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Funny, the other day, WOODY1227 did not have too much of a problem with spelling in this post;
And Repukers did learn? Is that why the wear condoms over their heads? It prevents the jizz from coming out?
Repukers? Is it possible to be so far off in spelling Republican or is it possible that reference came from only one other member who has used it?
I rest my case.
I have decided I can't hide myself well enough to go to the trouble of making a second account.Unless I posted pics of fairys and unicorns and put a pink bow around my dick or something.
With that said, I found it strange that you used the term "Repukers" when you referred to Republicans, a term only used by the LOUDEST and angriest mouth from the south.
And don't forget,Trump can run again in 2024 if he looses 2020 or his son can.
If Trump looses he won't be able to run for dog catcher (ESPECIALLY from prison)
His son??? HAHAHA
Not everyone has a huge nest egg to live on.Not everyone wants to be a government leach either.It is perfectly normal for most Americans to want to get back to work earning their own living and doing thier jobs.
It is past time for America to get back to running.Everyone is going to get the damn virus at some point.Get it,get it over with,and get on with life.
it has over a 99% survival rate.
Does this maby clue you in as to why people need to get back to work? A 1200 dollar or more, a month mortage does not come easy.
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This unprecedented public health and economic crisis could easily turn into a devastating housing crisis. Economies are struggling, and more than 25 million jobs may be lost by the end of 2020, as governments battle to contain the health crisis with social distancing and lockdowns.May 11, 2020
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Tell me, why can't going back be optional? Those that are comfortable with going back do so at their own risk. The others don't. Look, this is not a hurricane. This is not a city wide fire. You are very cavalier about the 99% survival rate. That 1% that don't survive translates into many people dying. Even if there are 1000000 victims, that is 10000 deaths. How did the Clown put it? It is what it is. Nothing, not housing crisis, not bankruptcy of the country, is worth 10000 people loosing their lives..
If you want to go to the gym,you can't.Damn thing is closed and owners are loosing their shirts while customers are busting out of theirs. Optional to go if you want to? SURE,start tomorrow.
Ok so you are surviving,how do you think others are surviveing?
I don't think the loss of life is a good thing,1 life lost is to many.But the sad reality is, people are going to die of this virus.IF someone else was president,they might die next year because a democrat would keep everything locked down tight to long. As I have said before,the death rate is not going to be any higher or lower if it is strung out or opening full bore,it will just be slower.
What's happening now is completely chaotic, and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
What about food cost,and health care? I have noticed several articals online about food shortages because of the virus.That means what food is around,will cost more.
Are you helping anyone with food or shelter or whatever?
I don't do alot but folks that I repair things for that are having a hard time,I make sure their stuff works and don't charge for my time.I do what I can.
Trump the repubs want 400 dollars,plenty really.
As for chestnuts in the fire,eh sorda right.The feds can "afford it" because they are borrowing money and printing money with nothing to back it up.
There is middle ground but the dems just don't seem to want to find it.
C'mon Man!
Where's your "empathy", compassion for those that don't want to work?
C'mon Man! SHEESH!
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
He is an economist by trade and he was a great PM. He got seriously spanked by our current PM who is a Liberal and I also voted for.
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[deleted image]
If you don't know you are going to vote for in november you aint black? I mean really?
He FINALLY said something, with some truth behind it, the "diversity" part. Black Americans are the ONLY GROUP of people that historically vote ONLY ONE WAY, for Democraps, greater than 98%.
Now you might understand why there's racial issues like clockwork every 4 years, they find an issue then bring all the RACE PIMPS out in full force.
The Dems/Libs fight viciously to maintain control over that segment of society, using them like they have for hundreds of years. The Dems don't care about people, all they ever want is to remain in power.
I stand with the BLEXIT MOVEMENT and Foudation!
A recent poll shows 81% of Black Americans disagree with the fraud known as B.L.M. inc. Don't believe the poll? Just look at all the "WHITEY'S out in the streets with their B.L.M. signs. Bunch of ignoramuses at their finest...
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
Damn, if Joe has that much power, he definitely has my vote...
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No angelic Canadian could or would EVER act like that...
CLEARLY! That Dude, HAD to be from the U.S.!!
I think Candy is trying to punk us...
🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
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