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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,20 16:37 other posts 
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By #551147 29,Sep,20 01:39
Link is not working...
By #188992 29,Sep,20 07:17
You're not missing much. 11 minutes of shitkickers in pick-ups pretty much sums it up!
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,20 11:57 other posts 
Working Americans Flying the American flag and flags supporting Our President.Instead of a gaggle of Biden supporters with bricks and bottles of gasoline tearing up and burning down everything in their path.Sure Biden has said he does not support the violence.No somewhat sane person would.BUT alot of His Supporters and voters not only support it,they DO IT.
Hux you did a good job of exactly what I expected,you looked at the video with a negitive attitude. Those were Americans enjoying their rights without damage or harm to anyone or anything.
By #188992 29,Sep,20 15:47
See the winky face? My intention was to, very gently, mock you and Scorps. It's good that people are motivated enough to "get involved" with Politics - even if it does look like a bunch of people who turned up to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert without tickets.

PS. nice try to, indirectly, associate Democrats with rioters. Sorry - not buying it.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 11:43
By Scorps [Ignore] at 29,Sep,20 01:39 other posts

Link is not working...
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By huxley999 [Ignore] at 29,Sep,20 07:17 other posts

You're not missing much. 11 minutes of shitkickers in pick-ups pretty much sums it up!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

huxley999 Shitkickers? Shades of Boston. Were are the burblers?
Calling rednecks shitkickers is almost as bad as calling Vietnamese rice eaters

By #610414 29,Sep,20 10:10
Bella! only registered users can see external links

I'm leaving. My work is done 2

By #623135 29,Sep,20 09:28
angel1227 I belviwe thet Bidin willed wien tonites debrate.
By #610414 29,Sep,20 09:42
El Trumpo doesn't run

By zzick [Ignore] 25,Sep,20 20:45 other posts 
Since trump wont display his cock, we will have to assume it is tiny.
By #626398 25,Sep,20 21:44
But he did show his hands off, and as we all know, mother nature makes it all proportional!
By #610414 26,Sep,20 09:34
He's a fat ass so he's a fat head?
By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,20 10:09 other posts 
apparently it was functional enough to make a few kids that can run for Prez later on!
By #610414 26,Sep,20 11:29
Phart they couldn't run for dog catcher.
By #551147 27,Sep,20 18:30
@ ZZick,

Although I prefer NOT to think of "his cock" in any form or fashion. Apparently he's got enough to get the job done. Ivanka, Don jr, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron.

He sure has MASSIVE balls even if the wiener is less than average. 😉

🇺🇲 4 MORE YEARS - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲

By #610414 27,Sep,20 13:36
Something I just learned. If Trump contests the election and it goes past Jan 20, 2021, Nancy Peloci automatically becomes president. Wouldn't that be a kick in Trump's pants? 1

By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 20:54 other posts 
I missed the first of it but I watched most of Trumps speach this evening that he made here in NC.
Great speach. He wants to make America safe,wealthy,and great again. What is so wrong with those things?
By #551147 20,Sep,20 03:18

EXCEPT, it doesn't fit with their B)urning, L)ooting, M)urdering, America hating, A.N.T.I.F.A, racial dividing, NO fossil fuels, Critical Race Theory, higher taxes, NO guns, NO God (unless you're Muslim), NO Police, No jails, NO borders, NO school choice (ensuring INDOCTRINATION), limited freedom of speech, FREE healthcare for the world, FREE education for the world (pre-K thru 20?), reparations, a depleted military (again), NO space program (again), abortions on demand (even after birth) 😱, despicable death tax (again), practically ALL historic monuments removed, encouraging and legalizing use of narcotics, rewriting history to the 1619 ideology, accepting ALL votes (without i.d, phone-in, mail-in, dead people, pets, non-citizens, hell ANY & EVERYONE), pro-p.e.d.o.p.h.i.l.e.s, pro-rapist, pro-violent criminals, don't wanna work-NO PROBLEM-"living wage", Made In China, Made Anywhere EXCEPT the United States, Anti-Jews, Pro-Muslim, Anti-Christian, BIGGER Government, MORE control over "the people", the encouragement against and destruction OF the "nuclear family" as we know it, Marxist communism, anti-white, anti-Male,


Did I miss anything?

MOST important election of MY lifetime without question...

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇸
By phart [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 11:51 other posts 
All I know is,I am voting for Trump in a few weeks,and will be smileing while doing it. Knowing with a clear conscience,I am doing the only thing I can legally to try to save Amercia.
By #188992 20,Sep,20 14:30
You've mistaken "conscience" for "brain", phart

Good luck with saving "Amercia" (sic). By the way, after YOUR guy has been in charge for the last few years WHY does your Nation need saving, and from what?
By #188992 20,Sep,20 12:15
Are you exaggerating for effect Scorps, or do you REALLY see it in such "Good vs Evil" terms?

That's a pretty stark idea of what the USA will look like if sleepy Joe (or Ms Harris) is in the White House.

You know that Democrat supporters "could" paint a second Trump term in equally apocalyptic terms, don't you?

You make it sound as though, if the wrong guy wins (in your eyes), you may as well kill your family and/or move to Venezuela! Really?

I'm not buying your histrionics, buddy.
By #551147 21,Sep,20 05:35

"Exaggerating" - No! Every thing I stated, I believe is 100% accurate or I wouldn't have wrote it.

"Good vs Evil" - As good of a term as any other. Isn't a spade a spade?

It IS, a VERY "stark idea"!
I did not create that idea from thin air, the lunatics are the ones that created it. Don't hate the messenger!

I CERTAINLY wouldn't harm my family nor am I moving anywhere. I am willing to defend and die upon the hill for which my flag stands upon. I will not cower, bow, or kneel to evil, EVER!

It's fine that YOUR not buying into my histrionics, as I'm not selling any. If that's how you choose to characterize facts, then so be it! They say the truth hurts...

🇺🇸 4 MORE YEARS - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By #188992 21,Sep,20 07:36
Well, you're more of a fruitcake than I thought then.

"Facts" from your post:
No guns.
No Police.
No jails.
No borders.
Free healthcare for THE WORLD.
Abortions on demand AFTER birth.

Just one question for you: where the fuck are you getting these "facts" from?

PS."I am willing to defend and die upon the hill for which my flag stands upon"- it's just a bit of cloth. My country, right or wrong, is infantile thinking.
It's not A.N.T.I.F.A. What do you think those letters stand for?
It's Antifa, which is short for anti-fascist.
Are you pro-fascist?
By phart [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 18:14 other posts 
No I am not pro-facist.
I am pro-American. Extremist groups lean that way.I am not a extremest.
Hux,no one is trying to make it sound like anything.
THe simple fact is alot of people have worked hard for many years to have a good life running their own bussiness's or retireing to a peaceful life, only for leftist groups try their damnest to ruin it.Burning their bussiness's,voting for people that want to ruin the American way of life.Instead of converting America to a shithole,Delta is ready when you are to move to a shit hole.
By #551147 21,Sep,20 05:49
Duly noted, and thanks for the correction, Ananas!

"To err is human"

🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great 🇺🇸
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 10:11 other posts 
Are you actually scared for Antifa? They are pacifists. Trump is using the name 'Antifa' to blame the violence on. It is just scapegoating. It's a strategy to claim there is more organizing behind the protest than there is. The follow-up will be declaring Antifa terrorists, to dehumanize them. It's all part of a plan to crush the protesters hard with your consent. Calling them terrorists will give him the power to just take them off the streets and throw them in prison, without probable cause, then keeping them in prison indefinitely, without judgement.

They are still American citizens. Don't let Trump go down this path.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 14:38 other posts 
To me,a American citizen walking up to my home or bussiness,hollaring cuss words and burning me out,is no different than a muslim extremist doing the same thing .Both would be inflicting terror upon me.
So why would I treat them differently?
By #551147 21,Sep,20 16:44
Really Ananas?

First of all, I'm not "scared" of any man.

In the words of Huxley999, "where the fuck are you getting" this bullshit from? I mean, really!

"Pacifists" Is that a fuckin joke?

Well your "pacifists" executed a man in Portland, Oregon ON VIDEO. Your "pacifists" have payroll list that they sign to get compensation for their participation, ON VIDEO. Your "pacifists" are ON VIDEO dropping boxes of frozen water bottles to throw at the police. Your "pacifists" are ON VIDEO getting pallets of bricks delivered. Your "pacifists" are ON VIDEO dropping off boxes of premade molotov cocktails. Numerous "pacifists" were intercepted outside of Wisconsin, ON VIDEO, coming from Portland/Seattle area's, so said their license plates. Inside their vehicles they found explosives, body armour, and lots of gasoline. Your "pacifists" are also ON VIDEO, handing out riot gear. Your "pacifists" tried blocking people in a building and set it on fire, ON VIDEO.

Here's what I think about your "pacifists" bullshit.

Bet you don't even bother to attempt to find out WHO'S financing your "pacifists". You could care less! I wonder if YOU could financially sustain 110+ days of NOT working and rioting in the streets for a unknown cause?

If you MUST label the pieces of shit, how about nihilist, antagonist, degenerates, fuckheads, lowlifes, criminals, or we can simply call them TERRORISTS and rightly so!

Perhaps you should do MORE research or open your fucking eyes before saying something SO ignorant. It's not my fault you get half ass news, it's yours! Your implying that all I personally need is the President's okey doke on any given subject and I blindly go along with it, WRONG!

110+ days of continuous violence in a few cities ALL documented from various sources, some live streamed for all to see. I believe what I see with my own eyes tyvm! I don't need any fuckwits attempting to perform the Jedi mind trick on me and claiming what I'm seeing is a mirage or untrue.

When you act like a fucking animal you SHOULD be "dehumanized" and reap the benefits of your inhumanity. If I had my way, prisons wouldn't resemble Club Med. They would be more reflective of the type of filth that they contain.

B.L.M. should be next on the declared terrorist list. Guess we shall see if he makes the right decision and make it so. Seize ALL their donations and give them to the innocent hard working people, who's lives were destroyed by the non-peaceful protesting garbage.

🇺🇸 4 MORE YEARS - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #188992 21,Sep,20 17:14
Even if we accepted your diatribe as factual, this has all happened whilst you have a Republican President and a Republican-dominated Senate. Why has such lawlessness persisted when that's the case?

This "It's all happening in Democrat-run cities and States" wears a bit thin, for me, after a while. You have a bicameral legislature and a President. Blaming it all on Democrats/liberals is as lame as fuck.

PS. if you name-check me expect me to remind you that you haven't answered my question about where you get your facts from!!
By #551147 21,Sep,20 19:01

I NOW consume vast amounts of news out of sheer boredom. From multiple sources daily.

I can't think of many people who would sit through 4+ hours of live streaming from a city they have little ties to. Yet, I have, a few times. Wanna know how that came about? Well, I had heard a sliver about some supposed unrest in Portland, Oregon. that supposedly had been going on for like 25 days, at that point. I hadn't heard of any of that from my typical news sources on TV. So, since MOST of the rest of my family lives up there. I started snooping around to see what was actually going on and where up there. To my surprise, I find numerous videos showing the kinda of violence and unrest seen in other countries. Yet, no REAL mention of it on the major news sources. Why?! Eventually Fox started showing all the unrest there and many of the other liberal cities, daily, while other networks completely ignored it.

You may not like hearing "It's all happening in Democrat-run cities and States" but that doesn't make it untrue. Yes, the President is a Republican and one might think it would be easy to quell these actions. It's NOT that simple. Each state has their OWN rights apart from the federal government. He CANNOT just send in troops to settle these places, it would be a violation of their rights as a sovereign state. They can however, ask for help from the federal government and a few have and the national guard was successful. There ARE things under the law that he can use to just go in anyway. But they have rarely if ever been used. Why go to such extremes when the mayors and governors are more than capable of asking for help or deal with the problems theirselves. "The people" of them states elected those officials, if they aren't doing right by their constituents how is it the President's fault? Oregon has been run by dems/libs for decades as have many other states and cities. How else do you explain unrest ONLY in those places? I've watched the daily briefings from the President almost everyday around the same time. Flip to the other networks, they aren't even showing them. SOMETIMES they come in on the Q and A portion of his daily briefings, most of the time they don't. What more fucking proof do any of you need about the bias? Why NOT cover his daily briefings? It would at minimum imply non-bias, no? I also saw with my own eyes how they only broadcast select portions of the Republican Convention. Yet, I watched Fox broadcast ALL 3 hours of the Democrat Convention all 4 days worth. Flip to CNN, HLN, MSNBC nope their showing something completely different during the RNC. They are garbage! I don't want OR need some overpaid gas bag summarizing a gotdamned thing for me. I prefer to see it with my own eyes. Of course, not everyone is like that and that's fine. But when you constantly hear "fake news" maybe you should try to figure out why it's being said as opposed to just assuming it's a false talking point.

Let me share with you what happened in my area. Around 22 white imbeciles appeared around 6-7pm, a couple weeks ago, on a Saturday, on a major thoroughfare blocking traffic. Chanting "black lives matter", "defund the police", and other stupid shit. When the police showed up to keep order, one of the idiots threw something at the police. They were ALL placed under arrest for non peaceful unlawful assembly. The end! The whole event lasted for about 46 mins. That's how it should be handled. When the mob becomes unruly, you shut them down.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
Sure, and they were all wearing Antifa shirts.
You know why Trump calls all violent protesters Antifa? Because he cannot declare a purely domestic group as terrorist organization.

Have you even considered that there might be some problems with the police?
You could do something about it, that will benefit all people (not just black people).

Your only solution is just crush the protests. Just declare to protesters 'terrorists',
so they can send in the military, kill them and throw them in prison without any Judicial process.

You are only proving that black lives don't matter, TO YOU!
By milesbferry [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 18:11 other posts 
You didn't miss anything, Scorps!
By #551147 25,Sep,20 17:01
Hiya MilesBFerry!

I DO try to be thorough...

Thanks for the acknowledgement!

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇲
By #626398 25,Sep,20 22:00
Great post and I don't think you missed anything!
We are fighting a Marxist, communist takeover. And they have brainwashed all the voting Democrats to believe in all their BS.
By #551147 25,Sep,20 22:12
WOW! Amen man!

Your statement is 100% CORRECT! 😃

Look NO further than this thread for MOST of the vocal liberal loons the site has to offer. 😄😆😂🤣

Again, welcome to the site and conversation.

By #202354 25,Sep,20 14:31
Yes, admirable goals. Too bad they come from a totally despicable human being.
By #626398 25,Sep,20 21:45
Nothing! Nothing is wrong, lol. Trump has been unfairly attacked for almost 4 years, and still, they can't take him down.
By #551147 26,Sep,20 07:19
Teflon Don?

🇺🇸 4 MORE YEARS 🇺🇲
By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,20 10:09 other posts 
IF nothing else,he is tough to be able to take the constant blows from every direction and still continue to try do the job he was hired for.
I don't know that I would not have went off on old Chucky and Nancy along time ago for what they have done had it been me in Trumps place.
By #610414 26,Sep,20 09:26
What does "Trump has been unfairly attacked for almost 4 years, and still, they can't take him down."
He's the president. He was impeached. It didn't work. What do you sujest? An armed uprising?
There's so much wrong with that clown, it would take the whole forum to list it. Clark4fun not admitting to that is your choice, but, then we know what you are made off.

By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 23:59 other posts 
Ruth Bader Ginsburg may you rest in peace after doing what's right for your country. Now unfortunately shit is going to hit the fan.
Your passing is now going to be a political fight instead of a celebration of your life.
By #551147 19,Sep,20 03:18
She was one helluva fighter in SO many ways. May she R.I.P. and best wishes to the family. 😔

That being said, she was more of a political activist serving on the highest court in the land, than an unbiased justice.

The seat MUST be filled as soon as possible.

We will have the rest of the weekend and maybe Monday, also, to mourn and reflect upon her legacy.

Tuesday, the President needs to make and announce his decision, "time is of the essence".

🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 05:01 other posts 
You can’t spell truth without Ruth. 😀
By #592419 19,Sep,20 10:12
Ted Cruz will be the next appointee
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 06:57 other posts 
A nice story leaked on that:
Ted Cruz is such a horrible piece of weasel excrement, that even his republican colleagues hate his guts.
If they elect him judge in the supreme court, they never have to talk with him again. They don't even mind risking his senate seat, to get rid of him.

He sure is the perfect candidate to decide on the law for the American people. Congratulations!
By #592419 24,Sep,20 08:46
you live in Europe? why so abscessed?,, he is not your president.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 08:50 other posts 
Your nuclear arsenal in the hands of a dictator, that's why.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 10:01 other posts 
And you want Sleepy Joe Biden to carry the button around with him I suppose? He is apt to confuse the nuclear button for his "I have fallen and I can't get up" button and blow all of you to hell by accident.
The alert button would then be sold as the "I have fallen and there is no need to help me up" button.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 10:44 other posts 
A president is not carrying the button in his pocket.

The danger of a dictator is that there will be no one to stop him, if he wants to push that button. Because he will only keep people around who will cheer him on to push the button, even if they know his mind has gone.

Trump is on video asking three times why they just can't use nukes.

There will be people around Biden to stop his demented ass, before he will do something stupid.

Don't you understand anything?
By #551147 25,Sep,20 14:33
REALLY! "A Dictator"?

Shit like that is why NO ONE is gonna take you seriously.

Only need to present one point, if he is such "a dictator" why is it that I can still hit the up or down button and see the liberal trash known as MSNBC, CNN, HLN, & PBS? Seems the first thing would be to silence the critics. No?

I mean, EVERYONE knows how much he DESPISES those channels, why hasn't he sent his brown shirts over to dismantle them, yet? How about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram? They CONSTANTLY stifle his freedom of speech, why doesn't he just SILENCE them like a good "Dictator" does?

Also, good "Dictators" take away people's guns. I don't see him trying to take anyone's guns. Now that I mention it, 🤔 the other party sure would like to get rid of those as well as freedom of speech, as evidenced by suppressing the President words.

Now! Whose the wanna be fucking "Dictators"?

🇺🇲 4 MORE YEARS - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Sep,20 05:09 other posts 
The republicans are now working on having Republican lawmakers install electors in battleground states to vote for Trump in the Electoral College even if he loses the popular vote in those states.
That just means killing democracy.

If he still loses, there is a big chance he will stir up his base and just take the presidency by force. That's why he doesn't take your guns, because he want's you to be his armed forces.

He has attacked freedom of the press like no other president before him. He is silencing the press, because he hasn't held press briefings for a long time. Also the first president to do that.

YouTube certainly is silencing independent voices, by taking away there advertisement and hiding them from the searches.

These are just the first steps. With a republican majority of judges, he can accelerate the process.
I could say just wait and see, but you will be the last to recognize it, when you will be living under a dictatorship.
You are already living in a 'failed democracy', but I'm sure it's the best democracy in the world in your eyes.
By #626398 25,Sep,20 21:51
Yeah, according to you liberals, Trump was going to blow up the whole earth within his first year.
Remember what Obombya's biggest problem was that he told Trump about?
North Korea.
What did Trump do?
He solved the problem by traveling to N. Korea and negotiated with Kim Jung whoever.
Your theory that he's a war monger is beyond ignorant. He is pulling out troops out of the middle east, and just got nominated for the Nobel peace prize for helping to bring peace between the Middle East and Israel.
He's so not a war monger. You know who is and was?
First, George Bush - both of them. Plus, Obombya. Trump is the first president in a long time when we dont have a major war going on...
So, please stop watching the fake news. There are many independent news outlets out there - but I must say, they are all getting censored left and right...
By #551147 25,Sep,20 22:19
All true and well said!

🇺🇸 FREE Kyle Rittenhouse 🇺🇸
Wrong again.
Obama left office in 2016. At that point there was a 60 year low US military overseas presence. Trump has been increasing it again.
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I agree Obama was not a peace lover, but he inherited massive instability in the Middle East, caused by the Iraq war, Bush started. I'm sure you were against Obama fighting ISIS.

Trump said Kim Jong-un wrote him beautiful letters and they fell in love. You must like that, your president in love with a communist dictator. I also think it is better than war with North Korea, but how is this helping either the oppressed North Korean people or you. Is North Korea not making atom bombs any more?

Trump sure likes dictators. He is buddies with Kim Jong-un and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He had some problems with Putin and Xi Jinping, but that's all settled now. I prefer peace, but I also like actually solving the reasons for the conflicts (with diplomacy). The US just gave up on that. Now we just rely on the Angela Merkels of the world.

The CNN's are democrat propaganda and Fox News is republican propaganda. You think CNN's Russia bullshit is hurting Trump? It is actually helping him, because it's hurting the credibility of the media. So why do you think independent news outlets are all getting censored left and right? Because those are the only sources of information that are harmful to the establishment. CNN, Fox News and others are all sponsored by Big Oil, Wall Street, Pharma and the military industrial complex, so you will almost never hear any REAL criticism against the actual powers in the world.
And the Democrats should block that effort with everything they got, like the Republicans did with Merrick Garland.
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 13:03 other posts 
Ananas, nine judges can be added to. It's not a constitutionally mandated number. The number of judges on the Supreme Court has been changed many times throughout the years.
--------------------------------------- added after 94 minutes

As a Canadian, who is on the USSC does not affect me but who is President does.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 09:42 other posts 
It's also now up to the Democrats to show they have a spine.
If the Republicans can block a judge for a year, then Democrats should be able to
for six weeks.
By #551147 21,Sep,20 07:26
The Republicans SHOULD do EXACTLY as Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated in 2016.

"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year".

Ginsburg said, "The Senate SHOULD hold SCOTUS confirmation hearing during election year."

Ginsburg ALSO remarked in 2016, that "nothing in the Constitution precludes 11th hour nomination."


BTW! There's NOTHING they can do to stop it.

Might as well zip it Betty! 🤐

Unno what they say... Payback's a bitch!

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇲
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

I think I'll mention one other thing.

Unno them fucking "polls" you all so dearly cling onto?
Then and even still?

Perhaps if the dumbasses hadn't convinced themselves AND apparently Ruth, that Hillary was going to win. She (Ruth) might have stepped down long ago so that Obama could have filled her seat. She/they gambled and lost, PERIOD! When you gamble and lose you suck it up and move on. Stomping your feet and screaming about your loss will not change the loss. Quit being a bunch of pansy bitches and accept your loss!

The President has every authority to appoint a new person to the court and he should do so.

She (Ruth) was SUPPOSED to be unbiased politically speaking. As she has made several incendiary comments about the President. I maintain she was more of a political activist than an unbiased judge. May she R.I.P. but let's move on.
Hi kebmo,

There are 4 other things the Democrats can do to stop the Republicans getting a supreme court judge.
Best option; impeach Trump again. There are many rules Trump broke to impeach his ass on. Keep him busy the rest of his term.

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By phart [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 11:47 other posts 
He is already busy trying to fix the economy the wuhan virus ruined. 6 weeks,.
The Supreme court will be Ruthless now.Putting things right now that there is 1 less liberal on board.
By #626398 25,Sep,20 21:56
The deep state has overtaken the Democratic party. They want to destroy America. The don't want borders. They don't care about human trafficking that has been going on all over the world. They don't care about law and order. And they don't care about jobs, or small businesses. All they want to do is destroy America.
Look at the destruction from Antifa - how can you guys support small businesses being destroyed? How can you support the killing of innocent people? You have been totally brainwashed.
By #610414 19,Sep,20 08:12
While it's a sad fight coming, it's a fight Mrs Ginsburg would have met head on. She should get a posthumous Medal of Freedom. RIP
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 09:12 other posts 
Well, what I find truely sad is according to the cable tv at the resturant this morning, her dieing wish to her grandaughter was that she not be replaced until there is a new President.
How much sadder of a life can you live that at the end,your hatred for your leader takes precident over telling your family you love them and to be at peace?
By #610414 19,Sep,20 10:00
phart first it tells how much she hated the jerk. Second, did she know she was going to die?
Because she liked JUSTICE and she knew exactly what kind of person Trump is and what kind of unqualified partisan hack he will push.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,Sep,20 20:01 other posts 
Does anyone know how old the old girl was I remember her using a walker 10 years ago
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 04:55 other posts 
Do you mean Tara Reade? She is 56 and she said it happened in 1993.
So she was 29.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Sep,20 21:02 other posts 
No the old girl that just died
By #610414 23,Sep,20 11:59
She passed away at 89 I believe.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,20 16:31 other posts 
Good lord she should have retired 20 years ago
By phart [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 10:03 other posts 
She was dealing with cancer. A terriable thing to fight all by it's self.She held the postion for spite.I can't think of any other reason she would not have retired and tried to enjoy the remainder of her life with family and freinds.
By #610414 24,Sep,20 10:06
Phart @Degraff@ She held the position for so long because she knew she made a difference. She's a true American hero.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Sep,20 11:16 other posts 
I’m just a believer that no government officials should hold any position passed 70 years old from the president down to a town ship supervisor the mind starts to wonder after 70
By #610414 24,Sep,20 12:03
I believe in term limits for all that get voted in, even judges that get voted in. NOT Supreme court judges. They should be able to serve as long as they are able to serve. if not that justice can be impeached.
By #626398 25,Sep,20 21:58
Do you really believe that BS? Even during her last moments of life, she wasn't talking about family or life, she was being partisan and made that politically charged comment?
The left lies so much about so many things, I call BS.
By #610414 26,Sep,20 09:33
It's BS to you because your whole life you've been kicked in the ass. You have no idea what a family person Ms Ginsburg was. Before you spew your dark shit, go read her bio. I'm assuming that you can read as opposed to most Trump supporters.

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