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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Oct,23 14:26 other posts 
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In this paper, we see the latest results of many years' worth of studies about erogeneous zones in men and women, as well as their pleasure intensity.

1 Clitoris 9.17
2 Vagina 8.40
3 Mouth/lips 7.91
4 Nape of neck 7.51
5 Breasts 7.35
6 Nipples 7.35
7 Inner thigh 6.70
8 Back of neck 6.20
9 Ears 5.06
10 Lower back 4.73

1 Penis 9.00
2 Mouth/lips 7.03
3 Scrotum 6.50
4 Inner thigh 5.84
5 Nape of neck 5.65
6 Nipples 4.89
7 Perineum 4.81
8 Pubic hairline 4.80
9 Back of neck 4.53

Not only women have more erogenous zones but feel more pleasure. No wonder that women appreciate foreplay.
Men with short dicks (like me) have the natural tendency
to spend more time pleasing their female partners than men
with long dongs. This provides evidence for the fact that
many women don't mind much about the size but more about
the whole act. I personally have never had any criticisms
because I've always been happy to start with foreplay and
to please my partner first. It comes naturally to me.
And it's rewarding for both.
By #610414 28,Oct,23 14:41
That is so true, but, as I always remind my lovers, size is for shoes. It's not how big you are but what you do with what God gave you. Foreplay is as much or more than the actual copulation.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Oct,23 15:03 other posts 
Most of the women I've had sex with had orgasms mostly from foreplay, stimulation, fingering, licking, more than by penetration.

Many women cannot orgasm from penetration alone. I really feel sorry for the mormon women, for the orthodox jewish women, etc, those whose religion or social norms (the same thing, really, religion is mostly what they tell you to believe in) prohibit any kind of sexual act other than penetration. Mormon men fuck women in special underwear so that neither can see the other's genitals. People really are stupid by imposing constraints upon themselves. Some people don't understand the notion of freedom.
By #610414 28,Oct,23 15:33
To paraphrase:
"Religion, who needs it? Absolutely no one!"

By #610414 28,Oct,23 15:14
I posted this in May of 2020. Nothing has changed except that now he's under criminal indictments in 4 different cases. He also lost the election.

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British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read
“Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:

A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

By phart [Ignore] 28,Oct,23 10:20 other posts 
If anyone needs further confirmation that hamas is a terrorist group, here ye go.
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They keep FUEL under a hospital!!!
By #610414 28,Oct,23 10:25

By #610414 28,Oct,23 10:03
In regard to my postings on your thread, I decided to bring this post here

Bella! no one understands more than me that this IS A BUSINESS. I know Admin wants the revenue and we all know the site needs all the support it can get. My take on it, though, is that killing the goose that lays the golden egg is not the way to do it. Sure Mr Hubby of TheWife+Hubby lays a good chunk of cash, but, how good is it if the other members stop participating?
For instance, I, too, occasionally participate in the Best Image/Member game and when I do, like many other members, I sink cash into it, but, until those two BESTIALITIES are removed, I won’t. I wonder if RoseInBloom or Stefan123 like it.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes

Something funny, TheWife+Hubby entered a pic of his wife too. It’s gone. 🤣🤣🤣👿

By #610414 28,Oct,23 09:03
Here’s an open letter to Bella! from TheWife+Hubby

“Hey Bella!

Thank you for your feedback.

I will back off, but shit cunts (not talking bout you at this time, you have been leaving me alone for the moment, even offering some support), I will keep pushing.

I do have at my disposal over 15,000 points at any given time so pushing a point I will drive forward to prove my point to shit cunts.

There are 3 clear factions here:

1: Sharers & followers of content sharers.

2: Forum tread dwellers.

3. Not that I know a lot about it I rarely venture into them "the lives".

My battle/s here within the Forum Treads has had 0 impact on my content sharing profiles. The 3 factions here from what I have observed settle into their own factions, I see there maybe a cross over between Forum thread dwellers & live, but as far as content creators & forum dwellers there is a clear non interest in either or.

I'm happy to take some hits from the forum dwellers. A few of my close associates here come out & have a few pokes at the doll account in particular, look I get it, I really do, but once a few pokes turn to shit & shove I will launch a unrelenting attack, I fear no profile here, its the fucking internet ffs, you know & most do, my job is within it.

As far as the "Best Image/Member Top" thing goes, once the brain dead 🐷 backs off I will, I was happy to just have the doll sitting at the bottom of the list till that stupid cunt CAT opened her stupid fat mouth, spired on by other things, same as with a pic from this profile, now my dog dominates the male side of the "Best Image/Member Top" to be honest I don't think that is appropriate, but to prove a point to that dumb 🐷 he sits at the top of the list, I may choose to keep him in the list even if the 🐷 shuts the fuck up, keeping him low in the list, he is cute 🥹 & a guy after all.”

I noticed that, even though this open letter was about me and meant for me to see it, this mongoloid from Down Under doesn’t have the balls to direct himself to me. I understand, as he needs plastic Sex dolls to get it up, that his shriveled up raisins don’t make him much of a man.
However, that’s not my problem or concern. This mongoloid doesn’t seem to understand that other members, especially WOMEN, don’t like to be told what to do and that we are entitled to offer our opinions. May I remind this loser that he’s the one that blacklisted me on all his fake accounts. I believe that’s a total of 59 or so. But, like I said in different words, TheWife+Hubby and I’m assuming it’s really “The Hubby” because he only knows how to pimp his………..wife (sic) and wouldn’t think of having a woman tell him what to do, doesn’t have the balls to have a public chat about what is acceptable and what’s over-the-top.
MrHubby, I don’t care what you do with your vinyl Sex dolls. You can a…….fuck them? or wank to them until you die, all the time watching a BULL do your wife, but, when you push it down our throats, that, Sir, is not good.
So, I say to you, “You don’t like how I look? Fine. You don’t like what I have to say? That’s not fine. If you want to come after me, that’s ok too, but, show some BALLS, mongoloid. BTW, stop with that silly baby talk and learn some proper English. I do believe Aussies speak it.

The fucking site pig needs to learn when to keep her fat mouth shut, she is fucked in the head.

By #610414 27,Oct,23 10:32
New House speaker, Mike Johnson, pushed for ‘hard labor’ for abortion providers after fall of Roe

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I think he should be sentenced to Wacka Wacka.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Oct,23 06:52 other posts 
This is the part of the US that makes the country an embarrassment to the whole world. The same people who "care" about life are the same people who don't care about women's rights, and who'd take a gun and shoot anyone who didn't believe in their gods. Fascists.
By #610414 28,Oct,23 07:32

By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 20:50 other posts 
What got after you Cat??

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By #610414 25,Oct,23 20:06
Turkey's Erdogan says Hamas is not terrorist organisation, cancels trip to Israel

Yes! And the Moon is made out of cheese.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 20:25 other posts 
That's because Turkey has committed genocides several times and is now a totalitarian state. Everyone who dares to disagree with the dictator Erdogan is in jail.

By the way, you know that Turkey is a NATO member but it's buying weapons from Russia and this pisses off all NATO allies.

What the fuck!
By #610414 25,Oct,23 20:29
Erdogan is a nasty number.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 10:04 other posts 
it's no longer Turkey, it's Türkiye
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 10:40 other posts 
who gives a fuck? that country is friends with russia and its dictator erdogan is friends with putin.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 15:52 other posts 
so,unlike the rest of the world that is not getting along with putin, the turkey that leads Turkey doesn't have to be afraid of the russians.
Were we worried about the russians when Trump was pres? No, Trump was brave enough to face the enemy, opened dialog with the enemy,unlike biden, that can't even fucking walk
By #610414 26,Oct,23 18:39
You know? You can get close to a rabid dog but it will eventually tear you to pieces.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 20:49 other posts 
Not if you watch it close and take it out first!
By #610414 27,Oct,23 10:25
Guns again?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 19:25 other posts 
You fucking idiot,
do you realize that Erdogan
has jailed thousands of journalists,
academics, intellectuals,
writers, poets, musicians ...

Do you fucking know what this mean,
you piece of shit?

You're despicable.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 20:48 other posts 
I notice there are no engineers ,technicians, mechanics, etc in that list.
Intellectuals? that is folks like yourself right?
People that think they know it all and everyone else is wrong?
Google Translate doesn't know yet.
Don't they like having the same name as the bird you eat on Christmas?
I think I will keep calling them Turkey, until they choose a better president.
By #610414 26,Oct,23 12:18
You mean the “turkey” that rules Turkey? 🤣🤣😈
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 04:51 other posts 
No, that's the poulterer, I'm talking about the turkeys that follow him
...... to the chopping block.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 19:22 other posts 
Nobody could be worse than erdogan
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 04:49 other posts 
That's a bit of an overstatement.
Sure, he's really, really bad, but he's no Putin,
or Kim Jong-un or what Trump wants to be.

Erdogan has been incredibly successful in changing Turkey
from a secular state on its way to a true democracy,
to a failed democracy controlled by theocracy.
It's exactly what the Republicans want for the US.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Oct,23 08:59 other posts 
I should have clarified:
There's nobody worse than Erdogan in Turkey.
I have Turkish friends who've been in jail for 3 years because they were journalists and wrote things that Erdogan had censored. For example, that there are many girls who aren't allowed to go to high school because their parents decided that they should stay home and just be good Muslim girls. The Turkish state turns a blind eye to such things because, even though the law says that children should be schooled.

You're right, Erdogan is applying Islamic laws to a previously secular country. Human rights in Turkey are now very very low.

See what I mean?

Thanks for your comment. Appreciated.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Turkey currently accounts for One-Third of all journalists imprisoned around the world.

Since 2013, Freedom House ranks Turkey as

Reporters Without Borders ranked Turkey at the
between Mexico and DR Congo, with a score of 44.16.

By #610414 27,Oct,23 09:15
Wednesday, in Lewiston, Maine, a gunman killed 18 people and injured another 13

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I posted about the need for gun controls and got the usual deniability’s from the site ultra-right members,
so I asked myself, “Am I the one that’s wrong here? Am I the only one that believes that gun control is needed?
Is gun control not needed and/or stupid?” So, I did some research. Here is just one of many such reports.

Fox News poll finds voters overwhelmingly want restrictions on guns
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Zoom in:
87% of voters surveyed said they support requiring criminal background checks for all gun buyers.
77% support requiring a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases.
Vast majorities also support raising the legal age to buy guns to 21 (81%) and requiring mental
health checks for all gun purchasers (80%).
80% of voters say police should be allowed take guns away from people considered a danger to
themselves or others.
61% of voters support banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons.
Just over half of voters surveyed (51%) said that they worry that they or their loved ones
could be victims of gun violence.

The big picture:
There have been more mass shootings than days in 2023. As of Friday, there have been at least
172 mass shootings in the U.S., according to the Gun Violence Archive. 2022 marked the most
violent year in schools — with 46 shootings — since 1999, per the Washington Post.

There it is. There’s what the great majority of the American public want. They expect it. I expect it.
We won’t get it. Do you know why? Because our elected representatives. The people we sent to Washington,
the Repuckers and the Dumbocrats, are CHICKENSHIT. They tremble at the mention of the NRA,
that brown stain in our national character, second amendment and all.

It should not come as a surprise. Following the above massacre one member, here, bragged about
how many firearms he owns. The same member sent me three private messages with pics making
fun of people who, like me, are so concerned about the proliferation of gun ownership in this country.

Today I learned something that makes me think, “Do our Congressmen have their heads up their ass
when it comes to gun control?” The above gunman has been acting strangely for many months.
He threatened to shoot up a military base while in a training course for weapons handling. He’s a long time
National Guard reservist. During that episode he was committed to a mental institution…………and released
after two weeks. Yet, he still was allowed to have firearms. Even a semi-automatic AR-15.

How is this possible? This is what floored me. Per Federal law, unless a person is INVOLUNTARILY
committed to a mental institution for phycological evaluation and treatment, a person is able to purchase
firearms unrestricted. And, there’s no communication to the local law enforcement that a person may have
phycological problems and his firearms should be confiscated.

If not even this safeguard is in effect, why should we expect that anything will be done by our trashy Congress.
When we talk about civilian life in this country, it turns out that in the greatest country in the world,
civilians face the biggest risk of losing their life in the world.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 11:17 other posts 
Number of Americans killed by Americans so far this year: 25000

Number of Israelis killed by Hamas so far this year: 1400

Number of Palestinians killed by Israelis so far this year: 5400

Number of Americans killed by Americans in 2021: 49000

Fact: there's a war in Israel

Fact: there's no war in the US
By #610414 26,Oct,23 13:01
That’s 25000 now, plus a few more from last night’s mass shooting in Maine. But, what the rest of the world (and most Americans) don’t know is that a firearm, doesn’t kill. It’s a well known fact that there’s no better protection against a killer with a………….firearm. All those people are wrong to question the insanity of my native country.

By #610414 26,Oct,23 12:16
WHO IS HE? (An ode to the third world country farmers from a post in Facebook)

He smokes, he drinks, he knows how to tell stories, he smells bad, he fights, he supports seven children or more, he plants beans, potatoes, cassava, corn, bananas, cocoa and cane, he milks 50 cows from 4:00 in the morning, he knows how to whistle, he He talks to the dogs and they bark at him, there is one that follows him everywhere, he never retires, he doesn't have Social Security and hasn't needed it, height doesn't affect him, he goes without sunscreen, he recognizes a ripe avocado without squeezing it, he has a long nail to peel tangerines, he knows by eye how much a package weighs and by looking and turning it around he knows how much the pig and the cow weigh, he can handle up to eight horses or mules at the same time and he knows the name of 36, carries a machete ready to strike and has never struck.

He doesn't even need his front teeth to laugh, he knows his grandchildren's names, he has the recipe for tiger's milk, he doesn't know how to dance but he dances, he doesn't get depressed, he knows 152 swear words, he has seen the devil, he knows who he is. witch, he's a bit of a witch, he doesn't burn himself with boiling coffee, he wakes up before the alarm clock goes off, he changes the battery and fixes watches, he doesn't get knocked down by the flu, he walks out of adjustment, his cell phone is a little peanut that he almost never He has a signal and when he does it never rings, he says hello about 52 times a day, he repeats his greeting and says goodbye three times, his pants are two sizes too big and they never fall off, he talks hard even to tell a secret, he knows shortcuts to get there faster, he works from dawn to dusk and is never lazy, he knows when it is going to rain and fails less than any meteorologist, he knows how to scare away rain and stop thunder, he is not affected by gluten or lactose in unpasteurized milk, caffeine He does not reveal it, he recognizes bad boys and bad women, he knows how to call chickens, he shakes the branches down oranges, he enjoys papaya water and for dessert a mango or lemon water, watermelon or melon, he scares away evils with a scapular, listen to the radio on A.M. monophonic, he doesn't give likes, he doesn't look pretty in the photos but he has a one where he looks incredible with his wife, he knows two jokes and repeats them, he doesn't know that the credit bureau exists but he is trusted by everyone.

He listens to the news, he believes the news, he knows what the rudeness and paico with which he purges his children and grandchildren is for, the guardian angel has never abandoned him, he calls anyone an engineer and everyone calls him "Don", He doesn't know how to change a car tire but he doesn't refuse to do it, he knows how to fish, he doesn't like soft beds, Coca-Cola only on very special occasions, beer always and if it's hot it doesn't matter, he goes at night without a lamp, no. He is bitten by mosquitoes, he has eaten turtle, iguana, armadillo, deer, badger and snake and all that tastes like chicken to him, he does not know when it is a holiday and he does not know who to vote for, because everyone has offered him and they all have turned out badly... .

Long live the FARMERS, who always show us their worth, because without them food is reduced to nothing and life would be practically impossible...

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 20:45 other posts 
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By #610414 26,Oct,23 08:50
He’s getting closer and closer to that orange suit. I’m sure he knows it unless he’s loosing his touch with reality. Many megalomaniacs have gone that route when their throne starts to rot. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 09:43 other posts 
And that makes me believe in the foundations of the US democracy. Had it been another country, these lawsuits against the ex-president would never have taken place. They would either have ignored his criminal acts and let him roam freely or they would have killed him one day point blank. The fact that there are procedures in the US that work, with a lot of pain, a lot of time consumed, shows that the system is still brilliant.

There, I don't want to appear "anti-american", I'm not. In the eyes of fascists, like phart, of course I am; because they don't realize (and never will) that they themselves are the anti-american elements, the trash and excrement of the US.

As for megalomanical people, trump is beyond this characterization. He is, according to him and the fascistoid army of his, a brilliant leader, a god, a god who, by virtue of being god, believes that he's always right and he's free to grab pussies, to hold the bible upside down, to openly criticize disabled people and people of different ethnicity, to lie for matters of national security,... I wouldn't be surprised if he claims he's come from the Hercules galaxy, some half a million light years away from us, and he was sent to save the earth.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 10:03 other posts 
Well people like you can't see the forest for the trees
We need a better president than we have now.If Trump is on the ballot in 2024,I will be voting for him, or whoever he supports.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 10:41 other posts 
Are you saying this to surprise me?
Of course not. I wouldn't expect you
or anyone else in your league of extreme right wing fascists
to do anything else.

You're telling me the obvious.
By #610414 26,Oct,23 11:56
It's an uphill battle, but, hopefully, for their own good, we'll prevail.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Oct,23 11:57 other posts 

By #610414 25,Oct,23 20:28
The SYD Best Member October poll has TEN members voting for FOUR candidates. The winner won by one vote and he admitted he voted for himself. Think about that. The winner recently posted that there are approximately 20,000 members of the site, but, HE’S THE BEST.
PS. This is the same member that complained that all members are equal. He also said that due to his new job, he was going to start wearing a cape, a mask, and pantyhose. Pointed heels would go well with that getup.

By #610414 25,Oct,23 11:24
This was a comment on one of my post:
“It was said by obviously a city slicker that 22 acres of forest is as useful as tits on a bore hog in reality it was a smart business decision I paid 1000 per acre and if I was to timber it out for the many different types of hardwood as building materials and mine out the rock for landscaping materials I would be an instant millionaire but for now I’m just enjoying it as the play ground i played on as a child”

This was taken out of context. However, as long as the land is not developed, except for conservation purposes, it’s still as useful as a tit on a boar hog.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

This man paid 1K$/acre. Or $22,000+doc. fees. Strange that a parcel of land that would make anyone an instant millionaire would go for less than a Ford Maverick. Sounds right to you?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 12:57 other posts 
Yes, the land I live on was 650 a acre in 1968
land accross the road, recently went for over 60,000 a acre.
Besides,living on a mountain, makes for unique issues.Like a level place to build a house, getting in and out in the winter, those things would affect value.
By #610414 25,Oct,23 15:54
One more point, after the trees are harvested, it would take approx. 30 yrs before a second harvest could be done
By phart [Ignore] 25,Oct,23 19:10 other posts 
My uncle had to clear 9 acres that was in forestry, he switched to agriculture after the loggers were done. Still aint got all the mess cleaned up,loggers make a damn mess.

By #610414 25,Oct,23 17:10
Here we go. Not even on the job 24 hrs and this is what we have to expect for the next 14 month.
Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, in his first remarks after being elected Wednesday afternoon, told Members of Congress that “Scripture” and “the Bible” are clear that they have been “ordained” by God.

By #610414 25,Oct,23 16:19
TheWife+Hubby you posted:
There goes CAT shooting her racist mouth off again & I quote:

"Hey, TheWife+Hubby, you are a dumb Abbo from down under." 🤷‍♀️

Now you do remember the shit storm that happened the last time a certain member mentioned that term on this site or are you really that fucking stupid you dumb cunt.

That's exactly why I posted that. Now that I know what it means to you, I couldn't pass it up. "Cuntie"

By #610414 25,Oct,23 11:13
TheWife+Hubby posted in Freddy’s Box thread

My shout out to member Sir-Skittles I find you a awkward character, I would say a man much more educated than I, I have heard many rummers about you Skits, none aligning with each other. A man of mystery (🤮🤮 Bit like dgraff I wouldn't call us friends, but understanding associates.
Look to be honest, I love your stories man, Saggy give it a go with her last blog, her story about W&H. Look it was good & you might be displeased about me saying this, but at least she had a crack 🤷‍♀️
I have told you before, those stupid puppet heads, W&H would be honoured if you wanted to write a story about our characters in a story, I got a good laugh out of Granny's stories, like OMG how much better if you wrote it.

Who would have thought it? He loves me! NOT! 🤣🤣😈

By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 19:31 other posts 
Fourth Trump co-defendant, Jenna Ellis, pleads guilty in Georgia subversion case

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Ellis pleaded guilty to one felony charge of aiding and abetting false statements and writings about voter fraud.

She now "realizes" there was no voter fraud.

Too late baby. You were a fucking idiot for siding with
the trump bozo. You shouldn't be sorry, you should be
grateful you realized you are an idiot.

She said:

>> As an attorney who is also a Christian,

Really? Why bring the christianity card?
So pretentious, hey? We all know you don't believe that,
you're hoping that the religious card will win the sympathy
of some religionists. Fucking idiot!

>> I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously,

More bullshit. You had absolutely 0 responsibility when,
blinded by the fame you thought you'd get through
the gangster trump, you kissed his ass and did what he asked
you. Had he asked you to suck his dick, you'd have complied.

>> and I endeavour to be a person of sound moral
>> and ethical character in all of my dealings,"

No you aren't. You're definitely not of sound moral
or ethical character. When you choose to go along with
a fascist, with a fraudster, with a gangster, that's what
you get.

>> "In the wake of the 2020 presidential election,
>> I believed that challenging the results on behalf of
>> President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way."

No you didn't. You believed that you could lie in order
to pleae the mafia boss, trump. You thought he's invulnerable
and that he'd make america a shitty country like the one
you were dreaming of. Nobody is convinced by your
By #610414 24,Oct,23 20:50
Didn't you hear? Felons or almost felons always "find Jesus".

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