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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #592419 17,Sep,20 12:25
I haven't called Huxley999 a cunt in ages..

Huxley999 is a throbbing smelly cunt... Ahhhh,, I feel better..
By #188992 17,Sep,20 12:30
Hi fuckface. You're lucky I stumbled across this. Do you not know how to alert me?

Free tutorial: use the @ sign before and after my name.

I see Mommy's little weirdo is still not brave enough to "unblock" me. Do you piss your pants every time the doorbell rings too?

Now, fuck off fruitcake.

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.
By #592419 17,Sep,20 14:24
Just like George Washington "I CANNOT TELL A LIE.. HUXLEY999 IS A CUNT..
By #188992 17,Sep,20 14:38
Honesty is it? How about:

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories. It's true, as you know deep down in your (what passes for a) soul.
By #592419 18,Sep,20 14:13
it would be credible if true.

By #610414 18,Sep,20 08:31
Between Sir Dirtylittlejew (Sr Cums) and Sir Huxley of TheLittleBalls (Huxley 999) it's hard to read blogs.

By #592419 17,Sep,20 17:23

By #188992 17,Sep,20 17:13
The best description, so far, of the impending US Presidential election:

"The US is going into an election to decide which senile sex pest they want to put in charge of bombing brown people for the next 4 years - a period greater than their combined life expectancy".

This message is approved by me.

By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 02:47 other posts 
"30 million people in the US have no healthcare at all."

-PBS News

--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
"The spike in America's uninsured rate between February and May, due to pandemic job losses, was nearly 40% higher than any annual increase in the country's history.

-PBS News
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 10:18 other posts 
Yep,that is why America needs to get opened back up so companys can put people back to work and can afford to cover their employee's.BY no fault of their own alot of people lost what they had worked for for so long.And everyone wants to just blame Trump and call it done.Blame CHINA for letting the virus get so bad before it finally let folks know about it.
By #551147 01,Sep,20 10:36
@ Phart 🤫 Shhhhhhh...

Don't tell Kebmo about the C.D.C. updating the facts, this past weekend.

After ALL that crowing he did around here about Canada being SO much more efficient with the chinese virus. And how shitty the President and the U.S. handled it.

It'll just break his lil heart to find out that the U.S. has only realistically lost 6% of the 183,000+ death's to the actual covid virus. That equals roughly 9000+ deaths. Still too many, indeed. But more realistic.

Once again... It's too bad how some that declare themselves to be 🇨🇦 Smart Canadian 🇨🇦 can get things wrong, time after time.

Like I said, please don't tell him. I don't wanna hurt his feelings.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #188992 01,Sep,20 14:25
I would go for the measure that's more widely-accepted: excess deaths. You can estimate, based on previous years' data, how many people would have died in the US in a specific period. Then you can see how many ACTUALLY died.

Try this for size:

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I'll also pick out the headline quote, for people like phart who never seem to read a full link, as I think it's quite shocking:

"The number of deaths in the United States through July 2020 is 8% to 12% higher than it would have been if the coronavirus pandemic had never happened. That’s at least 164,937 deaths above the number expected for the first seven months of the year — 16,183 more than the number attributed to COVID-19 thus far for that period — and it could be as high as 204,691."

I don't say there can't be OTHER reasons for that excess, but Occam's Razor would suggest that Covid 19 was the prime reason.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 15:14 other posts 
Hi Huxley,

The current death toll is probably just the beginning. I've heard they kicked out Fauci and replaced him some random non-specialist. Now the new strategy is herd immunity.
Even if that is possible and it might not be, that takes about 60-80% of people to contract Covid, survive and build up immunity.

With less than 2% of the U.S. population infected, the virus has killed at least 166,970 people. So they are planning for 5 to 6 million deaths.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 13:08
[deleted image]
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Sep,20 21:47 other posts 
Hope this stays true to the actual election day...We really do not need creepy sleepy uncle joe...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #592419 07,Sep,20 22:14
Thank you for your reply and yes we do hope. I really am starting to believe the difference between trump supporters and trump haters is the difference between egoism and altruism.
By #551147 10,Sep,20 02:35
No worries, it most likely will!

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
Hi Scorps,

So now your sinking in the murky depths of alternative facts.
I know Trump withdrew the US from the World Health Organization (WHO), but they are still the leading experts in the world on pandemic outbreaks.
Their numbers for the US are close to 6 million confirmed cases and 182,162 deaths.
So what do you think they died of?

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--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes

For a bit of silver lining to the death statistics, the USA is not the worst in the world when calculating death per capita. Then you are at 9th place. However, most of those countries are still trying to minimize deaths and Trump just decided to go with herd immunity. This means doing nothing.
The US is bound to overtake some other countries, except for Brazil, Sweden and maybe some others, who have also chosen to do nothing.

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By #610414 01,Sep,20 16:10
Phart, China is not our keeper. We needed a more decisive leader. You are still speaking up for that Clown. Will ten years down the road be enough to realize how bad he is?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 19:15 other posts 
No china aint our keeper,they are the 1's that let the virus loose that has killed 1000's ruined things all over the world for decades to come.And for whatever reason it seems taboo to think they should be held accountable.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 02:13 other posts 
Maybe germ warfare...And how do you stop that???༼☯﹏☯༽
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 04:46 other posts 
There are Chinese planes flying over the US, spraying you with Covid19, did you know?
By #592419 01,Sep,20 12:22
Obama's healthcare was designed to put small business out of business. Being forced with paying a fortune that never covered anything unless you were on life support. The only ones that could afford were big corporations that are staged overseas.
Heallthcare cannot be governined from Washington.. That's socialsim. This is a democracy so healthcare should be run privately and small business with fair tax.
By #188992 01,Sep,20 13:43
You, as a Nation, spend a higher percentage of your GDP on Healthcare than any other member of the OECD.

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According to a quick Google search, the BEST ranking I have been able to find for the quality of US healthcare is 15th, and the worst 37th.

Having the profit motive embedded into your system doesn't seem to be doing the trick, does it? I'll take a bit of "socialism" (the bogeyman that makes you nutjobs froth at the mouth) in exchange for a decent healthcare system any day.

‘No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.’ as Nye Bevan so succinctly put it.
By #611458 01,Sep,20 14:31
Yep...Darwin was right-on with his survival of the fittest theory. What we see today Is the self-pruning of the sick, lame and lazy in the social, economic, and genetic aspects.
By #188992 01,Sep,20 14:36
And there we have it: oldtinyone actually appearing to favour Social Darwinism.

I've suspected, from your recent posts, that you're a vile cunt. Thanks for the confirmation.
By #611458 01,Sep,20 22:40
I didn't say I favor it. Darwin noted it....a long time ago. I resent your use of the word cunt and vile in the same sentence. All cunts matter.
By #551147 02,Sep,20 04:03
By #188992 02,Sep,20 06:47
If you're anti-Social Darwinism I'll happily withdraw my comment and apologise.

I suspect, however, that you have a problem with those in our societies that are "sick, lame and lazy" and see a system that gives out healthcare (at least partially) based upon your ability to pay for it as a good thing.

FYI: the phrase "survival of the fittest" was actually an observation made by Herbert Spencer, AFTER reading Darwin's work. Additionally, I said you APPEAR to favour it. Your previous posts about LBJ, Joe Biden and calling people "negroes" still make me think you're a cunt.
By #611458 02,Sep,20 10:52
Nope. Just problems with the lazy who bitch.

Your apology is accepted

The context in which johnson and biden using negroes is offensive to me.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 10:54
I didn't apologise, so blow it out your arse.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 19:16 other posts 
Ass, ASS, what ever the hello is a arse,that sounds like a australian donkey?
By #551147 06,Sep,20 06:34
That is the "Queens English" version...

Pucker up to kiss the Queens tight arse!

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇲
By #188992 06,Sep,20 09:21
Oi, thicko.

It's "AN arse" and "AN Australian". Why don't you try Esperanto, there's fewer words for you to fuck up?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 15:04 other posts 
I spelled ass right and australian to. At least I didn't spell it australien?
By #188992 06,Sep,20 15:11
Capital A is customary for Australian. But yeah, credit where credit's due. You didn't spell EVERY word, in a pretty short sentence, incorrectly.

You are promoted to Idiot (2nd class).
By #592419 01,Sep,20 17:36
ok and?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 21:14 other posts 
well why don't you go tell the doctors they should be driving Chevys instead of Lexus and Porsche?
That would help reduce the need for profit. Also stop building hospitals to look like the Taj Mahal and make them simple,practical,affordable buildings and use that excess to cover treatment,that would help with the profiteering to.
FIx the real issues and then the insurance and consumer cost can be cheaper.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 07:03
The rate of pay for Doctors and the palatial hospitals are direct results of a profit-based healthcare system, phart.

I would have thought YOU, more than most, would see the advantages of Socialised Medicine. The current system, from what you've said previously, has not served you well. dgraff, as well, has told us about the problems he has with his legs. Why should he have to suffer like that, just because he's not a wealthy man? As one of the many great Americans there have been, Pearl S Buck, said: "the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members". I'm not calling you, or dgraff, "helpless" but I hope you get the point?
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 07:19 other posts 
I do indeed I had health insurance when I was hospitalized thank god but they canceled my policy because it’s now considered a pre existing problem so now they want me to enroll in a government insurance group but they say I make to much money annually I have deep vein thrombosis with a pulmonary embolism and mild c o p d
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Oh by the way my weekend hospital stay cost 12000 dollars and I had to pay half even with half ass health insurance now that was two years ago
By #188992 02,Sep,20 07:27
See? That's fucked up.

Work hard, pay your taxes and still get half-assed healthcare.

If the Land of the Free can't look after its own citizens better than that I'm bewildered.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 07:43 other posts 
Me to but it needs to change some how and I’m supposed to be taking eliquis blood thinners they cost 258.00 a month so instead I bought a big bottle of aspirin for 3.00 dollars I take one a day
By #188992 02,Sep,20 07:53
Our "socialist" system (ha ha!) in the UK would mean that those drugs, if prescribed by your Doctor, would cost you a maximum of £9.15 per month. That's about 12 bucks. Cheaper if you buy a PPC (prescription prepayment certificate) you could pay as little as £105.90 for ALL your prescribed drugs in a year. That's about 140 bucks FOR THE YEAR.

That would cover your blood thinners AND anything you take for COPD etc.

"Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community."

Here endeth the lesson!
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 09:47 other posts 
Pay higher taxes or pay taxes and for health care,is it not about the same money spent % wise of your income?
By #188992 02,Sep,20 09:56
By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 21:01 other posts 
I think alot of it is the fact that when we hear "government run health care" we tend to think of the VA hospitals that are run by the government.I have heard they have been cleaned up some since I was last in 1 while on my first job,but I would not have taken my dog there.Filthy
I have a family member that was in Nam for 2 tours.He does not go to the VA but once a year and he goes to a regular doctor. Does not trust the low paid,doctors there.Sure certian meds are cheaper but the doctors are the 1's that made C's and graduated!
Joint replacements,a freind needed a knee replacement. The Va wanted to instal a 10 year rated knee,the regular specialist put in a life time knee.Now why in the hell would the va want to waste that much time,money and put the man thru that suffering for a 10 year rated knee?
And another guy,had a hip replaced by the VA. Turns out they put 1 in that had been recalled and he is suffering worse now than before.

Now said all that to say this,when we hear of that kind of care from our Government run VA,why would we want to expand it to cover all of us?
By #188992 03,Sep,20 10:29
Well, phart, here's a suggestion for you:

On Wednesday 11th November, this year, write to one of your politicians and make an almighty fuss about the state of the VA Hospitals. Get your neighbours and friends to do the same. Give your vote to politicians that get their thumbs out of their collective asses and do something about the state of care for veterans. Alternatively, post "Happy Veterans' Day" online and wave your little flag a bit, and make a post on Facebook thanking them for their service to your great Nation and leave those hospitals as dirty and unfit for service as you believe they are.

You act, and talk, as if you're completely powerless in all this. Vote, campaign, be an activist, get off your ass and DO something. Want to be truly proud of your Nation? Do something to make it better!!

As an aside: VA Hospitals are not the same as wholesale Socialised Medicine, and you fucking know it! (Or should).
Hi phart,

Even if we paid the same price for all medicine and all treatments, single payer would still be cheaper overall, because it's more efficient.

The government will have lower overhead than all the insurance companies combined, because all those insurance companies need the same billing and checking system to operate.
Insurance companies need to advertise to attract customers, the government doesn't need to.
Insurance companies need to make profit for their shareholders, the government doesn't need to.

However, the rest of the world pays much much less than the US for the same medicine and the same treatments. This is because our governments use leverage over the pharma companies and healthcare providers, to keep the price lower.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Sep,20 02:21 other posts 
However, do you know that when one retires they have to pay so much for medicare...Oh, if they need additional coverage like medicine then they have to pay for that too...Do a little research...

Their so called leverage has not worked very well...Some drugs for a month supply are in excess of 500 bucks...Great leverage our government has...But, hey I think it is slowly improving...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Sep,20 12:48 other posts 
No, your government does a piss poor job in negotiating drug prices. That's why people at the borders go to Canada and Mexico for their medicine. It's much cheaper there, because their government does a better job at it.

We used to have government healthcare and paid nothing at all, except for taxes off-course. It was privatized in 2006, but I'm sure it is still better than what you have.

We pay €125-€175 a month, depending on our insurance. Everyone has €385 co-payment a year.
All necessary care is paid for 100% and some is exempt from co-payment. Others gradually increase the co-payment. Dental care is excluded from the basic insurance. Some medicines are only reimbursed for the chronically ill.

People with low income can get care allowance. People with high medical expenses can reclaim part through their taxes.

If you want to know about Dutch drug prices, we have a site for that. Just type in the drug you are interested in:
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By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 02:39 other posts 
I agree with the drug price analysis...But the wealthy in canada come where for surgery...???༼☯﹏☯༽
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:29 other posts 
Sure, everything is better in America, if you're wealthy. Are you?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Stop caring about the wealthy. Do you think they care about you?
By #551147 09,Sep,20 06:10
I'm ABSOLUTELY floored!

You Ananas2xLekker FINALLY admitted it!
"Sure, everything is better in America".
BRAVO! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Bout time we get some fucking truth around here from some of you foreign born.

I have the screenshot to prove it too... 😛

Nevertheless, they ("the wealthy") MUST care!

I've NEVER been given a job/opportunity with great pay and great benefits from a poor person...


🇺🇸 4 More Years - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 11:08 other posts 
Funny, you must think you are wealthy.
If you are, than you live in the right country.
If you still need to work for a living, than you are worse off then in a lot of other countries.
By #551147 11,Sep,20 13:01
"HA FUCKING HA!" (I borrowed that one 😁 )

As far as I'm concerned, I AM wealthy!

I have worked since I was 16 years old, now retired at age 50, 7 children whom mean more to me than any dollar, 5 grandchildren, all who deeply love me unconditionally, I have or get whatever it is that I want materially, and one helluva wife (for the mostpart), fantastic health insurance, again, an amazing retirement fund (growing exponentially, now), and ZERO DEBT as we swore off ALL credit as a result of that joke of an administration known as the Obama years.

Monetarily speaking... No, we are NOT "rich", we are comfortable, and will finish our lives comfortably. Once she retires (in 10 years or so) we will be seeing and experiencing as much of the rest of the world as we can. Not an original idea but one we intend on pursuing.

What's the point in being ultra wealthy? You can't take the shit with you, it's realistically not gonna extend your life any further than the next guy. So, what's the point?

Our current state of living wasn't handed to us by anyone. We are where we are because of responsible choices, hard work, dedication, and obeying the law (for the mostpart).

In AMERICA, everyone else has the very same opportunities, choices, as we had/have. There is NO excuse for failure, other than YOURSELF!

Therefore, yes, I do feel rather "wealhty" and I'll be damned if I should be made to feel guilty for it.

🇺🇸 Keep AMERICA Great for 4 more years 🇺🇲

Now comes the part where the bleeding heart society comes strolling along with all their bullshit. I can hardly wait!
By #188992 11,Sep,20 17:17
I've often wondered why good, decent people can be either left wing OR right wing. Why isn't MY point of view always right? I think this bit from Scorps might be part of the reason:

"In AMERICA, everyone else has the very same opportunities, choices, as we had/have. There is NO excuse for failure, other than YOURSELF!"

I read that and couldn't disagree more. If your mother is a black, single-parent growing up in Flint, Michigan I would argue that your life chances are not as good as if your parents (PLURAL) are white, professionals living in a gated estate in New Hampshire.

Life is unequal. Do you accept that as being a result of your PERSONAL character, as Scorps seems to suggest? Or, do you recognise that there are structural and cultural barriers that some face more than others?

I'm on the side of striving to make sure that ALL kids have a chance to succeed, ESPECIALLY those that come from a disadvantaged starting point.

The measure of any decent society is how it treats its most disadvantaged.

Having said all that I don't resent him having any of the wonderful things he has in his life. They're well-deserved, I'm sure. Not everyone has that combination of hard work and good fortune working for them. Some kids grow up with one parent who's a meth addict. Are you sure THOSE kids are getting the same breaks?

Maybe it's just my nature to not be happy with what I've got, unless everyone has AT LEAST the same as what I have (which is pretty modest)?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 19:04 other posts 
The kid you speak of born in Flint Michigan has the same chances as other kids.Public education is free from k thru 12.Get on the bus,it runs thru the poor sections of town.
Watch out the window of the bus as you ride to school and see that other people have better than you.Then learn why that is,and persue the better life.Get good grades,there are scholar ships and black only colleges if others won't take you.
The only REAL barriers in this country are the limits of the human mind.
By #188992 12,Sep,20 06:07
See, without cursing you out or being mean, I flat out disagree - from your very first sentence.

My father would sit me down with an atlas when I was 6/7 years old. He'd tell me, for example, to spend an hour learning all the South American countries and their capitals. It gave me a thirst for learning.

If someone, of a similar intellect, grows up in a household where he/she does NOT get that encouragement and (instead) sees their only parent spending welfare payments on tattoos and drugs and there is not a single book in the house - we have EQUAL life chances? Nonsense.

That lack of parental encouragement and lack of good role models MUST have an effect. That's a "REAL" barrier and I doubt that anything you can say will persuade me otherwise.

Coming from YOU as well phart? Do you think your TBI has affected your chances in life? Was experiencing a TBI your FAULT? Do you not think society should look after those who, through no fault of their own, are disadvantaged in some way?

People look out the window and see people who have inherited wealth (enormous wealth in some cases), and have never had to do a hard day's work in their lives. What message does THAT send?

So, I'm (politely) calling BS. Have a good weekend
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 18:18 other posts 
Of course my TBI was not my fault.But what the hell makes it suddenly everyone elses job to look after me? IF I am hungrey I am sure I could get some food or something but I don't expect the world to come running to my rescue.You see,that is what Angel2 warm does not get about my thinking employer based health care is a good thing. I went to work for a employer that provides me with retirement income and insurance as a Benifit of me giving them my time working for them. I earned what I get now. Not what I had mind when I started as I wanted my full 30 years! But anyhow,carry on.
As for the kid with lousy parents, that is why the kid needs to look out the window of his school bus everyday.To see that there is better out there than what he has.So that he will thirst for that better house,that better car,that better life.
By #188992 12,Sep,20 18:26
Jeez dude. What if your TBI had been more severe and you needed 24 hour care? What if you didn't have a patch of ground to stop you from getting hungry?

What if you had been born with a disability that meant you could NEVER work? Would you be happy for society to just leave you behind?

Looking out the window and seeing stuff is not a fucking panacea! Thirst doesn't guarantee you get a drink from the fountain of wealth. I KNOW you're not this stupid. Don't be someone with no empathy phart.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 20:36 other posts 
I am not a person without empathy.
Did you wear clothes out of a trash dump as a 6 year old kid? were you allowed more then 1 bath a week as a kid?
Were you fed good meals or did you go to school to be laughed at for being skinny and weak?
I lived thru that and more.
And NO I am not that way any more.I did the very fucking thing I suggjested. As i rode to school each day,I would see people going to work,wearing better clothes and etc. My grades were not that great,but I did make to a 2 year college so I could get the best education anyone in my family ever had.And i applied it and still do to this day doing odd jobs. I wear what I want to wear,I take a bath when i feel like and I have a retirement and health coverage I earned. Am I in Donald Trumps class? Hell no,don't particularly want to be there either.
Did I continue down the pathetic path I grew up in?No. I didn't learn from my abusive mother who locked me in 1 room unless I was in school or doing chores,I learned from my dad that was gone earning a living that had no idea of my abuse until after the family broke up. In my part of the neighborhood,folks that know me know the hell I went thru,and know the kind of person i am now.And to this day they can not understand how i survived.
Self motivation.You have to want better and you have to want to earn it. If you walk around your whole damn life with your hand turned UP wanting something put in it,you will be that way until you kill over.
By #188992 13,Sep,20 13:20
I take no pleasure in the fact that you had a tough childhood. I would still, however, argue that for every kid like you (who went on to make a modest success of their life) there is another kid out there who didn't fare so well. Self motivation will, for sure, take you a certain way in life. But, and it's a fucking big "but" in my opinion, society and individuals have a moral imperative to look after those less blessed.

Do you disagree with sending foreign aid when a country is starving?

Do you disagree with providing a decent start to kids who are orphaned or abandoned?

I suspect not, so when does your empathy run out and you turn to a poor unfortunate and say "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, like I did!"?

I'm all for personal responsibility, but to ignore that some people are disadvantaged right from the very start is cavalier and plain wrong.

As a species we rely on each other. If everyone just says "fuck that, I'm just looking after number one" we may as well go back to the Rift Valley and start again.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 21:26 other posts 
foreign aid for starving country.
Of course send them some food.Also take a moment to determine the cause of the starvation and work on that issue.
Which is most cases is the fact they reproduce young with no way to feed or support them.BUT to suggjest sending a ship load of Trojan condoms along behind the ship load of corn and rice and beans, is taboo and goes against their civil rights according the liberal mindseted folks.Which is bunk in my opionion.If you can't feed them,don't breed them for a while until the crisis is under control.
Orphans and such,of course give them a hand UP. I fully support adoption and if I were married I would prefer adoption over my wife suffering for 9 months and trying to pay all the medical bills to have a baby.
By #188992 15,Sep,20 06:54
"Which is most cases is the fact they reproduce young with no way to feed or support them.BUT to suggjest sending a ship load of Trojan condoms along behind the ship load of corn and rice and beans, is taboo and goes against their civil rights according the liberal mindseted folks"

Unsubstantiated and simply your opinion. Untrue as well:

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Regardless, do you not think that your willingness to provide foreign aid has a ready-made analogy for domestic policy?
OK, I do congratulate you. It sounds like you are doing pretty well.

If everything is so great in the US, why did Trump do so well with "Make America Great Again"?
Why didn't you like it when Hillery said "America is already great"?

Or is everything great now?
If not, what do you want Trump to fix in the next four years?
What do you think are the real remaining problems in your country, if any, and what would be your solution, if Trump asked you for your advice?
By #551147 11,Sep,20 14:22
Thank you, but I don't want or need any "congratulations" it doesn't even make me feel good declaring such things as I don't want it to be construed as boasting, I'm not!

Donald Trump is a direct result of Barak Obama and the Dems choosing to run that crooked bitch. Fact! He wasn't my first choice, he's who was chosen.

I have NO desire to get into the particulars, but he (Obama) was known as "the great divider and chief", and I couldn't agree more. We lost EVERYTHING and our lives were dramatically affected under HIS administration, in numerous ways that I don't care to re-live.

Our country IS great, in so many ways. That doesn't mean PERFECT, by any means. I have no illusions of that.

Things were going along very nicely for us in the U.S. until that virus come strolling along and a police officer made a bad decision.

Now! Those two things are being highly manipulated, exaggerated and peddled by a corrupt media. All because it's an election year. There are those intent on dividing us internally AND externally. Antagonists like China, B.L.M, ANTIFA, Dems, Leftists, Libs etc. It's the ONLY way we will fall/fail as a nation, is by division. We will only know in time how it's going to play out.

I have been a monthly contributor to his campaign since the end of last year. About once a week since like April, I get a form with various questions and opportunities to voice my opinions and thoughts. So, I have been giving suggestions for a while now. Whether or not anyone actually reads all those responses he must receive, is another question.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Sep,20 12:08 other posts 
Hi Scorps,

So something happened to you and your family during the Obama presidency and you blame him for it. I don't need to know what happened, but do you think the circumstances after 8 years of Bush would have turned out better for you, when the same had happened then. Do you think it would have turned out better now, after 4 years of Trump?
What would you have needed to prevent the crisis you were going through to turn out in you losing everything?

Fortunately, you got back on your feet again. Maybe you did that all on your own or maybe you had family and friends helping you. Did you have any help at all from the government? What if the government would prevent a crisis to turn out that bad or actually helped people getting back on their feet again, after a crisis. Don't you think that would make the country better?

Society will turn out best, if everyone takes part in it. Some people have the will and the strength to do it on their own, some people don't. You could just consider that their problem and let those people fail. However it's also your problem, because those people do not contribute to society. Some might even be a burden. You could choose to throw them all in jail, but they would still be a burden.
A better solution is to help the less fortunate or able people to maximize their potential. It will take investments, but the benefits to society will outweigh the costs.
There is ONLY ONE drawback of single payer healthcare; if you're completely healthy, you're still paying for it.
By #592419 02,Sep,20 10:48
Are you telling me you are that fucking stupid by looking up fake news sites? I don't have to look up fake news.. I know the answer..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 12:39 other posts 
Fake news: facts that Trump doesn't like!
By #592419 05,Sep,20 17:39
socialism sucks...
By #592419 07,Sep,20 15:01
Obama and other administrations did.. yes.. not trump. its at its end of free handouts to cunts like you.
Hi SrCums,

First of all, public healthcare is not socialism.
Second, socialism and democracy are not opposites of each other. The opposite of socialism is individualism.

When you have pure individualism, there is no point to democracy, because the government would be pointless.

You know there are democratic systems that have public healthcare, right? People can democratically choose to have publicly funded programs, like public healthcare.

And then lobbyist from big pharma companies talk to your politicians and they lie and bribe them as long as is needed to make them privatize the healthcare. And the politicians will do that completely undemocratically. And to calm the voters, they will feed them a steady diet of lies. They promise it will be cheaper and better. And then after just a few years your dental coverage is gone. And then another few years later they introduce deductibles. Every year it gets more expensive and every year some coverage gets slashed. Until you end up with a completely fucked up system like you have.
Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Democracy: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
By #188992 01,Sep,20 14:15
Wait till you tell SrCums that there's such a thing as Democratic Socialism, Ananas2xLekker. It will blow his mind!

People CHOOSING to reject the globalist, capitalist system in favour of a system where we edge towards something approaching "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs". Wouldn't that be something?

I'm reminded of a documentary I watched, recently, about Jose (Pepe) Mujica. He talks about the importance of CULTURAL change. It's on Netflix and called "El Pepe, a supreme life".
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 14:39 other posts 
Hi Huxley,

Ooh nooo, Jose (Pepe) Mujica! That name sounds Mexican. They are all drug dealers, rapists and murderers. Or just most of them who come to America?
Maybe he stays in Mexico and he's OK. This is probably just a Mexican who makes a great taco bowl.
By #592419 01,Sep,20 17:37
It is when they outlaw private small business in order to monopolize and force people to buy a product that steals your money and gives you shit coverage....
By #188992 02,Sep,20 07:07
OK, SrCums, tell us one example of a modern, democratic socialist country in the OECD that has "outlawed private small business"?

I'll take Finland, and it's empirically robust results/outcomes, over the "shit coverage" that a lot of US citizens (the poorer elements) have to put up with.

Fair, and progressive, taxation is not "stealing your money" you fucking half-wit.
By #592419 02,Sep,20 10:44
By #188992 02,Sep,20 10:52
Ha fucking ha. China is not democratic, you fuckwit. It's a one-party, authoritarian State that has (partially) accepted the tenets of the free market.

Plus, they have SEZs that do the exact opposite of outlawing small business - have you been keeping up with developments, fuckwit?

"Democratic cities steal your money with fraud and abuse of power". Really? Let's see some proof. I'm willing to bet for EVERY example you come up with, I can come up with something equally heinous that happens under Republican control. Fancy your chances, fruitcake?
By #592419 02,Sep,20 10:45
Are you a cum dumpster or sperm slurper?

Democratic cities steal your money with fraud and abuse of power
By #188992 02,Sep,20 10:58
The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.

I know that annoys you a fuckload more than you calling me a cum dumpster or sperm slurper does me (plus MINE'S factual!).
By #592419 05,Sep,20 17:41
Iran sends terrorists and child sex trafficking to palestine while they train their children to blow up..
Nothing you can say to upset me. No cunt like you can do that so give it your best
By #592419 05,Sep,20 17:42
Are you a cum dumpster or sperm slurper?

Democratic cities steal your money with fraud and abuse of power
By #592419 07,Sep,20 15:02

Is there any fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Israel as a friendly State?

I realize that a negative answer to the above question is taken for granted by popular opinion. My approach, however, is not based on popular opinion or the current political situation, but on a theological analysis of authentic Islamic sources.

Viewing the Jewish return to Israel as a Western invasion and Zionists as recent colonizers is new. It has no basis in authentic Islamic faith. According to the Qur'an, no person, people or religious community can claim a permanent right of possession over any territory. The Earth belongs exclusively to God, and He is free to entrust sovereignty over land to whomever He likes for whatever time period that He chooses.

"Say: 'O God, King of the kingdom (1), Thou givest the kingdom to whom Thou pleasest, and Thou strippest off the kingdom from whom Thou pleasest; Thou endowest with honour whom Thou pleasest, and Thou bringest low whom Thou pleasest: all the best is in Thy hand. Verily, Thou hast power over all things.'"(2) [Qur'an 3:26]

From the above Qur'anic verse we deduce a basic principle of the Monotheistic philosophy of history: God chooses as He likes in the relationship between peoples and countries. Sometimes He gives a land to a people, and sometimes He takes His possession back and gives it to another people.

In general, we can say that He gives as a reward for faithfulness and takes back as a punishment for wickedness, but this rule does not permit us to say that God's ways are always plain and clear to our eyes, since His secrets are inaccessible to the human intellect.

Using Islam as a basis for preventing Arabs from recognizing any sovereign right of Jews over the Land of Israel is new. Such beliefs are not found in classical Islamic sources.

Concluding that anti-Zionism is the logical outgrowth of Islamic faith is wrong. This conclusion represents the false transformation of Islam from a religion into a secularized ideology.

Such a false transformation of Islam was in fact made by the late Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini. He is the one person most responsible, both morally and materially, for the repeated Arab defeats in their conflict with the Jews in Israel.

Husseni not only incited Arabs against Jews. He also encouraged the torture and murder of all Arabs who correctly understood that Arab cooperation with Jews was a precious opportunity for the development of the Land of Israel. Husseini ended his woeful life by putting his perverted religious teachings at the service of the evil and pagan Nazis.

After Husseini came Jamal al-Din 'Abd al-Nasser. Nasser based his policy on Pan-Arabism, hatred and contempt for Jews, and an alliance with the atheistic Soviet Union. Nasser's terrible choices were critical factors in maintaining Arab backwardness. Fortunately, most of Nasser's mistakes were afterward corrected by the martyr Anwar Sadat. (3)

After the defeat of Nasserianism, Islamic fundamentalist movements made anti-Zionism the primary feature of their propaganda. They presented the negation of any Jewish rights to the Land of Israel as rooted in authentic Islam and derived from authentic Islamic religious principles.


The fundamentalist Muslim program to use Islam as an instrument for political warfare against Jews finds a major obstacle in the Qur'an itself. Both the Bible and the Qur'an state quite clearly that the right of the Israelites to the Land of Israel does not depend on conquest and colonization. This right flows from the will of almighty God Himself.

Both the Jewish and Islamic Scriptures teach that God, through His chosen servant Moses, decided to free the offspring of Jacob from slavery in Egypt and to constitute them as heirs of the Promised Land. Whoever claims that Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel is something new and rooted in human politics denies divine revelation and divine prophecy as explicitly expressed in our Holy Books (the Bible and Koran).

The Qur'an relates the words by which Moses ordered the Israelites to conquer the Land:

"And [remember] when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.'" [Qur'an 5:20-21]

Moreover - and those who try to use Islam as a weapon against Israel always conveniently ignore this point - the Holy Qur'an explicitly refers to the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel before the Last Judgment - where it says: "And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.'" [Qur'an 17:104]

Therefore, from an Islamic point of view, there is NO fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Israel as a friendly State.


PLO documents can in no way be regarded as Islamic. The PLO leaders are a gang of criminals and thieves, and Arabs will be the main victims of any supposed "Palestinian State" under their leadership.

I do not believe that Islam is the factor preventing normalization between Arabs and the State of Israel. The real problem is that members of the ruling classes in Arab countries believe their authority and power would be threatned by democracy, modernization, and education in the Arab world. They use a distorted interpretation of Islam as a political tool, and unfortunately the majority of uneducated Arabs believe their poisonous propaganda.

I believe that we must return to the time when Islam was in the vanguard of scientific progress and interfaith dialogue. Instead of false "leaders" such as Qadhafi, Saddam Hussein, Arafat [el-Husseini] or Yasin, we Muslims again need true leaders such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldum.

King Faysal of Iraq said: "The Arabs, and particularly the educated ones among them, must look at the Zionist movement with the deepest sympathy."

Tragically, true leaders such as Faysal were silenced, and fanatics such as Haj Amin al-Husseini prevailed.

The evil consequences of the victory of fanaticism are clear for all to see: Jews expelled from Arab countries where the lived in peace for over one thousand years, "Palestinian" refugees, terrorism, etc. To avoid future mistakes, we must learn from our past ones.

Unfortunately, there are Arabs who believe that they must fight against Israel until they completely destroy it (a tragedy which I do not believe the God of Israel will ever permit to happen - Never again!).

Unfortunately, there are also naive and foolish Israelis who believe, incredibly to me, that they will achieve "peace" with their Arab neighbours by giving the murderer "Arafat" [el-Husseini] a State, an army, etc. This is insane. You Jews are supposedly famous for your intelligence. How can some of your "leaders" be so stupid?

From the perspective of the natural world, I am not optimistic about what the future holds. However, from the supernatural perspective of faith, we who believe in God must face the future with a positive attitude.

We must have faith that we will see the day when real peace and prosperity - which can only be based on true faith in God and His Word (the Bible and Rabbinic Tradition for you; the Bible, Qur'an and Authentic Islamic Tradition for us) - will spread throughout the world. Meanwhile, we must work together to prepare for a better future.


From an Islamic point of view, is there any fundamental reason which prohibits Muslims from recognizing Jerusalem both as an Islamic Holy Place and as the capital of the State of Israel?

I realize that a negative answer to the above question is taken for granted by popular opinion. My approach, however, is not based on popular opinion or the current political situation, but on a theological analysis of authentic Islamic sources.


The most common argument against Muslim acknowledgment of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem is that, since al-Quds [Jerusalem] (4) is a Holy Place for Muslims, Muslims cannot accept that it is ruled by non-Muslims, because such acceptance amounts to a betrayal of Islam.

Before expressing our point of view on this question, we must reflect upon the reason for which Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa [the Al Aksa mosque] hold such a sacred position in Islamic faith.

As is well known, the inclusion of Jerusalem among Islamic holy places derives from al-Mi'raj, the Ascension of the Prophet Muhammed to heaven. The Ascension began at the Rock, usually identified by Muslim scholars as the Foundation Stone of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem referred to in Jewish sources.

Recalling this link requires us to admit that there is no connection between al-Miraj [the Ascension] and Muslim sovereign rights over Jerusalem since, in the time that al-Miraj took place, the City was not under Islamic, but under Byzantine administration. Moreover, the Qur'an expressly recognizes that Jerusalem plays for Jews the same role that Mecca does for Muslims.

We read:

"...They would not follow thy direction of prayer (qiblah), nor art thou to follow their direction of prayer; nor indeed will they follow each other's direction of prayer..." (5)

All Qur'anic commentators explain that "thy qiblah" [direction of prayer for Muslims] is clearly the Ka'bah of Mecca, while "their qiblah" [direction of prayer for Jews] refers to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

To quote only one of the most important Muslim commentators, we read in Qadn Baydawn's Commentary:

"Verily, in their prayers Jews orientate themselves toward the Rock (sakhrah), while Christians orientate themselves eastwards..." (6)

In complete opposition to what "Islamic" fundamentalists continuously claim, the Book of Islam [the Qur'an] - as we have just now seen - recognizes Jerusalem as the Jewish direction of prayer.

Some Muslim commentators also quote the Book of Daniel (7) as a proof for this.

After reviewing the relevant Qur'anic passages concerning this matter, I conclude that, as no one denies Muslims complete sovereignty over Mecca, from an Islamic point of view - despite opposing, groundless claims - there is no reason for Muslims to deny the State of Israel - which is a JEWISH state - complete sovereignty over Jerusalem.


Anti-Jewish sentiments expressed by Islamic leaders throughout the Middle East are, in fact, not religious in nature, but, rather, political. The best proof of this is in the fact that Islamic anti-Judaism is quite recent.

Omar ended the Roman ban that prevented Jews to enter Jerusalem, the Ummayad caliphs in Cordoba built a synagogue for Maimonides, and Salahu-d-Din, after defeating the Crusaders, wrote to the Jewish leaders, "Your exile is over. Whoever wants to come back is welcome."

The late King Faysal of Iraq openly expressed his sympathy for the Zionist movement, while King Abdullah of Jordan was compelled to wage war against Israel by the other Arab leaders.

Recently, the Resident Arab ["Palestinian"] Wakf has made pronouncements, such as that the Western Wall (Kotel) is not a Jewish shrine, but, rather, the wall to which the Prophet's [steed] was tethered, or, at best, the wall surrounding the Muslim Mosque. The Wakf has also stated that all of Hebron should be turned over to the Resident Arab ["Palestinian"] Authority, and that Jews would be forbidden to pray in the Cave of the Patriarchs.

These kinds of declarations by the PLO gangsters are ridiculous and absurd.

The Kotel was effectively, according to the Islamic tradition, the place where al-Buraq [the Prophet's steed] was tethered, but it was already an existing part of the Herodian structure. Muslims have never prayed close to it, and it has never had a special relevance in Islam. On the contrary, everyone knows how important it is for Jewish worshippers.

Apart from Mecca, no Islamic holy place is off-limits for non-Muslims. Historical sources say that the Prophet Muhammad entertained a delegation of Christians from Najran in the Mosque of Medina, and permitted them to celebrate a mass inside the Mosque, notwithstanding the fact that Christian rites can include words that are against Islam [such as stating that Jesus is God].

There is nothing in Jewish worship that can be offensive for Muslims, and nothing in Islamic Law prevents Jews to pray on Haram al-Sharif/Har Habayyit (the Temple Mount), in the Cave of Machpela or in any other place that is regarded as holy by Muslims.

Every time I meet those who say otherwise, I ask them to identify a single authoritative Islamic source as legal proof of their claim. None of them has ever answered such a request of mine.


1. The original Arabic word we translated as "kingdom" is mulk, from a Semitic root m-l-k, that is common to both Arabic and Hebrew. According to Islamic theological terminology, the three synonyms for "kingdom" are mulk, malakut and jabarut. They refer respectively to the physical, psychic and spiritual levels of existence. Of course, G-d can be called King of all of them; if here only mulk is quoted, it depends on the fact that this verse directly concerns the earthly domain. To denote a kingdom in the secular and political sense, Arabic commonly uses another derived form, that is mamlakah.

2. Koran 3:26. For typographical reasons, it is not possible to reproduce here the original Arabic text of the Koran, which must nevertheless be understood as quoted. As well here as in other Koranic quotations, the English translation of the meaning of Koranic words from Arabic is my own, but based on the most authoritative English commentaries, such as M. Marmaduke Pickthall's "The Meaning of The Glorious Koran" (Beirut 1973), 'A. Yusuf 'Ali, "The Holy Koran - Text, Translation and Commentary" (Maryland 1983) and A. 'A. Maududi "The Holy Koran - Text, Translation and Brief Notes" (Lahore 1986).

3. In using the term "martyr" I do not simply refer to one who lost his life for a good cause. I give a precise translation of the Arabic word "shahid," which identifies a "martyr" in the strictly religious sense; that is to say, someone who spent his life serving the cause of G-d. Since making peace with former enemies is an explicit Koranic order (see Koran 8:61), and since, according to Islam, Peace is G-d Himself, any believer who is killed because of his search for Peace must be understood as a religious martyr. The same considerations clearly apply to Yitzhak Rabin. 4. Arabic name of Jerusalem, from the root q-d-s, meaning "holiness". It is an abridged form of Bayt al-maqdis, "the sanctified House" or "the House of the Sanctuary", an exact equivalent of the Hebrew Beth ha-mikdash. The name originally referred only to the Temple Mount, and was afterward extended to the City as a whole. This extension of meaning became common among Arabs from the tenth century C.E. onwards. Earlier Islamic sources use the name Iliyia, an adaptation to Arabic pronounciation of the Roman name Aelia.

5. Koran 2:145.

6. M. Shaykh Zadeh Hashiyaah 'ali Tafsir al-Qadn al-Baydawn (Istanbul 1979), Vol. 1, p. 456.

7. Daniel 6:10

Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi has been a lecturer in the Department of the History of Religion at the University of Velletri (Rome, Italy).

In 1987, after completing his secular and religious education in Rome and Cairo, he was asked to serve as an Imam (spiritual leader) for the Italian Islamic Community. In addition to numerous Masters Degrees, Prof. Palazzi hold a Ph.D in Islamic Sciences by decree of the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In 1989 he was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Muslim Association (AMI) and afterward elected its Secretary General.

In 1991 he was asked to act as Director of the Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community (ICCII), with a program based on the development of Islamic education in Italy, refutation of fundamentalism and fanaticism, and deep involvement in inter-religious dialogue, especially with Jews and Christians.

In 1997, Prof. Palazzi's essay entitled "The Jewish-Moslem Dialogue and the Question of Jerusalem" was published by the Institute of the World Jewish Congress.

In 1997, Prof. Palazzi joined the International Council of the Root & Branch Association.

In 1998, Prof. Palazzi and Dr. Asher Eder (Jerusalem, Israel) co-founded the Islam-Israel Fellowship, which promotes a positive Muslim attitude towards Jews and Israel based on what Prof. Palazzi believes are the authentic teachings of Muhammed as expressed in the Koran and Hadith (Muslim Oral Tradition). Prof. Palazzi serves as Muslim Co-Chairman of the Fellowship. Dr. Eder serves as the Jewish Co-Chairman.

[reprinted with the permission of Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice-President of the National Council of Young Israel (NCYI), from the Winter '98 issue of NCYI's "Viewpoint" magazine. The NCYI is the coordinating and umbrella organization of 150 Torah-observant ("orthodox") synagogues in North America and over 60 synagogues in its sister council -- Yisrael HaTzair, Young Israel of Israel. For further information on NCYI, please contact Rabbi Lerner at: Email -- []; Telephone -- 212-929-1525]
By #592419 05,Sep,20 17:40
Socialism,,, freedom destroyed.
democracy.. true definition of authority to the people.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 10:41 other posts 
Another American jerking off on freedom, while he is voting for a wannabe dictator. You will help Trump destroy freedom.

I'm not saying socialism is the way to go, I'm just saying you don't know shit about freedom.

America is ranked 17th in the world. The Netherlands is ranked 6th.

You have the highest incarceration percentage in the world. One in five Americans are behind bars. So you have the least free people, literally.

Personal freedom: USA: 26th Netherlands: 2nd
Economic freedom: USA: 5th Netherlands: 25th
Freedom of the press: USA: 45th Netherlands: 5th

The ONLY freedom you have more than us, is economic freedom. It means the freedom to financially succeed or FAIL. It means you have very rich people and a lot of poor people.
USA has 15.1% of people below the poverty line
The Netherlands has 8.8% of people below the poverty line.
(but they all have healthcare and education)

True, we pay more taxes, so on average our net income is less.
US average net income: $ 3,258
The Netherlands average net income: $ 2,937
So you have $ 321 per month extra.
You probably loose that on health insurance alone.
And we have less extremely rich people cranking up the average. So more people are better off.

Half your population is living in uncertainty about paying their bills, losing their jobs, losing their house, being able to afford healthcare if they need it or being able to afford education for their children. THAT'S NOT FREEDOM!

You don't know shit about real democracy either.
By #188992 06,Sep,20 10:51
Hi Ananas2xLekker.

You'll find, in my experience, that when you tell the denizens of "The Land of the Free" that they may not be as "free" as they think they are, and present them with FACTS to show that, you will be staggered by the lack of cogent replies.

Now, you should also be prepared for the "If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German" retort. It's often the first weapon in their arsenal that gets wheeled out. Not that there are many US veterans of WW2 that are still alive. I'm guessing that those that are look at the current generation and wonder what went wrong.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 11:55
Who helped Hitler get into power after the Treaty of Versailles putting him in jail? Did they not know of his attentions of the 3rd Reich? American industrialists profited, Winston Churchill praised him, time magazine made him man of the year 1938 when THEY KNEW of the concentration camps murdering Jews.
America land of the free does not exist because they conquered many nations of Indians..There is suppression.. Today if you come south of mexico and vote democrat they will pay you but give you subpar education while continuing to feed propaganda for your group. So lets ask each other.. Why does the government give equal funds for education to all states yet there is a big contrast for education levels as in conservative states vs. liberal? Where is the money going and why are taxes so high for middle class? Don't you see the patterns here?

Donald Trump is the first president since abraham lincoln to go anti-establishment .... the establishment hates him and their propaganda is being used to destroy him.
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:30
Hitler was jailed for his part in the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Sentenced to 5 years but served only 9 months. It had FUCK ALL to do with the Treaty of Versailles.

Where the fuck are you getting your "facts" from, fruitcake?

"south of mexico"? What are you on about now? Last map I looked at the US was fucking North of Mexico (note the correct use of capital letters, you weird little cunt?).

If I could be bothered with the fine toothcomb I would point out all the other excrement in your posts, but that'll do for now. I have a roast chicken, with all the trimmings, to engage me. Much more fun than reading your demented drivel, you fucking fruitcake.

If I haven't mentioned it recently - feel free to fuck right off.

Does your carer know you're online again, weirdo?
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:43
Where,,, from your mother when I fucked her for the 3rd time up the ass... she loves that..
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:46
There we are folks, a totally sane (and not-at-all weird) response!

Psssst, my Mum's still dead. Keep up, fruitcake.

Facts, huh? A real "downer" when you talk out your arse, SrCums! Fucking priceless.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:47
No she hasn't... you dig her up every month..
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:51
I'll leave that for others to read and form their own opinions.

I'm "game" for the rough and tumble of lively discourse but that is, frankly, just a bit weird and disgusting. Get help, you fucking fruitcake.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:49
majority of illegal immigrants are from central america so go lick yourr dead moms ass and bury yourself with her..
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:54
In that case you should have typed "from" before the S of Mexico bit. You really are fucking stupid as well as being fucking weird.

What a cunt you are!
By #592419 07,Sep,20 12:43
I will ALWAYS be a CUNT to you
His anti-establishment rhetoric was just talk. The establishment might not like his tweets, but they sure like his tax breaks and deregulation.

He just relaxed rules for limiting toxic waste from coal plants. The EPA will now allow lead and mercury containing toxic discharge to flow into your drinking water. Cheers!

Why do you think he does that? Because he does everything the establishment wants.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 11:45
I know everything about freedom. The reason you say I don't is because you don't know its definition...
Let's just think.. Although you are biased and stupid since you are now calling me names. All the cities in America that are destroying businesses, statues, monuments and killing 1 year old babies are in hard democrat cities while in conservative cities are not happening.. Mayors continue to have blood on their hands while putting up walls to keep federal agents out..So therefore these democrat mayors and the entire deomcrat socialist party are organizing these riots and carrying them out using their corruption to let murderers go free..
Those statistics are not true especially on facebook, twitter and other avenues. If you want to post good things about trump you are ignored.. CNN for example.. Its corporations using their money to form a socialist nation.. So with that said it is not all of america that is 100% socialist yet,, but the blue states especially the large cities within these states that are blue are socialist which is in violation of constitutional law
--------------------------------------- added after 59 minutes

scorps perhaps you'd like to comment on this
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:49
Does diddums need reinforcements for his risible tripe?

How about you "man up" and fight your own fights, weirdo? Maybe "unblock" me? Maybe let me reply to the comments you make on my pics?

Or, spout shite and hide. Fucking coward.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 13:03
You cry to bella don;t you? and that other cunt Kebmo.. you're still in favor 3 against 2.. I have others...
By #188992 06,Sep,20 13:46
Read your own fucking blog, weirdo.

I cry to precisely no-one.

I'm more than happy for Scorps, or any of your other fellow-travellers (politically) to leap to your defence. Mind you, I think Scorps (although he may disagree with me on politics) would probably say that comments about you fucking my dead mother in the ass, about me digging her up and licking her dead ass are a little much. I may be wrong, but Scorps is a decent individual with a strong moral compass in my opinion.

He's also not any of the following:

a fucking weirdo
a nutty fruitcake
or someone who makes weirdly sexual threats to straight men.

You? You're getting to the "beneath contempt" category. A fucking slimeball coward with a pretty tenuous grip on reality.

Neither kebmo nor bella! are cunts. You are. A despicable, yellow one. Now fuck off and ask your carer for an extra pill. The filth you are spouting is what I would expect from an asylum resident.
By #551147 07,Sep,20 05:27
Aweeeee I think I teared up a bit...

Yeah, not a chance that I would EVER murmur such things.

May she r.i.p. 😔

One might think he'd have better judgment at his vintage. Who knows why some people sink to those levels.
By #188992 07,Sep,20 12:51
Thanks Scorps. It's water off a duck's back as far as I'm concerned. The opinions of a deranged fruitcake don't really matter but the weirdness is troubling. How SrCums gets that unhinged when someone disagrees with him (and calls him a weirdo or fruitcake) is pretty ballistic!

Today's effort: Mommy's little weirdo has left me a lovely "Coward" badge - oh, the irony! Blocks me from replying to him, leaving him public messages, or even sending him a private message and somehow I'M the coward!

He really is nuttier than squirrel shit (and a fucking weird fruitcake!).
By #592419 07,Sep,20 14:12
Awe,,,, poor baby all upset..
when you fuck with me,, you fuck with the best and the best is yet to cum...
By #188992 07,Sep,20 14:47
Yeah, "all upset" - that's exactly what water off a duck's back means! You fucking fruitcake.

Hey, I have an idea: why not write another blog asking for help and whine like an 8 year old girl?

My sincere apologies to any 8 year old girls who I may have offended by comparing them to SrCums - it was just kidding around. He whines just like what he is: a supposedly grown man with a streak of cowardice as wide as The Grand Canyon, and a piss-poor talent for original insults.
By #592419 07,Sep,20 15:26
well you are how old and still a cunt?
By #188992 07,Sep,20 16:27
Poorly-punctuated, lacking a capital at the start of the drivel, and puerile. On the plus side, if you're still trying to show everyone what a fucking fruitcake you are: you're knocking it out of the park! Weirdo.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 15:00 other posts 
Blah, blah, blah.... Really? Who is able to hear anything over YOUR bitchin' and whinging!?
By #592419 06,Sep,20 13:05
I'm sure phart may want to comment on....Who helped Hitler get into power after the Treaty of Versailles putting him in jail? Did they not know of his attentions of the 3rd Reich? American industrialists profited, Winston Churchill praised him, time magazine made him man of the year 1938 when THEY KNEW of the concentration camps murdering Jews.
America land of the free does not exist because they conquered many nations of Indians..There is suppression.. Today if you come south of mexico and vote democrat they will pay you but give you subpar education while continuing to feed propaganda for your group. So lets ask each other.. Why does the government give equal funds for education to all states yet there is a big contrast for education levels as in conservative states vs. liberal? Where is the money going and why are taxes so high for middle class? Don't you see the patterns here?

Donald Trump is the first president since abraham lincoln to go anti-establishment .... the establishment hates him and their propaganda is being used to destroy him.
By #188992 06,Sep,20 13:48

If phart told me it was raining I'd look out the window to check! Fuck off!

Who else are you going to call up to verify your puerile ranting?

phart, dumbass that he is, would still probably balk at your comments about my dead mother. You're scum. Unicellular pond scum. Fucking fruitcake.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 14:35 other posts 
my mother had many issues and we hated each other but she is gone and that is all over,I try not to stoop to that level .
Hey,if I tell you it is raining,you better get your umbrella,I was the local weather reporter for my community back when I was in high school.Long before all that stuff went digital,when someone had to walk out there and read the thermometer,dump the rain gauge and such. Still have the wind speed gauge somewhere.Sheesh,nearly 39 years ago.
By #188992 06,Sep,20 15:31
I did the same at my Secondary School, phart

Every lunch break I would go out to the Stevenson screen, empty the pluviometer, reset the max/min thermometer with my little magnet and all that swaddling.

Glad to hear you wouldn't "stoop to that level". Perhaps the fruitcake can leave my dead mother out of it? What a fucking weirdo.
By #592419 07,Sep,20 12:44
You went to school? what was that? Jerking off school or the school for special needs education?
By #188992 07,Sep,20 12:53
You must try harder, SrCums. Those insults are sub-par, and I shall be writing to your mother to tell you that your grades will suffer if you don't pull your socks up - you fucking deranged, cowardly streak of piss. Fruitcake!
By #592419 07,Sep,20 13:03
Exactly,,, that's what I mean.. The school for special needs retards that dig up their dead mother once a week. You should go to the zooooo to play with the monkeys for you will fit right in. I hear retards love the zooo.
By #188992 07,Sep,20 16:33
Weird punctuation, two spellings of a key word which are both wrong, and calling someone who is clearly not stupid a "retard"? I think you can do better, fruitcake.

The "digging up the dead mother" lietmotif isn't really cutting it either. It now just looks weird and unoriginal to boot.

Call me an abydocomist or bobolyne, or something! Just buck your fucking ideas up, you weird little fruitcake!
By #551147 07,Sep,20 05:11
🤔 Hmmmmm Thanks for the consideration SrCums?

For the mostpart, I have ZERO desire to fight with ANY these foreigners about MY/OUR country. They don't fucking live here, WE do! MOST of their opinions are like armchair quarterbacking, and frankly I could give a fuck less.

What's funny to me, is that THEY must believe their respective countries are more superior. Fine by me! Once again, I don't give a fuck if they are or aren't. I'm sure if I put my mind to it, which I have ZERO desire to do, I could find equal amounts of filth emanating/lurking from their societies/governments, too. If they love their country and are happy where they are. GREAT! Contrary to the way they speak about OUR country. Who the fuck am I to come bouncing along trying to disrupt their positive opinions or beliefs about their societies. Again, I have NO desire to do such a thing.

If they are happy, GOOD!
Live long and prosperous lives.

They don't just share their opinions or thoughts on a given subject, they resort to bashing. In which case, let them bash til their hearts content, 🚮

They sure enjoy slinging shit into someone else's parade. It's one of those things that cause you to pause, and say, hmmmmmmm... 🤔

As to your post, that I'm responding to, you have stated many facts. Whether they want to accept them or not is their choice.

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028 🇺🇲
By #592419 07,Sep,20 12:34
Donald Trump Jr. 2028, 2032..
By #188992 07,Sep,20 17:12
The things is Scorps I'm probably the least patriotic person you'll ever find. If I asked you what you made of Priti Patel being Home Secretary after her "dodgy" trips to Israel a few year's back would you, firstly, know who I was talking about and b) give a shit?

American politics interests people, like me, who are interested in POLITICS! Who's in charge in the USA, for good or ill, affects everyone - pretty much.

If you ever think I've gone in for "bashing" without reason, I think you're mistaken. You can have a view on, for example, a Nation's penal system without living in that Nation - surely?

Plus, as "The Land of the Free" and all that's "good" in the world I would think you'd relish the opportunity to talk up the U S of A!?

Methinks your post is sophistry. Well-executed sophistry, but still sophistry!

PS. SrCums' grip on "facts" is pretty fucking tenuous and I suspect you only encourage him out of a sense of mischief.
Hi SrCums,

Actually, I haven't called you names, unless you include "Another American jerking off on freedom". That's not really name calling. I did point out there that the rest of the civilized world is laughing at your idea that complete individualism is freedom, while you are cutting away at basic freedoms, like the right to protest, fair justice, free and fair elections, a safe workplace, a living wage, freedom of the press, freedom of information, equal access to healthcare and education, privacy and other thinks we value as freedom and you don't care about.

Maybe you have other ideas off freedom, but the is not one definition. The two general ones are "The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants." and "The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.". There are lots more, but I assume you would value the most: "Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.". If not, then what is your definition?

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Or is this your Definition of Freedom: "Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal."?

Do you understand this quote: "True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others."?

So what is your definition of socialism?

Do you think the fire brigade and police are socialism? They are funded and controlled by the government too.

You are calling me biased and stupid and then you are accusing democrats of killing 1 year old babies. Really?
So killing babies is socialism?

Allowing protests is socialism?
Allowing riots and killing is socialism?

Are they allowing riots?
They do have police there, right?
You know they arrest people, right?
What does corruption have to do with this?
How many murders have you heard of? Give a credible source.

You want to send in the federal agents and crush the protests and the rioters. Then you would need a complete occupation to keep them off the streets, probably with a military intervention. That is called martial law. You will have completed the Police State, the OPPOSITE of FREEDOM.

You don't see that black people are fighting for their freedom of not getting harassed and killed by the police?
If you don't see that, then you are biased.

"corporations using their money to form a socialist nation" makes no sense. That would mean their owners, CEO's and shareholders would loose their income. That just doesn't make sense.

Which constitutional law is in violation of socialism?

A lot of what you are saying is just not true and some of what you are saying might contain truth, but it lacks a logical connection to your statements.

I'm the one using verifiable data, arguments an logic, but you are calling me biased and stupid.
By #592419 07,Sep,20 12:30
Long letter here...Here's the deal.. Karl Marx introduced this concept in the 19th century for social order. "Socialism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." In theory it works but it hasn't since it was introduced. Every single country that implimented this has failed? Why? It wasn't put into place on principle. People with power use this system to remove peoples rights, control their assets and remove their ability in defending themselves. Such as taking free speech and you favor free speech, is it ok by screaming fire-in a movie theater and lying about it.
The medias accusations on Donald Trump has been all lies since he started running for president back in 2015.. And I mean everything..YET they claim they are using their 1st amendment rights. This they say is 1st amendment but it is not, knowing you are lying to stir up mobs and division when you know it is not the truth.. This is known as slander. They are not saying this because they feel it is true but because it puts them into a desired but imbalanced unjustified position with power and money..
As far as the police are concerned, you have good and you have bad. If a white cop beats up a black man how do you know it is based on racism? All the films you saw here were cut and did not include the real picture. Another point with our constitution is that everyone being charged is allowed full process, innocent until proven guilty, yet these thugs take it into their own account and smash innocent people's cars, houses, kill babies, raape and severe intimidation.. They never talk about black vs. black. OR black vs white.. But used the propaganda to stir up hate as long as they maintain power... So in theory Socialism should work but it is being run by thugs...Corruption is worse then democratic.
You are being very focused on socialism being used for the good. Take a look at all the history. Russia, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Babylonia, Venezuelans ask them. China. Even the Vatican.. Look at what that country has done to people yet goes free.. Is this constitutional? They **** children but NOOOOO this is ok right?. You can say communism or socialism.. its the same thing. None has worked. or is working. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY SOCIALISM IS NEEDED WHEN IT HAS NEVER WORKED? you are either illogical, demented, stupid or all the above.
A nation is defined as what it stands for ! Truth, Justice, and even the value of a single human being or animal. Everything is sacred! Everything is loved and respected,
But when you have power over the media that is just clear abuse of power... This is the biggest organized crime unit in history. Global propaganda for the new world order. remove your speech, arms, due process and spying and surveillance without cause. This is disgusting.Its against the law in this country.....
Another American jerking off on freedom I take that with insulting intentions. I don't like it and it does nothing for you except reflect your true character..If you want socialism you can have it...BUT IN MY COUNTRY IT WON"T HAPPEN> THE PEOPLE HAVE AND WILL USE THEIR 1st AMENDMENT SAY
ON 11/3/20.
By #188992 07,Sep,20 13:00
Cack-handed summary of Marxism, quickly followed by risible tripe about the media lying about Trump. Crass misunderstanding of free speech and the 1st amendment. Complete bollocks conflating baby killers (just weird) with Socialism. Communism equals Socialism - wrong!

Demented rantings of a fruitcake. My advice Ananas2xLekker: don't even engage with him/it. You'll find that the mildest criticism of his fucked-up thinking will mean he loses the few marbles he has and he'll start promoting **** and threatening to come round your house, to make good on the weird sexual threats he likes to make. He's a fucking fruitcake, and this is just another piece of evidence for the dossier.
The problem is you are flip-flopping on your definition of socialism. I'm saying single payer healthcare is better than health insurance. YOU are the one calling that socialism. I've told you many times it is not.

If that is socialism, than socialism works great in many countries, because many countries have government funded healthcare and it works better than your system.
With that definition, all of Europe is socialist, because we all have MANY government funded programs.

Then after you've called everything socialism, you revert back to Karl Marx and Hitler, making the point socialism is bad. Your tactic of reasoning is called 'Strawmanning'.

I also think spying is bad. There is no other democracy spying as much on their own people as the USA. That's one of the reasons why I say your country is not as free as my country.

You keep saying the protesters are killing babies and now they are also raping. Show one credible source on that!

Most if the protests are peaceful. I know there has been looting, burning cars, burning shops and other unrest. That's bad and not productive, but I understand. I would do the same if I was oppressed.
I also know about two people being killed. They were protesters killed by vigilantes. I still think human lives are more important than property.
By #592419 07,Sep,20 14:15
Well that is the actual definition.. Any problems with that you'll have to take it up with Webster..
I tell it like it is.. straight, your views are political to strengthen your political agenda.. You don't even know what the true motives of the EU are. So worry about how they fuck you in the ass. America is not in your concern.. Since I tell it like it is with a straight line you consider me a threat... so I say,, who cares.. 11/3/20 is day of judgement..
You do not know me, and you do not understand what I'm trying to point out which is apparent or do you . You have 2 types of debaters, one is to seek transparency. The other is political diversion. When you answer a yes or no question through transparency you say yes or no.. The other one gives story on how this person is stupid of the words you said about me. I spoke the truth while you discredit everything I say. What is socialism to you? You haven't given any analysis with all your words so you are a political diversion.. Another phrase for you would be bullshit artist.. Just get to the point. How is your system better than freedom and democracy?
By #188992 07,Sep,20 14:53
"You have 2 types of debaters, one is to seek transparency. The other is political diversion. When you answer a yes or no question through transparency you say yes or no.. The other one gives story on how this person is stupid of the words you said about me."

Good rule of thumb for this, or any of SrCum's other posts, is just to imagine they are scrawled in shit on his cell wall.
Do we agree that the definition of socialism is "Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"?
There has never been any organized society without some "governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods". So, are you saying all nations are socialist? Even the US?
You are not saying that, because you said there has never been any successful purely socialist regime. I agree, but I've never claimed otherwise.

I've told you before, that I'm advocating for social democracy.
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1 : a political movement advocating a gradual and peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism by democratic means
2 : a democratic welfare state that incorporates both capitalist and socialist practices
So there are two possible definitions. I am advocating for the political system described in the second definition, not the first.

Social democracy exists and works well in a lot of countries, especially in Scandinavian countries. The Netherlands can still be called a social democracy, even though many public services have been privatized.

Still, The Netherlands are outperforming the US on Personal Freedom, healthcare, income equality, minimizing poverty and homelessness, Freedom of the press, democracy, education, social mobility, COVID19 response and even on being fiscally responsible. So that is in (almost) everything that matters for the citizens. UNICEF just declared The Netherlands best country in the world to grow up in for children.

On some statistics, Scandinavian countries are outperforming The Netherlands, because they have a stronger social democracy. You could say they have more socialism. So a mix of democracy, capitalism AND SOCIALISM works best.


I am trying to have an intelligent discussion. You just keep saying socialism is bad, because of Hitler or Karl Marx or whatever. You don't have an answer to the success of social democracy. Why does it work so well, if socialism in any form is evil?

So what is your definition of freedom? In what system would you feel most comfortable? Are there any public services? Is there no government spending at the benefit of it's citizens, at all?
By #592419 08,Sep,20 13:22
By definition it is correctly stated but you aren't getting the point. You asked for its definition of which you can look for yourself but you are attempting to politically divert the topic to protect the true implications. All governments have a certain degree of corruption and abuse of power. When you have the bill of rights they tend to protect you to a certain degree but not totally since they use loopholes. When you have socialism there is no limit as to what the government can take from you and splitting up the loot.
If you want to know what freedom is I've already told you. Since you don't understand and your writings appear to be high school educated I would suggest you look up the truth for yourself.
The soviet revolution back in 1917 is a picture perfect example of what the globalists are up to. Europe is a complete pile of junk from all the muslims sucking up your hard earned money with the agenda of blaming jews. And don't fucking tell me I'm stupid because it is what it is. 0.05% of Jews live in the United States. The percentage has gone down in france to non-existent just about. Sweden blames israel for killing palestinian terrorists in Israel without due process even after they have stabbed to death children in broad daylight and attempting to kill "IN PROCESS"..
The idea of a perfect society or country is based on moral principle. People work together with one another to discuss what is right. A country is run by the people entailed, not by government. There is no reason to have government,, AT ALL.. Government takes money, period... We The People is our bill of rights for what the law stands for based on moral principle.. IF DEMOCRATS TAKE MY MONEY FOR HANDOUTS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND RESIST BORDER SECURITY THIS IS BREAKING THE LAW... PERIOD. Not based on law of country but on moral principle..
I can't tell you that better than any other way. You just don't get it or you don't want to get it, I don't care but it is your own ignorance that shows flaws within yourself.

Government and politics are together in meaning. Moral correctness is doing the right thing. Political correctness is diversion from truth.. It's easy.. Therefore politics and government should not exist.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 11:58
Who helped Hitler get into power after the Treaty of Versailles putting him in jail? Did they not know of his attentions of the 3rd Reich? American industrialists profited, Winston Churchill praised him, time magazine made him man of the year 1938 when THEY KNEW of the concentration camps murdering Jews.
America land of the free does not exist because they conquered many nations of Indians..There is suppression.. Today if you come south of mexico and vote democrat they will pay you but give you subpar education while continuing to feed propaganda for your group. So lets ask each other.. Why does the government give equal funds for education to all states yet there is a big contrast for education levels as in conservative states vs. liberal? Where is the money going and why are taxes so high for middle class? Don't you see the patterns here?

Donald Trump is the first president since abraham lincoln to go anti-establishment .... the establishment hates him and their propaganda is being used to destroy him.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:00
You have a real nasty asshole shit mouth don't you?
Who helped Hitler get into power after the Treaty of Versailles putting him in jail? Did they not know of his attentions of the 3rd Reich? American industrialists profited, Winston Churchill praised him, time magazine made him man of the year 1938 when THEY KNEW of the concentration camps murdering Jews.
America land of the free does not exist because they conquered many nations of Indians..There is suppression.. Today if you come south of mexico and vote democrat they will pay you but give you subpar education while continuing to feed propaganda for your group. So lets ask each other.. Why does the government give equal funds for education to all states yet there is a big contrast for education levels as in conservative states vs. liberal? Where is the money going and why are taxes so high for middle class? Don't you see the patterns here?

Donald Trump is the first president since abraham lincoln to go anti-establishment .... the establishment hates him and their propaganda is being used to destroy him.
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:14
4 posts of barely coherent, shit-speckled ranting.

That old "Hitler was Man of the Year" trope has been pretty comprehensively debunked. It didn't mean "Time" was giving him approval, just that he had a massive impact. Didn't take you long to fall foul of Godwin's Law did it, you massive fruitcake?

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Cities killing 1 year old babies? You're fucking demented, man.

On a par with your other recent utterings: China's a democracy, Palestine has never existed, England expelled Jews in WW1. You're beyond parody, you silly little smear of shit.

You want to know what Trump is? Read this, you fucking nutjob:

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In your case I'm beginning to think the 1st amendment is over-rated. Perhaps there should be an IQ test before you're allowed to type such risible crap?

Oh, and all this ignores the fact that you're still being a childish cunt. Posting "gifts" on my page, making comments on my pics, "blocking" all but your friends (ha fucking ha - all 7 of them is it?) from commenting on your pics, or sending you private messages. Mommy's little weirdo isn't exactly the bravest soldier in the platoon, is he?

Now, fuck off you weirdo.
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:33
Its because you don't understand english... You're from England., like WTF... you bore me..
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:34
its all true and verified so shut your cunting hole..
By #188992 06,Sep,20 12:44
Ha fucking ha. The only thing I can see that's verifiable is that you're a sandwich short of a picnic, you weird fruitcake!

Just for giggles: verify some of the shit you spout. Go on - it would make my fucking day to see what your sources are. "Nutjob weekly"? "Conspiracy theories 101"? "Israel is faultless monthly"? Or is it Donald's twitter feed!? You fucking weird little cunt.

I bore you? Feel free to fuck off, you cowardly piece of shit. How's your points total looking, cunt?
By #592419 08,Sep,20 13:24
I don't know if you are ignorant, stupid or a fucking baby **** discussing topic.. Either way you look at this issue as just a total fuckup.. You deserve your loneliness..
By #188992 08,Sep,20 13:41
So, that's ZERO verification then?

You talk such shit, you fucking fruitcake.

Man up with your "sources" or fuck off, weirdo.

PS. thanks for the 2 gifts, coward.
By #592419 08,Sep,20 21:44
everyone knows how much of a cunt you are,, so what's the beef
This observational study, which analyzed publicly available data on campaign contributions and lobbying in the US from 1999 to 2018, found that the pharmaceutical and health product industry spent $4.7 billion, an average of $233 million per year, on lobbying the US federal government; $414 million on contributions to presidential and congressional electoral candidates, national party committees, and outside spending groups; and $877 million on contributions to state candidates and committees. Contributions were targeted at senior legislators in Congress involved in drafting health care laws and state committees that opposed or supported key referenda on drug pricing and regulation.

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--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Campaign funding from Health Insurance and Pharma blocks hopes for Single-Payer enthusiasts:

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By #592419 01,Sep,20 17:39
Rule of the thumb is.. Democracy favors small business ,, Bullshit Obamacare destroys small business ,, overcharges because there is no competition and make people dependent on govt control.. Another form is called communism. Further they are trying to outlaw religion and remove God from our pledge of allegiance.. that's soviet union totalitarianism ..
By #188992 02,Sep,20 07:17
This is all your fucked-up opinions. No links, no external references and no logic!

See how quickly you jump from Socialised Medicine to Communism? It's fucking laughable.

As for the Pledge of Allegiance: The 1st amendment protects your right to believe whatever fairytales you want but you are, fundamentally, a secular society where (correctly) there is a separation between State and Church. Do you want to tell all the boys and girls when the word "God" was added to the Pledge?


What's wrong with having the 1st amendment and the Bellamy Pledge?

You can still wear whatever you like on your empty head, type G-d instead of God, observe a day of rest whenever you fancy, and indulge in male genital mutilation (for now, anyway) to your heart's content. Your knee jerk paranoia when anything even tangential to Socialism comes up is amusing to watch, but totally ridiculous. Fruitcake!
By #592419 02,Sep,20 10:45
no, I'm actually right.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 11:06
No, you're wrong. Be honest, you'd never even heard of The Bellamy Pledge, had you? I'm guessing 1954 was a surprise too?

Take your measly 8 points, and your official site rating of "troll", and come back at me with something a little better - fruitcake!

Hey, did you know that some studies show that religious people have (on average) an IQ 6 points lower than atheists? You buck that trend, however, by being SIXTY lower. Weirdo.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 hours

So, SrCums, is the Bellamy Pledge a new thing for you or not? Answer some questions before you make any new threats to my bottom, fruitcake!

The only thing "right" about you is the political wing you come from, you fucking weirdo!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 16:05 other posts 
There's no doubt in my mind that my IQ is nowhere near yours
By #188992 02,Sep,20 16:14
Never had mine tested. Even if that WERE true (which I doubt) it's only one measure that's even remotely important. I'd love more emotional intelligence and more natural musicality, for a start!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 17:36 other posts 
YOU Have never had your IQ tested! WOW,so how did you determine your intellegence?
By #188992 06,Sep,20 06:21
I didn't, you fucking numbnuts. Do you ever read your posts before you hit the "Submit Comment" button, phart?
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:43
I"m smarter than you..and less ignorant..
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:42
NO, you're just a cunt..
By #188992 03,Sep,20 11:10
SrCums Oi, fruitcake!!

The State of Israel is a force for evil in terms of it's policy regarding the Palestinian territories.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 02:15 other posts 
Well put...I agree...༼☯﹏☯༽
Actually, employer funded, insurance base, healthcare is CAPITALIST BY DEFINITION, see below.
A socialist healthcare system would be funded by the government through taxes, not by businesses paying health insurance.
Healthcare that cannot be governed from Washington is THE OPPOSITE from socialism.

Capitalism: An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled BY PRIVATE OWNERS for profit, rather than BY THE STATE.
By #610414 01,Sep,20 13:30
And yet, you have people like phart that believe insurance provided by an employer is the way for go
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 21:20 other posts 
Employers can buy coverage at group rates,reducing cost.It is also a incentive to go to work for that company and to stay long enough to justify cost of training.
You can go to work for a high salary,but if you have to then go out and buy insurance,invest in your own retirement,and so forth ,the cost are higher because you have no purchasing power.
By #610414 02,Sep,20 08:55
Aren't you assuming a lot? Socialized medicine Can buy cheaper as it's customer base is so much bigger than any company. The correlation between salary and expenditures are your responsibility to accept or not. When you go for important positions, you go for the package, pay, retirement, insurance, vacation time, education. My Obamacare was taken cared by a state agency that hunted my best choice and told me my monthly cost. Like most retired people, I pay $130/month. I have some co-payments. My primary doctor in the U of M is free. Specialists are $40 and my walk in clinic visits are free.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 12:06 other posts 
Obama care sucks I’m self employed and Obama care would have cost me 600.00 a month then yet I was fined through my tax return because I had no health insurance it might have worked for some but not every one
By #610414 06,Sep,20 12:23
Dgraff I hear you. But did you shop around for the best price in September? Did you let an insurance pro take a look? Lastly, Obama care did not prevent you from getting private insurance. And the tax charge for not having it has been removed. So, private insurance will cost you more. Have you tried to join n a private clinic? You have to use their service but they are relatively cheap. The same with walk in clinics at one of the big national drug chains
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 12:52 other posts 
I’m no good with stuff like that nor do I understand it I have a pre existing condition so no insurance will cover me my doctor hooked me up with a caseworker and she wants me to enroll in a government program but they say I make to much money annually my caseworker is as worthless as I am all I know is if you are between the age of 55 to 65 there is no help unless you’re from another country not intending to sound racist in any way my country has left me to fend for myself now the Canadians helped me out a bunch allowing me to order my medication on line it’s getting bad when the good people of Canada will help me when my own country won’t
By #610414 06,Sep,20 13:19
@Degraff@ call Your local Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health, Avmed, Aetna, Humana. Get an appointment with their rep and tell him what you told me. Also, clinics don’t care about pre-existing conditions. They treat you for the now. No one should be without protection.
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Canadian pharmacies are good
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 14:08 other posts 
As a nurse I value your help I will get on the ball and keep pestering people till I get some answer
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Thank you
By #610414 06,Sep,20 14:12
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 02:20 other posts 
Calling insurance companies will not help...They want money...Trust me, been there...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 11,Sep,20 15:12
They will help but will bias their claim in favor of their company. You have to dig the info out
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 01:38 other posts 
Not looking to make you mad at me...We just have two different point of views...Also think we both love a good argument...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 12,Sep,20 12:15
I’m not mad. I understand we’re you are at but, sometimes, you’ve got to squeeze the lemon to get to the juice.
By #188992 02,Sep,20 09:47
phart, you're like a fucking turkey voting for Xmas, but don't seem able to see it!

Fair, and progressive, taxation to fund a Socialised Medicine model in the US would probably benefit YOU more than most.

Wake up and smell the "Socialist" coffee!
By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 13:33 other posts 
Coffee stinks to me and I don't drink the shit.
By #188992 03,Sep,20 13:37
Shit stinks to me and I don't drink the slurry!

Way to miss the point, dude!!
By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 19:51 other posts 
Well you told me to wake up and smell the coffee.I was just letting you know I don't likee the smell of coffee.And about reading that book, Get me some good glasses so I don't get a friggen head ache and I will! I use cheap readers to get thru something I need to read but they are not the best thing as my eyes are different so I read thru 1 lens.Good vision 3 foot away and further.just reading sucks
By #610414 05,Sep,20 13:35
Phart, you remind me of the Bimbo that needed to go to the airport. At the entrance there was a sign that said, "AIRPORT LEFT" so she turned around and went home.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 03:55 other posts 
There are some things that belong to everybody and shouldn't be handled by individuals seeking profit. Health insurance is one. Prisons is another. Public transportation too.
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 04:21 other posts 
Agreed. Are hospitals included in your Health insurance? Making money from hospitals and prisons is just wrong on so many levels.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 11:03 other posts 
Of course. Hospitals are included.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,20 11:07 other posts 
There's this story, recent one, of a judge in Pennsylvania I think who had a deal with the owner of a juvenile prison to send him as many clients as possible. This is because, the more the prisoners, the higher the income of the prison owner. From this, the judge got a cut. Lots of young ones with very minor offences would end up in prison. Because money was at stake. I've never heard of such a travesty ever. This happened only because the prison was private and, hence, in need to generate money. That's why some things should be common goods and not private. Some Americans have very poor health because they can't afford a doctor. I've heard of a worker who had and accident at work and lost several of his fingers. He had no insurance and wasn't covered by his employer. He could restore his fingers with an operation. The doctors told him X dollars per finger. He only had money for one finger however. Thinking about this, the employer acted quite rationally and following the principles of capitalism: try not to spend a penny and generate as much income as possible. The state should have been responsible in such a case, but the state isn't there to protect the interests of its citizens, unless the citizens have a lot of money.
By kebmo [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 01:10 other posts 
Then you trickle down the court to the sheriff and the cops.

I don't think that most people mind paying for universal health care through their taxes. I pay nothing more for health care after what ever I pay in taxes (there is not a health care tax). If I had to be in the hospital for a month it would cost me nothing; the way it should be. As a Canadian I just can't fathom selling my house or going bankrupt because I needed hospitalization.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,20 16:08 other posts 
You're lucky to be Canadian.
By #610414 08,Sep,20 17:15
That is the way it should be
By #592419 06,Sep,20 12:41
So you don't want to shit on them so piss on them.. GVT healthcare wilt take away jobs
By #592419 07,Sep,20 15:22

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