say the death tolls are not true. How do we know? Things are happening — what things? We could find out with a cease-fire, but they say we can’t ask for a cease-fire.
And here we are, watching the cycle spin around again, pretending to think it might have a different result this time. Like it’s all just a game with improbable but not impossible odds.
We give Israel money to pay for the weapons. Then we give Palestinians money to pay for the damage done by those weapons. We keep doing the same things, repeating the same lines, but the violence just gets worse.
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There is no solution offered in the story because at this time there is none.
Who will grow up to be terrorist if they are all gone?
It would be like doing cancer surgery and only removing half of it. I am sorry people are dying,The people chose hamas over civilazation, they chose to let hamas build their tunnels,under hospitals. Did they not realize there would be a day that would come back on them?supporting a enemy of Israel? but hamas started it ,and right or wrong,it is time for Israel to end it, for good.
You're a fascist, and hence a pig.
You understand nothing at all.
You only blindly believe in the
shit you hear in your fascist sources.
A person like you doesn't have
the right to exist.
The answer to terrorism is not
In the אױפֿשטאַנד אין װאַרשעװער געטאָ,
the Nazis did exactly the same
thing to the Galicia Jews that
the Israelis are now doing to
the Philistines. Of course, you
know nothing about the 1947-1948
annihilation either.
Not because you're stoopid
but because you're a fascist piece
of shit, not a human, not even an
animal but someone who, as I said,
shouldn't exist.
Unfortunately, there are millions
like you in your gunland, you
make the adjective american
equivalent, or even worse, to
uncouth unthinking uncivilised
monster. But, fortunately, your
country still has many more
millions of citizens who
have nothing to do with you
and who can both apply elementary
logic and possess some empathy.
the reason for that is you are as much of the problem if not more so than myself or millions of other people. You waste your breath and time and effort talking shit about other people as if you are doing a great service. But you are only exposing your hypocrisy for all to see. Keep on Leo, you are the elephant in the room, the real monster.
According to 1 person that black listed you, you are this,
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Is this something that is true and you are proud of it or is this a lie?
How can you expect israel to seperate hamas from innocents when hamas hides under hospitals?
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I would have thought you were atheist
So is a 2 state solution best for israel or ?
I’m Orthodox Catholic, but, I have to remember that my Savior was a Jew and He, too would condemn this and any other war, no matter the reasons. Having said that, I believe that Hamas has to be eradicated now and for ever and that the cost in human lives will be appallingly high. Yet, in this case, I have to side with Phart. Heaven, if it exists, forgive me.
Rocket launchers in play grounds? Does that sound like hamas cares about kids?
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Hamas BAKED babies in ovens, cut them from the mothers wombs.
Only monsters that need to be destroyed would do anything similar.
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The hamas terrorist use children for shields because they know most folks won't kill a child willingly. They hide behind them so when they are killed, children die and create more of that anguish.
You know alot of our soldiers came back with ptsd from wars because of what they saw done to children, folks such as my uncle in 'nam. imagine what the folks in Israel are dealing with opening a oven to find a burned baby with the heating element stuck to it's body.
Leo will spend all night trying to find more words to use to insult me with but he has yet to come up with a appropriate response to something like this.
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Leo says I am a animal for wanting this to stop even though it requires violence. Strange man.
Being humane will only expose weakness and get more Israelis killed.
noun: enigma; plural noun: enigmas
a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
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