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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:32 other posts 
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The latest data show that people use guns for self-defense only rarely. According to a Harvard University analysis of figures from the National Crime Victimization Survey, people defended themselves with a gun in nearly 0.9 percent of crimes from 2007 to 2011.

David Hemenway, who led the Harvard research, argues that the risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in the rare case where you might need to defend yourself.

"The average person ... has basically no chance in their lifetime ever to use a gun in self-defense," he tells Here & Now's Robin Young. "But ... every day, they have a chance to use the gun inappropriately. They have a chance, they get angry. They get scared."
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 16:49 other posts 
Well I assume you don't have a fire truck in your town either, the chances of YOUR particular hovel burning down is very slim ,so why have a fire truck? Just because YOU don't feel like you will ever have a house fire, doesn't mean you should dictate how others can protect their homes.
Exact same logic with a gun, you don't think you are ever in danger, but your make love not war ideals are sadly not shared by all, and other people may want to protect themselves if the need arises. if liberals like you had their way without resistance, it would be chaos,
By #610414 03,Oct,23 16:54
You don't k1ll with a fire truck nor need a concealed license for it.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 16:59 other posts 
Really? 1 of our guys wrecked 1 and about "bought the farm"/
ANd i just thought of something leo and his survey are not taking into account.
part of the reason you don't have to use a gun for self defense is because the crooks don't know who has 1 and don't take as much risk! THe gun can rust in a drawer and do more to prevent crime than a dozen bobby's with their sticks and radios.
By #610414 03,Oct,23 17:31
Sure, Phart. You keep believing that.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 19:32 other posts 
Only 0.9% managed to defend thwnselves with guns.

The real reason for existence of so many guns in the US is simple: profit for the gun manufacturers.

Phart can't understand that. His religious far-right-wing narrow mind can't fathom that.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 21:40 other posts 
you priced a fire truck lately? ALOT of profit in them to!
IF anything is being made, it should be profitable to a point it is worth doing. Making guns or parachutes, doesn't matter. Investment and risk taking and labor should result in PROFITS, Along with a quality product or service.
By #681164 05,Oct,23 09:02
Do I read your post right? The gun manufacturers are successful because they produce a quality gun that kills efficiently? Wow. I see where I was wrong.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 13:17 other posts 
I love this woman.
She's the real America.

Letitia James: the fearless attorney general threatening Trump’s business

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Of course, fascist-americans won't like her, but that's good. That means she's even better than we think.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 13:48 other posts 
The only reason you like her is she is trying to harm Trump.
otherwise you would have never heard of her or thought of her or cared about her.
Trump is on trial all over the US because democrats are committing election interference.
By #681164 02,Oct,23 13:58
Well, of course she's well know now. Trumpo is famous. Most DAs are not know. They are from all political persuasions. They have one thing in common. They are after justice for all. That makes them good people.
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And Democrats are not committing election interference. If there ever was a person that needed to be brought to justice, it's this guy.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 14:26 other posts 
You are forgetting a big detail here. By NOT valuing Trumps property's at the same amount as Trump did, New York fucked themselves out of money. Property tax's are collected on based on value. So if he could borrow money on 4 million in value, and they only value it at 1 million, whose the dumbass here????

Copy and paste. He and his lawyers have also argued that no one was harmed by anything in the financial statements. Banks he borrowed money from were fully repaid. Business partners made money. And Trump's own company flourished.
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so whats the problem? No debts defaulted, and the documents have a disclaimer.
copy and paste.
Trump, the Republican front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, has denied wrongdoing. He says that James and the judge are undervaluing such assets as his Palm Beach, Florida, resort, Mar-a-Lago, and that it didn't matter what he put on his financial statements because they have a disclaimer that says they shouldn't be trusted.

that is no different than you telling me your car is worth 5400 bucks when on the market it would be 600 bucks .
If the bank or lender or insurance company felt there was a issue, they would not have lended money or provided coverage. think about what is being done here.
What is the tax value of the new york apartment? What would Jeff bezo's be willing to pay for it if he was in the market? It might be worth it to him to pay more. .
By #610414 02,Oct,23 18:05
You just don't get it. If it was some black guy that BROKE THE LAW, you would have wanted that they throw the book at him. The more money a financial institution lends to one crooked borrower, the less there is for a lawful one. He's not the only one the law applies to. Every time I had to take out a loan, in the application there would be a statement that it was unlawful to misrepresent your financial worth or work. Why should he be different?
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 18:47 other posts 
You still don't get it do you? The democrats are pulling out of the stops trying to bring down Trump,rather it is right,moral or wrong,they don't care.

Besides, what value should he have placed on it? Tax value is HARDLY retail value. You apparently haven't paid much attention.
By #610414 03,Oct,23 09:36
What the Dumbocrats are trying to do has no bearing on the Justice Department's cases or the prosecutions in the STATES OF NEW YORK AND GEORGIA. Besides? There’s no besides. Tax value is a taxing authority’s business. This was a gross misinterpretation of the values of his properties. Why can’t YOU see this? Would you say the same if Soros had done this? How about Biden?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 16:59 other posts 
Your opinion doesn't count. I've already said it:

"Of course, fascist-americans won't like her"

You're one of them.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 18:47 other posts 
Yours doesn't either curtain twitcher because you don't pay taxes here, you don't profit from anything here and you don't do anything to fix any problems that we may have. You are not a asset to the US, only a annoying croaking tree frog while we are trying to sleep.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 18:55 other posts 
I'm glad you think this of me.
Fascist-Americans, like you, aren't real Americans anyway. None of my American friends are like you.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 19:55 other posts 
You may know people here in the US to a point but you don't Really know them.
You only know people that are liberal minded and think like you ,otherwise you wouldn't associate with them.
By #610414 03,Oct,23 10:54
Phart, first, liberals or middle of the road Republicans outnumber your type of conservative by a lot.
Second, we don’t live in a world where each country is isolated from the others. Leo has a vested interest in what happens in our country even if he doesn’t pay taxes here. You are no different than him. At least, you shouldn’t be. You should be interested in what happens in the EU, the African countries, China and other Asian countries including Russia, South American and Australia.
We are all interrelated and what happens in one country could affect what happens in other countries.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 12:55 other posts 
thats the 1 world government mentality there, We should trade with others but not be influenced by them. China is tittering on collapse and if that happens, this intertwining of nations is going to bite the liberals in the ass.
By #681164 05,Oct,23 08:58
I won’t dispute your views, Mr Phart, but, that’s the way it is. CAT is right. All countries have some impact on other countries.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 23:14 other posts 
80% of the case happened prior to 2011.
statute of limitations.Um, you would think the democrats would have thought about that?

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By #610414 03,Oct,23 09:39
That still leaves 20% of the case.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 10:10 other posts 
Yea, and the folks in Florida have already sent information to shoot down some of that!
By #610414 03,Oct,23 10:55
What has Florida have to do with it?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 11:25 other posts 
Have you not yet realized that phart's method is "constant digression"? It's a technique for avoiding dealing with uncomfortable for him topics.

We started from Letitia James.
He shifted to Florida.
Next, he'll start talking about Mars.

Before you know, he wants you to shift your attention to somthing else. He has his methods. If you say "trump stole" he will reply "obama was born in africa" and then you'll question it, and then he'll defend his thesis on obama. After a few pages of discussion, you'll have forgotten about the "trump stole" sentence and you'll end up discussing the invalidity of different statements made by phart.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 12:58 other posts 
You haven't read or listened to anything about the case or you would know that the value of Mar largo is part of the case.So it is directly related to the case.
letitia is the subject matter of the thread,the case involves TRump. It has been shown that 80% of the "evidence " is to old to be used in court, showing that letitia is not as smart as Leo is making her out to be.
All intertwined. I guess you folks drink your coffee black, eat the sugar off the spoon and sip the cream from the can instead of mixing it all in 1 cup?
By #610414 03,Oct,23 17:12
I'll give you that the value of Mar-a-Lago MAY be part of some financial papers dealing with some possible loan applications, but, my question stands. What does Florida have to do with a civil trial in the state of New York dealing with the alleged fraud of banks doing business in New York?
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BTW, Phart, your 80% is Trump's assumption. This is what the judge just said this afternoon.
Engoron (the judge) knocked down Trump’s erroneous claim yesterday that he’d reversed his earlier ruling and tossed 80% of the attorney general's case. The judge explained that’s not what he did, but that he knows Trump’s side disagrees vigorously and is appealing.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 21:43 other posts 
Here let me connect the dots
Here is a link to a news artical showing how florida came into the thread.
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Like I said,you drink your coffee black,eat the sugar out of the spoon and sip the cream from the jug.You can't connect anything together. sad,you probably never ate soup. To many things connected together!

edit,I doubt you let the water touch the coffee,you might eat the coffee beans,drink the water then eat the sugar and sip the cream.Yea, can't let that water connect to the coffee,that would confuse things--

And another thing, has Scotland or Florida bitched about anything? No, only a democrat led state is fileing charges like this. GEE, another set of dots, here, let me stop,don't want to trip a circuit breaker here.
By #681164 05,Oct,23 09:00
If that’s the case then why didn’t the defense attorneys call these people to testify?

By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,23 21:14 other posts 
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"They have nothing to hide," she commented. "There wasn't an injured party. Everybody made money. The loans were paid back. Ultimately, we have a statute of limitations for a reason. This judge is allowing things that have expired, dating back to as long as 2011. What's the strategy there?"

Here is what folks like leo don't want to understand,
""He did it without looking at experts and without listening to witnesses," she said. "He granted that on summary judgment … we already were found liable for all of the things that they wanted to effectively accept, multiple counts of the same, before we walked into court."
In other words ,the judge read a legal version of the cliff notes and knew they would be the nations hottest topic if they brought down Trump so they just said guilty, without taking time to study evidence and listen to testimony.
Kangaroo court comes close to describing it.
By #681164 05,Oct,23 08:49
Not really. There’s a long standing given in law that ignorance is not a legal excuse. Besides, a multi millionaire like trump, not knowing what’s needed for this type of transaction is a lot of bull….t.
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You want to defend a person that, if it was anyone else, even someone like a Musk, would already be serving multiple decades in state or federal prison. Why? Is he a distant cousin? Are you in his will? It doesn’t make sense to me.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:26 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 16:52 other posts 
Notice the sudden increase from 2020 up, democrat president, wuhan virus lock downs, alot of factors have come into play to create that sad rise. hopefully things will calm down when people are able to return to work and school and not have time to conjuror up evil plans.
to a atheist this won't mean much but there is a old saying, "a idle mind is the devils workshop".
And with the plandemic in full swing, alot of evil plans came along, and to the floyd thing was going during that time.
By #610414 03,Oct,23 16:57
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 19:35 other posts 
You're fucked up.
And, as CAT pointed out, your mind is full of shit.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 21:39 other posts 
And your mind? well, lets just say, plenty of vacant real-estate. should let Trump remodel it and put it on the market.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:24 other posts 
Must admit, found myself cheered up reading about Trump's fraud trial, that threatens the very existence of his 'real estate empire' (so called). Reporting has perhaps understandably focused more on his political trials and the Carrol case, but I wonder if this fraud case has the potential to break Trump. His 'real estate empire' is everything to Brand Trump and Trump is his 'real estate empire'. If it folds, as many predict, it will be a killer blow to the Trump psyche. And what is Trump, without his brand ?
By #610414 03,Oct,23 16:59
I believe it and hope it happens.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 19:33 other posts 
I do really hope too.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 00:45 other posts 
Leo, ananas, watch this
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 06:15 other posts 
Why the fuck did I waste my time watching something about the brutal Koran war?

Why the fuck did the US drop 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theatre of World War II?

The answer is simple: business.

This resulted in almost unparalleled devastation.

On a per-capita basis, the Korean War was one of the deadliest wars in modern history, especially for the civilian population of North Korea. The scale of the devastation shocked and disgusted the American military personnel who witnessed it, including some who had fought in the most horrific battles of World War II.

American soldiers machine-gunned hundreds of helpless civilians in the South Korean countryside (No Gun Ri).

Military law experts note that the reported death toll would make No Gun Ri one of two known cases of large-scale killings of noncombatants by U.S. ground troops in this century's major wars.

Of course, all fascist-americans support the Korean war, like every other war because, being a fascist, means that you're all for killing other people, you don't value life, you value death.
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By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 10:13 other posts 
As usuall,you missed the entire point of his statements.
The Koreans took each prisoner ask them what they wanted, and so forth and the liberals like yourself that just "want to be happy" were put in a low security prison and they died and suffered diseases and such, Because, they had food and shelter ,they were "Happy".
Men that had goals of being successful, and go places and do things, were considered dangerous and were put in maximum security prisons ,where their health was better, they even escaped for crying out loud.
MOTIVATED men can do Much more and even in a time of brutal war, the evidence is quite clear.
By #610414 03,Oct,23 11:02
Wasn’t your boy that said:
“ Arizona Sen. John McCain, he’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
He also said about not going to visit a Veteran’s cemetery in France, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

You, Phart, live in another reality.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 11:17 other posts 
He doesn't live in reality. His mind is contaminated, fucked up, by the same poison that enters the extreme right wing people, like trump, qanon, kkk, etc.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 12:49 other posts 
John mcains dad was in government and he had a chance to go home but claimed he stayed for the moral of his fellow men, but I think he stayed so he wouldn't have to fight anymore or catch hell about killing all those sleeping folks on the air craft carrier.
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He crashed a total of 5 airplanes.
Only reason i voted for him was because he was the republican and I didn't want Dumb and DUmber for president.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 11:20 other posts 
Besides, if you have a point, you don't say "Leo, ananas, watch this". You explain. In simple and logically structured English (because I cant understand complex or irrational sentences.) But you think that the whole world should think like a fascist (e.g. you and the qanon assholes) or like a criminal (e.g. trump and giuliani and epstein)
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 12:50 other posts 
you can't understand complex sentences? and you call ME dumb?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:09 other posts 
I didn't call you dumb. I called you fascist.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 17:39 other posts 
Oh, this?
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how can this word describe me when i totally disagree with this part of the definition, I bet you would to,
"the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: "people's community"), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation."[7]:
that sounds more like Anannas's socialism than what you think i stand for. Each individual should reap the rewards of their work.

As for calling me a facist, that first link indicates that gets thrown at any and all political rivals, just as i throw around the word liberal .
OK, interesting. What point did you want to make with it?
"People like you and I. People who have deep believes." The 'dangerous' people.
Do you think he's talking about you?

You are part of the sheeple, who follow the people who give them their 'deep believes'. Those believes that are detrimental to the sheeple, but extremely profitable to the ones who made them up. They turned capitalism into a religion and Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos into its prophets. Their preachers are on Fox'News' 24/7.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 12:48 other posts 
I am not a person happy with sitting in a hut on the floor doing nothing but eating and shitting and sleeping like most liberals.
I have goals,ideas wants needs, and I know the only way to fullfill them is the labor of my own 2 hands.
so I would say I would be considered dangerous to the 1's deciding on who went to which prison.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:10 other posts 
You got racist/fascist/white-supremacist/anachronistic/reactionary ideas.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 17:33 other posts 
According to this, you might need to back off the negitive remarks about me,
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"In a specific sense, the concept of free speech generally does not exist as a fundamental right within the country."

You could be causing me anxiety! and since you are typing this within the borders of the UK, hum.
BUT you don't have to worry about me complaining, I would rather know exactly how you feel than for you to sugar coat it and have to lie later.
i have stated you aren't a asset to the US but your presence does have some benefit, it reminds us of the threat to our very way of life .
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 13:09 other posts 

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